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BREAKING NEWS: Another child murdered! This has to be one of the youngest ones yet, only six years old. That's all the information we have on this case now. We'll be back after this short break. I'm Rachel mostly, and this is CBH NEWS.

(Another child? You can't be serious.) *BEEEEEP BEEEEP* The cellphone interrupted my thoughts. "Ah! It's Sylus... What does he want?" I sighed. "Hi, Yuki. Um, We need you at the crime scene. Now." He hung up. I didn't even get to say anything, He's so clueless.

I rushed over to the crime scene as fast as I could.

I saw Sylus pondering something by the caution tape. I could only hear him mumbling. He turned around and saw me. " Oh, Yuki, You're here. They want you to investigate inside, in the basement." He pointed inside and went back to mumbling to himself. Is this where the murder took place? I walked down the stairs. This house is old...the floor is so unsteady.

I looked around to see if there was anything that caught my eye. There's a knife on the floor... I picked It up and put it in the evidence bag. That's weird there's no blood on it at all. Did the murderer wipe it clean? But why would they do that? Until I have more evidence I have more evidence I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet. I squat down on the floor. There's a blood mark. Did the police already come down here? I can't remember what Sylus said exactly. I should go ask.

I ran back up the stairs and outside to the front lawn, he was still there mumbling to himself about something.

"Sylus, did you guys already go down there today?" I tapped his shoulder lightly. "Huh? No. Why? Did you find something?" He smiled softly at me. "Yeah, I did. But I don't know whose blood on the floor that is. But I'm thinking it's the victim's or the suspect's." I looked at him as I put my hands in my pockets. "Well it'd be best if you left it there, so we can test it later." He's not happy today, I'm guessing… I walked back downstairs, the stairs were too loud they drowned my thoughts out. "There's not much evidence down here, is there?" I mumbled to myself. I walked around on the hallway in the back. "What's in here?" There was no light in the back hall, so I pulled out my flashlight. "There's blood in here. I'm taking this is where the girl was murdered." I walked inside, there was a foul stench that hit my nose. Not only that, but I knew it...blood. There's blood in here. I don't know why I became a detective if I can't even handle the smell of rotting blood. I walked further into the room. I heard something crunch underneath my shoe. Furthermore, I lifted it up. Why is there...a finger.? I picked it up and put it in the evidence bag, it's small it's the little girl's finger isn't it?

Afraid to venture farther, I heard back upstairs and out the door to talk to Sylus.

"Sylus...I can't look down there anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't feel good." He looked at me and smiled warmly. It felt like the sun was looking at me. "Are you okay? DO you have a fever?" He put his hand to my forehead. His hand is so warm...that he's making me have a fever. "N-No I don't have a fever...I just don't like looking at blood." He looked surprised. "Oh....I see. Maybe I shouldn't have put you down there." He acted like it was his fault, when it wasn't...It's my fault for being like this.


I could only hear the rain from outside the window hitting the pavement faster and faster each time. I can't believe....I was so scared. I had that chance to investigate with him and I gave it up just like that... I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep to the sound of rain. "I can't fall asleep. What's wrong with me?" I picked up the remote and turned the TV on.

I scrolled through the channels. Nothing good. I picked a random show. "I guess I'll have to force myself to go to sleep." I sighed.


"A-ah, Sylus! What're you doing?" He was on top of me. "Kissing you goodnight, of course." He pressed his lips against mine. "Mnnn.." He ruffled my hair. His hand is so big... I pushed my face up against his hand. I crawled on top of him. "Sy-Sylus..." I started to kiss him. "Mghhh.."


"Nnnnh?" What a weird dream... "How does someone have that kind of dream.?" I sat up on the couch. "Did I leave the TV on?" It was playing a smutty movie. Is that why I had that dream…? I picked the remote up, and clicked the power button. "What do I do now?" I yawned loudly. I want coffee...I don't have any in the cupboards....I have to go buy some I guess... I got up put on my shoes and walked out the front door.

I walked all the way to the store. "I'm just here to buy coffee." I whispered to myself. I walked inside the store. Where are the coffee grounds..? I walked all over the store until I found the coffee. "Oh..There it is." I grabbed my favorite brand. "Huh? Yuki?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Eh?" I looked behind me. "Sylus?" Why is he here? "You're getting coffee too?" He smiled. "Yeah, I am." I turned back around. He's way too cute!

