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Book 1- A Path to Magic


Meo stared at the open window as a small breeze came in.

Meo was a almost 13 year old girl who had black hair with white streaks, and multicolored eyes.

One was (mainly)purple, pink, and blue, while the other was white and (mainly)black.

She currently wore a oversized white hoodie and light blue pants.

Her cats, Cracker and Matcha, jumped onto her lap.

Cracker was an adorable, male calico cat, and Matcha was a cute, fluffy, female tabby cat.

Even though the cats were adorable, they couldn’t lighten Meo’s mood.

Time had passed, and she strangely didn’t remember anything that happened before she was with Coco.

She couldn’t even remember being in a hospital, and Coco didn’t have any pictures of Meo when she was a baby.

The farthest Meo could remember being with Coco was when Coco had tucked Meo in bed when she was 6 and a half.

Coco was a Asian girl years older than her, she had smooth brown hair, and soft green eyes.

Coco had told Meo she was her daughter, Meo had believed her, but as time passed, Meo started doubting that.

Meo had thought Coco was her mother, but she soon realized she was wrong.

She hid the truth that she knew from Coco, not wanting to upset her.

Meo loved Coco, she loved her home, but she felt like something was missing. She felt like a chunk of her heart was empty, but what was she missing?

Every night she would have strange dreams of something that happened in the past, something that happened before she met Coco, but she would barely remember the dream when she woke up.

Meo wasn’t even sure if the dream was real, but it did feel really real.

She would always try to remember what happened in the strange dream, but she never remembered what exactly happened.

Meo wrote what she remembered in a tiny notebook, but there was very little writing in it for she didn’t remember much.

She hid the notebook from Coco, writing mostly in secret.

She had this dream where she and her anonymous friends are going on an adventure.

She was pretty sure she was about 6 years old in the memory.

They were traveling through a magical, peaceful, and beautiful place.

Meo felt a strange tug in her heart when she saw the place, but it couldn’t be real, right?

Swift moments didn’t let Meo see what was happening, but when it cleared, she would see herself get hit by some kind of monster, and her anonymous friends had disappeared.

What was that monster? Also, what had happened?

She would lay there unconscious, and then the rest would turn fuzzy.

It cleared when the dream showed past Meo run towards a glowing thing, then blinding lights hit Meo’s eyes, her head then hurt awfully bad.

She was then awake the next second, barely remembering what had happened.

She had this dream frequently, Meo didn’t know why, but the dream felt familiar, like it had actually happened before.

Her head ached, it did do this sometimes, it hurt really badly.

Meo didn’t tell Coco because she didn’t want her to worry, but the pain was unbearable.

Her head stopped hurting after some time, Meo still wondered why it did that, something was paining her.

A tug in her heart made Meo wonder about her dream again.

Meo wondered who her anonymous friends were, would they remember her? Would she remember them?

Frustrated, Meo put her notebook away and collapsed on her bed.

Will I ever remember my past?


Coco hugged Meo,”School is almost over!”

Meo was excited, peace and quiet, no more people fighting in the school’s hallways.

“When school is over, I am going to hang out with you, we are going to have the best summer ever!” Coco said excitedly.

Coco was still young, in her early 30s, still as hyper as a teenager could ever be.

“You’re amazing Coco.” Meo Said warmly.

Coco would do anything to make Meo happy, and Meo would do the same.

“Now, you go get through another year at school!” Coco called after Meo as Meo left.

Meo put on her mask, and walked through the school halls.

She wasn’t sick or anything, she just felt like wearing the mask.

It was a black mask with white cat whiskers.

She could feel tension all around her, not a lot of people liked her.

A popular and mean girl called Anne, didn’t like her, so no one else did.

Others who didn’t agree with Anne, still avoided her, so they wouldn’t have rumors spread about them.

Meo had stood up for a boy slightly older than her when Anne spread rumors about him.

The boy’s name was Nisu, people had warned her to stay away from him, they said he was dangerous, but Meo did not listen to them.

So now everybody won’t talk to Meo, she often saw people look at her with hatred in their eyes.

Meo reached her locker and put on her headphones to relax her mind.

The students were getting louder and louder, something had clearly happened.

Annoyed but curious about what was happening, she took off her headphones to listen.

She went closer to the noise, ignoring the people looking at her.

She blinked and the next second, saw a boy, known as Hyru, get slammed towards her.

