after creating problems for herself I don't want madhvi for Garve I don't like her character I personally feel she is very stupid in this whole story she can't trust someone who is her husband when didn't do anything expect blackmailing , but she can trust any stranger just because he talk nice during there first meet and she didn't understand anything after her first worst incident that happened to her
When You Will Realise He Is Good Person He Doesn't Want To Harm He Loves You Madhavi Later You'll Regret About It. It's Not Fault That You Got Manipulated By Your Grandmother But Sometimes Listen To Your Heart Don't Use Brain That Time Your Mother Will Be In Danger Too Like You Are In Now
Before knowing you just decide good for you
after creating problems for herself I don't want madhvi for Garve I don't like her character I personally feel she is very stupid in this whole story she can't trust someone who is her husband when didn't do anything expect blackmailing , but she can trust any stranger just because he talk nice during there first meet and she didn't understand anything after her first worst incident that happened to her
When You Will Realise He Is Good Person He Doesn't Want To Harm He Loves You Madhavi Later You'll Regret About It. It's Not Fault That You Got Manipulated By Your Grandmother But Sometimes Listen To Your Heart Don't Use Brain That Time Your Mother Will Be In Danger Too Like You Are In Now