Beneath the Gilded Cage

Beneath the Gilded Cage

Shadows of disapproval

In the snow-enshrouded city of Seonwon, where winter's chill whispers secrets to the frozen streets, the noble House of Kim prepares for a union of contrasts. Within the grand estate's walls, a tapestry of tradition and innovation unfolds, as the eldest son, Kim Tae-hyung, stands poised to wed his unlikely bride, Jeongguk, an omega orphan man with a heart full of resilience. The venue, a majestic hanok-style mansion with tiled roofs and wooden pillars, shimmers like a frozen mirage. Snowflakes dance across the rooftops, weaving a delicate lace of white and grey, as if the heavens themselves are blessing the union.
The courtyard, a frozen fountain stands silent, its waters suspended in time, like the moments before a promise is made. The air is alive with the soft rustle of snow-covered pine trees, their branches etched against the sky like a delicate calligraphy of winter. The ceremony hall, adorned with intricate hanji lanterns and vibrant silk tapestries, glows with a soft, ethereal light, as if the very essence of the snow has been distilled within its walls. The floor, polished to a warm sheen, reflects the gentle glow, creating an illusion of walking on moonlight.
The estate's traditional architecture is a testament to the family's rich history, with its wooden beams, paper doors, and tiled roofs. The walls are adorned with ancient artifacts, and the air is thick with the scent of incense and old wood. In this winter wonderland, the noble and the humble entwine their destinies, as Kim Tae-hyung, with his chiseled features and eyes like dark, polished wood, awaits his bride. Jeongguk, with his gentle spirit and heart full of hope, steps into this frozen fairy tale, and forever alters the landscape of their lives.
Kim Tae-hyung stands tall, his majestic figure clad in a stunning blue jeogori, the traditional Korean male hanbok. The vibrant hue seems almost otherworldly against the snowy backdrop, as if he is a celestial being descended upon the mortal realm. His expression is inscrutable, a mask of serenity that betrays no hint of emotion.
His face is a canvas of perfection, with moles scattered across his skin like constellations in the night sky. His amber eyes shine like pools of warm fire, radiant with an inner light that seems almost divine. Long eyelashes dust the upper part of his cheekbones, adding to the ethereal quality of his features.
Soft brown hair dances in the mild, chilly breeze, framing his face with a subtle elegance. The jeogori's intricate embroidery seems to shimmer in the sunlight, as if the very fabric of his attire is infused with a subtle magic. As he stands there, Tae-hyung exudes an aura of quiet confidence, a sense of inner strength that is both captivating and unnerving. His presence is like a gentle storm, soothing yet powerful, leaving all who behold him in awe of his celestial beauty.
As the doors to the Kim mansion's grand foyer slide open, a collective gasp fills the air. Jeongguk, the omega bride, steps into the room, his scarlet red hanbok a striking contrast to the snowy landscape outside. His skin is as pale as the moon, a luminous canvas that seems almost ethereal in the soft light. His long black hair is pinned in a sleek bun, revealing the delicate curve of his neck. His lips are dipped in the softest pink, like rose petals gently kissed by the sun. A small mole beneath his lower lip, centered with precision, catches the eye like a subtle whisper.
But it is his eyes that truly mesmerize. Doe-like and gentle, they shimmer like the cosmic ocean, waves crashing and stars breaking or forming in their depths. The room seems to hold its breath as Jeongguk's gaze meets Taehyung's, the air thickening with an almost palpable sense of longing. As he glides towards his groom, the scarlet fabric rustling softly around him, Jeongguk's beauty is like a slow-burning flame, igniting the hearts of all who behold him. Taehyung's eyes, warm and golden, drink in the sight of his bride, his face a mask of serene adoration. The contrast between them is striking – Taehyung's skin like melted gold, Jeongguk's like alabaster – yet they seem to fit together like two pieces of a celestial puzzle.
