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"Death's Dark Embrace"

When mortal life's fleeting candle fades,

Earthly bonds no longer bind us fast.

The soul, a wanderer, roams, strays,

Seeking realms beyond the mortal past.

Death, a dark sovereign, holds his sway,

With sceptre cold, grasp of grey.

He beckons all with bony hand,

To join the shadows of his mystic land.

His kingdom vast, a realm of endless night,

Stars, moon shed no radiant light.

Silence deep, a heavy pall lies,

Shrouding the dead, beyond mortal sighs.

Yet, in his dark, lonely keep,

Lies a secret beauty, peaceful sleep.

Rest from pain, shore of sweet reprieve,

Where sorrow's waves cease to ebb, flow.

In his embrace, the weary find

Solace sweet, peace of mind.

Refuge from life's stormy sea,

Haven calm, destiny divine.

Though his touch brings chill, darkness follows,

Strange allure holds, beckons to his fold.

In his depths, mystery lies,

Secret kept, beyond mortal eyes.

Truth revealed to those who dare,

Face darkness, unknown snare.

Let us not despise his power,

Shun darkness of his eyes.

In his dark embrace, we find

Peace deep, peace of mind.

When we come to his dark door,

Knock with fear, tremble more.

He'll open wide, dark embrace,

Welcome us to his mysterious place.

There we'll find peace true, deep, new,

Peace waiting for all to see,

Peace found in death's dark ecstasy.

In his kingdom, we'll find our home,

Place to rest, roam, love, joy reign.

Sorrow's pain, distant strain.

We'll find peace deep, true, waiting,

Peace worth the strife, death's dark life.

In his land, we'll find our friends,

Who went before, never ended.

Stories told, memories kept,

Love, laughter, forever slept.

We'll find too our own past deeds,

Triumphs, failures, creeds.

Moments sweet, cold, lives, loves,

Stories old.

In his kingdom, we'll find our place,

Stand, embrace, live, grow, be,

In death's dark glow.

We'll find our dreams, our hearts' desires,

Fulfilled in death's dark, secret fires.

Our passions, pure, our love, true,

In death's dark embrace, forever new.

We'll find our peace, our rest, our home,

In death's dark kingdom, forever roam.

Free from pain, free from fear,

In death's dark embrace, we'll disappear.

We'll find the beauty, the love, the light,

That guides us through the dark of night.

The stars that shone, the moon that glowed,

Will light our way, to death's dark abode.

We'll find the joy, the laughter, the tears,

The memories that banish all our fears.

The love that lived, the love that died,

Will live again, in death's dark tide.

We'll find the peace, the rest, the sleep,

That eluded us, in life's dark deep.

The dreams that fled, the hopes that died,

Will live again, in death's dark tide.

And in his kingdom, we'll find our voice,

Our song of life, our soul's rejoice.

Our hearts will beat, our spirits soar,

In death's dark embrace, forever more.

And in his land, we'll find our name,

Written in stars, in death's dark flame.

Our legacy, our love, our light,

Will shine forever, in death's dark night.

And in his kingdom, we'll find our way,

Through death's dark veil, to eternal day.

Our journey's end, our soul's release,

In death's dark embrace, eternal peace.

And in his land, we'll find our rest,

Our final home, our soul's nest.

Our weary hearts, our tired eyes,

Will find their peace, in death's dark surprise.

-Daphne DeVille


Whispers of a Phantom Love

Fairest maiden of the silver screen,

Beauty enthralls, charm unseen.

In fantasy realms, you reside,

A fleeting dream, my heart divides.

Eyes like sapphires, shining bright and blue,

Pierce my soul, love's sweet anguish anew.

Lips, a rosebud's promise, sweet and divine,

Beckon me, love's eternal shrine.

Hair, a golden halo, entwines my heart,

Tender threads, love's sweet design.

Skin, a porcelain canvas, smooth and fair,

Glows with radiance, beyond compare.

Cruel fate denies your touch,

Leaves me pining, love's dark, endless clutch.

You, a dream, vision, entice,

Absence leaves me lost, love's dark device.

Still, I hold you dear, every thought,

Cherish moments, your image brought.

Laughter, music to eager ears,

Echoes still, joyous tears.

Smile, sunbeam bright, warm as gold,

Lights my path, love's dark, winding fold.

Voice, melody, enthralls,

Whispers secrets, only love recalls.

You hold my heart, sweet thrall,

Forever lost, apart.

In your love, peaceful nest,

Soul, bird, sings sweetest best.

In dreams, I see you, fair and bright,

Fleeting glimpse, love's ethereal light.

Eyes, window, soul's deep sea,

Call to me, whispers, sweet and free.

Touch, whisper, love's gentle breeze,

Stirs passions, heart's deep ease.

Love, flame, burns fierce delight,

Lights my way, love's dark, endless night.

Beauty, reflection, soul's deep core,

Calls to me, whispers, evermore.

Love, mystery, cannot define,

Holds me captive, sweet, secret shrine.

Eyes, mirror, soul's deep pain,

Show me visions, love's sweet refrain.

