Blessed By An Evil Deity (WN-)

Blessed By An Evil Deity (WN-)


  Without any sleep or rest and stress with the labour of the spaceship construction.

    It finally paid off as it was completed for a month and a half.

    Ces did the final inspection to the ship and around it.

  “Good job, it's now usable I have to say unlike the prototype we had 20 days ago”

    I had to agree with Ces' judgement regarding the prototype.

    It began with a few steel boats attached with a turbine that uses dark matter as fuel. The boat only served as a prototype for the spaceship's energy source, yet the process seemed more like a hurdle than an accomplishment.

    Every time we tried to use it, the steel boat would explode out of durability.

    Of course I was the one testing it in a large field I made under the mansion where I found a cavern perfect for the testing and construction.

    Nobody noticed that a large cavern was destroyed upon the making of the underground field and I was lucky enough to find a way to convince the queen of the Elven kingdom who was generous enough to fund my project to wander around aimlessly finding Claire's reincarnation around the universe.

    Even though I could've just made myself a steel boat using   ‘Magic manipulation’

    It would've been more hassle if I tried creating it without any kind of training

   On that note,I decided to go back to the mansion to check some things.

   I had no intention to walk. I instinctively used ‘Teleport’ to gain instant access to the mansion which saved me the trouble of physical exertion

   The Demons and Angels that I took in as subordinates were doing well at being maids and butlers.

   I didn't force them to do it but they insisted on helping me with the house chores even though Lia could do it herself.

   One of them being a former demon lord and a rival of mine.

   An angel who was dressed as a maid rushed towards me and hugged me like a child.

   Her appearance was deceptively simple, with a delicate frame and light blue hair flowing like silk in the soft breeze. Her sapphire eyes shone brightly, as vivid and radiant as the brightest stars in the night sky. She carried herself with a gentle and ethereal grace, her movements like the gentle caress of the wind and If I remember correctly her name was ‘Ariel’

   “Master,you finally came back after a month of being missing”

   “I wasn't missing,I was working”

   “Working with what?”

   “A secret project”

  The other angels and demons approached me as well,bowing their heads to me as I was headed inside the mansion.

  The mansion was sparkling clean if I haven't noticed that they put illusion magic to make it look like they actually cleaned the whole mansion.

  “And whose decision was it to put Illusion magic here?”

  The 12 angels and demons went into silence as I put on an intimidating aura around to reveal what's under the illusion.The mansion was in ruins when I removed the illusion.

  The angels and demons remained silent and pointed at a single demon who was standing in the corner that had long jet-black coloured hair and dressed as a butler.

  “Was it you? Memphis?”

  “S-sir,let me explain”

  The demon was shaking from my piercing gaze as he started explaining what happened to the mansion while I was away.

   “There was a little fight between Uriel and Doreus resulting into this…”

  “Little fight!? Did it have to be inside the mansion? Can't it be outside?!”

  “We tried to stop them but they just wouldn't listen” An angel chimed in.

   My gaze shifted to the two who caused this as I was furious and angry about the situation.

   Uriel came to me voluntarily while Doreus tried to sneak away by trying to use teleport. He couldn't teleport as I cast an anti-magic barrier around the mansion when I came back as a precaution.

  They couldn't do anything but confess everything that happened. I scolded them and told them a few rules for this to not happen again in the future.

  “This will be a top priority rule. There won't be anyone fighting without my permission,”

   With my scolding done.I told them to go outside.

   I started to reconstruct the mansion with my ‘Recreation’ that made me recreate anything that I have seen before,even the skills and abilities that were hard to learn.

   A Lot of debris was flying from place to place as the walls and ceiling started to build itself as if it was a brand new mansion.

   Alicia who walked from the academy to the mansion was surprised as she saw something that isn't normal even with magic. She ran towards the front gate and held onto it as there was a lot of sand and stone flying.

  “Isn't this too absurd!”She shouted as she was trying to hold on to the gate while trying not to fly off because of the wind that was making the ruins of the mansion rebuild itself.