The grand foyer of the Kim mansion is abuzz with the soft murmur of esteemed guests, all influential figures in the kingdom of Gorae. As a constitutional monarchy, the royal family's events are typically formal and public, but today's ceremony is a rare exception. Only those closest to the family and most respected in society are invited to witness the union of Kim Taehyung, the King's nephew, and Jeongguk, his omega bride. The air is thick with the scent of incense and the soft glow of candlelight, casting a warm ambiance over the proceedings. The traditional Korean ceremony begins with the pyebaek, the bowing ritual, as Taehyung and Jeongguk pay respects to each other and their elders.
As they exchange vows, their voices are barely above a whisper, yet filled with conviction. The guests watch in rapt attention, their faces filled with joy and admiration for the young couple. The highlight of the ceremony is the sharing of the nuptial cup, a delicate gourd split into two halves, symbolizing the union of the two individuals. Taehyung and Jeongguk sip from each half, their eyes locked in a tender gaze.
The room erupts into soft applause as the newlyweds are pronounced husband and husband. The King's brother-in-law Taehyung's alpha father, beams with pride, his eyes shining with happy tears. As the guests begin to mingle and offer congratulations, the atmosphere remains dignified and refined, fitting for a royal family's private celebration. The absence of media only adds to the sense of intimacy and exclusivity, making the occasion all the more special for those in attendance.
Kim Taehyung, 38, stands tall, his eyes fixed on his young bride, Jeongguk, 21. The 17-year age gap between them is a tradition in the Kim household, even in the royal household. It is believed that an alpha's life experience and wisdom are necessary to protect and care for their omega. The guests watch the ceremony with a sense of reverence, knowing that this union is not only a love match but also a sacred bond between two individuals, destined to be together. The tradition of the Kim household is alive and well, and Taehyung and Jeongguk's union is a testament to its enduring power.
Jeongguk's eyes flutter towards Taehyung, his groom, as they stand together, receiving congratulations from their guests. He can't help but steal glances at the man beside him, his heart racing with a mix of emotions. Taehyung's reserved demeanor intimidates Jeongguk, making him feel uncertain and a little afraid. Whenever someone congratulates them, Taehyung smiles gently, his lips curving upwards, but the smile fails to reach his eyes. They remain distant, unreadable, and Jeongguk can't help but wonder what lies beneath.
Jeongguk's gaze drifts to Taehyung's father, Kim Duho, who stands nearby, beaming with pride. His smile is warm, genuine, and Jeongguk has seen it many times before. As the owner of the orphanage where Jeongguk grew up, Duho has always been kind and supportive. Jeongguk can tell that his smile is real, unlike his son's, which seems to hide secrets. As Jeongguk looks back at Taehyung, he feels a pang of uncertainty. What lies behind those distant eyes? Will he ever be able to reach the man beneath the reserved exterior? The thought sends a shiver down his spine, and he quickly looks away, focusing on the well-wishers surrounding them.
Jeongguk's gaze wanders to Taehyung's omega father, and he can't help but be struck by the man's extraordinary beauty. It's no wonder that both of his sons, Taehyung and Taekyu, inherited such stunning features. The elder Kim's ethereal quality is captivating, and Jeongguk finds himself mesmerized. As he looks at Taehyung, he can't help but think that his alpha is too beautiful to be true. The scent blocker Taehyung wears can't fully suppress the intoxicating musk scent that emanates from him, a potent mix of masculinity and allure. Jeongguk's heart races as he takes in the astonishing combination of beauty and power that stands beside him. Taehyung's reserved demeanor only adds to his enigmatic charm, making Jeongguk's heart flutter with excitement and a hint of fear. He feels like he's drowning in the depths of Taehyung's eyes, unsure of how to navigate the treacherous waters of his alpha's emotions.
The air is thick with tension as Jeongguk struggles to reconcile the contrast between Taehyung's captivating beauty and his intimidating presence.
