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He Knows Me Not

A series of Introductions

Sitting quietly, at the ceiling of her bedroom as if giving her a sort of relief ,El-Lynna went over what her father , Mr. Antwi, had said . Apparently, Mr. Antwi had made it clear to her tha he was handing over his business empire to her . “Was he joking or he has lost his mind .’’El-Lynna thought in silence. She switched on her TV set to watch the lastest news . ‘Or maybe Daddy’s was just joking .’ Her mind ripped from her thoughts as she heard the News caster say ‘Spy’ She sat glued to the seat as she read the headline for about the 30th time. She was on the news !But in a blur image of her back. She suddenly broke into a cold sweat. El-Lynna’s hair pin started to ring . She stood up abruptly and made for the balcony to answer her call. She listened in silence as her boss blasted her for the first time. Pete Black, the code name of her boss was a short plump Asian man whose piercing stare could wake you up from sleep. Pete had a red dyed hair which obviously didn’t compliment his features like he was a wannabe BTS guy. Since the day El-Lynna stepped into his office , he loved her like a daughter. He admired the slim, average heighted lady . Skin as silk and simply beautiful although she dressed to impress. Pete said she always reminded him of his late niece, Mabel. “Why weren’t you careful enough, El-Lynna why”he sounded hurt “ What if they had caught you! ‘’ El-Lynna remained silent. “SPEAK!.” With her head bowed , she said “ I went through the root you showed hot on his tail . Finally I reached the street I’d have to cross to his headquarters…… I crossed, suddenly light flashed . I thought it was the the street camera working at night so I turned with my back facing where the flash came from…..I’m so sorry.”

“I , only sent you out yesterday! Agh! I just saw it on the Net …..something that only happened yesterday! This press hmmm!” Pete sighed. “This would never happen again . I’m truly sorry”. “It better not! “ he sighed heavily. Her heart was glad , at least Pete wouldn’t send an assassin after her . She was grateful to God also ,the Life Giver .

‘Sweetly , I’ve been calling for the past ten minutes’ El-Lynna’s mum ,Chiimu -her pet name hissed. Chiimu was a plump, average heighted , and had a cheeky streak . But when she was angry that streak quickly dissolves.

‘Mum I’m sorry I was out here , I might have not heard .”El-Lynna apologized. “Anyways after this your dad might wanna talk with you’’. “What do you think he wants to say?” El-Lynna inquired . “I’m not sure .” Chiimu turned away . “I know you know about it ,you’re his wife and he confides in you”. “Smart bae , we’ll it’s better to find out from him .”Chiimu’s smile disappeared and she left .

El-Lynna followed to shut the door behind her .

“Do you know I’m still on .”Pete’s voice ignited from the hair pin. El-Lynna had totally forgotten about him as her brain wanted so eagerly to find out the father had in stored for her.

“Did u finally get the files.’’Pete questioned El-Lynna’s face broke into a smile wider than her face

Ohio Austin

He remained standing with his hands on the table with a fixed death stare at his father. “Father why are you doing this to me , have I wronged you? Please tell me and let me apologize .” Austin’s eyes were teary .

His father had never seen him emotional to this extend before. Mr Ohio, mayor of Ohio state, had currently told his only son that he had betrothed him from birth .

“What better way to inform me on my birthday, … Mr Ohio…..For all I know you are not my dad.” Mr. Ohio gasped. “Wait , son!.” Austin stormed off to his room.

Mr. Ohio sighed heavily , “ He didn’t even let me finish…… youth .”he shook his old weary head.

Austin threw himself on the bed and buried himself in bedsheets . Austin was a wreck. His phone begun to ring , his teary eyes stared at his caller . He couldn’t ignore this particular caller.

“Happy birthday dear!”the caller cheered.

“Yo El-Lynna,… I’m not sure it’s a happy birthday anymore.”Austin grumbled.

”Awww what’s wrong with Austin now.” El-Lynnasaid in a cheeky baby voice .

”I’m serious .”

“What’s wrong?!”El-Lynna straightened up.

“My f-fa-father has betrothed me.”Austin bursted into fresh tears.

“”WHAT!!”El-Lynna was shocked “Since when do they betrothed men I thought it was only women….Gosh!”

”I don’t even have the slightest clue who the girl might be , bestie !”

“Trust me when I say I know your pain .”

