Dorothy Clark(fl)
*goes towards the sophia*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*follows her*
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
You guys are here😃
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
Did you buy all the things you required*to Dorothy*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
Then let's go to buy some clothes😃
Andy Clark(fl bro)
it's on 1st floor it's go there❄️
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
* see how I will suck all your money then you will not have anything to buy😏*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Ok❄️*goes from there*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*walk beside her*
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
*following them*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*entered inside*
Hello ma'am how may I help you
Dorothy Clark(fl)
show us the latest clothes for men and women
sure ma'am this way
These are our latest arrivals
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*going to pick some dress*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*stops her*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
wait let me buy first otherwise you won't help me at last 😤
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Ok ok you go first
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*select a few clothes goes inside the trial room*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*comes outside*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
How are these...
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
You are handsome brother
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*sighs*why don't you try these formal ones as well
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Okay 👍🏻👌🏻
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*went inside and came outside after sometime*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Perfect 😃👍🏻
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*pats her head*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
now you go
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*went inside and tried a few dresses*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
How are these...
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Good 👍🏻
Dorothy Clark(fl)
And for parties...
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Perfect 😃
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Why don't you try some more
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Huff...I am tired brother now
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
So now I will try then 😄
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
*went inside*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*whisper something to shopkeeper*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
What did you say to her 🧐
Dorothy Clark(fl)
You will get to know soon😏