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Heaters: Legend of the Celestial Archmage

Messed with the wrong queen

*Bang* Crash*

The thunder sounds loud and powerful in the sky, covered with dark clouds. Heavy torrential rain falling over the land. In the midst of this natural phenomenon saw multiple legs both human-like and of beasts, steeping puddles of water, heading towards a direction.

A bit distance away, four feet were moving fast _ or just say, galloping, towards a particular building. The building was large, having a victorian design, large pillars, highly decorated windows and doors, walls painted mostly in red with touches of black. At the entrance of the building are two large statues of a woman holding a lance in her hand and heavy armour on. Before these statuses were two royal guards, dressed in black and red armour.

This said building was the royal palace. The royal palace of the Valkyries. Running to the building door, past a large gate with symbols of a lance depicted on it, a royal guard asked

"You are at the royal palace, state your business here".

The galloping runner was a woman on a horse, she got down and replied " I'm a post guard, near the border in the east, I'm here to report the wizards, they are here".

Upon hearing this, the guards immediately opens the door and the woman rushes in and shouts, " My Queen!, My Queen, the wizards they are here, they were seen near the town of Eniosa, near the border".

The queen was seated on the throne made of a black material, two female guards were standing by her side

" I have known he's gonna come here sooner or later, after he has defeated eight tribes, it's our turn, but i, queen Astrid, by the blessing of goddess Valkyrina, i shall stop him from advancing and protect our land". The queen said.

"Alert the kingdom, prepare the Amazons, the mounts, we have a wizard to stop and let him know his place" , queen Astrid said.

"Yes, my queen", said the right female guard,as she ran towards the main door of the palace.

"Iode, I'll show you, you've messed with the wrong Queen" queen Astrid said as her eyes starts to glow red.

The Alarm resonated throughout the Valkyrie capital "Valkyria" , the whole citizens are aware of what's happening. A lot of them heard stories how the wizards Archmage conquered 8 of the 10 tribes of the magical nation, excluding the wizard tribe.

"I knew he'll come to our land, i just hope the queen stops him" one said. " Yes, he's gonna get what's coming to him" another person said.

"What is he going to get from this conquest anyways" a citizen said. "No one knows, i just hope Goddess Valkyrina be with Queen Astrid to stop him"

" Yes, amen" another citizen answered.

The Valkyrien Amazons are ready, dressed in large thick armours, made of a special metal found only in the magical nation known as "Magicanium" , known for having a special aura to defect magic, deflect magic to a certain degree and also used as a magic source.

Several Amazons were riding mounts of horses, pegacorns, dragons of various species, bear dogs, diodons, and various war animals. Some were moving on foot, they are known as "Foot Soldiers", they have tough but light armour to move at an increasing pace

Queen Astrid, unlike her Amazons, she is dressed in red armour made of "Magicanium" and a metal synthesized by the Valkyries known as "Valkyrium". It helps the user gain boost in every aspect the user is good at.

Her armour is thick from head to toe, she wears a cape, made of a special fabric synthesized by the Valkyries known as "Valkyrie cotton", it makes the user invisible when used, it can also be used as a secondary armour in desperate situations.

Her mount is a pegacorn, white in colour like those of snow. The pegacorn is a horse-like animal with large wings at it's back and a cone-like horn at it center of its head. In her hand was a large lance made of Magicanium, it has the special attribute of flame, if given enough mana.

"We are marching onto Eniosa, near the Valkyrie - Wizard border in the east. Let go and bring back victory, for the glory of our goddess". Queen Astrid shouts in a loud voice.

All the Amazons shouts in accordance and they starts to march to the east, with the queen leading them.

Archmage Iode

The leader of the wizards, usually with the title "Archmage" or "Archwizard", knew that the Valkyries would have gotten wind of his presence, yet he decides to stay near Eniosa, a small town near the border of the Valkyrie/Wizard.

"How many days have we been here Glorystein" said the archmage which goes by the name Iode. Iode was the present Archmage of the wizards and also known as the strongest to ever live.

