Luci was waiting for Cooper at the college entrance. As soon as he walked in , Luci ran towards him , holding Cooper's favourite milkshake in his hands.
Lucian Calix (DO)
Cooper *smile*
Cooper Draven (DA)
*avoiding eye contact* Y .. Yeah
Lucian Calix (DO)
I'm so sorry for not telling you about... You know
Lucian Calix (DO)
I know i should've told you but... I didn't want to make you feel bad
Lucian Calix (DO)
Actually my brother was the one who-
Lucian Calix (DO)
Yes ? *Look at him*
Cooper Draven (DA)
I'm not mad anymore
Cooper Draven (DA)
I.. I just-
Lucian Calix (DO)
*Smile* You're not ?
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Shake his head*
Cooper Draven (DA)
I'll... I'll go to my class now
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Walked away*
Lucian Calix (DO)
Ooh wait.....
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Already gone*
Lucian Calix (DO)
He didn't take this *look at the milkshake in his hands*
Lucian Calix (DO)
Why was he in a hurry tho ? *Mumble*
Cooper continued to avoid Luci. Luci went to his class at lunch time to eat with him as usual but his friends told Luci that he had already gone with someone else
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Pulled Luca into a class and closed the door*
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
C... Coope-
Cooper Draven (DA)
I told you it was a freaking mistake
Cooper Draven (DA)
I love your brother
Cooper Draven (DA)
Stop showing infront of me
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
*Started shedding tears*
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
I... I know but... *Bite his lips*
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
T .. That was my first time *look down while controlling his tears*
Cooper Draven (DA)
I.... I'm so sorry
Cooper Draven (DA)
But i.... I love Luci
Cooper Draven (DA)
I really love him
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
But you said you liked me yesterday
Cooper Draven (DA)
Wh.. What ?
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
You said you liked me too
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
There's nothing wrong with liking two people at the same time
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
We're twins after all *cares his face*
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
If you want.... I can keep it a secret from him
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Loosen his grip* wh.. What are you trying to-
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
*Peck his lips* It's fine as long as he doesn't find out , right ?
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
He won't find out
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
You really enjoyed yesterday , right ?
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
Me too
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
Let's just keep it a secret fro-
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Pulled him into a kiss*
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
*smirk and kiss him back*
Your Authy 💖
I really wanna end this past here cause it's kinda disgusting to write this tbh 🥲
Your Authy 💖
A few more episodes.....
Wtf! such a loyal boyfriend you are!! I really feel so disgusted!! like I'm out of curse words for you both!! 🤮
❄️🕸️ Evilinsidx 🕸️❄️
devil come to tell you she's evil must definitely~
you really love him what a bullcrap