Someone To Love

Someone To Love

Chapter 1

Jheong-bin was stop in a convenience store to buy some groceries and things that he needed. When he's done buying everything that he needs he go straight back home.

He was walking in a street when he suddenly saw a poster, posted in the cafe. He stopped for awhile to read it, the poster show his interest and it is a good opportunity to him because he was finding a new job and now the job that he was searching for a month is now facing right in his face."Should I try!" Asking his self.

When he arrived home, he saw his stepmother playing cards with her friends.

Yeom thought(here we go again) "Auntie, here's what you asked me to buy" yeom said, handing over the package he bought. "Yeom, did you buy me beer?" she asked him. "I forgot to buy beer" Yeom replied to his stepmother, who was busy playing cards. "You slut,why did you forgot to buy my beer?(sign)"ah lets just forget about it and by the way, yeom, our neighbor came by asking for the debt; I told him you'll be the one to pay". Yeom just sighed at what his stepmother said.

Yeom went to his room to avoid the noise downstairs. He took the paper with the number of Elgregov IT Company written on the poster he saw. He called the company's number, but there was no answer. He tried calling again and again hoping someone answers the phone, but still, no answer.

He lay on the bed and started to think. He didn't know how he would pay off his family's debts that were passed on to him. He remembered his father who hadn't come home for days because of work and his stepmother who did nothing but spend and borrow money from everywhere. He didn't know when his streak of bad luck would end, or if it would last a lifetime,after sometime, Yeom lost in thought thinking what would be the consequences if his not gonna pay the dept,thinking and thinking not knowing he fell asleep.

The next day, Yeom woke up startled by what he saw on his cellphone. A MESSAGE CAME FROM THE ELGREGOV IT CORPORATION."

When Yeom read the message from Elgregov IT Corporation, he felt like jumping of joy when he saw the received message.

"This is ELGREGOV IT CORPORATION wanting to inform you that if you are interested in the job you want to apply for, we just have some questions to ask you."

Elgregov IT Company

He didn't expect that the company's questions would be so simple, and with or without doubt, he was accepted for the job as the CEO's Assistant. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to work for such a prestigious company here in Korea.

According to his coworkers at his previous job, the owner of Elgregov IT Corporation is a Korean half-Italian, which is why their company name is Elgregov. They also said the CEO is very handsome but stern and cold, which is why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

The next day, Yeom woke up early because his new job starts early. He cooked breakfast for himself and also for his stepmother,cause if he doesn't his stepmother might kill him, and then he ate and showered. After that, he left for work.

He walked to the train station. He encountered an old lady struggling to cross the street, so he helped her. "Oh Ma'am, you seem to be having trouble, let me help you," Yeom said as he assisted the old lady, who was walking very slowly, so he waited a few minutes for her to cross the street.

"Thank you, young man, for your help, you even went out of your way," the old lady expressed her gratitude. He rushed to the train station, and in his haste, he accidentally bumped into a woman holding coffee, and the coffee spilled all over his white t-shirt. "Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to-" the woman said as she handed him a tissue. "No, I should be the one apologizing," he replied, noticing the time, realizing he was about to be late for work. He stood up and started wiping his t-shirt.

-Time Skip-

He reached his destination and proceeded to the CEO's office to meet him.

Yeom gave a warning knock on the CEO's door, and he responded, "The door is open, you can come inside."

What's going to happend on Yeom with his cold CEO boss

Find it out babushy!




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