  “Oh miss Alicia, you're back from the academy?” Said Ariel as she held her hair through the intense wind.

  Finally the reconstruction was complete and it was time to announce the finished spaceship that I built underground (Of course with the guidance of Ces).  I gathered them all into the garden with a menacing aura  forcing them to go there.

  “Sorry if I interrupted you all but I have something to announce. I will be taking you all to a space trip!”

  The announcement froze them into places,the only one who didn't react so much was Uriel and Lilith who were already anticipating this since when I started building the spaceship .

  “Are you kidding me?!?!?!”

  “Master, even jokes have limits”

      I thought that they would be surprised but not this surprised.

  I only smiled and went to the stairs leading to the underground.I gestured to them to follow me and they went on without any complaint. I wonder if they actually are that surprised that they don't even believe me.

     The stairs led to an underground laboratory where the spaceship was located. The spaceship was shining brightly with the energy of dark matter and the body was made up of indestructible steel coated with dark matter. The spaceship was quite big with several decks inside the starship. Each deck was fitted with everything needed to travel to space.

  “This is the spaceship that I have built for us. It is ready for take-off and I expect all of you to board within 15 minutes.”

  "How about Lia and Alicia? are we going to leave them ,my liege? "  Lilith asked with a concerned look

I smiled and replied  swiftly "No, we're not risking them and who's going to look after the mansion if we took them,we aren't going to play”

  They seemed relieved to hear that Lia and Alicia would stay back to look after the mansion. Lilith then gave me a cheeky grin with an intrigued and excited look in her eyes.

  "Master, you did a great job with the spaceship. But I'm curious, where are we heading to?”

  "We'll probably wander around galaxies and universes to find someone”

  The answer did not satisfy their curiosity and the two looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

  "Wander around galaxies? Why would we do that? Shouldn't we have an objective or a destination in mind before venturing into space?"

  Both demons seemed to doubt my intentions but I assured them that we weren't going on a pointless journey.

  "We will have a destination and an objective in mind when we set foot into space. For now, the only thing we are certain about is how long it will take us  to get there.”

  Lilith was clearly unimpressed by my explanation as she gave me a sharp and suspicious look. However, I didn't let her skepticism deter me from moving forward with the discussion.

  "To be entirely honest with you, we are headed towards unknown space and will only begin our exploration of that unknown space upon arriving. I've made preparations for our journey while we are in space and will reveal it to you all once we have boarded the spaceship.”

  It was then that the Angels and Demons began boarding the spaceship. The two demons boarded the spaceship with the air of intrigue and excitement radiating from them.

  The angels and demons boarded the spaceship one by one, each of them exuding a unique blend of curiosity and excitement.

   Lilith and Uriel stood out among the crowd as they were clearly the most eager and enthusiastic of the bunch. But the rest of the angels and demons also appeared intrigued and curious about their imminent journey into unknown spaces and galaxies.

  As the demon and angel boarded.I decided to make a headcount just to make sure that everyone is accounted for and no one to be left behind.

  “Say present if you're here”

I was like a teacher checking the attendance of their students.

  The Angels and Demons all responded "Present" as they boarded the spaceship, giving me a headcount for the number of their members. It was a rather amusing sight to see them all like students responding to their teacher.

  "Well done. We've confirmed that every single member is onboard and ready to depart.”

  With the headcount completed, I gave the order to Ces to start the engine of the spaceship and prepare for takeoff. As the engine of the spaceship roared to life, a sense of anticipation and nervousness began to spread among the Angels and Demons.

  Some of them remained calm and collected, whereas others seemed anxious and tense.

  ⟨⟨Preparing for take off⟩⟩

⟨⟨Opening dimensional gate,Success⟩⟩

  A big round circle of what seemed to be a wormhole started to form at the front view of the spaceship.

  The spaceship slowly ascended 20 meters away from the ground as it approached the wormhole.