Jeongguk observes Taehyung's omega father, greeting guests with a warm smile, identical to Taehyung's. But, just like his son, the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. Jeongguk notices the same phenomenon with Taekyu, Taehyung's omega brother. It's as if they're all wearing a mask, hiding their true emotions. When Taehyung's omega father's gaze meets Jeongguk's, he feels a shiver run down his spine. He quickly looks down at the ground, his heart racing.
He doesn't like me
Jeongguk thinks to himself, his mind racing with doubts
Jeongguk can't help but wonder why Taehyung's family seems so... reserved around him. Is it because he's an orphan? Or is there something more? The uncertainty gnaws at his confidence, making him feel like an outsider in this grand, opulent setting. As he stands there, trying to make sense of it all, Jeongguk can't help but feel like he's walking on eggshells, unsure of how to navigate this complex web of relationships and emotions.
Jeongguk's hands grow sweaty and cold as his mind wanders back to his own secret. The weight of it threatens to crush him, and he can't shake the feeling of impending doom. What if Taehyung discovers the truth tonight? Should Jeongguk confess himself, or hope that it remains hidden? The thought of Taehyung's potential reaction sends a chill down Jeongguk's spine. What if he's thrown out of the Kim mansion tomorrow, divorced and discarded like a used item? Jeongguk's heart races as he considers the consequences. He's an orphan, with no job, no home, and no safety net. Where would he go? How would he survive?
Panic sets in, making his breath come in short gasps. Jeongguk feels like he's standing on the edge of a cliff, staring into an abyss of uncertainty. He tries to push the thoughts away, but they linger, haunting him like a ghost. As he stands there, frozen in fear, Jeongguk can't help but wonder if he's made a terrible mistake by marrying Taehyung. Has he traded one uncertain future for another, even more precarious one? The questions swirl in his mind, refusing to let him go.
Jeongguk's eyes widen as he takes in the sight of the king, Taehyung's maternal uncle, conversing with influential figures from their country. The crown prince is also present, and Jeongguk can't believe he's seeing royal family members up close, not just on TV. The reality of his situation hits him like a ton of bricks - he's married to the king's nephew. Jeongguk's hands grow even sweatier as his mind reels from the sheer magnitude of his new life. He never thought he'd be part of this world, and the sudden shift is making his head spin. He feels like he's losing balance, and his vision starts to blur.
In a desperate attempt to anchor himself, Jeongguk grabs Taehyung's sleeve, his fingers clutching the fabric tightly. The action earns a glance from Taehyung, whose expression softens slightly.
Some of the guests notice Jeongguk's distress and murmur sympathetically.
" The bride is tired and hungry "
Someone suggests.
"Why not let the newlywed couple have their lunch?"
The room erupts in a chorus of agreement, and Jeongguk feels a wave of relief wash over him. Maybe, just maybe, he can get through this after all. Taehyung's hand covers his, giving it a gentle squeeze, and Jeongguk's heart skips a beat.
Jeongguk follows Taehyung into the dining room, his eyes widening in awe as he takes in the spread before him. Maids have carefully arranged a vast array of traditional Korean dishes, each one more intricate and colorful than the last. Jeongguk's gaze darts from one dish to another, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer abundance of food. In his 21 years, Jeongguk has never seen such a lavish display. Growing up in the orphanage, meals were simple and sparse, with never enough to go around. Even on special occasions, the food was humble and plain. But this... this was a feast fit for royalty.
Taehyung takes his seat, his movements fluid and confident. Jeongguk hesitates, unsure of where to sit or what to do. Taehyung's gentle nod directs him to the seat opposite, and Jeongguk sits down, trying to hide his trembling hands. The array of dishes seems to stretch on forever, each one emitting enticing aromas that tease Jeongguk's senses. He feels like a child in a candy store, unsure of where to start or what to try first. Taehyung's soft voice guides him, explaining the different dishes and offering him portions. Jeongguk eats, his taste buds exploding with the complex flavors and textures. It's a culinary revelation, one that leaves him breathless and wanting more.