Iode wore a purple rope with gold linen at its fringes. He has a long white hair and long mustache and beard_ well gray. His eyes were brown in colour and his face has a bit of a wrinkle which shows he's old.

Archmage Iode was talking to a long white haired man who also wore a purple rope and a hat which was long like a witches hat. He was holding a staff with a red gem by his right hand.

"Approximately two days" Glorystein replied. Glorystein is the war strategist of Archmage Iode. He is a 55 year old man, who has vast knowledge in magic and sorcery. He's one of the rare legendary mages.

"When do you think Queen Astrid would arrive?". Archmage Iode asked Glorystein, "probably this evening or very early in the morning". Glorystein replied.

"Knowing the behavior of the Valkyries, they would never bow or kneel to anyone, but I'll show her how weak she and the Amazons are".

Archmage Iode and Glorystein were in a small tent. The tent was a small one and it's made from animal hind. Iode stayed in a small tent, not because he was humble to stay in a tent similar to those of other low level or mid level mages were in, or because he's scared whether the Valkyries would try and assassinate him and would be confused which tent he was in. Instead he just felt like staying in there, as he has stayed in different types of shelter during his other conquest.

In the tent he was staying, he called other high ranking mages to a small meeting. They all sat round a round table in the middle of them. In the table was a large orb projecting a blue hologram, showing the movement of Valkyries.

"It seems, they are here, they are quite fast considering the distance between the border and the Valkyrie capital, not like it unexpected anyway". Iode said looking at the hologram.

A young wizard came into the tent the meeting is being held and said "Sire, we've spotted the Valkyries, they are just a kilometer away from here". Then he saw the hologram at the table. He knew everyone present is aware of the Valkyries presence.

Archmage Iode smiled and said, "thanks, now lets prepare the mages we have a kingdom to conquer".

The wizards have prepared all their war chariots and ready to battle "sire the war animals and chariots are ready, including the battle mages, we are all set to face the Valkyries and have an overwhelming victory". A commander said, he wore a yellow rope and held a staff with yellow gem on it. The commander is one of the uncommon High level mages.

"Good, let's go see them at the open plain" Archmage Iode said with a wide grin and climbed on a large animal which stood fifty five meters tall.

The Valkyries on their way, saw the wizards making a move for the first time they encamped near Eniosa.

"Should we move forward too, it seems the wizards are coming towards us", the second in command said to the queen.

"It seems they are heading towards the plain, let's split the Amazons to two groups, one which I'll lead to the front, and the other you will lead and go to the mountains, when you see my lance fire up , attack from the side, commander Anise", Queen Astrid said.

"Yes my queen", commander Anise replied. In the traditions of the Valkyries, a queen must have an aide with her at all times, even in death. Commander Anise is the queen's aide, she wore a red armour and held a lance similar in size to the queens.

"Yes", the queen said, "let's move".

The wizards have stationed themselves at the plain, they see the Valkyries coming towards them. The Valkyries arrived and stayed opposite the wizards.

Queen Astrid came forward and shouts

"Archmage Iode, i don't know why you are going on a conquest spree, but i queen Astrid, queen of the Valkyries, by the blessing of goddess Valkyrina, I'll stop you".

After she finished saying, she couldn't quite believe it, it has only been rumours, but seeing this right in front of her, up close, she and the Amazons knew it was a real deal.

What stood in front of her was a fifty five meters tall animal, that looked like two animals that don't fit, were sewed together, something like a chimera or something like that. It was the mount which Archmage Iode rode and it wasn't one.

In the front of the animal, was an Eagles head, eagle wings, and the front limb was the feet of an eagle, while the back was that of an Horse, the hind limbs and tail were those of an Horse.

It looks similar to a Kaiju that already exist, which goes by the name "Griffin". The two difference's between the two is that the hind of this Kaiju is that of an Horse, but the griffin's, a lion. The other difference is that this Kaiju is bigger than the griffin.

