*uhh..if I wore those dresses now what will I wear for school functions*
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
It's okay...it better go home and change😅
Dorothy Clark(fl)
As you wish
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
*leaves from there*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*looks at her brother*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Got what you want 😏
Andy Clark(fl bro)
My sister is so cool😍
Andy Clark(fl bro)
I never knew it was this easy to get rid of her
Andy Clark(fl bro)
But why didn't she wear the dress she bought just now
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Because it's for her future purpose😏
Andy Clark(fl bro)
What future purpose...?
Dorothy Clark(fl)
When the time comes you will know soon
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Don't you think she will complain to mom that we didn't pay for her dress
Dorothy Clark(fl)
she won't
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Mom prefers decency
Dorothy Clark(fl)
The dress she bought is not supposed for the school girls and if she complains to mom it won't help her
Andy Clark(fl bro)
My little sister is soooo intelligent 🤓
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Dorothy Clark(fl)
let's not waste time on this anore and enjoy our brother-sister time*smiles*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Yes let's go *smiles*
Like that they enjoyed their Alone time Both were happy Dorothy was so happy that she never imagined that she will be with her brother playing shopping and enjoying it was like a dream for her A BEAUTIFUL DREAM which she never wants to end