Madhavi was running on the road, but she did not know where she was going, she only knew that she had to reached her mother as soon as possible.
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*continuously wiping her tears*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
I want to go to Mumma
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*grip her hair*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*started walking again*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ahhh*bumped with someone*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*looked up*
Ranvijay Desai
*tilted head*
Ranvijay Desai
I didn't know finding you would be so easy*cold voice*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ranvijay Desai
Ranvijay Desai
She will gonna see the hell
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ranvijay Desai
*roaming around her*
Ranvijay Desai
I wondered why my brother was so crazy about you*cold voice*
Ranvijay Desai
*smell her hair*
Ranvijay Desai
Hmm addicted smell
Ranvijay Desai
If I had known earlier that such a girl existed in this world, I would have made her mine
Ranvijay Desai
But before that it is very important to give her lesson
Ranvijay Desai
*caressing her lips*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*blinking her eyes*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*slowly opened her eyes*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*immediately moved back*
Ranvijay Desai
*chuckled darkly*
Ranvijay Desai
Welcome beauty❄🥶
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*looking the surrounding*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ranvijay Desai
you didn't recognize me??
Ranvijay Desai
This is not a big deal❄🥶
Ranvijay Desai
Ranvijay desai❄🥶
Ranvijay Desai
Raj Desai's elder brother
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*eyes widened*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ranvijay Desai
Don't use his name from your bitchy mouth💢💢
Ranvijay Desai
I understand that girls like you first make fall in love rich boys and then leave him midway💢💢*yelled*
Ranvijay Desai
I ask what was his mistake?💢💢
Ranvijay Desai
He just loved you, didn't he?
Ranvijay Desai
You should be proud that he even liked a girl like you. Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror?💢💢*shouted*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Wh..What are you saying *crying*
Ranvijay Desai
You killed my brother, my brother died because of you*pointed his finger towards her*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ranvijay Desai
JUST BECAUSE OF YOU❄🥶*scream on her face*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
I d..didn't do anything
Ranvijay Desai
And I know how to fix girls like you*smirks*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*try to stood up but felt pain in her ankel*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ra..Ranvijay I t.told him I don't l-
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*trembled in fear*
Ranvijay Desai
Ranvijay Desai
From now on you're my slave so better if you start calling me master sweetheart
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
B..but...but I di..didn't do anything tr...trust me*said while crying*
Ranvijay Desai
Save these tear for the later when i will give you so much pleasure sweetheart*scary voice*
Ranvijay Desai
call the boys here
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*eyes widend*
Ranvijay Desai
*lift her chin*
Ranvijay Desai
she needs some special treatment
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
NO💢*pushed and started running*
Ranvijay Desai
*immediately close the door and held madhavi' hand*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
L..Leave me*crying*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
you don't know my baba I.. if he get to know he-
Ranvijay Desai
Why your baba is a mafia you will take revenge with me
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
L..leave m..me i..it was not.. not y fault
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
I tr..tried to understand him-
Ranvijay Desai
*slapped her*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Aahh*fell on the cold floor*
Ranvijay Desai
*took the whip in his hand*
Ranvijay Desai
NOW SCREAM FU*KING WH*RE💢💢*whipped on her back*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
Ahhh*scared in pain*
Ranvijay was very angry after his brother's death, he just knew that he would not allow such an easy death to the person whom he had lost his brother.
Ranvijay Desai
*whipped her*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
ahhhhh*currled herself*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
B..BA..BABA*trembling in fear*
Ranvijay Desai
Madhavi didn't understand that why she was in this condition when she didn't do anything to his brother..The person who has never been slapped by anyone is suffering so much pain today... She is praying just at this moment..that someone will come and save her from this hell.
Ranvijay Desai
*about to whipped her again*
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
pl..please let.. leave-
Madhavi Mukherjee(Fl)
*faint due to pain*
Ranvijay Desai
Fu*king weak bi*ch only 6 hits became her unconscious, how will she take care of the remaining 4 boys?
Beauty Author
Thank you readers💗🧿
nobody deserves such things at least she didn't hurt anyone
Deserve it idiot you have confront your baba rather running on road without even knowing where is your mother
please save her 🥺