Ghostly Love

Ghostly Love

Chapter- Last

Dear diary,

Time: 10:30 PM

Today I woke up from my bed and opened my diary after long and giggled after reading my stupid stories but today I m going to talk my love journey but according to people there is something else story ..guess what?

I m diagnosed from dementia in this the

Brain does not function properly and we can not able to eat and do normal things by own can't able to walk too...and i got to know now that I m suffering from this condition from 5 years...and whatever I felt from those 5 years was just my hallucinations..and these are the symptoms of this disease that I see or feel or hear which is not real...but I feel i m now okay just because of him...

Him?? Who?? Do you want to know??



** A loud noise come from bathroom**

Everyone woke up!!!

Blisss!!! What are you doing at this time in bathroom??Dad asked. I think everyone gone mad in this house...Bathing dad!! I shouted.Why are you all sleeping??It's too late??

Bliss it's only 11 pm we just ate and slept it's not morning...go and and my family thought just because of dream I reached here and thought as it's as morning.. because it's quite normal sometimes...but after some days it's not normal I started doing like this frequently... bathing at 11 pm or 12 pm midnight or cooking my morning lunch at 2 am night..

My father got too much tension but one night at 2 am i started bathing again and i fall on bathroom floor so hard and my head hit to the corner of door and i get unconscious my head and nose was bleeding...I tried to stand up but suddenly my whole body felt father ran and  took me to hospital and my mom started crying she thought I m dead because I stopped responding and my pulses are so low...

~At hospital~

Hey! Mr Darson please sit said.What happened to my daughter suddenly she fall and doing some wierd things??Why didn't you bring your daughter earlier?? Doctor said.What happened?? I thought she was walking in sleep and behaving like said.Sorry

to say it's so irresponsible behaviour of you but please have patience you daughter is suffering from dementia ( doctor explained every detail about the disease)

We will admit her in hospital because she is unconscious now and she have head injury after she will be okay we will monitor her condition and take actions after that.Thank you doctor dad said.

Oh my kid I m worst dad I m so bad that I can't look after you. I don't know how to tell about your condition to your mom. You are the only child we had **dad started crying** I m so sorry please forgive me if you can.




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