Black Section

Black Section



What happened?

Where am I?

I tried to move but I can’t. Ah, my hands and feet were tied plus I’m blindfolded, that’s why as I opened my eyes, all I can see is darkness. Then, two images popped in my mind. Mom and dad… where are they?

“Mom? Dad?” I called out, but no one answered back. Not far away, screams of pain reached my ears. Their voices seem familiar. Then, the reality hits me, it’s no other than my parent’s voices.

“Mom! Dad! Are you okay? Please answer me,” I shouted. I can’t remove the rope tied in my hands, damn it! Then, I heard footsteps walking toward my place. The sound of footsteps stopped in front of me.

“What did you to them? Let them go!” I said hysterically. He leaned closer and removed the cloth covering my eyes. I blink many times. My eyesight is slight blurry because of the bright light.

Shocked is evident in my face when I saw the situation. If this light will only bring me pain, I would have just stayed in the dark. Both of them are covered in their own blood. I don’t care less anymore! I used brute force to break free from being tied. I immediately approached them and held them in my arms.

“P-Please, please, be alive for me.” I checked their pulses. Tears escaped in my eyes. They’re already dead, what I’m holding is a lifeless body.

“NOOO!” I screamed as I burst into tears. I looked down and wiped my tears. When I touched my face, blood covered my hands. I realized just now that I’m crying with blood tears and my whole surrounding is a pool of blood.

I raised my head and looked at the man who is standing in front of me. He is covered with a mask so I couldn’t see his face.

“You… what did you do? Why are they dead? Why did you kill them? What did they do to you that you have to torture then kill them?! Answer me!” He remained silent.

“Are you deaf and mute?! Answer me!” He just stared at me and didn’t utter a single word. I look like a fool talking to myself.

Then, I focused my attention to my dead parents. Several knives struck my heart as I look at them. I screamed and cried in agony.

There’s no one there to comfort me. I feel so hopeless and alone. No one stayed, no one cared, and no one was worried. They left me behind, all alone.

If I know this would happen, I wish… I had died with them too.

Then, the scene changed. I’m in the red sea. I can’t breathe! I kept drowning in the deep red sea. I raised my hand asking for help in case someone will save me.

Someone… help… me…

I immediately sit up on my bed. My breathing is very fast. When I calmed down, I looked around. Ah, I’m in my room. So, it was all a dream or rather a nightmare.

Someone kicked me. Therefore, I lost my balance and fell on the bed.

"I've poured you a bucket of water but you're still sleeping peacefully! Did you forget that it's the first day of your school? Get up and get changed!" That’s why I felt cold because my clothes are wet. Tsk, brother really knows how to wake me up.

He attempts to kick me again but I stand up quickly and run to the bathroom.

I almost forgot. It is my first day in school. It has been three months since the school started. I’m a late enrollee. I took my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

Then, I removed my clothes and took a bath. After I finished taking a bath, I wore my uniform then left the room. I glance at my wristwatch. It’s 7:30 a.m.

“Shit. I’m late!” I mumbled. I hurriedly run off and passed by brother.

“At least take a piece bread! Don’t go to the school with an empty stomach!” shouted my brother. I jogged back. I took one bread and placed it on my mouth.

“Bye, brother!” I said then left the house.

I arrived in the school. While I’m walking, I felt that something important is missing and I can’t remember it. What could it be?

Then, I heard the ringtone of my phone. I took out my phone and saw brother’s number. I answered the call.

"Hi. This is Lu speaking."

"You brat! You forgot your bag."

“Oh, yes. That’s it!” I clenched my right fist and hit it with my left palm. “It’s my bag that is missing. Thank you for letting me remember. Uhm, also, I’m your adorable little sister and you are the best brother I ever had, can you please- “

“Tsk, as expected from you, is there anything I can do? Fine, recess time.”

"Big bro, thank you and I love you. See you!" Then, I ended the call.

I’m currently in front of the faculty room to search for my adviser. In addition, I’m quite curious about my section which is Black Section. My section is different from the rest. The rest of the sections are named Class A, Class B, and Class C, but Black Section is the only section that has a different name which I find odd. Even the ambiance of this school is unalike from other schools. Therefore, I conclude that this school is keeping secrets. Hmm, very interesting, it makes me want to unfold these secrets.

I knocked on the door.

“Hai! Come in,” someone replied. It’s the cue to open the door.

“Hello, ma’am…?”

