NovelToon NovelToon

Black Section



What happened?

Where am I?

I tried to move but I can’t. Ah, my hands and feet were tied plus I’m blindfolded, that’s why as I opened my eyes, all I can see is darkness. Then, two images popped in my mind. Mom and dad… where are they?

“Mom? Dad?” I called out, but no one answered back. Not far away, screams of pain reached my ears. Their voices seem familiar. Then, the reality hits me, it’s no other than my parent’s voices.

“Mom! Dad! Are you okay? Please answer me,” I shouted. I can’t remove the rope tied in my hands, damn it! Then, I heard footsteps walking toward my place. The sound of footsteps stopped in front of me.

“What did you to them? Let them go!” I said hysterically. He leaned closer and removed the cloth covering my eyes. I blink many times. My eyesight is slight blurry because of the bright light.

Shocked is evident in my face when I saw the situation. If this light will only bring me pain, I would have just stayed in the dark. Both of them are covered in their own blood. I don’t care less anymore! I used brute force to break free from being tied. I immediately approached them and held them in my arms.

“P-Please, please, be alive for me.” I checked their pulses. Tears escaped in my eyes. They’re already dead, what I’m holding is a lifeless body.

“NOOO!” I screamed as I burst into tears. I looked down and wiped my tears. When I touched my face, blood covered my hands. I realized just now that I’m crying with blood tears and my whole surrounding is a pool of blood.

I raised my head and looked at the man who is standing in front of me. He is covered with a mask so I couldn’t see his face.

“You… what did you do? Why are they dead? Why did you kill them? What did they do to you that you have to torture then kill them?! Answer me!” He remained silent.

“Are you deaf and mute?! Answer me!” He just stared at me and didn’t utter a single word. I look like a fool talking to myself.

Then, I focused my attention to my dead parents. Several knives struck my heart as I look at them. I screamed and cried in agony.

There’s no one there to comfort me. I feel so hopeless and alone. No one stayed, no one cared, and no one was worried. They left me behind, all alone.

If I know this would happen, I wish… I had died with them too.

Then, the scene changed. I’m in the red sea. I can’t breathe! I kept drowning in the deep red sea. I raised my hand asking for help in case someone will save me.

Someone… help… me…

I immediately sit up on my bed. My breathing is very fast. When I calmed down, I looked around. Ah, I’m in my room. So, it was all a dream or rather a nightmare.

Someone kicked me. Therefore, I lost my balance and fell on the bed.

"I've poured you a bucket of water but you're still sleeping peacefully! Did you forget that it's the first day of your school? Get up and get changed!" That’s why I felt cold because my clothes are wet. Tsk, brother really knows how to wake me up.

He attempts to kick me again but I stand up quickly and run to the bathroom.

I almost forgot. It is my first day in school. It has been three months since the school started. I’m a late enrollee. I took my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

Then, I removed my clothes and took a bath. After I finished taking a bath, I wore my uniform then left the room. I glance at my wristwatch. It’s 7:30 a.m.

“Shit. I’m late!” I mumbled. I hurriedly run off and passed by brother.

“At least take a piece bread! Don’t go to the school with an empty stomach!” shouted my brother. I jogged back. I took one bread and placed it on my mouth.

“Bye, brother!” I said then left the house.

I arrived in the school. While I’m walking, I felt that something important is missing and I can’t remember it. What could it be?

Then, I heard the ringtone of my phone. I took out my phone and saw brother’s number. I answered the call.

"Hi. This is Lu speaking."

"You brat! You forgot your bag."

“Oh, yes. That’s it!” I clenched my right fist and hit it with my left palm. “It’s my bag that is missing. Thank you for letting me remember. Uhm, also, I’m your adorable little sister and you are the best brother I ever had, can you please- “

“Tsk, as expected from you, is there anything I can do? Fine, recess time.”

"Big bro, thank you and I love you. See you!" Then, I ended the call.

I’m currently in front of the faculty room to search for my adviser. In addition, I’m quite curious about my section which is Black Section. My section is different from the rest. The rest of the sections are named Class A, Class B, and Class C, but Black Section is the only section that has a different name which I find odd. Even the ambiance of this school is unalike from other schools. Therefore, I conclude that this school is keeping secrets. Hmm, very interesting, it makes me want to unfold these secrets.

I knocked on the door.

“Hai! Come in,” someone replied. It’s the cue to open the door.

“Hello, ma’am…?”

“I’m Ma’am Lei. How about you, dear?”

I bowed down and answered, “I’m Lunox Radcliffe. Nice meeting you, Ma’am Lei. Please take care of me.”

I straightened up. Then, I saw their shocked faces. Seeing how shocked they are, I smiled.

“R-Radcliffe? So, do you have any relative who is working in Radcliffe Enterprises?” One of the teachers asked. I nodded as a reply. “Yes. Actually, the current CEO of the company is my uncle. We, my brother and I, haven’t been introduced to the public for personal reasons. We want our identity to be lowkey.”

“T-This is… it’s our honor that a Radcliffe chose to study here.”