  With the spaceship slowly approaching the wormhole, the passengers were glued to the couch as they felt extremely comfortable in the living room where a large TV was set,modern furniture and many more.

  “Please try to remain calm as we're going to do a space leap”

  As Ces said this,the spaceship started to accelerate towards the wormhole reaching two times faster than the speed of light boosting our ship into outer space where stars were shining bright

  Ariel was the one who reached for the window first as her eyes were in awe and excitement.

  I have to say that her cuteness really captivated my heart by an inch.

  With the spaceship successfully navigating through the wormhole and moving into outer space, the Angels and Demons were all huddled in the living room, their eyes mesmerized by the beauty of space.

  I could see the joy and awe in their eyes, as if they were children who received a new toy for the first time. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves in their adventure.

  The spaceship then approached a star cluster full of bright stars like shining pearls in the dark void of space.

  I went to my room that was beside the control room where Ces was and laid down in the large bed to rest a bit.

   As I lay down on the bed, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could feel the warmth and comfort of the bed, and the subtle movement of the spacecraft as it sped through space.

  It was peaceful, calm and tranquil. My senses were dull and subdued from the comfort I was experiencing. As time passed, my mind began to drift off into deep slumber.

  Faint images started to flash before my very eyes as I fell in a deep slumber. An image of a very familiar person with  her hair greener than grass,her eyes were pink and soft as a cotton candy,it was Claire.

    “Come on, faster!

   “Wait up!”

  Laughter and joy could be seen through the children’s eyes and action as they played with each other's company.

   Was it a fragment of my memory? Or was it someone else's? The questions I had were unanswered as the images continued to flash before my eyes. Was this a fragment of the original Elliot’s memory when he was young?

  “Elliot faster!! Claire is going to beat big sis Alice today”

  “Right…. not like you can actually do it,”

  The children’s voices echoed in my mind, and the images of Elliot and Claire grew more vivid and real as the memories continued to flow before my eyes. I could sense the friendly rivalry between Elliot and Claire as they playfully argue back and forth, each trying to prove their own superiority.

  It was a happy sight to behold, the innocent and carefree rivalry between the two. The feeling of warmth and nostalgia continued to grow as the memories of Elliot and Claire continued to play out in front of me.

  The memories began to slowly fade away as the images of Elliot and Claire blurred and became hazier and more disjointed. I subconsciously teared up as I knew that I can't bring back Claire even If I tamper with the reality I am in.

  Although I can bring her back.I don't want to stain her pure soul with my ungraceful power.

I will promise myself that I will never use my powers again to try and save anyone.

  I only bring chaos to everyone if I use my powers to recklessly try and save anyone from inevitable destruction.

  I slowly opened my eyes and realized that it was all a dream, a dream too good to be true,tears continued to run down my cheeks

  Before I knew it.I found myself in a forest as I woke up.

  I looked around me at the forest, not knowing where I was or what I was doing there. The trees and bushes seemed so beautiful and calm yet eerie and strange. I felt the calmness but a strange sense of dread grew inside me as I stepped around the forest with uncertainty.

  The communication system that I had installed in the spaceship seemed to be malfunctioning as I tried to contact Ces. It felt like there was third party interference trying to sabotage our communication system.

  As I tried to fix the system, I slowly walked towards a large clearing in the forest. The clearing was a beautiful sight to behold with its wide open grassland and the sun shining brightly in the blue sky above. The calmness and tranquil beauty of this place was enticing and I could feel the peacefulness enveloping me.


  I was suddenly jolted out of my peaceful trance as I heard a high-pitched scream echo through the forest. I scanned the surroundings to locate the source of the scream.

  There was a young girl running through the woods as if she was trying to escape from something. Her cries for help resonated within me and my protective instincts were immediately triggered.

  I immediately ran after her to see what was happening and why she was in distress.

  As I ran, I noticed that the girl was being pursued by a group of Orcs. There were at least ten of them with bulky and muscular bodies and sharp claws. The Orcs were howling as they chased after the girl, their bloodlust palpable and menacing.