“I’m Ma’am Lei. How about you, dear?”

I bowed down and answered, “I’m Lunox Radcliffe. Nice meeting you, Ma’am Lei. Please take care of me.”

I straightened up. Then, I saw their shocked faces. Seeing how shocked they are, I smiled.

“R-Radcliffe? So, do you have any relative who is working in Radcliffe Enterprises?” One of the teachers asked. I nodded as a reply. “Yes. Actually, the current CEO of the company is my uncle. We, my brother and I, haven’t been introduced to the public for personal reasons. We want our identity to be lowkey.”

“T-This is… it’s our honor that a Radcliffe chose to study here.”

“Welcome to Pedelton High School, young lady!” I just smiled all throughout.

“I’ll get straight to the point. I didn’t come here to chitchat but to ask something regarding my section,” I said. Ma’am Lei smiled at me, “feel free to ask anything, dear. You’re now our dear student.” The other teachers agreed and smiled at me. I’m used to it, the smile they’re showing are fake smiles. After they knew that I’m related to the Radcliffe Enterprises, they’re doing everything to gain my favor.

“I’m looking for my adviser and I don’t where my section is,” I said. They didn’t give me any details except for that my section is Black Section. They told me that my adviser will take care of everything so I have to find him if I want to know my schedule and the books for each subject.

“May I ask what’s your section’s name?” asked Ma’am Lei.

“Black section,” I replied. Her sweet smile disappeared.


“Black Section, ma’am,” I repeated. The whole faculty room’s ambiance turned to gray. It became dull. From the start, I already feel that Black Section is not an ordinary section and I am right. With their reactions, it confirms my suspicion. I wonder what kind of section is Black Section. This pique my interest. I’m beginning to get curious.

“Ms. Radcliffe, a-are you sure about your section? Maybe you read it wrong,” she said. I glanced at the paper that I’m holding and showed it to her. “For sure, I didn’t read it wrong.”

“As a teacher, I’ll give you an advice. You must transfer to another section, dear. How about you transfer to my class? It’s safer, dear. Based on your action and appearance, you don’t belong to Black Section.” She looked at me from head to toe. “Students from that section are barbaric and most of them are drop-outs!” She thinks that I’m a frail and weak girl. Sorry to burst her bubble but I’m not an ordinary person too so I belong to be part of that section.

“I understand and thank you for the concern,” I said. She smiled wider. She’s expecting that I will transfer to her class. She’s just waiting for me to say it.

“However, … I don’t think you can handle me, Ma’am Lei,” I said while smiling.

“What do you mean by that, Ms. Radcliffe?” That’s the expression I want to see from her. She’s getting annoyed.

“This frail and weak girl is also a drop-out. I got kicked out to my previous school and the school before that. My uncle didn’t spread the rumors further because it might affect his reputation.” I bowed. “I’m not your typical student, my dear teachers.” I straightened up. Their mouths are open wide from what I said. I didn’t wait for them to react and left the room.

I can’t stay there any longer because it’s obvious that they hated Black Section and they don’t have any idea where my adviser is. Time is gold, tsk, I just waste my time going there. Suddenly, my tummy rumbled. I touched my stomach. I’m starving! One piece of bread isn’t enough for me. I guess I have to postpone looking for my section and adviser. I should go to the canteen and fill my stomach.


Luck is with me today. There are only few students in the canteen because it's class time.

“One pancake with chocolate syrup,” we said in unison. We ordered the same thing! I glanced at the guy beside me.

“Excuse me? I got here first. Don’t you know how to fall in line and wait for your turn?” I asked. He just stared at me. Now that I get to see his face clearly, he’s actually very good-looking. A blurred image popped in my mind. My forehead creased. “Uh, did we meet before?”

“No. If perhaps we met before, I should have recognized you at first glance but I didn’t. It means that your face is not worth remembering,” he replied. I clenched my fist. T-This guy! Calm your nerves, Lunox.

“Yes, you’re right. Why did I mistake you from him? From looks and attitude, he’s far greater than you.” He grinds his teeth. I smirked seeing his expression. “Did I offend you with my words? My bad,” I added. He looked at me in a menacing way then he looked away. I stared down and saw his clenched fist. I chuckled. He was offended indeed but he doesn’t show it because of his pride.

“Miss, my order. Will you say no if I said that I’m from Black Section?” The girl suddenly froze. Every time Black Section was mentioned, their bodies froze and somewhat I can feel a hint of fear from them. This section is more than I seemed. Is it perhaps cursed? Nah, hell no.

