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Someone To Love

Chapter 1

Jheong-bin was stop in a convenience store to buy some groceries and things that he needed. When he's done buying everything that he needs he go straight back home.

He was walking in a street when he suddenly saw a poster, posted in the cafe. He stopped for awhile to read it, the poster show his interest and it is a good opportunity to him because he was finding a new job and now the job that he was searching for a month is now facing right in his face."Should I try!" Asking his self.

When he arrived home, he saw his stepmother playing cards with her friends.

Yeom thought(here we go again) "Auntie, here's what you asked me to buy" yeom said, handing over the package he bought. "Yeom, did you buy me beer?" she asked him. "I forgot to buy beer" Yeom replied to his stepmother, who was busy playing cards. "You slut,why did you forgot to buy my beer?(sign)"ah lets just forget about it and by the way, yeom, our neighbor came by asking for the debt; I told him you'll be the one to pay". Yeom just sighed at what his stepmother said.

Yeom went to his room to avoid the noise downstairs. He took the paper with the number of Elgregov IT Company written on the poster he saw. He called the company's number, but there was no answer. He tried calling again and again hoping someone answers the phone, but still, no answer.

He lay on the bed and started to think. He didn't know how he would pay off his family's debts that were passed on to him. He remembered his father who hadn't come home for days because of work and his stepmother who did nothing but spend and borrow money from everywhere. He didn't know when his streak of bad luck would end, or if it would last a lifetime,after sometime, Yeom lost in thought thinking what would be the consequences if his not gonna pay the dept,thinking and thinking not knowing he fell asleep.

The next day, Yeom woke up startled by what he saw on his cellphone. A MESSAGE CAME FROM THE ELGREGOV IT CORPORATION."

When Yeom read the message from Elgregov IT Corporation, he felt like jumping of joy when he saw the received message.

"This is ELGREGOV IT CORPORATION wanting to inform you that if you are interested in the job you want to apply for, we just have some questions to ask you."

Elgregov IT Company

He didn't expect that the company's questions would be so simple, and with or without doubt, he was accepted for the job as the CEO's Assistant. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to work for such a prestigious company here in Korea.

According to his coworkers at his previous job, the owner of Elgregov IT Corporation is a Korean half-Italian, which is why their company name is Elgregov. They also said the CEO is very handsome but stern and cold, which is why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

The next day, Yeom woke up early because his new job starts early. He cooked breakfast for himself and also for his stepmother,cause if he doesn't his stepmother might kill him, and then he ate and showered. After that, he left for work.

He walked to the train station. He encountered an old lady struggling to cross the street, so he helped her. "Oh Ma'am, you seem to be having trouble, let me help you," Yeom said as he assisted the old lady, who was walking very slowly, so he waited a few minutes for her to cross the street.

"Thank you, young man, for your help, you even went out of your way," the old lady expressed her gratitude. He rushed to the train station, and in his haste, he accidentally bumped into a woman holding coffee, and the coffee spilled all over his white t-shirt. "Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to-" the woman said as she handed him a tissue. "No, I should be the one apologizing," he replied, noticing the time, realizing he was about to be late for work. He stood up and started wiping his t-shirt.

-Time Skip-

He reached his destination and proceeded to the CEO's office to meet him.

Yeom gave a warning knock on the CEO's door, and he responded, "The door is open, you can come inside."

What's going to happend on Yeom with his cold CEO boss

Find it out babushy!


Chapter 2

Yeom gave a warning knock, and the CEO responded, "The door is open, you can come inside." with a cold voice

Yeom entered the CEO's office and saw him sitting at his chair with his serious face. They were right; the CEO of Elgregov IT Corporation was indeed very handsome. His face was beyond words to describe how handsome the man sitting before him was. His eyes seemed like they hadn't slept for days, yet they still looked beautiful, and his long nose and thick eyebrows gave strength to whoever looked at him. His soft, red lips moved slowly as he said, "WHO ARE YOU?"

"Ummm...I'm Park Jheong-bin, I was hired by Elgregov IT Company as the Assistant to the CEO of the company," Yeom answered while the CEO continued to stare at him. " you are my new secretary," he said to him. "Yes Sir, I'm your new secretary," Yeom replied.

"Then why do you not look presentable as a secretary? Are you really my new secretary?...Look at what's on your shirt? A dirt!" His new boss said as if he didn't want Yeom to be his secretary just because of the coffee stains on his clothes from earlier. "I'm sorry Sir, but the dirt on my uniform its because of the coffee-" Yeom didn't finish what was saying because the CEO interrupted, "I don't need your explanation. Get out of office and fix yourself, or I will find a new one, of course, much better than you," he ordered him. "Yes Sir, I'll be back later," Yeom said before leaving the CEO's office.

Yeom rushed to the bathroom and started fixing himself. He changed into new clothes and tidied up his messy hair. "That guy is so rude. If I weren't desperately looking for a job to pay off my debts, I would definitely leave this place," Yeom said to himself. Yeom hurriedly fixed himself to return to the office because he knew his new boss don't have patience to wait, and he might lose his job.