“Welcome to Pedelton High School, young lady!” I just smiled all throughout.

“I’ll get straight to the point. I didn’t come here to chitchat but to ask something regarding my section,” I said. Ma’am Lei smiled at me, “feel free to ask anything, dear. You’re now our dear student.” The other teachers agreed and smiled at me. I’m used to it, the smile they’re showing are fake smiles. After they knew that I’m related to the Radcliffe Enterprises, they’re doing everything to gain my favor.

“I’m looking for my adviser and I don’t where my section is,” I said. They didn’t give me any details except for that my section is Black Section. They told me that my adviser will take care of everything so I have to find him if I want to know my schedule and the books for each subject.

“May I ask what’s your section’s name?” asked Ma’am Lei.

“Black section,” I replied. Her sweet smile disappeared.


“Black Section, ma’am,” I repeated. The whole faculty room’s ambiance turned to gray. It became dull. From the start, I already feel that Black Section is not an ordinary section and I am right. With their reactions, it confirms my suspicion. I wonder what kind of section is Black Section. This pique my interest. I’m beginning to get curious.

“Ms. Radcliffe, a-are you sure about your section? Maybe you read it wrong,” she said. I glanced at the paper that I’m holding and showed it to her. “For sure, I didn’t read it wrong.”

“As a teacher, I’ll give you an advice. You must transfer to another section, dear. How about you transfer to my class? It’s safer, dear. Based on your action and appearance, you don’t belong to Black Section.” She looked at me from head to toe. “Students from that section are barbaric and most of them are drop-outs!” She thinks that I’m a frail and weak girl. Sorry to burst her bubble but I’m not an ordinary person too so I belong to be part of that section.

“I understand and thank you for the concern,” I said. She smiled wider. She’s expecting that I will transfer to her class. She’s just waiting for me to say it.

“However, … I don’t think you can handle me, Ma’am Lei,” I said while smiling.

“What do you mean by that, Ms. Radcliffe?” That’s the expression I want to see from her. She’s getting annoyed.

“This frail and weak girl is also a drop-out. I got kicked out to my previous school and the school before that. My uncle didn’t spread the rumors further because it might affect his reputation.” I bowed. “I’m not your typical student, my dear teachers.” I straightened up. Their mouths are open wide from what I said. I didn’t wait for them to react and left the room.

I can’t stay there any longer because it’s obvious that they hated Black Section and they don’t have any idea where my adviser is. Time is gold, tsk, I just waste my time going there. Suddenly, my tummy rumbled. I touched my stomach. I’m starving! One piece of bread isn’t enough for me. I guess I have to postpone looking for my section and adviser. I should go to the canteen and fill my stomach.


Luck is with me today. There are only few students in the canteen because it's class time.

“One pancake with chocolate syrup,” we said in unison. We ordered the same thing! I glanced at the guy beside me.

“Excuse me? I got here first. Don’t you know how to fall in line and wait for your turn?” I asked. He just stared at me. Now that I get to see his face clearly, he’s actually very good-looking. A blurred image popped in my mind. My forehead creased. “Uh, did we meet before?”

“No. If perhaps we met before, I should have recognized you at first glance but I didn’t. It means that your face is not worth remembering,” he replied. I clenched my fist. T-This guy! Calm your nerves, Lunox.

“Yes, you’re right. Why did I mistake you from him? From looks and attitude, he’s far greater than you.” He grinds his teeth. I smirked seeing his expression. “Did I offend you with my words? My bad,” I added. He looked at me in a menacing way then he looked away. I stared down and saw his clenched fist. I chuckled. He was offended indeed but he doesn’t show it because of his pride.

“Miss, my order. Will you say no if I said that I’m from Black Section?” The girl suddenly froze. Every time Black Section was mentioned, their bodies froze and somewhat I can feel a hint of fear from them. This section is more than I seemed. Is it perhaps cursed? Nah, hell no.

“Sorry to interrupt but I’m from Black Section too,” I said. I will not back down! All for the pancake! It’s my pancake, it’s only mine and I don’t share it with anybody. I touched my stomach. Hang in there, you’ll taste the most delicious pancake.

The man beside me glared at me so I glared back. The girl didn’t dare to stop us because of the tension.

“What’s with the commotion here?"

“They said that t-they’re from Black Section, manager,” replied the girl.

“Oho, both of them?” asked the manager. “You always caused trouble, Aimee. Give these two their orders.” The girl nodded and prepared our orders. The manager clapped her hands. “The problem is solved. Your pancake is being prepared. You can sit down while waiting.”

We, both, look away and sit down on the same seat. He’s in front of me while shooting death glares.

“Even if you shoot me death glares, it can’t kill me,” I commented. Then, he slammed the table. He leaned closer. “What the hell do you want? Why did you bring up my section?” He sounds mad, adding his cold voice makes it much better. If I were someone, they will tremble in fear because it seems like anytime he’ll attack me.

I placed my elbow on the table. “As I told a while ago, I’m a student in that section which is true, I didn’t lie. You said that you’re a student from that section. Then, allow me to greet you. I’m Lunox Radcliffe. Nice meeting you, classmate.”