Queen Astrid looked at what was in front of her and couldn't help but shout "You recreated a new Kaiju !!, You didn't learn anything from our Ancestors!?".

Archmage Iode heard this and just smiled.

Repeated Mistake of the Past

There has been countless rumours about the archmage using entirely different Kaiju in his conquest. Moments ago, when approaching the archmage's army, the Valkyries have seen those Kaiju's and knew those rumours were true.

"Are those Kaiju's, they look entirely different from the ones that already exist", a Valkyrie Amazon commented, "that's because he created a new kind of Kaiju" , another Valkyrie replied.

" Those rumours were really true huh" another Valkyrie said.

Back to present, Queen Astrid still couldn't believe what she was seeing

"You recreated a Kaiju, you didn't learn anything from our Ancestors?".

Iode heard this and couldn't help but smile and said

" This Kaiju i call it the Hippogriff".

"And as for the question you asked, the answer is, yes, i learned something from them".

"The magic our ancestors made, was too advanced for their time, if it wasn't so, why did they lose control of what they created?, and why did you think our nation split into 10 tribes in the first place uh?".

Queen Astrid's face was red in anger, she shouted

"That's why creation of Kaiju's and chimeras became forbidden".

"Then what about our nation splitting into ten tribes?, They turned us to what we are now!!!. Their shitty mistake turned us into this, they couldn't even find a remedy to what they did, and now we are stuck to been an entirely different beings compared to our ancestors of the past". Archmage Iode said.

"But don't worry I'll cure this nation and restore it to what it was and I'll also protect this world from any danger" Iode continued.

"Everyone makes a mistake, and what you just said now happened about three thousand years ago there's nothing you can do about it, just accept it". Queen Astrid replied him.

"And look at you, you are repeating one of the very mistake they regretted till death, creating Kaiju's". Queen Astrid shouted back at him.

"Like i said earlier, the magic was too advanced for their time, but it's also an eye opener". Archmage Iode replied her looking unfazed.

"Now I'll give you a chance, surrender and there will be no casualties from your side". Archmage Iode said with a menacing voice.

"You crazy old man, you need to be stopped, by the power bestowed upon me by goddess Valkyrina, I shall defeat you. ATTACK!!! . Queen Astrid shouted in a very loud voice.

A loud roar coming from the Amazons of the Valkyries resonated through the plain and they started to charge forward.

"Ugh, well, i gave you a fair chance, but you decided to fight, and a fight i shall give you". A wide grin was on the Archmage's face saying this.

The Valkyries started to charge forward, towards the wizards. The wizards in response, starts to chant incarnations to make barriers. Using lance, swords and spears to attack, coupled with dragons and other war animals the Valkyries possesses and their elemental magic attacks, the Valkyries didn't waste any time using its offense.

The second group, led by Commander Anise, seeing the queens group already attacking and the queen herself is ready to battle the archmage. Commander Anise saw this as an opportunity and ready to launch a surprise attack from the sides.

"The queen and her group have attacked the wizards in the front, it's time for us to launch ours too, CHARGE!!!". Commander Anise shouts at the top of her voice.

"Arrgh", the Valkyries made a war cry and charged from the sides, from the mountains. The wizards were not too surprised with this, they began to fire elemental attacks on them.

Like every army, the Valkyries were also launching ariel attacks, using pegacorns as mounts and firing arrows from them, with large numbers of domesticated dragons, the ariel attacks was even more effective. But would the wizards stay on the defensive?

Just like the Valkyries, the wizards also possess large numbers of dragons and other war animals, coupled with the new Kaiju and their high level of sorcery and magic, it wasn't looking good for the Valkyries at all.

The Queen, ready to battle the Archmage, infused mana into her lance, and activated its special attribute, flame.

"If you are man enough, get down from your mount and fight me" Queen Astrid shouted.

"This is war Queen Astrid, there isn't any rule to how you fight, anything goes, and this is my strategy to winning this war" Archmage Iode replied.

Queen Astrid gritted her teeth and jumps to make an horizontal slash on the Hippogriff.

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