Rogue's Omega (Taekook)

Rogue's Omega (Taekook)

chapter 1

Hey everyone 👋👋👋
As dawn's light filtered through the thick canopy, the forest was bathed in a soft amber glow.
the early morning mist clung to air, creating an ethereal atmosphere.
The only sounds were the rustling leaves, distant chirping of birds, and the occasional snap of twigs as a lone figure prowled through the dense undergrowth.
This man , towering and wild, had the hardened look of a barbarian - a Mane of unkempt hair, scarred skin, and eyes sharp as a predator's.
His clothes were tattered, stitched together from pelts and leather
Each step was deliberate, almost ghost like, as he tracked the scent of his prey.
He is no ordinary hunter; he is the rogue alpha, the untamed beast feared by both man and creature in these woods.
Suddenly he stopped, his ears twitching at the sound of rustling and chirping nearby.
His nostrils flared as he caught the scent of birds and small animals clustered together in unusual numbers.
Curiosity mingled with hunger as he crept closer, moving with the grace of a panther.
The scene that greeted him was strange - by the edge of a glistening lake, a wide variety of small animals and birds had gathered in a circle, their eyes fixed on something hidden in the centre.
They seemed tense, but not with the usual fear that came with a predator nearby.
Rather ,they were mesmerized or drawn by something unknown.
The alpha paused, his instincts alerting him that this was no ordinary situation.
The creatures began to stir, sensing the formidable presence behind them.
their instinctual knowledge of survival warned them of the rogue alpha - a legend in these woods.
He is said to be a savage leader without a pack, living in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest where only the bold or foolish would dare venture.
The air cracked with tension as he emitted a low , resonant growl, a clear signal of his dominance.
Immediately the birds took flight and animals scattered in every direction , leaving behind only the gentle rustle of leaves and quiet lap of water against the shore.
His eyes narrowed as the landed on the source of their intrest.
he caught the sight of a figure laying motionless on the soft grass by the water edge.
IT is an omega, unmistakably so, but there is something unusually captivating about them.
The omega's skin is luminous, almost glowing under the faint morning light, a stark contrast to the rugged earth tones of the forest.
The delicate figure draped in a clothing that the alpha has never seen before.
Unlike the traditional furs, leathers and linens worn by the omega's covering their entire body, this individual is adorned in garments that are both foreign and intriguing.
An elegant soft white cloth that wrapped around this omega's body from chest till mid thigh.
The alpha circled the figure cautiously, his gaze sweeping over the every Inch of the stranger.
The omega's features were impossibly delicate - round cheeks, a small button nose and lips that held the natural rosy tint.
Their body is slender yet have the curves that spoke of fertility and softness, typically of an omega.
but there is an otherworldly quality about them something in their aura that set them apart from any omega the alpha had encountered in his 33 yrs old life.
As he lean closer, his nostrils flared, catching a whiff of the omega's scent. It is intoxicating, carrying hint of sweet lavender and freshness of rain soaked earth.
Then he stood straight and questions swirl in his mind-
Who is this omega?
Why are they here in such a strange attire, far from any known settlement?
And most puzzling of all, how did they come to rest in such exposed position, deep within the rogue alpha's territory, yet untouched?
As he stands over the prone figure, alpha's frown deepens.
Can anyone guess what that omega is wearing 😏😏😏😏
Let's end it here for today 😁😁
see you in next chapter 😌😌😌


Anten Anten

Anten Anten




bl fan~~

bl fan~~

you are good at it🌚🌚





a towel maybe 🤔



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