He lowered his face to my face. “I’m not screwing around, miss. Do you know what I hate the most? Using my section’s name for their own personal deeds. Don’t disgrace Black Section because if you do…” He bent down and whispered, “you’re fvcking dead.”

“U-Uh… Here are your order, m-ma’am and s-sir…” said the girl. I distance myself from him and stand up. “You know what? You’re an interesting fellow,” I said and winked.

“Huh?” He gave me a confused look. I just laughed it off. I walked to the girl and grabbed my pancake.

“Uhm, miss!” She said. I looked at her and said, “yes?”

“I apologize for his actions, miss. He may look like a bad person to you but actually he’s a good student.” I raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? Tell me more.” I said.

“There are students who likes to fight in the canteen before but then, one day, he appeared and he put an end to the fighting. Also, he always takes good care of the canteen. Look around, there isn’t a peck of dirt, the canteen is very neat and squeaky clean. After his class, he helps the staffs clean the canteen. He has a good heart but only few can see through his kindness,” she holds my hand and places the other paper bag in my hand which is his pancake. “Can you befriend him? He has less friends because people are afraid to approach him, but you are different. When I look at you, your eyes don't have a hint of fear while talking to him. You're the perfect friend that he can have! This is the first time that he talked to someone that he just met. Maybe he likes you, miss."

“Hehehe, maybe he likes me you say? I’m not sure about that.” I said in a sarcastic tone then I sighed. I went back on my seat. I placed the paper bags on the table. “Here you go, sir, your order.”

“What’s the sudden change of attitude?”

“The girl over there talked to me. She seems to like you. She told me that you’re a good person even though you’re not.” He squinted at me. I sit down and stretch my arm. “Well, you still doubt me that I’m not a student of Black section, correct? Let’s go to Black Section and I can prove it to you.”

“I’m Leo,” why did he suddenly introduces himself? He told me his name… does he believe me now? He offered his hand. Nevertheless, I don’t want to have an enemy yet.

“Lunox here,” then I accepted his hand. He didn’t let go of my hand and we stayed in that position for about five seconds.

“Your hand, please?” I said then he let go of my hand.

“You’re a transferee, aren’t you?”


“Black Section is not the suitable section for you. If you want your life to be normal, change your section while you still have a chance,” he stands up and grabs the paper bag then he walks away.

Who do they think I am? Although, I’m petite, it doesn’t mean that I’m weak! They’re underestimating me based on my appearance. That’s what I hate most! I opened the paper bag and ate the pancake. I’ll show them that this weak girl is actually a strong one, stronger than anyone here.

However, Black Section is what I’m interested the most. I’m getting more curious about this section. My curiosity will bring death upon me someday but it also saved me from harm in a way.

The mysterious Black Section, I will know all of the secret that lies within.



After I finished eating, I strolled around the school. I decided not to attend class yet, for there are two reasons. First, I can’t find my adviser. Second, whenever I tell them my section, they get scared and frightened, some even run away from me. It feels like Black Section is curse and its name is forbidden to mention it. Basically, I’m skipping class. This is good for me! I also don’t feel like attending class yet so I lose nothing. Of course, I’ll still attend classes but in the afternoon. Brother will kill me if ever he finds out that I cut class again. To avoid suspicion, I’ll attend my afternoon classes.

I’ve been walking around for an hour now. Damn, I think I’m lost. I furrowed my eyebrows because there’s an open space in between of all these huge buildings.

There’s literally a park in the middle of the school! Woah, Pedelton High School sure is a prestigious school. I should not have been surprised. The grasses, plants and bushes are color green and trimmed very well. Thus, this park is well taken care of. There are benches where in you can sit down and take time to relax. What makes the atmosphere more calming and fresher is the giant tree in the center. It’s not just a giant tree but it’s cherry blossom tree! It’s a good place to rest, its ambiance makes you comfortable and feel at ease. At long last, I have found a place where I can always hang-out! I wonder why there are no students here. This place is deserted. Tsk, they can’t appreciate the beauty of this park, they’re completely blind!

I walked in the park. Then, I sit down on the bench beside the giant tree. I close my eyes and feel the surroundings. I can hear the sound of the wind and the birds chirping. This refresh and clear my mind. The air isn’t polluted instead the freshness odor of the plants is surrounding the place. Last but not the least, the breeze of the air and the sound of someone snoring- what?

I opened my eyes. Someone is here but I didn’t feel his presence until now. My senses are sharp so normal person can’t hide from me but this person, I’m fully unaware of his presence the whole time, whoever he is, he can’t be underestimated. Where is he hiding? I want to meet this person! Focus on your surroundings, close your eyes and concentrate. Feel this person’s breathing and movement. I’m the only person in here so I can easily track this person.

“Mhm,” then something hard falls on the ground. Got you! I turned around and walked on the other side of the cherry blossom tree then I saw a student sleeping peacefully under the tree. A book is on top of his face and the other book is on the grass, maybe that book is the one that fell a while ago. From the looks of it, he’s sound asleep. Well, I can’t blame him. In this place, I can easily fall asleep. Just by looking at him, seems like I also want to sleep too. I yawned. I sat beside him and leaned on the tree. Maybe a nap will do, just an hour.