“Sorry to interrupt but I’m from Black Section too,” I said. I will not back down! All for the pancake! It’s my pancake, it’s only mine and I don’t share it with anybody. I touched my stomach. Hang in there, you’ll taste the most delicious pancake.

The man beside me glared at me so I glared back. The girl didn’t dare to stop us because of the tension.

“What’s with the commotion here?"

“They said that t-they’re from Black Section, manager,” replied the girl.

“Oho, both of them?” asked the manager. “You always caused trouble, Aimee. Give these two their orders.” The girl nodded and prepared our orders. The manager clapped her hands. “The problem is solved. Your pancake is being prepared. You can sit down while waiting.”

We, both, look away and sit down on the same seat. He’s in front of me while shooting death glares.

“Even if you shoot me death glares, it can’t kill me,” I commented. Then, he slammed the table. He leaned closer. “What the hell do you want? Why did you bring up my section?” He sounds mad, adding his cold voice makes it much better. If I were someone, they will tremble in fear because it seems like anytime he’ll attack me.

I placed my elbow on the table. “As I told a while ago, I’m a student in that section which is true, I didn’t lie. You said that you’re a student from that section. Then, allow me to greet you. I’m Lunox Radcliffe. Nice meeting you, classmate.”

He lowered his face to my face. “I’m not screwing around, miss. Do you know what I hate the most? Using my section’s name for their own personal deeds. Don’t disgrace Black Section because if you do…” He bent down and whispered, “you’re fvcking dead.”

“U-Uh… Here are your order, m-ma’am and s-sir…” said the girl. I distance myself from him and stand up. “You know what? You’re an interesting fellow,” I said and winked.

“Huh?” He gave me a confused look. I just laughed it off. I walked to the girl and grabbed my pancake.

“Uhm, miss!” She said. I looked at her and said, “yes?”

“I apologize for his actions, miss. He may look like a bad person to you but actually he’s a good student.” I raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? Tell me more.” I said.

“There are students who likes to fight in the canteen before but then, one day, he appeared and he put an end to the fighting. Also, he always takes good care of the canteen. Look around, there isn’t a peck of dirt, the canteen is very neat and squeaky clean. After his class, he helps the staffs clean the canteen. He has a good heart but only few can see through his kindness,” she holds my hand and places the other paper bag in my hand which is his pancake. “Can you befriend him? He has less friends because people are afraid to approach him, but you are different. When I look at you, your eyes don't have a hint of fear while talking to him. You're the perfect friend that he can have! This is the first time that he talked to someone that he just met. Maybe he likes you, miss."

“Hehehe, maybe he likes me you say? I’m not sure about that.” I said in a sarcastic tone then I sighed. I went back on my seat. I placed the paper bags on the table. “Here you go, sir, your order.”

“What’s the sudden change of attitude?”

“The girl over there talked to me. She seems to like you. She told me that you’re a good person even though you’re not.” He squinted at me. I sit down and stretch my arm. “Well, you still doubt me that I’m not a student of Black section, correct? Let’s go to Black Section and I can prove it to you.”

“I’m Leo,” why did he suddenly introduces himself? He told me his name… does he believe me now? He offered his hand. Nevertheless, I don’t want to have an enemy yet.

“Lunox here,” then I accepted his hand. He didn’t let go of my hand and we stayed in that position for about five seconds.

“Your hand, please?” I said then he let go of my hand.

“You’re a transferee, aren’t you?”


“Black Section is not the suitable section for you. If you want your life to be normal, change your section while you still have a chance,” he stands up and grabs the paper bag then he walks away.

Who do they think I am? Although, I’m petite, it doesn’t mean that I’m weak! They’re underestimating me based on my appearance. That’s what I hate most! I opened the paper bag and ate the pancake. I’ll show them that this weak girl is actually a strong one, stronger than anyone here.

However, Black Section is what I’m interested the most. I’m getting more curious about this section. My curiosity will bring death upon me someday but it also saved me from harm in a way.

The mysterious Black Section, I will know all of the secret that lies within.





What a nice story line. It's amusing and I think your work has the potential. It definitely deserves bigger exposure. If you don't mind, may you leave me your social media/e-mail since I want to offer you something related to your work?



Freiana Smith

Freiana Smith

Can I use this for our school project? Thankyou in advance😊





Then I will read 6 chapters first before giving my opinion



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