Episode 2

After being locked up, Valentina remains calm, seeing that they only feed her bread and a glass of water is not the end of the world. For the moment, she has dedicated herself to assimilating a little more the new life that she now has, her destiny in dying because of her sister and her fiance, but she will make sure that destiny never comes, after all, she is not interested in fighting for that useless man, he really is not worth it.

What interests her now is to improve her quality of life, she must strengthen her body and improve her skills, if she intends to survive that world, she must be strong. A maid enters the room, she was the one who attacked her days before and seeing Valentina standing by the window, she throws a piece of stale bread on the floor.

"There's your food, rat. The queen is thinking how to get rid of you, so enjoy your last meals." she shows a mocking smile.

Apparently the maids like to mistreat those who are more miserable than themselves. Valentina takes a couple of steps until she reaches the maid.

"Don't come near me, you filthy animal, you're going to give me your plague."

The maid tries to push Valentina, but she sees how she backs up a little and waves her hand, immediately blood begins to spurt from the maid's neck and Valentina screams. Other maids enter, seeing their companion fall to the ground bleeding from the neck and when they look at Valentina, she is in a corner watching everything with a frightened expression, hugging her knees.

"What happened here? Hey, you, what did you do to her?" yells the maid.

Valentina doesn't answer and just keeps looking scared.

"We have to tell the guards, I think she's dead." says the other maid.

Both look at Valentina, but she just looks scared and trembling with fear.

"What happened? You saw it, you talk wretch..." another maid yells at her.

"Hey, watch how you talk, besides look at her, she's scared." her companion scolds her.

"I'm just saying what it is, the king and queen don't even want her. I'll get the guards."

That maid leaves the room, while the one who stays, approaches Valentina and crouches down to her height.

"Are you okay? That woman." she points to the dead woman. "Did she hurt you? Did you see what happened to her?" she asks in a gentle voice.

"Sh-she... wanted to hit me... I ran and she fell on that..." she points to a shard of glass covered in blood. "I took it off her and the blood wouldn't stop coming out."

Valentina hid her face and the maid could hear her sobs, the young woman looks at the poor girl crying, it was so unfortunate that the king and queen have her in such a state and that they let the servants mistreat her, even if they have found their real daughter, at least they should give that girl the same affection and not leave her alone just because the real princess appeared.

Later the queen was informed of the incident, that maid testified what Valentina told her and offered to be the one to attend to Valentina to avoid such incidents. The queen allows this and goes on with her business in her office, but the crown prince was present, as he has recently returned from a study trip and watches as his mother downplays what happened.

"Aren't you going to see Valentina? She must be traumatized by what happened, Mother, even if she doesn't carry our blood, you adopted her, she is your daughter."

"Silence Omar, she is fine, besides I have to finish this because I have to attend a tea party with Frida, my daughter." mentions the queen smiling.

"Valentina is also your daughter, from the moment you adopted her, I don't understand why you do this, Valentina deserves better treatment." Omar looked annoyed.

The queen slams both hands on the desk.

"My daughter is Frida, Valentina was just her replacement and if it weren't for the family's reputation, she would already be back in the orphanage." She yells.

Omar is disappointed by his mother's words, he doesn't understand how she is capable of leaving Valentina in oblivion and focusing only on Frida, who also seems to be quite spoiled, seeking everyone's attention. Omar leaves that office and goes in search of Valentina, but upon entering the room that was supposed to be the girl's, there were only a lot of mannequins with luxurious dresses.

"Oh, Your Highness, this is Her Highness Princess Frida's dress collection." mentions a maid.

"What? Then where is Princess Valentina? This was her room." he asks annoyed.

"The queen ordered her to be moved to another room as punishment for tearing Princess Frida's favorite dress." the maid replies nervously. "That girl is in the south wing."

"What? That area is only for storage..." he can't believe his mother would do such a thing. "Have a room prepared in my palace, and it's not"that girl", it's Her Highness to you, do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." The maid curtsies and runs to comply with the order.

Omar, meanwhile, goes to the south wing of the palace. It was inhumane what his mother was doing and just for tearing a dress, Valentina would not do that, did she even investigate before punishing her?

Upon reaching the site, he asks for the room and when he is in front of it, he first knocks and receives permission to enter. Upon entering, he sees Valentina sitting near the window in an old chair and also her clothes were so old-fashioned, they looked like commoner's clothes. When Valentina saw him, she knew immediately who it was because of his appearance, so she stands up and curtsies.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness, the Crown Prince."

"That's not necessary, I know what happened, how are you? You have witnessed something horrible." he asks worriedly.

Valentina shows an expression of confusion, of course, she didn't understand why Prince Omar was being kind, since in the story, he also walked away from her to always be aware of Frida.

"If I don't do it right, the queen gets angry with me." she looks down.

"As long as Mother doesn't see, it's not necessary, tell me, are you okay? Did that maid hurt you?"

"Not today... I managed to escape... but if I hadn't, she would be fine, right? Are they going to execute me? They say I killed her..." Valentina hugs herself, trembling.

"No one is going to hurt you, it was an accident, look, you're coming with me, this is no place for you." he offers his hand.

"N-no, if I come out the queen will be angry, I'm being punished, I can't come out and I must only eat bread and water..." she takes a few steps back.

"Don't worry, Mother won't do anything to you, you will be under my care..."

Omar keeps his hand outstretched, while Valentina watches, she doesn't understand what is happening, but if the prince really wants to help her, perhaps she should take advantage of that help, so she gets what she needs to get rid of the king and queen, their daughter and that young duke, although they did nothing to her, they are all trash and it wouldn't be bad for her to get rid of them, that way she has a little fun.

Omar gave her a room on the ground floor and that maid who was kind, is now her personal maid, the young woman's name is Lauren, she is kind and makes sure she is served her food, prepares her bath and Omar also ordered her to bring new dresses. When the queen learned that Omar would have her in his palace, she became angry and complained to the king, because the prince was overstepping his authority, removing Valentina's punishment, punishment given because of her bad behavior, but Omar knew how to convince his father to leave Valentina in his care, since he would be in charge of providing her with the best teachers so that her education would improve. So now Valentina has to have different classes during the day and in the afternoon, she can have her rest, although among all the teachers, none teaches magic.

"Magic? I didn't think you were interested in learning it, nor have we checked if you possess magic."

"So, is it possible that I don't have magic because I'm a commoner?" she asks sadly.

"What? Who said that? Possessing magic has nothing to do with status." he checks some papers. "I think I can bring a wizard and we'll see if you possess magic, do you think so?"

"Really? Yes, I want to know if I have magic, thank you, Your Highness." she curtsies.

Omar smiles seeing Valentina happy. Although he still can't believe that his parents are pushing her aside, even Frida doesn't approach her and a couple of days ago she scolded him for having Valentina in his palace and asked to move too, but Omar didn't give in, so Frida got angry and hasn't gone looking for him. It seems that the queen spoils her too much and is making her a spoiled and capricious girl.



This story is part of the saga of, The Villain and The Emperor. This being the

Maximilian, is the son of Regis and Maxime, which is mentioned at the end of The Villain and The Wolf.

The order is this;

1\- The Villain and The Emperor.

2\- The Villain and The Prince.

3\- The Witch and The Wolf.

4 \- (this novel) The Villain and The Demon Princess.





It’s an interesting book so far but I’m trying to find a book I like cuz it’s hard for me to find a book I like



Anya❤️ anime

Anya❤️ anime

Do we have to read in this given sequence authy 🤔








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