3 hours later...

I really did fall asleep. What’s the time? I rubbed my eyes. I touched my neck. It surprises me that my neck is not stiff because of my sleep position instead I feel very comfortable. What’s this? When did the tree become soft?

“It looks like you’re awake.” I opened my eyes and it revealed a man who’s reading a book. I just noticed that I was lying on his lap.

“How did I end up lying on your lap?” I asked.

“Are you too comfortable that you don’t want to get up first?” He glanced at me for a second then glanced at his book. I chuckled. Oho, he has a sharp tongue. From the outside, he looks like a nerd and nerds are usually silent and not talkative but when he opens his mouth, you feel the urge to punch him because of his words. If I’m a hot-blooded and impatient person, I will easily get offended to this guy.

“I’m an honest person so I will answer your question honestly. Yes, I am comfortable this way that I don’t want to get up!” I said and faced him. He closes his book and stands up. He didn’t give me a signal resulting my head to bump on the ground.

“Aw! You should have informed me!” I exclaimed while rubbing my head. Luckily, the ground is full of grass and it’s not cemented so I didn’t get hurt at all.

“Now that you’re awake, you should attend your class. I’m going,” he said. I stare at his back as he marches off. I meet another interesting fellow. I have to know his name at least.

“Hey! Can I get your name?” I shouted. He halted then he tilted his head side wards.

“Fergus.” So, Fergus is your name, such a brave name you have. Speaking of classes, I almost forget about it! I wonder what time it is, maybe it’s around eleven o’clock in the morning. That nap so far is one of best naps! It hasn’t been a while since I had a good nap because I always have a nightmare whenever I sleep. I hugged my knees; the memory of the past is still hunting me. I tap my cheeks; I should stop thinking negative thoughts that will ruin the day. It’s time to study now. But first, what’s the time?

1:00 p.m.

My eyes twitched as I saw the time. Damn, it’s already this late? I overslept! And that isn’t a nap at all, I sleep for seven hours! This is my fault. I slept late. That explains why I feel hungry as I wake up. I didn’t even eat yet or attend at least one class subject.

5 missed calls

4 messages

Uh oh, I’m so dead, really dead. I forgot about my brother! He supposed to give me back my bag at exactly nine o’clock. I gulped, I’m out of luck this day. My hands trembled as I checked the messages. Naturally, it’s all from brother.

From: Bro

I’m here.

sent 9:15 a.m.

Where are you?

sent 9:45 a.m.

I waited an hour for you :>

sent 10:01 a.m.

Here I am trying to be a good brother. Dear sister, I can’t wait you any longer so I just left your bag at the guard house. P.S: You made me wait. I wish you luck when you arrive home.

sent 10:07 a.m.

I hold the phone tighter. The more he’s calm, the more he’s angry. As the saying goes, “the calm before the storm”. I need to prepare myself when I go home. Definitely, he’ll take revenge. But before that, I’ll eat first. I’m feeling hungry! I noticed that all I did is eat when I stepped foot in the school grounds. Okay! The first thing I need to do is eat lunch then after that is, I’ll go and get my bag in the guard house.

I arrived at the canteen immediately because I’m already familiar about the insides of the school. Not like earlier, there are quite a lot of students but not to the point that the place is packed. There are still vacant seats to sit in.

“Hi, we meet again!” I said cheerfully.

“Oh! You are the student who got along with President Leo,” she said then smiled. President Leo? So, it means that Leo is the president of Black Section?! Why is she addressing him with high respect now?

“I’m still new so I get nervous whenever I meet him hehe. So, I am saying that please forget what happened earlier. I’m so embarrassed!” She scratched her cheek.

“If that’s your wish, okay then. What’s the menu for today?” I asked.

“We have barbeque, grilled pork stake, Cotoletta with potatoes, Kinilaw and Fajitas.” My mouth watered as I heard the food choices. I’m getting hungrier!

“I’ll order all,” I said.

“W-What? You will order all?” Her tone sounds unsure. I looked at her with a serious face.

“Do we have a problem in that…” I glance at her nameplate. “Aimee.”

She shakes her hands and replied, “no, no! Not at all. Your food will be served in a while. Please sit while you’re waiting.”

I’m in high spirits because of the delicious foods! I walked happily to one of the vacant seats.

“Lalala~ Wait for me barbeque, grilled pork stake, Cotoletta with potatoes, Kinilaw, Fajitas~” I sang. However, someone blocked the way.

“Look who we have here, a new face. Are you a transferee?” I looked at the student who talked. She’s nothing but normal. Hay, I thought she’s something special. What’s with her get-up? Pigtail hair, she’s wearing glasses, and her skirt is long, typical smart-a$s student but she has guts. I placed my hand under my chin and nodded. I bet she’s also grade conscious so she’s bullying students who are weaker than her and I’m the perfect victim for that. Even though she’s little taller than me, it doesn’t mean she can bully me!