Jeongguk's eyes widen as a wave of nausea crashes over him, his mind racing back to the secret he's desperate to keep hidden. The flavors that moments ago danced on his tongue now turn bitter, and his stomach churns with a ferocity that leaves him breathless. He stops eating abruptly, his hands trembling as he pushes the plate away. The room begins to spin, and Jeongguk's vision blurs. He needs to throw up, but he can't - not here, not now, not in front of Taehyung and the others.
Cold sweat drips down his face, and Jeongguk's skin grows clammy. He feels like he's going to pass out. Taehyung's frown deepens, his eyes narrowing, but he says nothing. Instead, he continues eating, his movements silent and deliberate. The contrast between Taehyung's calm demeanor and Jeongguk's inner turmoil is stark. Jeongguk feels like he's drowning in his own fear, unable to escape the secrets that threaten to consume him. He forces himself to take slow, deep breaths, desperate to regain control and push the nausea back down. But the damage is done - the moment of peace has shattered, leaving only tension and unease in its wake.
Jeongguk follows the maids, his feet heavy with exhaustion, as they lead him to a serene room filled with soft, golden light. The plush bed beckons, and he collapses onto it, feeling like he's been swept away by a storm. One of the maids gently removes his shoes and helps him onto the bed, tucking a soft blanket around him.
" Rest now, young master Jeongguk "
She whispers.
" This evening, we'll bring you snacks and dinner. Later, we'll prepare you for your wedding night."
Jeongguk's heart skips a beat at the mention of the wedding night. He feels a mix of emotions: fear and uncertainty.
As the maids leave, Jeongguk closes his eyes, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He knows he can't avoid the wedding night forever, but for now, he just wants to rest and forget about the secrets that haunt him. The softness of the bed and the silence of the room eventually lull him into a fitful sleep, his dreams filled with fragments of his past and the uncertainty of his future.
As the evening light filters into the room, maids arrive with a delightful spread of snacks and tea. Jeongguk's eyes widen as he takes in the array of treats: delicate cookies, sweet pastries, and an assortment of teas that fill the air with their enticing aromas.
One servant, with a warm smile, approaches him.
Yoon Min Soo
Yoon Min Soo
Good evening, young master Jeongguk
He says, his voice gentle.
Yoon Min Soo
Yoon Min Soo
My name is Min-soo, and I'm the head maid and butler's son. I'll be your personal servant from now on.
Jeongguk's curiosity is piqued.
Why me?
He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
Min-soo's smile softens further.
Yoon Min Soo
Yoon Min Soo
Because you are young master Taehyung's husband and, like you, I'm a male omega. I understand your needs, and I'm here to make your life easier.
Jeongguk feels a sense of relief wash over him. Having someone who understands his struggles as an omega, is a comfort he never thought he'd find in this grand, intimidating household. As Min-soo serves him tea and snacks, Jeongguk can't help but notice the kindness in his eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he's found a friend in this vast, unfamiliar world.
Jeongguk stands at the window, watching as Taehyung disappears into the evening shadows. His heart races as he notices the rigid set of Taehyung's shoulders, the tightness in his jaw. It's as if he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Jeongguk's mind whirls with thoughts of their upcoming wedding night. How will he reveal his secret? Shall he keep it a secret?
As he turns away from the window, Jeongguk can't shake off the feeling of unease. He feels like he's walking on thin ice, unsure of what lies beneath the surface. Taehyung's demeanor has always been enigmatic, but now it seems even more impenetrable. Jeongguk's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of his own heartbeat, pounding in his ears like a drum. He tries to calm himself down, but his nerves are on edge.
Taehyung's thoughts are consumed by his omega father, Hyeon Woo, as he walks away from the mansion. He loves him more than his own life, and the weight of his father's disapproval settles heavy on his shoulders. From the beginning, Hyeon Woo had opposed this marriage, sensing that Jeongguk was not the right match for him. But Taehyung's alpha father, Kim Duho, had already promised the head of Jeongguk's orphanage, and rejecting the wedding would harm his family's reputation.
