It was a dark and creepy night outside, there was a calm atmosphere, but the sound of screaming was coming from one side.
Ranvijay Desai
*breathing heavily*
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
how thick skin you have
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
that fuc*er is not dying*eyes rolled*
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
तोह किसी जानवर को क्यों नहीं दे देता
(So why don't you give it to an animal)
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
हाँ और उसके बाद गर्व मुझे जिंदा ही सूली पर चढ़ा देगा
(Yes and after that pride will crucify me alive)
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
He will anyways
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
तेरी नजर उसकी बहन पे जो है
(The eyes you have on his sister)
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
Its not like that*looked away*
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
Okay, if you can't do it then I will try on he-
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
*punched on his face*
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
Watch your tongue when you are talking about jeevika❄🥶
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
*wiped his blood*
Garv Shekhawat(Ml)
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
*came there
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
Nothing BRO, just maintaining brotherhood
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
*glare at him*
Ranvijay Desai
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
*went near him*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
*grip his hair tightly*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
क्यूँ अच्छा नहीं लग रहा ❄🥶
(Why don't you like it?)
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
is it paining a lot?
Ranvijay Desai
L..Leave me once fu*king bas*ard💢💢
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
You said truth we are b*stard and trust me a big one*whispers*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
*smashed his head on floor*
Ranvijay Desai
AHHHH*scream loudly*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
इतना ही दर्द तेरे उस लड़के ने मेरी बेटी को दिया था
(That boy of yours gave my daughter so much pain)
Ranvijay Desai
I.. I d..don't know.. know who are you talking a..about
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
Madhavi Mujherjee
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
Forgot so soon❄🥶
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
My daughter is scared of me because of you❄🥶
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
JUST BECAUSE OF YOU💢💢*harshly pressed the tip of Knife in his palm*
Ranvijay Desai
AHHHHHH*scream in pain*
Garv Shekhawat(Ml)
*looking at him with emotionless face*
Ranvijay Desai
H..How can she is your daughter
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
It's a very long story haah💨
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
and you don't have much time
Garv Shekhawat(Ml)
what happened to those boys❄🥶
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
suffering in boiling water
Garv Shekhawat(Ml)
leave them there❄🥶
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
And keep him alive ❄🥶
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
His should not be killed easily❄🥶
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
*Stood up*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
*look at him*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
take thoughtful steps
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
ज़रूरी नहीं है जो दिखता है वही सच हो
(What is seen is not necessarily true)
Vedang Khurana(Ml-bff)
*nodded and left from there*
Arjun Rathore(Ml-bff)
I am sure he will do something wrong in his anger
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
I hope he will not
Sambhavi Rathi
Digvijay, I am telling you for the last time, surrender yourself💢💢
Sambhavi Rathi
you cheated that company*Shouted*
Sambhavi Rathi
You had given the secret information of khuranas to another company💢💢
Sambhavi Rathi
जो की बहोत गलत है
(Which is very wrng)
Sambhavi Rathi
And because of you, Mr.Khurana is in the hospital today💢💢
Digvijay Rathi
*slapped her*
Digvijay Rathi
Digvijay Rathi
I would rather marry someone else than you❄🥶
Digvijay Rathi
Instead of supporting your husband, you are supporting that Khurana❄🥶
Piya Rathi(Fl-bff)
*watching them behind the pillar*
Sambhavi Rathi
*crying silently*
Sambhavi Rathi
Digvijay, because of you, false allegations have been imposed on that company💢💢
Digvijay Rathi
Yes, I worked with them for 30 years but what did I get in return?
Sambhavi Rathi
Don't forget that the house we live in is because of the kindness of those people
Digvijay Rathi
Shut up not another word❄🥶
Digvijay Rathi
Be greatful that I am allowing you and your daughter to stay here
Digvijay Rathi
Otherwise, you would have come on road a long ago❄🥶
Digvijay Rathi
So use your tongue carefully
Sambhavi Rathi
If was in your hand, you can sell your daughter also
Digvijay Rathi
She is not my daughter, you adopted her, don't forget
Digvijay Rathi
She is just stupid maid for me nothing else💢💢
Digvijay Rathi
*left from there*
Piya Rathi(Fl-bff)
Maa*heavy voive*
Sambhavi Rathi
पिया तू बहार क्यों आई
(Piya why did you come out?)
Piya Rathi(Fl-bff)
Are you okay maa?
Sambhavi Rathi
Y..yes I am fine now go inside your room
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*sleeping like a baby*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*sucking her lower lip*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
*entered inside*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
*sat beside her*
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
You are more precious for us madhavi
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
stay strong princess
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
your baba is always with you
Abhinandan Shekhawat(Ml-father)
*kissed her forehead and left from there*
mujhe kuch samaj nahi aaya ye kya bol rahe hai
Can you deep fry after boiling?
hahhh/Left Bah!/