“Yes, I am a transferee. I just transferred today. Please excuse me, I’m going to find a place to sit because I’m here to eat. Will you move? You’re blocking the way,” I answered and I was about to walk when she grabbed my wrist.

“Wow, for a mere transferee, you’re arrogant and confident. Let’s see if you can be arrogant and confident at the end. We’re in the same batch based on our uniforms but I stand above you because I’m from Class A, do you know what I’m saying?” She said as she held me tighter. I looked at her with a blank face and held her hand that’s holding my wrist.

“LET GO,” I said as I emphasized each syllable. Then, I hold her hand tighter resulting for her to wince. If this is the game you want to play, I’ll play this little game of yours.

“A-Aw… my hand! Let me go!” She tries to remove her hand but I only hold her hand tighter. I pulled her towards me and whispered to her ear, “who’s the one who said that you stand above me? I win so I guess I have the right to be arrogant and confident.” After that, I let her go.

“Is this how you greet transferees?” I asked, “then this is how I greet other students who tries to provoke me. I hope you like my gift.” Seeing her annoyed face, I chuckled.

“Y-You will regret this!” She commented.

“Hoho, I’m scared!” I said then I continued to walk and left her. I just noticed that we gained the center of attraction. Witnessing the scene, they already know that I’m not an easy one. They can’t bully me anymore because they saw my capabilities.

I sit on the corner side of the canteen so that I will not attract more attention. Right in time, everything I ordered is being served on the table. I breathe in, wah! This smell… is so goddamn good! All of you, come to my belly! I grabbed the spoon and fork and started to eat. I don’t care if I look like a hungry beast when I’m eating, what matters to me is to satisfy my hunger.

“You made quite a scene,” I continued to eat not minding the student who joined me. Then, looking at her, she has good looks. Does all of the students here are good looking men and women except for the one I met earlier, well, she’s average looking.

“If you’re here to bully me, let me finish eating first,” I said while I munched the pork. Then, she laughed. “Oh, no, no! I will not bully you. I am amazed by your courage! You’re the only transferee who dared to fight back.”

“I admired your courage and guts. Earlier, I will to step in if things go out of hand but you handled the situation without anyone getting hurt. I’m here to send my gratitude for what you did back there. Allow me to properly thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome. That’s a normal thing for me to do. I call it self-defense. If she tries to harass me further, that’s where when things will go out of hand. Luckily, she backs down,” I said and squinted at her.  She flinched a little as she met my gaze then she went back on her usual self.

“Did I catch you off guard? Sorry for scaring you,” I said as I chewed the food on the plate.

“AWESOME! You are outstanding!” She exclaimed. I choked on her comment.

“Did I surprise you? Don’t die!” She grabs the glass of water and gives it to me. I didn’t hesitate and takes it. Quickly, I drink it.

“Phew! I thought I was a goner,” I said as I wiped my mouth using a handkerchief. Then, I look at her. “You’re an odd one. I’m sure that you’ll feel threatened not the other way around.”

She smiled and leaned closer. “At first, I can’t move when I met your gaze but when I recovered, I find you amazing! For some reason, I have a thing for strong people. I didn’t expect that I will find another strong people here, wait, I’ll rephrase that, you’re not just strong, you’re more than that, you’re a monster, a whole new completely another level!”

“Let’s talk after I eat,” I said and began to eat again. After five minutes, I finished all of the food served, there’s not a bit of leftover left. I rubbed my tummy and burped, “satisfied!”

“I’m done. Sorry to keep you waiting,” I said then I fixed my position.

“It’s okay! I enjoyed watching you eat,” she replied then smiled. She always smiles at me! She’s creeping me out.

“First of all, I want to thank you because you’re the first person in this school who find me strong. All of the people I interacted with are bunch of fools who underestimated me,” I said and grind my teeth.

“I’m honored. This may sound rude and sudden; can I be your friend?” She asked. I observed her face. Her intention is genuine, she’s not lying because her eyes speak of the truth and she’s nervous, maybe she thinks that I will decline her offered friendship.

I leaned closer. I find her odd and interesting. “Sure, let’s be friends,” I replied then smiled. Her eyes twinkle. Then, she slams the table and stands up. “Are you for real?!”

I nodded, “I am for real. I am Lunox Radcliffe. You are?”

“I’m Seleste Tatum, call me Sele!” I silently grabbed the fork without her noticing. In a swift move, I stand up and aim her hands which is on the table.

“Woah!” She exclaimed while she avoided her hand from being stabbed by the fork. She has fast reflexes, not bad. She left her seat. “What was that?! I thought we’re friends!”

“You pass. You’re qualified to be my friend, Sele.” I release the fork and sit down.

“Oh, so, you tested me. You almost gave me a heart attack!” She said then pouted. She goes back on her seat and pokes the fork.

“The fork is stuck!” She tries to pull it out but she can’t. “I can’t get it out!” added Seleste.

“Don’t waste your time pulling it out,” I said. She stops playing with the fork and fixes her position.

