leap of a year

it had been 1 year since Leo last saw Mia and he was still looking for her desperately but none of his spies could find her. Ashley was now afraid too for Mia because she had no idea where she was and how she was doing. One day as she was cleaning Mia's room she heard a knock on Mia's window, it was a strange girl who smiled at Ashley when she looked at her. Ashley open the window and asked who she was, "I'm Jina nice to meet you, you must be Ashley right?" she asked. "Yes I'm Ashley, why are you here?" Ashley asked out of curiosity. Jina just smiled and gave Ashley a piece of paper and immediately left. Ashley tried to stop her but she couldn't. She opened the piece of paper our of curiosity, "Hello Ashley, how are you doing? it's me, Mia." Ashley was overjoyed just after reading this sentence. Just as she was about to read the next someone came behind her she was afraid it was Leo but that was impossible, one of Leo's spies had told him that he had spotted Mia so Leo left to the place the spy told him. It was another maid, she asked Ashley why she was so surprised, "oh nothing, I just got frightened" said Ashley and immediately ran to her room. She opened the letter again to see what else it said "I'm doing great here, I had to work very hard to get to this place and next week I'm about to make my debut in a film! I know you can't say that your fine there. I promised you I'd come back and I'm true to my word. Ashley Angeline, I want to offer you the job of my home secretary, please meet me at the bus stop near your house today at 7:00 pm. yours truly, Mia". Ashley was about to cry out of happiness, Mia finally got what she deserved and was doing great and now Ashley too had a chance to get out of this hell. She looked at the clock and it was 5:30 pm she only had one and a half hour to finish her chores. She quickly finished it and went to the bus stop. There was a woman in a mask waiting for her there. She recognised her immediately. IT WAS MIA!?! Ashley ran to Mia and gave her a hug. She cried in happiness, "mistress I was so worried if you were ok" Ashley said. Mia was overjoyed to meet her. "How are things back at home?" Mia asked. "master Leo found out the truth that you never did anything wrong so he kicked Mistress Elena out of the house but he's been looking for you non-stop for a year now". Ashley said in concern. "I know, that's why I waited so long to make my debut, I wanted to make myself ready to face all those assholes Now I am that's why I have returned Ashley, I wanna save you. Will you come with me?" Mia asked nervously. "Of course mistress, I'll leave my job but where do you live?" "I live in New Zealand but don't worry I've made arrangements for you and your son to come live there your son will be going to a very good school and most importantly, you'll be respected there" Mia said. "Thankyou mistress, I wanna come with you" Mia was overjoyed with this response. "Come meet me the day after tomorrow at this bus stop and we'll go to New Zealand". Mia said. Ashley thanked her and went back to her home. She waited for Leo to come back to talk to him about her leaving her job.



Akshita Vishwakarma

Akshita Vishwakarma

this story is going great now 😃😄



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