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The High School Of Rich Kids



Hi, I'm David came from a normal family but due to my good academic performance I got scholarship in the most famous and expensive school. I'm so happy for my first day of school and that was what I thought but after entering the school I found what kind of situation I was in.."THIS SCHOOL IS FULL OF RICH ASSHOLES"...

Why did I thought its going to be a good experience?.. Everyone is filthy rich how can I survive depressing nobody is looking at me everyone has there own group... At the right there is the son of the billionaire and his friends & at the left there is the son of a business tycoon they are all divided in groups...You might be thinking how do I know about it as you know I'm smart and I have already read about the billionaire and and their families.. First day of school and I have not make any friends and even talked to any one.

( Final bell rang and the school was over...)

Thank god I survived but what about tomorrow .."ahg" just let's go home. I am in a rent house due to my scholarship I have to move from my hometown. I'm not just good at studies I also play games in the free time my name in the game is "KILLER".There is a guy called "HUNTER" in this game whom I always play with he is a fan of my gaming.

(David join the game and the player name hunter is online..)

Hunter: Hey killer how was your day

wasn't it your first day how

was it?

David : Don't ask man worst day you

have no idea how I survived

today I didn't talk to any one

the whole day...

Hunter: By the way which school did

you got into??

David : Uhh.. Sky academy.. why do

you ask??

Hunter: Oh my I am in the same school

Class 1-A which are you on?

David : I'm in the same class the new

guy who got transfered there


Hunter: The guy who was alone the

whole day omg ..Haha.

David : Ohh you are in the same class

Thank god you are a life saver

I felt so lonely let's meet

tomorrow at last some one

I know is there..

Hunter: OK let's meet tomorrow.. good

night bro ..

David : OK bro good night ..

(David and hunter are old friends who play games together but have not met till now...)

David :Finally, the second day of

school I finally got a new friend

I won't feel odd today.. let's go.

Today is going to be a good

day . I will finally make some

friends. Where is hunter I don't

see any one here who might be

good at playing game. I think he

must be fat & a nerd he is after

all a filthy rich kid anyways..

(Suddenly some one from behind asks David are you the gamer called killer).



David : Yes are you hunter..(turns

around when he turn towards

he got shocked )

Chapter: 2(My first friend)...


(When David turn towards the person he gets shocked because the person who was in front of him was the top billionaire son(John) and also the popular guy of the school)..


John : Are you killer from the game..?

David : (This guy is the popular guy and also the handsome guy of the school (John).I thought he must be fat and a nerd but he is so popular😮).

John : Hey are you killer???

David : Uhh.. yeah who might you be.?

John : It's me hunter from the game..

David : I thought you must look like a nerd and fat...(mumbling)

John : Did you say anything???

David : I just thought you might be a normal guy .hehehe~

John : hahaha...don't I look normal..

David : I just thought you must be a not so popular guy after all you didn't tell any thing about this..

John : ohh you were the first friend who didn't talk with me like I'm someone important so I didn't told you about my status I didn't want you to change how you talk with me so...

David : Oh my finally I got someone to talk with I don't mind who you are..

(John friends calls John from the backbench..)

John friends: Hey John can you come here for a sec...

John : I'm busy wait a bit..

John friends: huh please just a sec ..

John : okk..(john goes near him ..)

John : What !!

John friends: I'm just calling you are you interested going at a new restaurant which recently got open..

John : OK who are going ??

John friends: Just you,me and these two.

John : Are you fine if someone else come with me??

John friends: Ohh its OK who are you bringing with you..

John : Its just my friend David.. (turns around and asks David to come with them.)

John : Hey David are you interested in coming with us??

David : No it might be awkward to come with you guys and anyways I'm broke..

John : Don't worry its my treat..

John friends: Who is he? Never seen him here.. But he seems poor why are you calling him with us..

John :Don't underestimate him he is a smart guy and got here on scholarship so keep quite..

(John goes towards David and began to talk)..

John friends: He never talked like that with us before but just for a poor *** like him he scold us..

(They stared at David and think about taking revenge..)

John : Yo let's go to the restaurant it is gonna be a good time you know...

David : No I can't, I just met you and going to a restaurant with your money it a little inappropriate you go with your friends

John : Ohh come on man you are coming with us and we know each other from a long time and second I'm giving you a treat you can also treat me when you have some cash..

David : It is a bit weird...

(John began to force him to come with them and David also agrees at last ..)


Chapter: 3.5(The restaurant)


(They all got a table and peter also took a table next to them. They all sat there and began to talk but all they talk was about their status,family background, what the purchased,etc. And whenever they start talking like that john interrupt them and begins new topic with David it was getting weird and then..)

Jack :By the way how do you and John know each other ?

David: We knew each other from many years...

John : Its 6yrs he was a pro gamer and that time i was just a newbie I was his fan later we start playing together then we became friends..

Jack :ohh this is how it happen...

(They finished their meal and john went to the washroom at that time jack tell the waiter to ask for the bill to David..)

Jack :We will be waiting outside.

(Jack pull out some cash and put it on the table and go outside. When David look at the none it was only money for their meal the waiter keep standing there he had no clue what to do he was full sweaty and embraced. At the same time Jack go to the washroom where john was washing his hands...)

Jack : Yo let's go how much time are you going to spend on washroom..

John: Ohh sorry I was just washing my hand let's go and I gotta pay for the bill too..

Jack : No need I already paid it...

John: Ohh then let's go every body might be waiting for us..

(John & Jack goes outside and at the table the situation was getting worse..)

Waiter: Sir,Are you alright is everything alright???

David : Yes, my friend is at the washroom I'm just waiting for him..(where is john if this keep on going I might end up washing the dishes ...I don't want to do it😵😵**)

Suddenly a voice comes from behind it was a stranger...

Stranger :Excuse me it looks like u are in a trouble let me pay for your meal..

David :Thank you so much sir I'm so grateful for today can you tell me your name sir...

Stranger : Its Peter..

David : Thank you Mr Peter I'll always remember your name sir...

Stranger : Its not big deal..

(John and jack get outside and cannot find David and ask Tom and Sam about him...)

John : Where is David guys??

Tom : He was waiting here and you didn't came in along time he might have gone home..

John :How come he went home without telling me

(David calls John from behind...)

David : Where were you all the time??

John : I was here all the time. Where were you??

David : I was waiting inside..

(After that David told him the whole story. John knew all the plotting after hearing David and stared at Jack, Sam & Tom without saying anything..)

John : Then who paid for your meal..

David: It was a guy called peter he paid for the meal..its getting late let's go..

(Both John & David gets on the car and went home without saying anything..)

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