“Because you are finished eating, I’ll tour you around the school. I heard earlier that you’re a transferee. Let me be your tour guide!”

“There’s no need. I already memorized the structure and complex of the school.”

“Oh… You don’t need my help at all, I see…” She lowers her head. Damn, she becomes sad in a blink. I don’t want people to change their attitude towards me. I need to cheer her up. Then, I thought an idea. I scratch my head and speak, “I’m going to get my bag in the guard house. I have this habit of forgetting important things. Will you like to come with me?”

Her mood uplift again and her eyes twinkle as she looks at me. “Of course! I will follow you wherever you go!” Is this the right decision? Why do I feel like I will regret this later? Whatever, maybe I’m thinking too much.

“Then, let’s go,” I said and stood up.

“By the way, I already know you are strong and I admire you for that but the student you fought earlier is not a simple student. Don’t let your guard down,” she said.

“Is she some daughter of a rich family?” I asked.

“Most likely, she’s the daughter of good for nothing elite student who only knows to bully the weak.” I pulled her hair making her shudder in pain.

“A-AW! Why did you do that for?! This is simply bullying. I’m your friend, you don’t suppose to bully me,” she protested. I averted my eyes on the student who kept on following us. We made eye contact and she was shocked when our eyes met.

“Where are you looking- oh!” I glared at the student. She steps back and turns around then she runs away.

“Someone’s spying on us,” I said.

“Maybe daughter of good for nothing elite student ordered someone to watch us. She’ll find a chance to strike back, my friend. You have to be careful,” she said.

“Even if you don’t warn me, I’m always careful. Let’s not spoil the fun. Let’s change our topic and not talk about her.”

“Okay, as you wish, if that’s what you want,” said Seleste. Then, she clings unto my arm. We talk about a lot of things. Seleste is very talkative, I enjoyed her company. She tells a lot of funny and interesting stories.

In the back of my mind, I keep thinking about the spy. I have to take Seleste’s advice seriously. The student from before, there’s something weird about her. It’s better if I should watch her more. Maybe, just maybe, she’s related to him.



Seleste is driving me crazy. She’s way too comfortable with me by her side! She’s touchy and clingy. While we’re walking to the guard house, she always clings to my arm then she will hug me. I admit that I enjoy her company but this is just too much. I deserve personal space!

“I’m going to give you a friendly advice. Don’t trust anyone, even me. Pedelton High School is not your typical school for rich students. Don’t approach other students except your classmates. If it’s me, it’s alright because I have power, no one will object,” she said then hugged me. I look at her with a straight face. She keeps on hugging me! Even if I distance myself, she will get closer to me.

“Ha ha ha, okay, copy that,” I said. She raises my bag and shakes it, “why is it so light like a feather?”

“The things that are inside are my pencil case and yellow pad paper,” I replied.

“Are you serious?! Why do you even have a bag?” asked Seleste.

“Formalities,” I shrugged my shoulder.

“Seriously, Lunox, do you take school as a joke?” She asked. I just smiled at her. For me, school is like a playground. I already knew the lessons so there’s no need to learn it again.

“What do you think?”

“I asked you first so don’t ask back the question!” She said. I placed my arm across her shoulder and said, “school is boring.”

She removed my arm from her shoulder and faced me, “good news, Lunox. You will not get bored here.” Then, she walked ahead.

I know, Sele. From the moment I stepped in, I already have a feeling that this school is not ordinary.

“What section are you? Let me guess, you are from Class B!” She said. I form my hands into a x sign, “wrong guess.”

She gives me a confused look. “You can’t be in Class C. Don’t tell me you’re a Class A student?! Uh oh, this is bad, super bad!” She exclaimed.

“Wrong again,” I said then smiled at her, “I’m a student from Black Section.”

She stops walking and faces me with her mouth wide open. “Why didn’t you say so?! Of course! With that personality, why didn’t I think about it?” She went near to me and pinched my cheeks.

“D-Don’t pinch my cheeks, Sele! This is abuse!” I said. She let me go and stepped backwards, “hihi, I can’t help to show my excitement because we’re classmates!”

“What you’re saying earlier, is that there’s a certain criterion for choosing a student’s section?” I asked.

“It’s something like that,” she replied. As I thought, my hunch is right once again. She snaps her fingers in front of my face. “You’re in deep thought, Lunox.”

“I’m just thinking,” I said.

“Don’t think too much! Let me introduce myself again. This time in a proper introduction. I’m Seleste Tatum, the class representative of Black Section. As the class rep., I hereby welcome you to Black Section, Lunox Radcliffe,” she said then bowed.

“Woah, cool introduction. I didn’t expect that you’re the class representative. I’m proud of you,” I said in a bored tone. I clapped my hands, pretending to be amaze.

“Thanks for the support. You sound so amaze,” she said in a sarcastic way.

“You are welcome. As friends, we should support each other.” From the start, I already guessed that she’s from Black Section. If students are afraid of mentioning Black Section, it means that the students of that section are extraordinary people. When I tested Seleste earlier, she avoided my attack. Common people can’t dodge my attack but she avoided it. That’s where I confirmed that she’s a student from Black Section.

