BREAKING NEWS: Another child murdered! This has to be one of the youngest ones yet, only six years old. That's all the information we have on this case now. We'll be back after this short break. I'm Rachel mostly, and this is CBH NEWS.

(Another child? You can't be serious.) *BEEEEEP BEEEEP* The cellphone interrupted my thoughts. "Ah! It's Sylus... What does he want?" I sighed. "Hi, Yuki. Um, We need you at the crime scene. Now." He hung up. I didn't even get to say anything, He's so clueless.

I rushed over to the crime scene as fast as I could.

I saw Sylus pondering something by the caution tape. I could only hear him mumbling. He turned around and saw me. " Oh, Yuki, You're here. They want you to investigate inside, in the basement." He pointed inside and went back to mumbling to himself. Is this where the murder took place? I walked down the stairs. This house is old...the floor is so unsteady.

I looked around to see if there was anything that caught my eye. There's a knife on the floor... I picked It up and put it in the evidence bag. That's weird there's no blood on it at all. Did the murderer wipe it clean? But why would they do that? Until I have more evidence I have more evidence I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet. I squat down on the floor. There's a blood mark. Did the police already come down here? I can't remember what Sylus said exactly. I should go ask.

I ran back up the stairs and outside to the front lawn, he was still there mumbling to himself about something.

"Sylus, did you guys already go down there today?" I tapped his shoulder lightly. "Huh? No. Why? Did you find something?" He smiled softly at me. "Yeah, I did. But I don't know whose blood on the floor that is. But I'm thinking it's the victim's or the suspect's." I looked at him as I put my hands in my pockets. "Well it'd be best if you left it there, so we can test it later." He's not happy today, I'm guessing… I walked back downstairs, the stairs were too loud they drowned my thoughts out. "There's not much evidence down here, is there?" I mumbled to myself. I walked around on the hallway in the back. "What's in here?" There was no light in the back hall, so I pulled out my flashlight. "There's blood in here. I'm taking this is where the girl was murdered." I walked inside, there was a foul stench that hit my nose. Not only that, but I knew it...blood. There's blood in here. I don't know why I became a detective if I can't even handle the smell of rotting blood. I walked further into the room. I heard something crunch underneath my shoe. Furthermore, I lifted it up. Why is there...a finger.? I picked it up and put it in the evidence bag, it's small it's the little girl's finger isn't it?

Afraid to venture farther, I heard back upstairs and out the door to talk to Sylus.

"Sylus...I can't look down there anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't feel good." He looked at me and smiled warmly. It felt like the sun was looking at me. "Are you okay? DO you have a fever?" He put his hand to my forehead. His hand is so warm...that he's making me have a fever. "N-No I don't have a fever...I just don't like looking at blood." He looked surprised. "Oh....I see. Maybe I shouldn't have put you down there." He acted like it was his fault, when it wasn't...It's my fault for being like this.



Yajaira Gaona

Yajaira Gaona

I can't focus on anything else until I read the next chapter! Please update!



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