Andy Clark(fl bro)
What did you say to her🧐
Dorothy Clark(fl)
You will get to know soon 😏
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
*tries few dresses and came out*
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
How are these dress
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*gosh...what we can even expect from her these dresses are revealing her legs not even a dress is proper for a teenage girl,with her looks she thinks the whole world revolves around her😒...bahh*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*just why god sent a bi*chy girl like her in the world 😒*
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister) Andy*a little loud*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*snap back to reality*huh
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*snap back to reality*huh...why are you shouting
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
I was calling you guys but didn't answer me
How are these dresses
Andy Clark(fl bro)
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*pick a few more clothes and goes towards shopkeeper*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Pack these all and make the bill
And About the payment
Dorothy Clark(fl)
here take this and deliver these to Clark Mansion*gives her the card*
Ma'am what about you*to Sophia*
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
Ma'am how are you gonna pay for the dresses
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
Didn't she give you the card
Yes but it's for them she said you will be paying for yourself
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
*looks at them*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*talking with Dorothy*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
*listening to him and busy on her phone*
Sopia Clark(fl stepsister)
Dorothy didn't dad give you a card for the shopping then why did you say that I will pay for myself *angrily*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*now that's something better*
Andy Clark(fl bro)
*who does she think she is that we will waste our hard earned dad money on her😒*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
correction 😁*to Sophia*
Dorothy Clark(fl)
Dad gave me a card to shop not for you😏*sarcastically*
Piali Mallick
no second and third one can be good for school or college it's not even that bad.