“Oh, I remember now! You are the new student that will transfer to our class. Do you know that you are the talk of the classroom these past few days? Because we hardly have a new transferee in our section. Additionally, our section has a reputation to keep and sustain. We were informed that you’ll transfer today. It will cause trouble when the officers find out that you cut class, the officers are pretty strict when it comes to classroom rules so you should have a valid reason for your absence. Don’t worry, I will not tell them about what happened today because I’m your friend, I got your back,” she said then clung into my arm.

“I think it’s time to meet them,” I said and began to walk.

“Are you meeting them right now?” She asked. I nodded as an answer. “It’s already afternoon, it’s time. I can’t miss afternoon class or else I’ll be killed.”

“Condolence in advance, Lunox,” she said.

“What are you talking about? Show me the way!”

“Ugh, about that- “I cut her off, “let’s go!”


I kicked the door, “hello, class- “There’s nobody inside the room and the lights are off too.

“I told you that it’s past four o’clock p.m., the class already ended but you’re not listening to me!” said Seleste. I was too excited after I knew that Seleste and I are classmates. I facepalmed and whispered, “damn. I’m truly out of luck today.” There’s no reason to stay in the school furthermore. I didn’t notice the time while spending time with Seleste. I enjoyed her company that I forgot about to attend the class.

“WHY are you frowning?” asked brother. I pouted, “don’t you see that I’m pissed off? Use your eyes, brother.”

We’re in the living room. Brother is watching movie. I'm really annoyed whenever I remember what happened earlier in school and then my brother will annoy me too, how great!

“What is taking you so long? The movie will come to an end before I can eat popcorn,” he shouted without batting an eye because he’s busy watching. He enjoys to see me in a frustrated state! Why is he my brother? Why can’t I have a sweet and kind brother? When I arrived home, he’s standing beside the door waiting for my arrival. Then, he scolded me that I made him wait for an hour. To compensate, I have to follow his orders or else he will cut off my allowance. This is unfair! He’s using his power as the eldest sibling. I will get revenge someday. I will not forget this day, brother!

“Here you go, sorry for the long wait,” I said and placed the bowl of popcorn on the table in front of him. I push his feet because it is placed on top of the table. “You’re disgusting, brother! How many times do I have to tell you that this table is not for your feet to lie down but it’s for the foods?!”

“Do you have your period? You’re hot-tempered today,” he said.

I ignore him and sit on the couch far away from him. I don’t want to sit beside him; he’ll make my temper boil! I have my own bowl of popcorn on my hands. I grab one popcorn and eat it, this taste! It’s crunchy and a little nutty tasting, I can taste the butter flavor of the popcorn. I knew it, popcorn is the best!

“What can you say about your new school?”

“To all of the question you can ask, why does it have to be about my day in school?” I threw one popcorn on his face but he opened his mouth and it shot right inside his mouth.

“Why are you so hot-tempered? Is it related to your school? It’s surprising to see you act this way. Did something happen?” He said while munching popcorn.

“Nothing unusual happened, other than cutting class?” I stand on guard when he stops eating. I need to think of a way to escape this situation. Brother hates it when I cut class. Here goes nothing, I close my eyes, “there’s one more thing, I made friends!”




Eh? He didn’t hit me! I opened my eyes and it revealed his surprised expression.

“You made friends?” I breathe out. I’m relieved that he didn’t get mad.

“Yes, I made friends. Her name is Seleste, we got along very well although we just met today,” I said and smiled. Thinking aback, it has been a long time since I had friends.  Brother stands up and sits beside me. Then, he pats my head, “I’m proud of you, Lu.”

“However, she’s so weird! She doesn’t want to let me go. She’s like a freaking koala!” I told him.

“Don’t you like that? You didn’t only make friends but also you even have a pet, good for you.”

I glare at him, “good for me? It’s more like it’s another headache for me!”

Brother laughed. “But you like her, right? You will not befriend her if you don’t like her,” he said. I slam my face on the pillow, “of course, I like her…” I said shyly.

“In the end, you admit that you like her so why do you complain?” I grab the pillow that I am holding and hit him with it but he effortlessly dodges my attack and steals the pillow from me.

“I don’t like her and at the same time, I like her too! There’s a difference!” I get up and stomp my feet as I walk away and go to my room. I open the door of the room and enter in then I slam the door close. I jump onto my bed. Then, I find the cellphone next to me. While I check the phone, the notifications greet me.

Seleste Tatum sends you a friend request.

Confirm      Delete

How can she send me a friend request? My account is private so only friends of my friends can send me a friend request. I stalked her wall but we don’t have any mutual friends. I roll around as I think. There’s a possibility of hacking!

She’s my friend so it’s okay if I accept her friend request. We’re already friends in real life so it’s understandable if I confirm it. I press confirm, then another notification pops up. Afterwards, she sends me a message.

Seleste Tatum

Seleste: Hello~


Seleste: You’re not a celebrity, reply, Lu.