Yeom knocked on the door again, but no one answered, so he pushed it and entered. "Ohh, you're back. I thought I'd have a hard time finding a new secretary again," he said to him with a smirk on his face. "I'm really sorry, I won't do it again," Yeom said with a bow of his head. "You better not," he replied, and he stood up from his chair, grabbed a paper from his desk, walked towards Yeom, handed him the paper, and said, "Do your part as a secretary." Yeom took the paper from his hand and walked towards the door. "By the way, what is your name again?" he asked him. "Park Jheong-bin, but you can call me whatever you want, sir," Yeom replied to him. "Ok, Park Jheong-bin, your office is over there," he pointed to a cubicle with only a wooden panel separating it from his private room.

Yeom entered and started organizing the scattered paperwork on the desk. He also arranged his boss's meeting schedule. Yeom worked all day till night and felt a little tired.

Yeom packed up his belongings to leave. He was about to grab his bag when someone knocked on the door and opened it. "Are you done with your work?" his boss asked him. "Yes, sir, I've finished my work, I was about to go home, sir," Yeom replied to his boss, who grabbed the paperwork he had finished earlier. "Ok, you can go home now," he said to him before closing the door.

"Xavier, my son, how is the company? Are there any problems?" Xavier sighed when he found out it was his dad calling. "The company was fine, dad, you don't need to worry about that," Xavier replied on the other line. "I think so too, but if there are any problems in the company, just call me," he said to him before hanging up. "Arrghh...that old man only thinks about his company, he didn't even ask about his own son,I hate it this is so frustrating" Xavier said to himself.

This will be the chapter 2 for someone to love babushy!





Chapter 3

"Good morning to you, Jheong-bin," Yeom's coworker greeted him. "Good morning to you too, Riko," Yeom replied. Yeom walked towards the elevator. "Sigh! He's really handsome, isn't he?" a woman remarked. "Does he have a girlfriend?" another woman asked her friend. "They say the new secretary to Mr. Xavier doesn't have a girlfriend yet," another replied. "Really? I'll ask Mr. Handsome for his phone number later," Riko said to her companions. "Hey! That's not fair, share it with us too," one of them retorted. "I knew you had your eye on Park Jheong-bin!" another friend of Riko's teased. "Hey! Don't be loud, he might hear you," Riko told her friend.

"Alright, enough. Look, here comes Sir Xavier," one of them stopped as they fell silent when their very strict boss approached. "GOOD MORNING SIR!" they greeted simultaneously with a bow to Xavier.

Xavier passed by them without bothering to return their greeting, nor did he look at the employees who greeted him. He passed by as if there were no one in front of him.

Upon opening the door to his office, Xavier saw Yeom standing to the side. "Good morning Sir!" Yeom greeted with a big smile on his lips. "Morning," Xavier greeted back coldly and turned away from him. Xavier sat down and began attending to the pending work of he's. Yeom remained standing in front of him as if waiting for something to be assigned to him.

"Hey, get me some coffee," Xavier ordered his secretary. "Do you want anything else, Sir?" Yeom asked. "Coffee only," he replied. Xavier returned his attention to the papers he was reading. Suddenly, he remembered something he needed to finish before the end of the month, causing him to furrow his brow and rest his chin in his hand.

The opening of the door brought Xavier back to reality. "Here's your coffee, Sir," Yeom said, handing the hot coffee to Xavier. "Don't you have a lot of work to do ?" he asked. "Yes, sir," Yeom replied. "You can leave now and to your pending tasks," Xavier responded.

Yeom turned away and walked towards his office. "I can't stand his strictness and his sharp tongue," Yeom muttered to himself. He sat down at his desk and took out a folder containing the company's expansion plan. He began working on the tasks at hand.

Xavier leaned his head back on the swivel chair's headrest. He let go of the pen he was holding before rubbing his forehead. Xavier's head hurt again because he had a problem. The problem was not about financial issues but about his dad.

Xavier didn't want to see his father's face because he had distanced himself from his dad due to what his parents had done to him. Xavier had forsaken everything just to obey his dad's wishes; he had lost his freedom and had to leave someone behind that is very important in his life just for his parents' desires.

All the employees had gone home, but he was still sitting at his desk. Xavier hadn't realized the time, so he stopped what he was doing, sighed, and stood up. He went to Yeom's office, but Yeom was no longer there; he had left earlier.So he decided to go home.

"Yeom, have you eaten?" Yeom's stepmother asked him. "Not yet, auntie," Yeom replied. "What are you waiting for? Cook for your self and remember I'm not your maid you slut" Yeom's stepmother said. Yeom went to the kitchen and try to find something to eat.

"Oh my! I thought you weren't coming home, darling," Yeom's stepmother said, welcoming his tired father. "I just got home now because there are a lot of problems at the company I work for," Yeom's dad said, looking in Yeom's direction. "Come, I think the two of you are tired, I will cook for a dinner" Yeom's stepmother go and the kitchen and started to cook.

Yeom find a cupnoddles and a chips on a fridge, and he put hot water to the cupnoddles.He didn't even bother to talk or greet his dad because he didn't want to spend time conversing with someone who only thought about himself. "Yeom, you don't want to eat dinner?" his stepmother asked politely(she's just pretending to be a good mother to Yeom when Yeom's father is at home). "No, thank you," Yeom answered shortly. "What a stubborn child" his father said. Yeom bring the cupnoddles and chips and walk away to his room without saying anything.

This will be the chapter 3 for someone to love babushy!





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