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"Death's Dark Embrace"

When mortal life's fleeting candle fades,

Earthly bonds no longer bind us fast.

The soul, a wanderer, roams, strays,

Seeking realms beyond the mortal past.

Death, a dark sovereign, holds his sway,

With sceptre cold, grasp of grey.

He beckons all with bony hand,

To join the shadows of his mystic land.

His kingdom vast, a realm of endless night,

Stars, moon shed no radiant light.

Silence deep, a heavy pall lies,

Shrouding the dead, beyond mortal sighs.

Yet, in his dark, lonely keep,

Lies a secret beauty, peaceful sleep.

Rest from pain, shore of sweet reprieve,

Where sorrow's waves cease to ebb, flow.

In his embrace, the weary find

Solace sweet, peace of mind.

Refuge from life's stormy sea,

Haven calm, destiny divine.

Though his touch brings chill, darkness follows,

Strange allure holds, beckons to his fold.

In his depths, mystery lies,

Secret kept, beyond mortal eyes.

Truth revealed to those who dare,

Face darkness, unknown snare.

Let us not despise his power,

Shun darkness of his eyes.

In his dark embrace, we find

Peace deep, peace of mind.

When we come to his dark door,

Knock with fear, tremble more.

He'll open wide, dark embrace,

Welcome us to his mysterious place.

There we'll find peace true, deep, new,

Peace waiting for all to see,

Peace found in death's dark ecstasy.

In his kingdom, we'll find our home,

Place to rest, roam, love, joy reign.

Sorrow's pain, distant strain.

We'll find peace deep, true, waiting,

Peace worth the strife, death's dark life.

In his land, we'll find our friends,

Who went before, never ended.

Stories told, memories kept,

Love, laughter, forever slept.

We'll find too our own past deeds,

Triumphs, failures, creeds.

Moments sweet, cold, lives, loves,

Stories old.

In his kingdom, we'll find our place,

Stand, embrace, live, grow, be,

In death's dark glow.

We'll find our dreams, our hearts' desires,

Fulfilled in death's dark, secret fires.

Our passions, pure, our love, true,

In death's dark embrace, forever new.

We'll find our peace, our rest, our home,

In death's dark kingdom, forever roam.

Free from pain, free from fear,

In death's dark embrace, we'll disappear.

We'll find the beauty, the love, the light,

That guides us through the dark of night.

The stars that shone, the moon that glowed,

Will light our way, to death's dark abode.

We'll find the joy, the laughter, the tears,

The memories that banish all our fears.

The love that lived, the love that died,

Will live again, in death's dark tide.

We'll find the peace, the rest, the sleep,

That eluded us, in life's dark deep.

The dreams that fled, the hopes that died,

Will live again, in death's dark tide.

And in his kingdom, we'll find our voice,

Our song of life, our soul's rejoice.

Our hearts will beat, our spirits soar,

In death's dark embrace, forever more.

And in his land, we'll find our name,

Written in stars, in death's dark flame.

Our legacy, our love, our light,

Will shine forever, in death's dark night.

And in his kingdom, we'll find our way,

Through death's dark veil, to eternal day.

Our journey's end, our soul's release,

In death's dark embrace, eternal peace.

And in his land, we'll find our rest,

Our final home, our soul's nest.

Our weary hearts, our tired eyes,

Will find their peace, in death's dark surprise.

-Daphne DeVille



death is a comfort



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