“How bestie how!” Austin stated

“Just two days ago, my mum told me in my room that dad wanted to see me . I smelt something off /not right….”


“Yes fishy. But I went anyway , Dad was sitting on his ‘Kingly’ chair . Then he told me to have a seat…….”

“Then what happened?” Austin asked excitedly

“Would you stop interrupting you ? Weren’t you cry alright?”

” Sorry” Austin kept quiet.

“He actually told me in my face that I had being betrothed and I would meet him at the appropriate time.”she said “ My legs felt numb at that moment, it was like I couldn’t breath… sense of sight , my breathing seemed to stop for moment……”


Chiimu said “Dad said he wants to see you.” …….

El-Lynna run down the staircase .She didn’t want to keep he wait she knew how he was like when you delayed him.

“Dad you requested to see me.” She knocked on the door.

“Have a seat,” he smiled warmly following it was a cold death stare.

El-Lynna knew something was wrong .


”I run outside upon hearing that staining for air , I didn’t know what had come over me . I just running and running as if an invisible hunter was hot on my tail.” She paused for effect “ I heard vast noises of shouts and commotion, of course commotion I caused . The gardener , chef ,drivers , maids and workers started to chase after me, coxing me to come back . Never wanted to see my dad or anyone else again.”

Austin sighed heavily, “My coronation would be held three days from today I want you to be there….by my side.”

“I will.” El-Lynna ended the call.

A spy me

El-Lynna , also know as the Black shadow , raced through the top of the buildings . Her features stood out brightly. Even though her makeup was intense.

“No one knows who I truly am .” She thought deeply “Even I don’t know myself “ She giggled under the mask.

She run and leapt some more . Soon she saw someon hot on her tail, upon recognition she sped up.

“ Hey wait up . “ the fellow spy called out “ Aren’t we going to the same place ?”

El-Lynna was gone.

“That bitch” he groaned.

El-Lynna reached the pub . The bartender smiled.

She sneaked past the customers to prevent attention and quickly entered the store room .

“I would never expose my secret lol ! .” She recited the pass code to the refrigerator.

* Nothing happened *

”Damn it …is this thing broken again?”

“Sheshhhh…RRkkrrrooooorrr” the tiny fridge roared quietly and slid away, exposing a bright door , a bright future , or so she thought a few years back .


El-Lynna stepped in and the door shut behind her.

“El-Lynna wait up “ a male voice resounded from behind her . El-Lynna shot him a quick glance ,it was the spy from the rooftop.

“Daniel what’s up!”

“Don’t try what’s up-ing me….after literally running away from me.”He exclaimed.

El-Lynna sighed and smirked saying

“Want me to treat you for that….I understand it was my bad!”

” No!! I’m done with your treats and giftings and persuasions….what do you think I’m …a glutton?!”

\*Mean while \*

”Look I brought the briefcase! All you need is in it!”

In a harshed voice came a reply “It better be so ….or else……” smirked the short grey haired mafia boss.

“Dark Spade I’m glad you are the next in line for this throne of ours” laughed the mafia boss.

He took the briefcase with all exuberance…..



Sweat started to pour down Dark Spade’s face.

” Do you want to fool me !!!!!!” roared the mafia boss.

“No master! “ Dark Spade bowed whilst asking God what could have happened!

” Master, it was a spy who this this!” He remembered

“ You fool!! You let some meddle with us—“ the mafia boss collapsed back onto his ‘throne’. ” You would bring the files back a fortnight today —since I hear you are getting betrothed.Ah!— If not I would have to replace you.Meet me after here!”

Dark Spade gulped.

His boss , Blood Shot, was like a father to him . Blood Shot let Dark Spade have a life of his own which he had always wanted.

The mafia boss even went to the extent of revealing his identity to young Dark Spade.

Blood Shot was the leader of the most feared undercover spy agency, The Terrorists .

It composed of spies carefully selected from around the globe with their identities remaining a secret. Trained by experienced hardcore spies , skillful detectives and international boxers—undercover.

The Terrorists have been like family to family to Dark Spade….he didn’t want to die.

The meeting was over.

He found himself in front of his boss’ shabby office’s door . Upon knocking, he heard from within asking him to come in.

Dark Spade removed his mask and his boss did same .

” Austin….Why” Blood Shot glared.

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