"Want to have coffee at my house?" Sylus tapped on my shoulder and smiled again. I don't want to turn him down, this could an one time chance!

"Y-Yes I do!" I shouted. "Ok, ok. Here, I'll pay for your coffee grounds." He smiled as he stuck his hand out in front of me, everything in me told me not to grab his hand. "Really? Thanks." I handed him the coffee as we walked to the register. "So...what's the reason you were so scared this morning?" He asked. "Oh...I just have a bad past with blood..That's all. Come on, let's go." I walked ahead of him. "Oh..I see." He ruffled my hair. Wh-What was that for? I ruffled my hair back into form.

"Ok, let's go. I just paid." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car. "Get in." He smiled at me. "O-Ok." I sat in the backseat. "Huh? What are you doing?" He asked me. "Get in the passenger seat." He looked back at me. "O-oh..ok.." I mumbled. I got out and sat in the passenger seat. It was not silent the whole ride, he kept on asking me questions about myself. I barely had any answers.

"We're here." He told me. I opened the car door and jumped out. He opened the front door, and directed me to sit here on the couch, while he took a quick shower.

Wh-What do I do? He's taking a shower? Did he not take one today? I looked around and noticed it was very neat, the next room over to the kitchen was his bedroom. I wanna look.

I walked into the bedroom.'s clean in here. I want to sit on his looks comfy...I wonder what it's like to...WHAT AM I THINKING?! I need to stop.

I sat down just to see. That's his smells like smells good.

I threw myself off the bed. What am I doing. I heard the bathroom door open.

Uh-oh...I hear him coming to this room. Now what do I do? Hide? What if I just try to walk out?

"Huh? Yuki? What are you doing in my room?"


"Huh? Yuki? What are you doing in my room?" He looked confused. H-He has a robe on...I can see his abs...I didn't think he was that well-built! His hair is wet too... What do I do?

"I…was wondering what was in this room…I also dropped something on your…bed!" I looked down trying to create a story in my head. I hurriedly threw a pen out of my pocket swiftly onto the bed. "S-See! I dropped this pen!" I jumped off his bed. "Oh…I see." "Well, you should go make the coffee, while I get dressed." He smirked while putting on a shirt. I walked out of the room. (Why'd he do that in front of me??) I pulled out the coffee grounds and strained them into the coffee pot. (How do I make coffee again…? I usually have other people make it for me.) "What are you doing." Sylus chuckled behind me. "H-Huh? I'm making coffee." (His chin is on my shoulder…) "You're not doing it right. Here let me show you." He grabbed my hand and guided it towards the coffee pot and grabbed a paper and put it in the strainer, and poured water in. "There, that's how you do it." He looked over and smiled at me. "A-Ah….thanks!" (I shouted too loud.) He started to laugh silently. I walked towards the couch and sat down next to each other. "Want to watch a movie." He turned the TV on. (This is a nice apartment…) I started to look around. "Yeah, sure. What movie." I looked at him and the TV at two different times. (Why're we watching Sherlock Holmes.? It's not like I don't like the TV show..just not my type of show)

*BEEP BLEEP* "Oh, the coffee's done." (He looks good in sweatpants…)

"Here." He handed me a cup of coffee. (It feels wrong to ave coffee at 6:00 at night…

"Hey. We got done investigating the scene today. I'll try not to put you in that situation again." He looked sad. "No. I already said it was fine." I looked up and smiled at him. He immediately looked away. (Why did he turn the other way?)

"A-Are you done with your coffee?" He asked as he tried to take my cup. "Yeah, I am. It was perfect, thanks." I handed him the cup. "No problem." (He smiles a lot…I love his smile.)

He sat back down on the couch next to me. (This movie is pretty interesting…) "Do you like this show?" He asked while looking at the TV still. "Yeah, it's interesting." I feel sleepy. I kept nodding off. (Don't fall asleep!) My eyelids feel heavy.


"Nnnnh..?" Where am I...? I sat up. (Did I go home yesterday?) "Is this...Sylus' room?" I looked around this doesn't look like my room. I walked out of the room. There's someone on the couch. I walked over to him. "Sylus…?" I tapped his shoulder hoping he would wake up. "Mm?" He looked up at me. (Bedhead…) "Why am I here? Did I fall asleep last night?" I asked him. "Did I say anything weird? I have a habit of talking in my sleep." He looked at me. Has he been awake this whole time. "No… Not at all." He smiled.

I hope I didn't say anything weird...

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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