The High School Of Rich Kids

The High School Of Rich Kids



Hi, I'm David came from a normal family but due to my good academic performance I got scholarship in the most famous and expensive school. I'm so happy for my first day of school and that was what I thought but after entering the school I found what kind of situation I was in.."THIS SCHOOL IS FULL OF RICH ASSHOLES"...

Why did I thought its going to be a good experience?.. Everyone is filthy rich how can I survive depressing nobody is looking at me everyone has there own group... At the right there is the son of the billionaire and his friends & at the left there is the son of a business tycoon they are all divided in groups...You might be thinking how do I know about it as you know I'm smart and I have already read about the billionaire and and their families.. First day of school and I have not make any friends and even talked to any one.

( Final bell rang and the school was over...)

Thank god I survived but what about tomorrow .."ahg" just let's go home. I am in a rent house due to my scholarship I have to move from my hometown. I'm not just good at studies I also play games in the free time my name in the game is "KILLER".There is a guy called "HUNTER" in this game whom I always play with he is a fan of my gaming.

(David join the game and the player name hunter is online..)

Hunter: Hey killer how was your day

wasn't it your first day how

was it?

David : Don't ask man worst day you

have no idea how I survived

today I didn't talk to any one

the whole day...

Hunter: By the way which school did

you got into??

David : Uhh.. Sky academy.. why do

you ask??

Hunter: Oh my I am in the same school

Class 1-A which are you on?

David : I'm in the same class the new

guy who got transfered there


Hunter: The guy who was alone the

whole day omg ..Haha.

David : Ohh you are in the same class

Thank god you are a life saver

I felt so lonely let's meet

tomorrow at last some one

I know is there..

Hunter: OK let's meet tomorrow.. good

night bro ..

David : OK bro good night ..

(David and hunter are old friends who play games together but have not met till now...)

David :Finally, the second day of

school I finally got a new friend

I won't feel odd today.. let's go.

Today is going to be a good

day . I will finally make some

friends. Where is hunter I don't

see any one here who might be

good at playing game. I think he

must be fat & a nerd he is after

all a filthy rich kid anyways..

(Suddenly some one from behind asks David are you the gamer called killer).



David : Yes are you hunter..(turns

around when he turn towards

he got shocked )


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