She had heard of him.

He had dark blue hair, and his eye color was unknown behind his dark glasses.

Meo dodged Hyru, and then helped him up.

She was quite skilled at combat.

She narrowed her eyes as she recognized the person who hit him, Nisu.

Nisu was a guy with white hair. His eyes were black and blue.

He was a loner, he didn’t like people bothering him. Meo had tried to get to the better side of him, but he always walked away. She had stood up for him, but he was still dull and short-tempered to her. What a jerk.

Today though, he had hit Hyru, he usually didn’t hit someone unless they really got on his nerves.

Something had clearly made him upset.

“What’s going on?” Asked Meo.

“We used to be friends!” Hyru shouted, completely ignoring Meo.

“You know nothing about me! Leave me alone!” Nisu yelled. He the began to walk away.

“Your just upset because she is gone! She might be dead! Get over it!” Hyru yelled as he ran after him. Meo knew they had this conversation, she often heard them argue about something.

“She is forever gone, and so is the old me!”Nisu yelled.

Meo wondered who this girl was, what happened that made Nisu and Hyru so upset about it?

Meo walked away, leaving them to solve their own problem.

Just then, Meo almost fell over, Nisu had bumped into her.

Wasn’t he just arguing with Hyru?

Looks like he walked away from Hyru again, but did he have to come here?

He always bumped into her, and Meo didn’t know why.

At first, Meo thought it was just an accident, but after bumping into her so many times, it pissed her off a lot.

“You could’ve watched where you were going, you know!” Meo Said.

She was annoyed how careless he was.

He walked away without acknowledging her, and then whispers started. Meo scowled and got up, Hyru came over and chased after Nisu.

“Please, we can find her if we work together!” Meo heard Hyru say.

Nisu just walked away, Hyru looked very upset as he slowly walked towards his locker.

Poor Hyru, all he wanted to do was be friends with Nisu again.

Too bad Nisu was a total idiot now, she doubt he was better as a kid. Hyru’s locker was close to Meo’s locker, so she went over to him.

“Are you ok?” Meo asked. He looked up at her sadly.

“Nisu and I used to be friends, we were best friends, but when he found out one of his closest friends wasn’t here, he changed.” He said softly as Meo sat down next to him.

“You can tell me about it.”She Said.

“Nisu and I, lived close to each other, we often crossed each other’s path, we always talked about things, we knew we could trust each other.

But slowly, he began to change, he missed a close friend of his, a good friend of mine as well.

I don’t remember much about her, all I remembered was that she was a girl.

He told me what he remembered about her, and I told him what I remembered about her.

Nisu missed that girl until he completely changed, he shut me away and didn’t talk to me that often. Well, maybe except for the times I try to talk to him.

I have been trying to get the true him out ever since.” He said.

Meo listened silently, then she Said,”We all miss our old friends, even me.”

He nodded, and replied,”I miss that girl as well, she was nice from what I remember, I remember a little more about the friends I used to have every day. Meo nodded, suddenly, the speakers said,”Students, we are ending your year here early. You may go home.”

Meo grabbed her bag and left without a word.

“What could have happened that made school end earlier?” Meo overheard a boy ask.

She then heard yelling, and turned around just in time for Nisu to bump into her. She fell, but immediately caught her balance and grabbed everything as everything flew around.

“What do you want.”Meo Said.

He was about to say something when Meo ran past him. She had noticed a girl, a little bit younger than her, getting yelled at. She had lavender purple hair with light green highlights, and blue eyes. She had pretty, but messy hair, and tear stains on her cheeks.

“What is going on?” Meo asked.

“Sh-She hit Anne!”The guy said angrily. He was a tall, brown haired guy with light green eyes.

Meo looked surprised for a second, then she sighed.

“Okay, She has her reasons for doing that, I’m pretty sure it was just an accident.” Meo simply said.

The man angrily looked at the girl and yelled,” You are not allowed to hit another student!”

He then was about to hit the girl when Meo blocked his hand, this guy was a total brat!

“There is no reason for you to hit her! It was an ACCIDENT, she won’t do that again.” Meo Said angrily.

The man slapped her angrily and stalked away, his feet hitting the ground like thunder. Meo could feel the place he hit her burning, but ignored it and turned to the girl. For a second Meo noticed it stopped hurting, but she didn’t care.

“So much for not hitting another student.”Was all Meo Said.

