He Knows Me Not

He Knows Me Not

A series of Introductions

Sitting quietly, at the ceiling of her bedroom as if giving her a sort of relief ,El-Lynna went over what her father , Mr. Antwi, had said . Apparently, Mr. Antwi had made it clear to her tha he was handing over his business empire to her . “Was he joking or he has lost his mind .’’El-Lynna thought in silence. She switched on her TV set to watch the lastest news . ‘Or maybe Daddy’s was just joking .’ Her mind ripped from her thoughts as she heard the News caster say ‘Spy’ She sat glued to the seat as she read the headline for about the 30th time. She was on the news !But in a blur image of her back. She suddenly broke into a cold sweat. El-Lynna’s hair pin started to ring . She stood up abruptly and made for the balcony to answer her call. She listened in silence as her boss blasted her for the first time. Pete Black, the code name of her boss was a short plump Asian man whose piercing stare could wake you up from sleep. Pete had a red dyed hair which obviously didn’t compliment his features like he was a wannabe BTS guy. Since the day El-Lynna stepped into his office , he loved her like a daughter. He admired the slim, average heighted lady . Skin as silk and simply beautiful although she dressed to impress. Pete said she always reminded him of his late niece, Mabel. “Why weren’t you careful enough, El-Lynna why”he sounded hurt “ What if they had caught you! ‘’ El-Lynna remained silent. “SPEAK!.” With her head bowed , she said “ I went through the root you showed hot on his tail . Finally I reached the street I’d have to cross to his headquarters…… I crossed, suddenly light flashed . I thought it was the the street camera working at night so I turned with my back facing where the flash came from…..I’m so sorry.”

“I , only sent you out yesterday! Agh! I just saw it on the Net …..something that only happened yesterday! This press hmmm!” Pete sighed. “This would never happen again . I’m truly sorry”. “It better not! “ he sighed heavily. Her heart was glad , at least Pete wouldn’t send an assassin after her . She was grateful to God also ,the Life Giver .

‘Sweetly , I’ve been calling for the past ten minutes’ El-Lynna’s mum ,Chiimu -her pet name hissed. Chiimu was a plump, average heighted , and had a cheeky streak . But when she was angry that streak quickly dissolves.

‘Mum I’m sorry I was out here , I might have not heard .”El-Lynna apologized. “Anyways after this your dad might wanna talk with you’’. “What do you think he wants to say?” El-Lynna inquired . “I’m not sure .” Chiimu turned away . “I know you know about it ,you’re his wife and he confides in you”. “Smart bae , we’ll it’s better to find out from him .”Chiimu’s smile disappeared and she left .

El-Lynna followed to shut the door behind her .

“Do you know I’m still on .”Pete’s voice ignited from the hair pin. El-Lynna had totally forgotten about him as her brain wanted so eagerly to find out the father had in stored for her.

“Did u finally get the files.’’Pete questioned El-Lynna’s face broke into a smile wider than her face



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