Why Not Me?

Why Not Me?


......Why is it always him? Not me...

....... I don't even know why do I love him so much......I hate myself for that......



This story is completely my imagination. This story doesn't connect to the real characters.

Please don't write any negative comments...

I hope you will like the story....


In the story:

A man with an angelic face was writing something while sitting inside in his house...

Byun Baekhyun is a very bubbly and jolly minded person who recently suffered some mental breakdown....

Gentle breeze was blowing and his short silky hair flowed with the wind lightly. His attractive milky white skin was glowing under the sunlight.

His house is surrounded by a garden full of greenery and trees with magnificent flora.

Due to wind, cherry blossom petals were falling and flowing everywhere. Some delicate petals pure white or billowy pink entered through the open window, touching his appealing soft skin. He stopped writing and shifted his gaze towards the flower petals.

Baekhyun with a soft voice: It's spring.

He let out a sigh.

Then noticed some petals on his table.

He touched the petals and thought deeply about something. A deep expression full of sadness had filled his face. Without his permission, his heart was aching. He wanted to shrug off his thoughts but he knew very well that he couldn't. 'YES' he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried.

He touched the petals with so much emotion and remembered something about his past. His eyes had turned moist.

He threw the petals aggressively.

Baekhyun with a frustrated face: This is so annoying! When will all this go away from my memories?

A drop of tears escaped from the corner of his eyes.

Baekhyun: Why can't I forget you? I know this is not right! I know I should let go all of your memories but I can't!!!..... It's so painful....it's so hard. Why did you do this to me? Why am I suffering with this alone?....

In the evening, it was suddenly raining heavily.

Baekhyun was sitting on the window sill, watching the rain.

Sudden lightning strikes caused Baekhyun flinch, he closed his eyes and remembered a past memory.

Two people, sitting on a wooden bench next to a lake with lotuses and lilies.

Baekhyun: Look at the flowers! Can you get me a pink lotus?

His boyfriend: Baekie! How am I supposed to get that? It's almost near the center. Not sure I can reach it!

Baekhyun with a teasing tone: You know lotus means purity. Don't you think our love is pure? If you do, then get it for me!

His bf: No but I'm gonna get wet!

Baekhyun was busy with his phone.

After a minute he suddenly saw his boyfriend getting into the water with his pants lifted up.

Baekhyun ran to him.

Baekhyun: Hey I was joking! Hey! What are you doing?? Come back!

His boyfriend: No! You want it, so I'll get it for you!

Baekhyun: You know there can be snakes right?

His boyfriend with a chuckle: If I get killed getting a flower for my boyfriend, I'll be part of the history of purely loving boyfriends! Everyone will say I'm the best boyfriend.

He quickly picked a lotus and jumped out of the water. He gave the lotus to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun: You don't need others to tell you that. You're already the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, trust me. Your pants are little bit wet.

His bf: No problem, I am fine. Thank God the water isn't deep here.

They sat back on the bench. They were chatting when felt raindrops on their hair and skin. It was raining. It was raining yet it was lovely.

Baekhyun: It's raining! We don't have shelter around here or an umbrella..

His boyfriend grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.

His bf: Let's go home.

Baekhyun: But it's far.

They both ran together under the rain.

After some time, his boyfriend noticed Baekhyun was cold and shivering.

His bf: Take my pullover!

Baekhyun put his pullover on.

His bf: My pullover is so big and you're so petite! You look even more cute!

Baekhyun with a pout: So am I not always cute?

His boyfriend gave him a side hug.

His boyfriend: You're always cute! My little puppy.

They continued walking when a sudden thunder strike was heard.

Baekhyun quickly grabbed his boyfriend's hand out of fear.

His boyfriend: Are you scared? Don't worry! I'm with you.

Suddenly another lightening stroke when Baekhyun flinched from the knocking of his door.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and quickly stood up from the window sill

Baekhyun: Who came this time?

He went to see and  looked at the peephole.

He was shocked to see the person. He immediately put the diary on his table away in the closet and opened the door.

Baekhyun: Chanyeol-ah?! At this time?? It's raining a lot outside. Why are you here?!