A message

Meo walked the girl home, she asked “What exactly happened?”

“Well, Anne was making fun of my height, and I-I got really angry. I hit her hard, I was really surprised by the strength I hit her with, and she was bleeding really bad. I was horrified of what I had done, and was immediately sent to the principal’s office. After I got out, that guy who was yelling at me, was Anne’s dad, he has multiple jobs, including a teacher. He yelled at me, and then you came in and helped me.”She said.

Then she saw her house and waved goodbye as she ran away.

Meo then began walking to her house when her phone rang. She picked it up.

“Hello?” She asked.

“We are sorry to inform you, but there is a huge fire at your house. Coco is inside and sadly, we cannot put out the fire, we are really sorry, we have done the best we could. We wish you the best of luck, goodbye”

Meo was frozen for a second, then she dashed home. The fire was a fury of color, red, orange, yellow, all surrounding the house.

No. NO. No! NO!

Tears were in Meo’s eyes as she ran over the fire, running towards Coco’s body. She heard Coco’s screams, and they echoed nonstop in her head. Meo’s heart was pounding, this couldn’t be true. Coco was the only family she ever had, Meo couldn’t lose her. Meo reached Coco, but it was too late, she was gone. She had stopped screaming, tears were silently falling off her cheek. Her eyes were blank, and her chest had stopped moving.

Meo sobbed on Coco, and then Coco finally twitched. Meo watched, hope in her eyes that Coco was gonna live, but Coco put a letter in Meo’s palms and died before Meo’s eyes.

What happened to the ‘happy’ summer?

This was a memory she was never going to forget, and it pained Meo badly. Meo cried, until her eyes were sore. Then, she fell asleep on top of Coco.

When Meo woke up, she wasn’t where she was moments ago, she was in some enchanted garden. She heard whispers and sat up, Meo was still holding Coco’s letter in her hands, clutching it tightly. She put on her fake smile and pretended to be ok when she really wasn’t. Meo didn’t want other peoples’ sympathy.

“Hello, my name is Siver and this is my twin sister Dreamy. If you are wondering where you are, you are in the Garden Gathering, the courtyard of our newly opened school, SilverDream School Of Magic. We are magic mentors, and we brang you here to learn magic.” A guy said.

He had wavy silver hair and one light purple, and one light blue eye. Siver was handsome and smart looking man. His twin sister Dreamy had the same wavy silver hair and eye colors, she looked like an angel, a really pretty angel.

“You kidnapped us!”

“Hey you, watch it! You’re shouting in my ear!”

“This place is familiar...”

“I have a piece of paper! And I’m not afraid to use it, kidnappers!”

“Am I in heaven?”

“Calm down, we are not kidnappers, we just brang you guys back to your home, this world.” Dreamy Said.

“Okay... is it me or does something feel familiar about this place, but how can this be my home? I personally think I have never been here before” Meo Said, her voice was cracking and her heart was throbbing from what had happened, but her curiosity got the better side of her.

Meo wanted to know why this place, somewhere she had never been before, felt so homelike and familiar. She realized this was the place in her dream, she gasped. It was just as beautiful as it was in the dream, maybe even more.

“She has a point, have we been here before?” Someone Said.

Meo then realized that some of the people here she recognized. Hyru, the girl she stood up for, and Nisu were there. But.... who were the other people? And why did some of them seem so familiar?

“Please open your letters. It will explain a little bit.” Cinton said.

Meo opened hers and it said:

I’m sorry, but I was never your real mother. Meo, you are from a different place, a different dimension. I have requested you to go to SilverDream School Of Magic, it will be your home until you reunite with your parents. I wanted to explain some things to you myself, but I didn’t make it. Your real parents are around SilverDream School Of Magic, hopefully, one day you’ll be able to find them. Your real name was Kitori, but I called you Meo for a change.

I saw everything that happened before you lost almost all of your memory. You and your friends had crossed the border of this place, wiping almost all of your memories there. I do not know everything about your past, but you’ll soon find out. I cannot say much more, for my time is about to run out.

You are one of the few who have incredibly strong magic, never give up, and know I will always love you.

Sincerely, Coco

Meo stared silently at the note, her grief was returning. Powers? Magic? Witchcraft? Meo believed in Magic, but how could she, Meo, have powers? She was a nobody. ”So my name was actually Kitori the whole time?”

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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