Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
Did you have a fight with Lucian ?
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Nodded his head*
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
Ooh... I'm so sorry
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
I shouldn't have-
Cooper Draven (DA)
Thanks for telling me
Cooper Draven (DA)
If you hadn't told me that , I wouldn't have known
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
*Hold his hand* I know he was wrong but.... please give him another chance
Cooper Draven (DA)
*Smile at him* You're so sweet
Cooper Draven (DA)
You care about him a lot , huh ?
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
Of course , he's my brother after all *smile*
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
Um.... I have wine in my room. They say that good alcohol can heal you from your heartbreak
Luca Calix /Lucian's brother (O)
Wanna come to my room ?
Lucian tried to call Cooper but Cooper wasn't picking up his phone at all. He didn't tell cooper anything because he felt that cooper would feel guilty for everything he had been through. He even went to cooper's house to meet him. He was a little disappointed when he couldn't meet Cooper at his house
Even Millo tried calling Cooper but it was all a failed attempt
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
Don't worry
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
You guys can meet tomorrow in college
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
Just tell him everything
Lucian Calix (DO)
I'm getting worried
Lucian Calix (DO)
Where might he be ? What if he's in danger ?
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
Luci~ He's a grown man
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
Stop worrying about him
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
He'll come around
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
He likes you , right ?
Lucian Calix (DO)
*Nodded his head*
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
If he really likes you , he won't be able to stay away from you
Millo Albert/ Lucian's bff (O)
He'll definitely come around
Cooper woke up with a splitting headache. He sat on the bed and held his head. He looked at himself and his eyes widened when he noticed that he was naked
He looked beside him and found Luca sleeping on the bed , also naked. His body was covered in love bites as his lips were a bit swollen.
Cooper Draven (DA)
Holy shit *mumble*
Wow I am so glad 😊 u f**ked up oh yes because u just did🤣 so stay away from Luci 😤
i can't even blame u
just lemme k*ll this b***h