  Orcs? Ten of them!?

  It was a terrifying sight as the Orcs got closer to the girl and she sped up towards me, her screams of fear getting louder and more desperate.

  I picked up a stick and quickly used 'Instantaneous Movement' that I learned when I was testing the spaceship to move quickly to her spot.

  The girl's cries of help were becoming increasingly more desperate and panicked as the Orcs started gaining on her.

  My sudden appearance halted the Orcs' advance, giving the girl a moment of relief. However, the Orcs seemed pissed off and were now charging towards me with murderous intent.

  Before they could even move from the spot where they charged,they already died as I split their skulls into half with a stick bigger than a branch of a tree

  My power was more lethal than I had imagined. Even though I only intended to use it for self-defense, I had ended up killing all of the Orcs before they could even move from the spot where they had charged.

  The gruesome sight of the Orcs' skulls split open in a gruesome fashion was unsettling but it was clearly a necessary action to protect the girl from harm.

  The girl looked at me in horror and fear. She must have thought that I was a monster after seeing those Orcs die in such a brutal way.

  The girl looked at me with wide and fearful eyes, her body trembling from the shock of what she had just witnessed.

   I took a deep breath and spoke to her in a reassuring voice to try to ease her from the shock.

  "It's okay, you are safe now. I apologize for what you saw but it was necessary to protect you from those Orcs. I didn't mean to frighten you.”

  The girl didn't reply and only nodded slowly with still tears streaming down her cheeks.

  She looked at me with an expression of fear and concern and I felt really bad for making her witness what I had done to those Orcs.

  The girl was petite and had light blond hair, like a delicate flower. Her eyes were blue with a hint of innocence and purity. Her facial features were delicate and beautiful, and her delicate and fragile appearance made her look even more vulnerable than usual.

  She was wearing a white and delicate dress and a bow on her head, giving her a dreamy and ethereal appearance. The sight of her was like a ray of light shining in the dark forest.

  “I'm really sorry for what happened”

  The girl slowly smiled and shook her head. “Please don't apologize, it's my fault anyways that I got into this kind of trouble”

  There was a long awkward silence between us before she broke it.

  “Please forgive my impudence to ask but you seem lost,may I inquire why?”

  I was caught off guard by her question to my state. “Ah yes…. how'd you know I'm lost?”

  “It's just my instincts are telling me you are not from around here “

  “So you know huh? there's no need to hide it” I said as I changed my appearance to a childlike form that resembled my former form as a kid. Hair that was grey as ash and teal eyes.

  Man changing my material body is easier than I thought

  The girl seemed to be surprised by my sudden change of appearance but did not say anything about it.

  My childlike appearance must have been amusing to her and she looked at me with a smile while trying to suppress her giggles.

  She was a very observant and perceptive girl who was able to detect that I was not from around here. And the change in appearance might have left her feeling even more intrigued by my character.

  “I'm really sorry Mister for what I caused you.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Carol and you are?”

  “Nice to meet you Carol, I'm Elliot Grande”

   “You must be new around here,let me give you a tour to the kingdom”

  Without hesitation,she gave me a map of the world and it wasn't the one I was familiar with.

  Rediah,Kingdom of Yrta,Forest of great Trand,Polledes.

  These places were unfamiliar to me,even the names and it seemed like we were at the Forest of Trand.

   “Hey, we're in the forest of Trand right?”


   Well that was rather straightforward.

   Before we left,we gathered the materials dropped by the orcs such as:Magic stones,beat up great swords and leather.

    Why do I feel like I'm playing an RPG game?

   She led the way out of the forest by walking. We reached a city that was surrounded by vast fields of green grass and trees. I noticed that they also put an invisible barrier that detects and deflects monsters. I'm impressed by the mages or sages that put up this barrier.

   When we got inside through the ginormous gate,we were welcomed with a bunch of houses that looked mediaeval like my world's houses should've been.