As the brother-in-law of the king, Kim Duho's influence and power are significant, and Taehyung knows that defying him would have consequences. Taehyung feels trapped, caught between his loyalty to his family and his own desires.
Hyeon Woo's words echo in his mind
Hyeon Woo
Hyeon Woo
Taehyungie, my baby~ you deserve someone who loves and accepts you for who you are, not someone who is only interested in our family's status. I am sure an orphan will always be interested in our wealth, status, power and influence
Taehyung longs for freedom, for the ability to make his own choices, but for now, he's bound by the chains of duty and expectation.
As night falls, Jeongguk is treated to a lavish dinner, his senses delighted by the flavors and aromas. Afterwards, he is led to the bath, where gentle hands guide him through a relaxing ritual. Essential oils dance in the water, mingling with the sweet scent of traditional Korean soap and shampoo. As he emerges, his long hair is dried with scented smoke, the fragrance wafting up to tease his senses. Light makeup is applied, enhancing his features without overpowering them. A sheer robe is draped over his pale skin, the fabric whispering against him like a lover's caress.
Finally, a thick outer robe is wrapped around him, the weight of it a reminder of his new role. He is led to Taehyung's bedroom, the door sliding open to reveal a space that will now be theirs. Jeongguk's heart races as he steps inside, the soft glow of candles illuminating the path ahead. The room is a sanctuary, filled with the scent of incense and the soft rustle of silk. Jeongguk's eyes adjust slowly, taking in the opulent decorations and the majestic bed at the room's center.
Taehyung returns to the bedroom, his eyes weary from a long day of work in his home office. He had eaten his dinner there, a simple but satisfying meal of rice, soup, and vegetables, barely noticing the taste as he pored over his papers and documents. As a renowned lawyer, he is no stranger to the demands of his profession. His family's legacy weighs heavily on his shoulders - his ancestors were scholars and generals during the illustrious Baekje Dynasty, and his maternal side boasts royal blood. The tradition of excellence in law started with his great-grandfather, who was a respected jurist in his time. His grandfather and father followed in his footsteps, and now Taehyung carries the torch, upholding the family's honor with his own accomplishments.
As he enters the bedroom, his gaze falls upon Jeongguk, who sits quietly on the bed, his eyes cast downward. Taehyung's expression softens, and for a moment, he forgets about the weight of his responsibilities. He approaches Jeongguk, his movements fluid and deliberate, and sits beside him on the bed. The silence between them is palpable, but Taehyung doesn't try to break it. Instead, he simply sits there, his presence a reminder that they are now bound together, for better or for worse.
Taehyung's gaze lingers on Jeongguk's fidgeting fingers before he speaks, his voice firm but measured.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You just graduated from high school, right?
Jeongguk nods, his eyes cast downward.
I graduated this year and became an adult last September.
Taehyung's expression remains neutral.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So, what do you want to study?
Jeongguk's lips part, and he bites his lower lip before answering.
I'm not good at studying, but I want to have a graduation degree in music.
Taehyung's eyebrow shoots up, his voice firm and commanding.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
An idol?
Jeongguk's head shakes vigorously, his eyes wide with protest.
No! I mean—
Taehyung cuts him off, his tone strict.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You can't be an idol with your marital status. Didn't you have a science background?
Jeongguk's voice trembles slightly.
Y-yes, chemistry, nutrition, biology...
Taehyung's words interrupt him, his tone disapproving.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Then study nutrition. It's not considered prestigious, but at least it's better than being an idol who whitewashes their face and entertains sèx-deprived foreign older ladies and omegas.
The air seems to vibrate with Taehyung's disapproval, leaving Jeongguk's heart racing and his thoughts reeling.
Jeongguk's fingers dance restlessly, his mind racing with the secret he keeps hidden. What if Taehyung discovers the truth? It will ruin him forever. He forces a calm tone
Shall I pour you tea?
Taehyung waves his hand dismissively
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
No, I have work left. Sleep. I won't consummàte this wedding until I feel like it.
