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Rogue's Omega (Taekook)

chapter 1

Hey everyone 👋👋👋
As dawn's light filtered through the thick canopy, the forest was bathed in a soft amber glow.
the early morning mist clung to air, creating an ethereal atmosphere.
The only sounds were the rustling leaves, distant chirping of birds, and the occasional snap of twigs as a lone figure prowled through the dense undergrowth.
This man , towering and wild, had the hardened look of a barbarian - a Mane of unkempt hair, scarred skin, and eyes sharp as a predator's.
His clothes were tattered, stitched together from pelts and leather
Each step was deliberate, almost ghost like, as he tracked the scent of his prey.
He is no ordinary hunter; he is the rogue alpha, the untamed beast feared by both man and creature in these woods.
Suddenly he stopped, his ears twitching at the sound of rustling and chirping nearby.
His nostrils flared as he caught the scent of birds and small animals clustered together in unusual numbers.
Curiosity mingled with hunger as he crept closer, moving with the grace of a panther.
The scene that greeted him was strange - by the edge of a glistening lake, a wide variety of small animals and birds had gathered in a circle, their eyes fixed on something hidden in the centre.
They seemed tense, but not with the usual fear that came with a predator nearby.
Rather ,they were mesmerized or drawn by something unknown.
The alpha paused, his instincts alerting him that this was no ordinary situation.
The creatures began to stir, sensing the formidable presence behind them.
their instinctual knowledge of survival warned them of the rogue alpha - a legend in these woods.
He is said to be a savage leader without a pack, living in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest where only the bold or foolish would dare venture.
The air cracked with tension as he emitted a low , resonant growl, a clear signal of his dominance.
Immediately the birds took flight and animals scattered in every direction , leaving behind only the gentle rustle of leaves and quiet lap of water against the shore.
His eyes narrowed as the landed on the source of their intrest.
he caught the sight of a figure laying motionless on the soft grass by the water edge.
IT is an omega, unmistakably so, but there is something unusually captivating about them.
The omega's skin is luminous, almost glowing under the faint morning light, a stark contrast to the rugged earth tones of the forest.
The delicate figure draped in a clothing that the alpha has never seen before.
Unlike the traditional furs, leathers and linens worn by the omega's covering their entire body, this individual is adorned in garments that are both foreign and intriguing.
An elegant soft white cloth that wrapped around this omega's body from chest till mid thigh.
The alpha circled the figure cautiously, his gaze sweeping over the every Inch of the stranger.
The omega's features were impossibly delicate - round cheeks, a small button nose and lips that held the natural rosy tint.
Their body is slender yet have the curves that spoke of fertility and softness, typically of an omega.
but there is an otherworldly quality about them something in their aura that set them apart from any omega the alpha had encountered in his 33 yrs old life.
As he lean closer, his nostrils flared, catching a whiff of the omega's scent. It is intoxicating, carrying hint of sweet lavender and freshness of rain soaked earth.
Then he stood straight and questions swirl in his mind-
Who is this omega?
Why are they here in such a strange attire, far from any known settlement?
And most puzzling of all, how did they come to rest in such exposed position, deep within the rogue alpha's territory, yet untouched?
As he stands over the prone figure, alpha's frown deepens.
Can anyone guess what that omega is wearing 😏😏😏😏
Let's end it here for today 😁😁
see you in next chapter 😌😌😌