Touch, solace, heart's deep sorrow,

Heals wounds, makes heart sing tomorrow.

Love, journey, life's dark road,

Leads me to destination, unknown.

Heart, compass, guides me true,

Points me to love, forever new.

Smile, sunrise, lights my day,

Chases shadows, night's gray away.

Laughter, music, fills my heart,

Makes me whole, sets soul apart.

Eyes, haven, heart can hide,

Shelters me, love's dark, endless tide.

Love, refuge, soul can rest,

Gives me peace, makes heart feel blessed.

Touch, magic, heals my soul,

Makes me whole, makes heart sing whole.

Love, wonder, fills my heart,

Makes me grateful, love's sweet start.

In your love, I find my peace,

My heart, a flame, that love releases.

With every breath, I'll love you true,

Forever and always, my heart belongs to you.

My love for you, a never-ending sea,

Deep and vast, a mystery to me.

With every wave, my heart beats fast,

In your love, I am forever lost, at last.

Your love, a beacon, shines so bright,

Guides me through, life's darkest night.

With every step, I'll follow your light,

Forever with you, my heart takes flight.

In your eyes, my soul finds a home,

A place to rest, where love is never unknown.

With every glance, my heart skips a beat,

In your love, my soul finds its sweet retreat.

Your touch, a whisper, that sets my soul free,

A gentle breeze, that brings me to my knees.

With every touch, my heart sings a sweet melody,

In your love, my soul finds its sweet symphony.

-Daphne DeVille


The Elysium of Dreams

In twilight's hush, where shadows play,

Art's mystic realm beckons, come what may.

A world of wonder, born of dreams divine,

Where creativity's essence forever shines.

Like Aurora's blush, the muse's gentle might,

Awakens imagination's radiant light.

In studios, galleries, and hearts afar,

Art's beauty reigns, a celestial star.

With brushstrokes bold, or chisel's gentle touch,

The artist's soul pours forth, in tender clutch.

Colors dance, like sunbeams on the sea,

As visions burst, in wild ecstasy.

In marble's grace, or canvas' vibrant hue,

The creative spirit, forever anew.

Like a phoenix, art arises, reborn,

From ashes of the mundane, to the morn.

In every stroke, a piece of heart is laid,

A fragment of the soul, in art's sweet shade.

The artist's voice, a whisper to the mind,

Echoes of the beauty, they design.

Like a river's flow, inspiration's stream,

Flows from the depths, of the creative's dream.

Unbridled passion, like a wild mustang's grace,

Unleashes art's fury, in a wondrous race.

In every note, a symphony of the heart,

Echoes of emotions, forever to impart.

Like a tapestry, rich with intricate design,

Art weaves its magic, a celestial rhyme.

With every word, a world of wonder spins,

A kaleidoscope of dreams, within.

Like a lotus bloom, in fertile soil it grows,

The beauty of art, forever it bestows.

In art's embrace, the human spirit soars,

Transcending bounds, to celestial shores.

Like a rainbow's arc, after life's stormy night,

Art's promise shines, a beacon of delight.

In every form, a piece of art's divine,

A reflection of the beauty, forever mine.

Like a sunrise bloom, in morning's golden light,

Art's splendor bursts, a wondrous, ethereal sight.

With every breath, a creative whisper flows,

A gentle breeze, that rustles art's sweet rose.

Like a river's source, in hidden springs it lies,

The essence of art, forever in the skies.

In art's sweet thrall, the human heart finds peace,

A refuge from life's turmoil, a world to cease.

Like a gentle mother, art's embrace enfolds,

A comforting solace, that never grows old.

With every stroke, a piece of art's pure soul,

A fragment of the heart, forever whole.

Like a celestial choir, in harmony they sing,

The beauty of art, forever on the wing.

In art's grand tapestry, a kaleidoscope of dreams,

A world of wonder, forever it seems.

Like a celestial dance, in starry skies above,

Art's beauty shines, a reflection of our love.

Like a flame that burns, with fierce and wild desire,

Art's passion blazes, a love that never tires.

In every brushstroke, a piece of heart is laid,

A fragment of the soul, in art's sweet shade.

Like a symphony, that echoes through the mind,

Art's beauty resonates, a harmony of kind.

In every note, a world of wonder spins,

A kaleidoscope of dreams, within.

With every word, a world of wonder unfurls,

A tapestry rich, with intricate design's whorls.

Like a lotus bloom, in fertile soil it grows,

The beauty of art, forever it bestows.

In art's sweet thrall, the human spirit soars,

Transcending bounds, to celestial shores.

Like a rainbow's arc, after life's stormy night,

Art's promise shines, a beacon of delight.

Like a celestial river, that flows from above,

Art's beauty pours, a boundless, endless love.

In every stroke, a piece of art's pure soul,

A fragment of the heart, forever whole.

In art's grand tapestry, a kaleidoscope of dreams,

A world of wonder, forever it seems.

Like a celestial dance, in starry skies above,

Art's beauty shines, a reflection of our love.

-Daphne DeVille.

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