Jeongguk's heart skips a beat. If that happens, his secret will be exposed. He has to act. With a surge of desperation, he grasps Taehyung's hand, meeting his questioning gaze.
Mother might ask tomorrow
Jeongguk says, his voice barely above a whisper.
Taehyung's frown deepens
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
My mother is not interested in what his son does with his wife.
Jeongguk's grip on Taehyung's hand tightens, his eyes pleading silently. Taehyung's expression remains unreadable, but Jeongguk knows he has to keep trying. His secret depends on it.
Jeongguk's hands tremble as he removes his outer robe, revealing his naked body beneath a sheer white robe. Taehyung's gaze falls upon him, his jaw tightening in response. With a swift motion, Taehyung's index finger lifts Jeongguk's chin, his left hand simultaneously removing Jeongguk's robe until it reaches his thigh. Jeongguk shivers, his eyes welling up with tears.
Taehyung's smirk twists his face, his dark expression menacing.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Don't act like a cheap, desperate whòre. You're a noble's wife now. Act like one, or learn how we lead our lives. Does your orphanage teach omegas these cheap tricks?
Jeongguk's tears slide down his face uncontrollably, but Taehyung remains nonchalant, his voice devoid of emotion.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I will consummate this loveless marriage when I feel like it.
Jeongguk's body trembles, his heart heavy with shame and fear. Taehyung's words cut deep, and he feels like he's drowning in despair.
Jeongguk's tears continue to fall as he watches Taehyung return to the corner of the room, where a table is placed. Taehyung sits down, his focus shifting to the papers and documents in front of him. He begins to work, his expression stern and concentrated. Jeongguk's sobs slowly subside, replaced by a sense of desperation. He knows he has to act, to make Taehyung consummate their marriage. If he doesn't, his secret will be revealed, and he can't let that happen. His orphanage instructors had been clear: keep his secret sealed, and make Taehyung consummate the wedding as soon as possible.
With a newfound determination, Jeongguk wipes away his tears and approaches Taehyung. He stands beside him, his heart racing with anxiety.
He says, his voice trembling.
Taehyung doesn't look up, his pen scratching across the paper.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What is it, Jeongguk?
Jeongguk takes a deep breath, his mind racing. He needs to convince Taehyung to consummate their marriage, but how?
Jeongguk's voice trembles as he speaks
Please, Taehyungssi, consummate this marriage.
Taehyung's frown deepens as he looks at Jeongguk, his eyes narrowing.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Why are you so eager for it?
He asks, his tone laced with skepticism.
Taehyung stands, his movements fluid and deliberate. He reaches out, his thumb caressing Jeongguk's lower lip. Jeongguk's eyes flutter closed, his heart racing with anticipation.
Taehyung's face inches closer, his breath brushing against Jeongguk's skin.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Are you hiding something from me?
He whispers, his voice low and husky.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Or will this consummation conceal something?
Jeongguk's eyes snap open, his gaze meeting Taehyung's intense stare. He feels like he's drowning in the depths of Taehyung's eyes, his secrets threatening to spill out. He swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure.
I... I just want to fulfill my duties as your wife
He stammers.
Taehyung's gaze lingers, his expression unreadable. Jeongguk's heart pounds in his chest, unsure if his words have convinced Taehyung or raised more suspicions.
Taehyung turns his back on Jeongguk, walking away to sit in his chair.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Go to bed and sleep
He commands, his voice firm and authoritative.
Jeongguk tries to protest
But Taehyung cuts him off.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I will decide what should be done
Taehyung says, his tone brooking no argument.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I am your alpha, and you are bound to obey me, Jeongguk! Go to bed now!
Jeongguk's fear spikes at Taehyung's stern words. He feels a shiver run down his spine as he realizes he's pushed Taehyung too far. He quickly retreats to their bed, his heart racing with anxiety. As he lies down, Jeongguk can't shake off the feeling of being trapped and helpless. Taehyung's words echo in his mind, a harsh reminder of his subservient position. He feels tears prick at the corners of his eyes, but he forces himself to hold them back.
