NovelToon NovelToon

Blessed By An Evil Deity (WN-)


  Without any sleep or rest and stress with the labour of the spaceship construction.

    It finally paid off as it was completed for a month and a half.

    Ces did the final inspection to the ship and around it.

  “Good job, it's now usable I have to say unlike the prototype we had 20 days ago”

    I had to agree with Ces' judgement regarding the prototype.

    It began with a few steel boats attached with a turbine that uses dark matter as fuel. The boat only served as a prototype for the spaceship's energy source, yet the process seemed more like a hurdle than an accomplishment.

    Every time we tried to use it, the steel boat would explode out of durability.

    Of course I was the one testing it in a large field I made under the mansion where I found a cavern perfect for the testing and construction.

    Nobody noticed that a large cavern was destroyed upon the making of the underground field and I was lucky enough to find a way to convince the queen of the Elven kingdom who was generous enough to fund my project to wander around aimlessly finding Claire's reincarnation around the universe.

    Even though I could've just made myself a steel boat using   ‘Magic manipulation’

    It would've been more hassle if I tried creating it without any kind of training

   On that note,I decided to go back to the mansion to check some things.

   I had no intention to walk. I instinctively used ‘Teleport’ to gain instant access to the mansion which saved me the trouble of physical exertion

   The Demons and Angels that I took in as subordinates were doing well at being maids and butlers.

   I didn't force them to do it but they insisted on helping me with the house chores even though Lia could do it herself.

   One of them being a former demon lord and a rival of mine.

   An angel who was dressed as a maid rushed towards me and hugged me like a child.

   Her appearance was deceptively simple, with a delicate frame and light blue hair flowing like silk in the soft breeze. Her sapphire eyes shone brightly, as vivid and radiant as the brightest stars in the night sky. She carried herself with a gentle and ethereal grace, her movements like the gentle caress of the wind and If I remember correctly her name was ‘Ariel’

   “Master,you finally came back after a month of being missing”

   “I wasn't missing,I was working”

   “Working with what?”

   “A secret project”

  The other angels and demons approached me as well,bowing their heads to me as I was headed inside the mansion.

  The mansion was sparkling clean if I haven't noticed that they put illusion magic to make it look like they actually cleaned the whole mansion.

  “And whose decision was it to put Illusion magic here?”

  The 12 angels and demons went into silence as I put on an intimidating aura around to reveal what's under the illusion.The mansion was in ruins when I removed the illusion.

  The angels and demons remained silent and pointed at a single demon who was standing in the corner that had long jet-black coloured hair and dressed as a butler.

  “Was it you? Memphis?”

  “S-sir,let me explain”

  The demon was shaking from my piercing gaze as he started explaining what happened to the mansion while I was away.

   “There was a little fight between Uriel and Doreus resulting into this…”

  “Little fight!? Did it have to be inside the mansion? Can't it be outside?!”

  “We tried to stop them but they just wouldn't listen” An angel chimed in.

   My gaze shifted to the two who caused this as I was furious and angry about the situation.

   Uriel came to me voluntarily while Doreus tried to sneak away by trying to use teleport. He couldn't teleport as I cast an anti-magic barrier around the mansion when I came back as a precaution.

  They couldn't do anything but confess everything that happened. I scolded them and told them a few rules for this to not happen again in the future.

  “This will be a top priority rule. There won't be anyone fighting without my permission,”

   With my scolding done.I told them to go outside.

   I started to reconstruct the mansion with my ‘Recreation’ that made me recreate anything that I have seen before,even the skills and abilities that were hard to learn.

   A Lot of debris was flying from place to place as the walls and ceiling started to build itself as if it was a brand new mansion.

   Alicia who walked from the academy to the mansion was surprised as she saw something that isn't normal even with magic. She ran towards the front gate and held onto it as there was a lot of sand and stone flying.

  “Isn't this too absurd!”She shouted as she was trying to hold on to the gate while trying not to fly off because of the wind that was making the ruins of the mansion rebuild itself.

  “Oh miss Alicia, you're back from the academy?” Said Ariel as she held her hair through the intense wind.

  Finally the reconstruction was complete and it was time to announce the finished spaceship that I built underground (Of course with the guidance of Ces).  I gathered them all into the garden with a menacing aura  forcing them to go there.

  “Sorry if I interrupted you all but I have something to announce. I will be taking you all to a space trip!”

  The announcement froze them into places,the only one who didn't react so much was Uriel and Lilith who were already anticipating this since when I started building the spaceship .

  “Are you kidding me?!?!?!”

  “Master, even jokes have limits”

      I thought that they would be surprised but not this surprised.

  I only smiled and went to the stairs leading to the underground.I gestured to them to follow me and they went on without any complaint. I wonder if they actually are that surprised that they don't even believe me.

     The stairs led to an underground laboratory where the spaceship was located. The spaceship was shining brightly with the energy of dark matter and the body was made up of indestructible steel coated with dark matter. The spaceship was quite big with several decks inside the starship. Each deck was fitted with everything needed to travel to space.