  Carol's stamina was impressive for a human like her.I could imagine how fast it would've taken if I only knew where these places were.

  “Welcome to the City of Sendar,The centre city of Yrta Kingdom,The first human kingdom to be surrounded by the Great forest of Trand”

  So this is the kingdom of Yrta,I thought we would actually reach somewhere else

“Hey, Elliot to earth hello?”

I snapped out of my thoughts. “Oh sorry I was just wondering how big this country is”

   “The country of Yrta or the kingdom of Yrta’s territory is extremely large in general but let's not talk about that here, let's go somewhere else”

  I could feel something was off here,her tone and expression made me wary of something. Gazes of people around us. Was I really that attention catcher in any of my forms? No……their eyes weren't fully focused on me but on Carol

  As she grabbed by hand and ran towards an open alley that was close to a bar. I could hear whispers from all over the place as we ran.


   “She shouldn't have been pardoned by the king”

   I stopped and forcefully stopped her from running

  “What's the matter Elliot, why did you stop?”

   “I should be the one asking that, why did you suddenly run away? Is there something bothering you?”

  “It's nothing….”

   Her expression was pretty gloomy for sure, her eyes did the work even though she was denying. She was sad, that's for sure but what was the cause?

   There were sudden footsteps approaching us quickly and I could hear it clearly.

  The sudden footsteps approaching us quickly caught my attention immediately. I looked in the direction of the footsteps and saw a large group of armored men carrying heavy and sharp weapons. Some of them had bows and arrows while others had maces and halberds.

  The group was coming our way and I could see the anger and hatred in their eyes as their gazes were locked on to us.

  It seemed like they wanted to do something to Carol and I had a bad feeling about this.

   “Hohoho,look at we have here” Said one of the men with a sinister smile on his face.

  As they approached us even closer to us. I put up a defensive stance and waited there to attack but…

  There was another unfamiliar footsteps that was quickly approaching from above like it was running from the roof of the house and that is where it happened..

  A man appeared in our very eyes that dropped from above

  The large group of armed men stopped their steps, startled by the emergence of the man who had just dropped from above.

  The man was wearing a black robe and a hood that covered his face. His presence alone gave off an ominous and sinister vibe, like he was someone very dangerous and not to be messed with.

  The large group of armed men looked at the man with a mixture of fear and intrigue, their attention now centered on him as he stood quietly before us.

  This left me with an opportunity to knock them all without being noticed.

Without any hesitation. I quickly accelerated and ran off in a zigzag pattern,knocking them off quicker than they can realize that they have been defeated.

  The sudden burst of speed and zig zag pattern left the large group of armed men completely stunned. They were unable to process what had just happened before their eyes and their eyes were filled with shock and awe.

  It was almost like time was stopped for that split second as the impact of my actions set in their minds. It was like everything happened in slow motion as they saw me running in a zigzag pattern and defeating their entire ranks of armed men.

  The moment I returned to my original position, it was like time had stopped and everything was back to normal. The large groups of armed men were now lying on the ground, defeated and unable to move.

  The sudden burst of speed had left them speechless and they could only look at me in awe, like they were trying to process what had just happened.

  "W-what just happened!"

  "Oh maybe it was the man who saved us"

  I winked at the man who was standing confused about the situation as he tried to understand what just happened

  I watched the man who had dropped from above in confusion as he tried to understand what happened. His surprised expression was understandable as he had surely witnessed what happened from a distance.

  I was pretty amused by the situation and the way he was looking at us. Was he surprised by the sudden burst of speed and the way I handled the armed men or was it the fact of us coming out of nowhere that caught him by surprise?

  I couldn't help but smile a bit as I wondered what was going through his mind.

  Carol looked at the confused man and realized. “Claude!? What are you doing here!?”

  Carol ran and punched his stomach. “Ouch”

  “You dummy… The king is gonna punish you if he receives a report that we are together”


Author's note:

I'm trying a new format for my novel so please pardon me for being late at publishing:)



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