Jeongguk's eyelids finally succumb to exhaustion, and he falls into a dreamless sleep, a rare occurrence in his 21 years of life. For the first time, his mind remains quiet, untouched by the vivid dreams that usually plague him. Morning arrives, bringing with it a warm, golden light that seeps through the windows, illuminating the room. The rays dance across Jeongguk's face, gently coaxing him awake. He blinks, his eyes adjusting to the brightness, and finds himself lying next to Taehyung, who is sleeping with his back turned towards him.
Jeongguk takes a deep sigh, feeling a mix of emotions: relief, anxiety, and uncertainty. He carefully gets out of bed, trying not to disturb Taehyung, and makes his way to the bathroom. The warm glow of the morning light follows him, casting a comforting ambiance over the space. As he steps into the shower, the water's gentle touch washes away the remnants of sleep, leaving him feeling refreshed and alert. Jeongguk's thoughts begin to wander, his mind replaying the events of the previous night.
Jeongguk's eyes widen as he gazes upon the array of luxurious clothes laid out before him. Yesterday they arrived at Taehyung's room, which has suddenly become their shared space. Jeongguk's heart sinks, realizing he can no longer dress as he pleases. As the wife of a respected man and an alpha from the royal family at that, his attire has to reflect their status. The brands are unfamiliar to him, and he can't even begin to guess their prices. But as he picks up a shirt, his eyes scan the tag, and his heart nearly stops. 7,200,000 won.
And then, he sees the pants. 14,400,000 won. Jeongguk's breath catches in his throat. He has never seen such expensive clothing in his life. The orphanage provided him with simple, practical attire, never anything like this. Jeongguk's hands tremble as he carefully places the garments back on the rack. He feels like an imposter, unworthy of such luxury. How can he, a humble orphan, be expected to wear such extravagant clothing? The weight of his new role crushes him, and for a moment, he longs for the simplicity of his old life.
Jeongguk searches for something, anything, cheaper, but his eyes scan the racks in vain. Those extravagant clothes are the most affordable options available. He has no choice but to wear the 7,200,000 won shirt and 14,400,000 won pants. His heart aches at the thought of donning such opulence. He moves to the dresser, applying a simple moisturizer to his skin, and a light lip balm to his dry lips. He doesn't know how to put on makeup, nor does he want to. Those products are costlier than one of his kidneys, and he can't fathom spending such amounts on mere cosmetics. Jeongguk's hands tremble as he buttons up the shirt, the fabric feeling like silk against his skin. He steps into the pants, the weight of the price tag settling heavy on his shoulders. He looks in the mirror, a stranger staring back at him. The luxurious clothes transform him into someone he doesn't recognize, someone he's not sure he wants to be.
Taehyung slowly opens his eyes, groggily taking in his surroundings. He notices that Jeongguk has already taken a shower. Taehyung gets out of bed, his sleepy eyes half-closed as he makes his way to the bathroom. He returns half an hour later, wearing a plush bathrobe, and finds Jeongguk sitting on the sofa, looking lost.
Jeongguk's eyes dart up to meet Taehyung's, and he quickly bows his head.
Good morning, Taehyungssi.
Taehyung's frown deepens, his voice firm and commanding.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Go to the dining room. I will be joining you soon.
Jeongguk bows again, hastily retreating from the room. Taehyung's voice always seems to be laced with anger, making Jeongguk's heart race with anxiety. As Jeongguk hurries out, Taehyung's gaze lingers on the empty space, his expression unreadable. He takes a deep breath, his eyes narrowing slightly before he turns to head to the changing room
Taehyung strides towards the closet, his bathrobe fluttering behind him. He slides open the door, revealing a vast array of luxurious clothes, each one more opulent than the last. His eyes scan the rack, his fingers trailing over the fabrics as he searches for the perfect attire. He selects a crisp, white shirt and a pair of tailored black pants, his movements economical and precise. Taehyung's gaze never wavers, his focus solely on the task at hand. He dresses in the ease of someone accustomed to fine clothes, his movements fluid and confident.
