Heaters: Legend of the Celestial Archmage

Heaters: Legend of the Celestial Archmage

Messed with the wrong queen

*Bang* Crash*

The thunder sounds loud and powerful in the sky, covered with dark clouds. Heavy torrential rain falling over the land. In the midst of this natural phenomenon saw multiple legs both human-like and of beasts, steeping puddles of water, heading towards a direction.

A bit distance away, four feet were moving fast _ or just say, galloping, towards a particular building. The building was large, having a victorian design, large pillars, highly decorated windows and doors, walls painted mostly in red with touches of black. At the entrance of the building are two large statues of a woman holding a lance in her hand and heavy armour on. Before these statuses were two royal guards, dressed in black and red armour.

This said building was the royal palace. The royal palace of the Valkyries. Running to the building door, past a large gate with symbols of a lance depicted on it, a royal guard asked

"You are at the royal palace, state your business here".

The galloping runner was a woman on a horse, she got down and replied " I'm a post guard, near the border in the east, I'm here to report the wizards, they are here".

Upon hearing this, the guards immediately opens the door and the woman rushes in and shouts, " My Queen!, My Queen, the wizards they are here, they were seen near the town of Eniosa, near the border".

The queen was seated on the throne made of a black material, two female guards were standing by her side

" I have known he's gonna come here sooner or later, after he has defeated eight tribes, it's our turn, but i, queen Astrid, by the blessing of goddess Valkyrina, i shall stop him from advancing and protect our land". The queen said.

"Alert the kingdom, prepare the Amazons, the mounts, we have a wizard to stop and let him know his place" , queen Astrid said.

"Yes, my queen", said the right female guard,as she ran towards the main door of the palace.

"Iode, I'll show you, you've messed with the wrong Queen" queen Astrid said as her eyes starts to glow red.

The Alarm resonated throughout the Valkyrie capital "Valkyria" , the whole citizens are aware of what's happening. A lot of them heard stories how the wizards Archmage conquered 8 of the 10 tribes of the magical nation, excluding the wizard tribe.

"I knew he'll come to our land, i just hope the queen stops him" one said. " Yes, he's gonna get what's coming to him" another person said.

"What is he going to get from this conquest anyways" a citizen said. "No one knows, i just hope Goddess Valkyrina be with Queen Astrid to stop him"

" Yes, amen" another citizen answered.

The Valkyrien Amazons are ready, dressed in large thick armours, made of a special metal found only in the magical nation known as "Magicanium" , known for having a special aura to defect magic, deflect magic to a certain degree and also used as a magic source.

Several Amazons were riding mounts of horses, pegacorns, dragons of various species, bear dogs, diodons, and various war animals. Some were moving on foot, they are known as "Foot Soldiers", they have tough but light armour to move at an increasing pace

Queen Astrid, unlike her Amazons, she is dressed in red armour made of "Magicanium" and a metal synthesized by the Valkyries known as "Valkyrium". It helps the user gain boost in every aspect the user is good at.

Her armour is thick from head to toe, she wears a cape, made of a special fabric synthesized by the Valkyries known as "Valkyrie cotton", it makes the user invisible when used, it can also be used as a secondary armour in desperate situations.

Her mount is a pegacorn, white in colour like those of snow. The pegacorn is a horse-like animal with large wings at it's back and a cone-like horn at it center of its head. In her hand was a large lance made of Magicanium, it has the special attribute of flame, if given enough mana.

"We are marching onto Eniosa, near the Valkyrie - Wizard border in the east. Let go and bring back victory, for the glory of our goddess". Queen Astrid shouts in a loud voice.

All the Amazons shouts in accordance and they starts to march to the east, with the queen leading them.


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