Chanyeol: I missed you so much Baek! Are you not going to invite me or am I just going stay outside?

Baekhyun: Sure, come in.

Baekhyun was still staring at him with a surprised expression.

Chanyeol: Don't be so surprised! I was around here and I thought of you. I was missing you a lot so I thought of spending time with you. I brought ramen and beer! It's almost dinner time so-

Baekhyun: You sit here while I make the ramen.

Baekhyun was boiling water on the stove while Chanyeol was admiring Baekhyun's beauty.

All of sudden Chanyeol got up and gave Baekhyun a back hug.

Baekhyun froze at his spot. It was somehow unexpected.

Baekhyun: Chanyeol-

Chanyeol: Shh..did you not miss me?

Baekhyun: I- I'm cooking! Please sit there or you can get hurt.

Chanyeol's heart was a bit broken but he put on a smile.

Chanyeol:I will be alright. You do what you want, I'll do my job.

Chanyeol kept hugging Baekhyun. He lowered his head to nuzzle on Baekhyun's neck. Baekhyun could feel his breath, his skin.

Baekhyun's mind was telling him, this touch isn't what he wanted. He was the missing the touch from someone else.

Chanyeol was so close to him, he could smell the scent of his strong perfume. It's was definitely expensive and had a beautiful scent, but what Baekhyun missed was someone else's scent. That scent was the most addictive.

That moment, Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a kiss on the neck and Baekhyun instantly pushed Chanyeol lightly.

Chanyeol: I'm sorry Baek, I made you feel uncomfortable-

Baekhyun: Dinner is ready. Let's eat the ramen quickly before it's soggy.

They both sat down at the dinner table.

Chanyeol took out the beer bottle and poured some for Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was about to take a sip when Chanyeol joyfully shouted..

Chanyeol: Cheers!

Baekhyun: Cheers!

They clinked their glasses and Chanyeol took a sip with a slurp of his ramen.

Chanyeol: Ramen and Beer! Perfect for a rainy day!

One very rainy evening, Baekhyun suddenly woke up from his sleep as he heard the sound of the TV but there was no one visible to the eye. He was looking for his boyfriend but he couldn't find him anywhere. He looked out the window, searching.

Baekhyun: Where did he go during such heavy rain?

He heard the sound of the keys colliding and turning. Once the door opened, he saw his boyfriend with wet hair and clothes. He was carrying a bag.

Baekhyun: Where did you go?

His bf: Just to get something to eat. Come quickly, we're going to eat!

Baekhyun quickly brought a towel and a change of clothes of him.

Baekhyun while drying his boyfriend's hair: Here's your change of clothes.

Baekhyun looked from the corner of his eyes to see what his boyfriend brought from his bag.

Baekhyun: YAH!!! You went out into the rain for Bubble tea?!! Why do have to have it everyday?!!

His boyfriend: You know I love it.

Baekhyun: It's unhealthy to have it so often!!

His bf: Baekie you know it's my favorite! It's like my oxygen!

Baekhyun: Bubble tea or me?

His bf: Of course bubble te-

Baekhyun with a glare: What did you say?

His boyfriend pulled him and sat Baekhyun down on his lap.

His bf with a chuckle: I like my puppy way more! What I like even more is watching a movie with you while having bubble tea!

Baekhyun: Still bubble tea?!

Baekhyun bit his boyfriend's shoulder.

His bf: Let's go puppy. Let's watch a movie. I brought something for you!

His boyfriend took out a bottle of soju.

His bf: Tada! I even brought fried chicken!

Baekhyun: You didn't bring beer? Isn't it your favorite with chicken?

His bf: Yeah but you like soju more. Plus I have my bubble tea!

They both started watching a movie.

Chanyeol: Why aren't you eating?

Baekhyun suddenly realised that all he was doing was going through his past memories. He wasn't eating at all.

Baekhyun: I'm gonna eat..

Baekhyun held the chopsticks near his mouth when Chanyeol grabbed his hand.

Chanyeol: Baek, you were thinking about the past right? You still think of him? That was 5 years ago. Why don't you let go of all those hurtful memories?

Baekhyun: I tried, believe me I really did, but I just can't let go.