As he buttons up his shirt, his eyes catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror. For a fleeting moment, his expression softens, and a hint of vulnerability flashes across his face. But it's quickly replaced by his usual stoic mask, his eyes narrowing into slits. Taehyung takes a deep breath, his shoulders squaring as he prepares to face the day – and Jeongguk.
Jeongguk's heart plunges to his stomach as he enters the dining room, his eyes locking onto his omega father-in-law. The older man is elegantly sipping tea, his spoon swirling in the cup with precision. He looks up, his gaze meeting Jeongguk's, and then proceeds to scan him from head to toe. Jeongguk's face heats up under the scrutiny, his eyes darting away to take in the rest of the room. That's when he sees his omega brother-in-law, and his jaw drops in awe. The younger man is breathtakingly beautiful, his long hair framing his delicate features. He is two years younger than Jeongguk and 19 years younger than Taehyung. He is still in his final year of high school.
Taehyung's younger brother looks up, his eyes meeting Jeongguk's, and his expression twists in disgust. He tears his gaze away, leaving Jeongguk feeling like he's been punched in the gut. Jeongguk's eyes sting, and he feels a lump form in his throat as he struggles to hold back tears. The room falls silent, the only sound the gentle clinking of tea cups and the soft hum of conversation from the omega father-in-law, who seems oblivious to the tension. Jeongguk's heart races, his mind reeling with the realization that he's not just fighting for Taehyung's acceptance, but also for the approval of his entire family.
Jeongguk feels a gentle tap on his shoulder, and he gazes in that direction his eyes widen as he gazes at Duho, his alpha father-in-law, who's smiling warmly at him.
Kim Duho
Kim Duho
Why are you standing there, come have a seat
Duho says, his voice gentle.
Jeongguk nods, intending to sit somewhere distant from his omega father-in-law and brother-in-law, but Duho's next words stop him.
Kim Duho
Kim Duho
Taehyung sits on my left side, seat beside this chair.
Jeongguk's heart skips a beat as he gulps and nods, forcing himself to sit beside Taehyung's chair.
Within a minute, Taehyung arrives, kissing his omega father's cheek.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Good morning, Eomeoni. Good morning, Abeoji. Good morning, kid.
The room fills with warm greetings from Taehyung's family, but Jeongguk remains silent, his mind blanking under the intimidating gaze of his omega father-in-law and brother-in-law.
Hyeon woo's voice cuts through the warmth, his tone disapproving.
Hyeon Woo
Hyeon Woo
Your omega doesn't even know minimal etiquette, he didn't even bother to greet his in-laws.
Jeongguk's face burns as he realizes his mistake. He starts sweating, his hands trembling as he tries to find his voice
G-good morning...
He stammers, but it's too late, the damage is done.
Taehyung's expression turns cold, his eyes narrowing at Jeongguk's belated greeting. The room falls silent once more, the tension palpable. Jeongguk's heart sinks, feeling like he's failed already.




top tae?





Hi hi authorsiiii! Woah I read the synopsis and I am already in love with this one as well 🤩🤩😍😍



Anudipa M

Anudipa M

Actually.... I want to share a real life experience of mine with you Author.... like from childhood... I am very much habituated with "Cinderella" types of story.... a poor woman with rich heart types..... But... these "daily serial" mother in laws are not completely wrong either..... I realized it after this incident.... like in my locality.... there was a poor girl who got a chance to read in a top notch medical college with a good rank..... His father literally lost every single penny, his small businesses even his house to full fill her expectations.... but later that girl abandoned her father.... and now his father beg for his daily expenses..... like How can anyone do that.... I really notice this mentality in poor people.... Money is more important than her father... She even introduced her mother as her servant in her college.....



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