I sighed. I’m planning to ignore her but if she’s acting like this, I can’t simply ignore her! The more I don’t give her attention, the more frightening she can be.

Me: Who said you can call me Lu?

Me: What do you want? Don’t bother me, I’m a busy person.

Seleste: I am your friend so I want us to call each other in a nickname basis! By the way, you better attend class tomorrow. Your fun time is over, Lu.

Me: Thanks for the advice even though I don’t need it. Even if you don’t say, I’ll go tomorrow.

Seleste: Good to know~

Me: Bye.

I put down my phone. Then, I heard another notification. Knowing her, she still wants us to talk. I can already see in the future that she’ll be an annoying friend. I lied down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. I heaved a big sigh. It’s just the first day in Pedelton High School but it tires me already. In my observation, achieving the main purpose will not be easy. The guy I met in the canteen, Leo, or should I say President Leo. He’s my classmate and the president of Black Section. Then, his image pops in my mind.

You can’t get rid of your gaze once you look directly in his blue eyes, just like the color of his eyes, blue, is as cold as an ice so his every stare can make your body freeze. His long hair doesn’t diminish his manliness, instead it adds his enthusiasm. His presence is not to be ignored, like the color of his eyes, his presence makes a person’s hair stand on end, anyone will be pissed on their pants in his mere presence. If he is really the president of Black Section, I will agree because he deserves it. President Leo, the first person who caught my attention and I find interesting.

Besides Leo, the second comes to mind is Fergus. Where should I start with him? His first impression to me is not bad and also not good. Leo is a serious type of person while Fergus is an easy go-lucky type of person, they have different personalities but both of them are dangerous. When I talk to them, I can feel their inner demon presence within them. Their inner demons are resting, it’s waiting for the right time to wake up.

The color of Fergus' eyes is green. When our eyes landed, the first thing that came to my mind was nature not only because of his eye color but also his eyes were full of life. Like nature, his eyes speak of life, may it be a person, animals or trees, it is life in general. In short, he values lives. He has a warm and soothing presence that surrounds him. When I’m with him, I feel like I can do whatever I want, or so to say, I feel free. His hair is as black as charcoal and so soft like feathers that you want to touch and slide your hand through it. He even beat the hair of a maiden in softness, smoothness, and silken. Even if he is quiet and he tries to hide who he really is, he will not escape my ability to observe and see through oneself. I’m impress with the way he acts cold-hearted and ignorant even though he isn’t.

Last but not the least, Seleste, even if I do not want to talk about her, it is necessary because I should know all the people who arouse my interest. I thought at first, Seleste was an ignorant and stupid kind of person but when I get to know her more, my impression of her changed. The way she acts dumb is her front so that people will take her lightly and they will not feel threatened and afraid of her. I compare her to a snake, she’s very cunning that I have to be cautious all the time.

Seleste’s red eyes is as red as a blood. Her eyes remind me of a certain gem, in particular, ruby, the queen of stones. Her rubylike eyes can captivate anyone, man or woman. At first glance, its fiery eyes are like the blazing sun that glows and shines brightly, and there’s a hint of flame in her that’s burning inside. She has her own charm which cannot be compared to anyone. Let’s not talk about her physical appearance, as we all know that she’s a beauty already, what makes her prettier and more charming is her personality. This kind of person is what everyone likes. She’s friendly and easy to talk with. Everyone she interacts agrees and get along with her right away. No wonder that she’s the class representative of Black Section.

Leo, Fergus and Seleste, they aren’t simple students. In addition, Leo and Seleste are students from Black Section. I wonder if Fergus is also a student from the same section, there’s a high possibility that he’s also my classmate. Oho, things will get more interesting. Pedelton High School, I’m looking forward to what you can surprise me more. Definitely, this year will not be boring.

I shouldn’t be left out too. We, the three of us, has similar features. We’re different from the rest because we have our own monsters living and hiding inside our bodies. We think alike. Even though we don’t say, we can feel it. My instincts tell me that we’re the same. It totally surprised me that I’ll meet them in a place like this because it’s rare to find these types of people. Pedelton High School isn’t just a school, it’s something more. I’m thrilled by the thought of it. I smiled because I can’t hide the feelings of excitement and delight.

Then, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I stopped smiling and observed my face. Not only Seleste is a beauty, so am I. The difference is that we have our own uniqueness and charm. I try to smile again but it doesn’t fit my face, damn, my smile is so fake. Just like Seleste’s eyes, we have the same eye color but it’s not as red as her eyes. The color of my eyes is gradient red, in some cases it turns to color red especially when it’s dark, and sometimes it turns to color pink when it is exposed to light. People around me said that they can’t figure me out because of the stern look on my face. I have a long hair with one side braided, this is my usual look when I go to school. I don’t put that much effort in my appearance.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. “Lu, time to eat!” shouted brother from the outside. Right in time when I’m about to feel hungry. Brother’s meals are the best in the world! Since mom and dad died, my older brother has been preparing and cooking the food for the two of us. I smiled bitterly thinking about the past.

“I’ll be right there in five minutes!” I replied.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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