chapter 2

Hidden among the thick bushes and perched high in the trees, the animals and birds observe the alpha with anxious eyes.
Every moment he makes is closely watched; the forest hold its breadth in silent tension
Their once curious gazes turn into worry as they see the alpha crouch down beside the unconscious omega.
The air is thick with tension as the alpha's rough hands grasp the omega's fragile form.
There is a collective gasp that rustles through the bushes.
With no care for the omega's delicate state, the alpha throws him over his shoulder, his powerful arm securing the limp figure as if handling a mere prey.
The omega's head lolls to the side, his soft white garment slipping slightly to reveal more of his glowing skin.
The stark contrast between the alpha's rugged demeanor and the omega's ethereal appearance only deepens the creatures sense that something bad is going to happen to that poor omega.
They remain hidden, eyes wide, watching As the alpha begins to stride deeper into the forest, the omega hanging like a discarded bundle.
Perched high in the trees , the birds exchange nervous glances.
Below, the small animals huddle closer together, whispering urgently in hushed tones.
mr. rabbit
mr. rabbit
"did you see how easily he picked him up? Like it's nothing more than a rabbit"**trembling**
mr. parrot
mr. parrot
"what else do you expect?" **harshly** "that rogue alpha doesn't know compassion. The omega is as good as dead"
Ms. squirrel
Ms. squirrel
**whispered** "he will tear him apart"
Ms. deer
Ms. deer
**shake her head with sad expression** " the poor thing has no Idea what's coming"
mr and mrs wolf
mr and mrs wolf
**frown** "but he doesn't look like he is from the village at the foot of this woods"
Ms. squirrel
Ms. squirrel
**worried**"he is too fragile for these woods. That alpha is notorious for his brutality. There is no way that omega will survive."
**perched solemnly on a low branch, hoots in disagreement**
"not so fast. I've watched that alpha for years. He may be fierce but he is not mindless. Did you notice the way he looked at that omega? There was something in his eyes - curiosity? maybe even caution. He wasn't just seeing prey"
mr . foxie
mr . foxie
**flicks his tail and chimes in with grin**
mr . foxie
mr . foxie
"I saw it too! His gaze was different he is definitely interested in that bunny looking omega"
mr . foxie
mr . foxie
mr and mrs wolf
mr and mrs wolf
**agree with him** "that omega's beauty is unlike anything I have ever seen"
Ms. squirrel
Ms. squirrel
**still nervous from the sight of the alpha's powerful frame, chatter's anxiously**
Ms. squirrel
Ms. squirrel
"but what if it's just temporary?"
mr. rabbit
mr. rabbit
"And what if alpha loses interest and decides to eat him later? My poor species 😔😔"
mr. parrot
mr. parrot
**squawks again, flapping its wings dramatically**
mr. parrot
mr. parrot
"exactly! He's probably just waiting for the right moment to strike. That omega is in for a nasty surprise😒😒"
mr . foxie
mr . foxie
**grin slyly **" no! I bet that alpha is planning something else" **give out a nasty smirk**
everyone understands what he is implying and throws a disgusted look at him
**ponder on something before speaking** "I don't think so, he is far away from bodily desire as much as I know him😐😐"
all gasped hearing the new information about that not so decent looking alpha
mr . foxie
mr . foxie
" but this time I don't think that he will escape from that SO-CALLED bodily desire of his"**smirk
As the creatures continue whispering, their conversation turns lively debate. Some defend the alpha, insisting he won't harm the omega. While some of them were accusing the alpha based on his cruelty.
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chapter 3

Back to Alpha ~
The alpha's mind is in turmoil as he makes his way through the dense forests,each step carrying him further away from lake and into the heart of his territory.
His original purpose - hunting for his meal had completely slipped through his thoughts.
Instead his attention is fully captured by the unconscious omega draped over his shoulder.
With each stride, he grips the omega's thighs more firmly to keep him steady, his large hand pressing against soft, delicate skin.
it's a sensation unlike anything he has ever felt before.
A smooth, almost velvety texture that sends an unfamiliar thrill through his senses.
The omega's thighs are milky white, that he finds himself unconsciously squeezing, testing the suppleness of that flesh.
The more he touches, the more fascinated he becomes.
Each squeeze brings the strange enjoyment that foreign to him.
He's never this close to an omega before, let alone to touch one.
As he walks, his thumb occasionally brushes against the inside of the omega's thigh, where the skin is even softer, almost silk-like.
The sensation cause a low rumble to build in his chest-which he himself is not aware about.
Is it possessiveness? Desire? Curiosity? Or maybe all of those combined.
After walking for only about 10 to 15 minutes, the alpha reaches his secluded home, nestled in the dense heart of the forest.
The small cottage constructed from rough stone and sturdy wood, is almost hidden beneath the shadow of towering trees.
Vines cling to the structure, weaving through the cracks in the stone, while moss covers the roof like a natural blanket, blending the house seamlessly with it's wild surroundings.
The alpha pushes open a roughly hewn wooden door that creaks in protest, it's frame slightly weathered by time.
Inside, the cottage is dimly lit by faint rays of sunlight filtering through the small gaps in the walls.
it's interior is simple, devoid of any unnecessary things for alpha.
it's the kind of place build for survival-rugged, functional, and offering just enough comfort to get by.
The alpha stride across the stone floor, heading towards the one corner where a large mat, entirely made from the fur of hunted animals lies waiting.
It's the softest surface in the cottage, a stark contrast to the harshness of the surrounding.
Gently, though with a hint of his usual roughness, he lower the omega onto the fur-covered mat
The omega's body sink slightly into the softness.
The omega remains unconscious, his breath soft and steady.
His soft white clothing now slightly rumpled from being carried.
The alpha steps back for a moment, looking down at the figure now laying in his home.
The alpha kneel down beside the omega, his gaze lingering on the peaceful face before him.
He notes the omega long lashes the smoothness of his skin, and the way his chest rise and falls gently with each Breath.
His hands twitch slightly, remembering the feel of omega's soft thighs beneath his palm.
The temptation to teach out and touch him again lingers, but somehow he restrained himself.
Instead, he stood up, running a hand through his wild hair as he contemplates what to do next.
And please be patient, the omega will wake up soon.

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