Book 1- A Path to Magic

Book 1- A Path to Magic


Meo stared at the open window as a small breeze came in.

Meo was a almost 13 year old girl who had black hair with white streaks, and multicolored eyes.

One was (mainly)purple, pink, and blue, while the other was white and (mainly)black.

She currently wore a oversized white hoodie and light blue pants.

Her cats, Cracker and Matcha, jumped onto her lap.

Cracker was an adorable, male calico cat, and Matcha was a cute, fluffy, female tabby cat.

Even though the cats were adorable, they couldn’t lighten Meo’s mood.

Time had passed, and she strangely didn’t remember anything that happened before she was with Coco.

She couldn’t even remember being in a hospital, and Coco didn’t have any pictures of Meo when she was a baby.

The farthest Meo could remember being with Coco was when Coco had tucked Meo in bed when she was 6 and a half.

Coco was a Asian girl years older than her, she had smooth brown hair, and soft green eyes.

Coco had told Meo she was her daughter, Meo had believed her, but as time passed, Meo started doubting that.

Meo had thought Coco was her mother, but she soon realized she was wrong.

She hid the truth that she knew from Coco, not wanting to upset her.

Meo loved Coco, she loved her home, but she felt like something was missing. She felt like a chunk of her heart was empty, but what was she missing?

Every night she would have strange dreams of something that happened in the past, something that happened before she met Coco, but she would barely remember the dream when she woke up.

Meo wasn’t even sure if the dream was real, but it did feel really real.

She would always try to remember what happened in the strange dream, but she never remembered what exactly happened.

Meo wrote what she remembered in a tiny notebook, but there was very little writing in it for she didn’t remember much.

She hid the notebook from Coco, writing mostly in secret.

She had this dream where she and her anonymous friends are going on an adventure.

She was pretty sure she was about 6 years old in the memory.

They were traveling through a magical, peaceful, and beautiful place.

Meo felt a strange tug in her heart when she saw the place, but it couldn’t be real, right?

Swift moments didn’t let Meo see what was happening, but when it cleared, she would see herself get hit by some kind of monster, and her anonymous friends had disappeared.

What was that monster? Also, what had happened?

She would lay there unconscious, and then the rest would turn fuzzy.

It cleared when the dream showed past Meo run towards a glowing thing, then blinding lights hit Meo’s eyes, her head then hurt awfully bad.

She was then awake the next second, barely remembering what had happened.

She had this dream frequently, Meo didn’t know why, but the dream felt familiar, like it had actually happened before.

Her head ached, it did do this sometimes, it hurt really badly.

Meo didn’t tell Coco because she didn’t want her to worry, but the pain was unbearable.

Her head stopped hurting after some time, Meo still wondered why it did that, something was paining her.

A tug in her heart made Meo wonder about her dream again.

Meo wondered who her anonymous friends were, would they remember her? Would she remember them?

Frustrated, Meo put her notebook away and collapsed on her bed.

Will I ever remember my past?


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