Lucian Calix (DO)
B.. Brother i... I-
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
Don't waste my time and get out of you're just going to stutter
Lucian Calix (DO)
*Bite his lips*
Lucian Calix (DO)
( Remember... it's for Cooper )
Lucian Calix (DO)
Brother i want to-
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
Come in
Lucian Calix (DO)
( But I haven't even said anything yet )
Someone of Rehs's employees walked inside. They walked towards Rehs and gave him a file. Lucian couldn't help but look down in embarrassment. Rehs didn't even pay attention to him. He was just reading the files while treating Lucian like thin air
Employee 1 : I feel so bad for him. He's the boss's own brother , but why does the boss treat him like that ? *whisper to the other employee*
Employee 2 : Don't you know that the boss doesn't like him ? He only likes his other omega brother
Lucian Calix (DO)
"Clench his fist*
Employee 1 : why is that ?
Employee 2 : That's because of that in-
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
What ? *Asked in an irritated voice*
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
*doesn't even look at him*
Lucian Calix (DO)
I want you to consider the thing i asked you before
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
And i already told my answer
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
It's a big NO
Lucian Calix (DO)
But why can't you give him a chance ?
Lucian Calix (DO)
He's my boyfriend
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
And why should I give him a chance just because he's your boyfriend ?
Lucian Calix (DO)
*Bite his lips* D.. don't you love me ? Even a little bit ?
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
Go home
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
You're just wasting your time
Lucian Calix (DO)
Please brother
Lucian Calix (DO)
I'll do anything
Lucian Calix (DO)
As long as you give him a chance to prove himself
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
Ugh .... you're ruining my day
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
*Rub his forehead with his fingers*
Lucian Calix (DO)
P.. please brother
Lucian Calix (DO)
I promise I'll do anything
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
Anything ? *Look at him*
Lucian Calix (DO)
*Nodded his head*
Rehs Calix /Lucian's brother (DA)
look I don't know your past present future,but I don't think asking for chance for someone else will consider the great idea,
i don't understand why he have to hate him that much after all they are brothers 🥺
Kiwi Zata
oooh boy