Chanyeol: You know what he's like, you know what he did to you. You should move on, you know I'm always with you.

Baekhyun: Chanyeol-ah, I guess it's not right for you to stay with me. You'll never be happy with me. I'm asking you once again, let's break up. I'll manage my family. You know, you are perfect. Anyone would like you. You deserve someone far better than me.

Chanyeol: Really? Anyone? Then why not you? I've tried for 5 years to earn your love. Was it all in vain? Why is it always him, not me?

Baekhyun didn't know what to answer with. Why not him?

Chanyeol: What was so special about him that you still love that cheater so much? What did he do to you? What did he call you by? How did he make you feel like this? Tell me all about it.I'll do the same to you. Tell me...Is he way more handsome than me?

Baekhyun: Stop Chanyeol!

Baekhyun could see a frustrated expression on Chanyeol's face.

Baekhyun: I told you to find someone better. You don't have to confirm for me. I'm just a pathetic person stuck with the past.

Chanyeol sat closer to Baekhyun.

Chanyeol: I'm sorry I got frustrated. You understand that I feel jealous due to how much you care for that cheater. But I said this once, and I'll say it again, I'm not breaking up with you. I thought love at first sight was stupid until I met you. I really love you Baekhyun. When I saw you since uni, I fell in love. My reason for going to uni was you. I was always staring at you, sitting alone, not talking to anyone, I wanted to tell you how much I loved you..But I didn't know what had happened to you within the past few days. My family had said that they select the perfect partner for me. At first I was upset, I would've rejected you, until I found out it was you. I couldn't describe in words how happy I was when I found out it was you. My heart pounded like crazy when you first said hello to me. When we went on a date because of my family, I was on cloud nine, the joy I felt was indescribable. But after I heard your story and everything that happened, my heart shattered.

Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun chugging the entire glass of beer.

Chanyeol: You already know that I was in a relationship during high school, but we realized we weren't perfect for each other so we broke up. Thankfully I was able to move on and meet you. I thought it would be the same for you if I tried hard enough. But I'm sorry I assumed.

Baekhyun looked at him with a gloomy expression. Chanyeol cupped Baekhyun's face lovingly.

Chanyeol: Baek, why him? Why did I not meet you earlier? Why did he come in between us? Please forget that cheater. Whenever you think of that bastard, imagine my face. I am the only one for you not him.

Chanyeol moved his hands away.

Baekhyun leaned back and looked up at the ceiling.

Chanyeol: I don't like talking at him and I know how you feel about him too, but I was wondering..What's that fucking asshole's name? If I ever met him, I don't know what I would to him for giving my Baek so much pain.

Baekhyun filled his glass with beer and took another sip.

Baekhyun: Right. I didn't tell you his name. I always referred to him as 'my ex'. I wish I would never see him face to face.

But after saying that, he felt an ache in his heart. He knew he was lying to himself. His brain was telling him he didn't want to see him but his heart just wanted to see his ex just one more time. To understand why he cheated on him, his explanation, by why anymore? But still, he was compressing this feeling.

Baekhyun noticed Chanyeol looking at him with a questioning expression.

Baekhyun: Oh yeah ...his name is-

The sudden sound of Chanyeol's phone ring caught their attention. Chanyeol's mother had asked him where he was and when he would arrive home as he had business home.

Chanyeol: I have to go home quickly. Got some things to do. We will talk about this next time See you soon Baek.

Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a peck on the forehead and left.

After Chanyeol left, Baekhyun sat back at the window sill, still drinking beer when he realized the bottle is empty.

Baekhyun: Look what I'm doing to change myself.

Baekhyun chuckled looking at the bottle of beer.

Baekhyun: I used to dislike beer at one point. I always preferred soju. But now, I'm trying to change myself. I try to do everything that's not connected to you, yet you're always in my mind.

He took out the diary from his closet and sat back at the window sill.

There were pictures in the diary. He picked up a picture of him and his ex.

Baekhyun with a heavy heart: I hate you, but... I miss you so much

...Oh Sehun......

So this was the first chapter, hope you guys liked it! It's going to be really short story and this is my first time writing Sebaek ff.

Bye guys! See you in the next chapter!


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