  “This is the spaceship that I have built for us. It is ready for take-off and I expect all of you to board within 15 minutes.”

  "How about Lia and Alicia? are we going to leave them ,my liege? "  Lilith asked with a concerned look

I smiled and replied  swiftly "No, we're not risking them and who's going to look after the mansion if we took them,we aren't going to play”

  They seemed relieved to hear that Lia and Alicia would stay back to look after the mansion. Lilith then gave me a cheeky grin with an intrigued and excited look in her eyes.

  "Master, you did a great job with the spaceship. But I'm curious, where are we heading to?”

  "We'll probably wander around galaxies and universes to find someone”

  The answer did not satisfy their curiosity and the two looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

  "Wander around galaxies? Why would we do that? Shouldn't we have an objective or a destination in mind before venturing into space?"

  Both demons seemed to doubt my intentions but I assured them that we weren't going on a pointless journey.

  "We will have a destination and an objective in mind when we set foot into space. For now, the only thing we are certain about is how long it will take us  to get there.”

  Lilith was clearly unimpressed by my explanation as she gave me a sharp and suspicious look. However, I didn't let her skepticism deter me from moving forward with the discussion.

  "To be entirely honest with you, we are headed towards unknown space and will only begin our exploration of that unknown space upon arriving. I've made preparations for our journey while we are in space and will reveal it to you all once we have boarded the spaceship.”

  It was then that the Angels and Demons began boarding the spaceship. The two demons boarded the spaceship with the air of intrigue and excitement radiating from them.

  The angels and demons boarded the spaceship one by one, each of them exuding a unique blend of curiosity and excitement.

   Lilith and Uriel stood out among the crowd as they were clearly the most eager and enthusiastic of the bunch. But the rest of the angels and demons also appeared intrigued and curious about their imminent journey into unknown spaces and galaxies.

  As the demon and angel boarded.I decided to make a headcount just to make sure that everyone is accounted for and no one to be left behind.

  “Say present if you're here”

I was like a teacher checking the attendance of their students.

  The Angels and Demons all responded "Present" as they boarded the spaceship, giving me a headcount for the number of their members. It was a rather amusing sight to see them all like students responding to their teacher.

  "Well done. We've confirmed that every single member is onboard and ready to depart.”

  With the headcount completed, I gave the order to Ces to start the engine of the spaceship and prepare for takeoff. As the engine of the spaceship roared to life, a sense of anticipation and nervousness began to spread among the Angels and Demons.

  Some of them remained calm and collected, whereas others seemed anxious and tense.

  ⟨⟨Preparing for take off⟩⟩

⟨⟨Opening dimensional gate,Success⟩⟩

  A big round circle of what seemed to be a wormhole started to form at the front view of the spaceship.

  The spaceship slowly ascended 20 meters away from the ground as it approached the wormhole.

  With the spaceship slowly approaching the wormhole, the passengers were glued to the couch as they felt extremely comfortable in the living room where a large TV was set,modern furniture and many more.

  “Please try to remain calm as we're going to do a space leap”

  As Ces said this,the spaceship started to accelerate towards the wormhole reaching two times faster than the speed of light boosting our ship into outer space where stars were shining bright

  Ariel was the one who reached for the window first as her eyes were in awe and excitement.

  I have to say that her cuteness really captivated my heart by an inch.

  With the spaceship successfully navigating through the wormhole and moving into outer space, the Angels and Demons were all huddled in the living room, their eyes mesmerized by the beauty of space.

  I could see the joy and awe in their eyes, as if they were children who received a new toy for the first time. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves in their adventure.

  The spaceship then approached a star cluster full of bright stars like shining pearls in the dark void of space.

  I went to my room that was beside the control room where Ces was and laid down in the large bed to rest a bit.

   As I lay down on the bed, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could feel the warmth and comfort of the bed, and the subtle movement of the spacecraft as it sped through space.

  It was peaceful, calm and tranquil. My senses were dull and subdued from the comfort I was experiencing. As time passed, my mind began to drift off into deep slumber.

  Faint images started to flash before my very eyes as I fell in a deep slumber. An image of a very familiar person with  her hair greener than grass,her eyes were pink and soft as a cotton candy,it was Claire.

    “Come on, faster!

   “Wait up!”

  Laughter and joy could be seen through the children’s eyes and action as they played with each other's company.

   Was it a fragment of my memory? Or was it someone else's? The questions I had were unanswered as the images continued to flash before my eyes. Was this a fragment of the original Elliot’s memory when he was young?

  “Elliot faster!! Claire is going to beat big sis Alice today”

  “Right…. not like you can actually do it,”

  The children’s voices echoed in my mind, and the images of Elliot and Claire grew more vivid and real as the memories continued to flow before my eyes. I could sense the friendly rivalry between Elliot and Claire as they playfully argue back and forth, each trying to prove their own superiority.

  It was a happy sight to behold, the innocent and carefree rivalry between the two. The feeling of warmth and nostalgia continued to grow as the memories of Elliot and Claire continued to play out in front of me.

  The memories began to slowly fade away as the images of Elliot and Claire blurred and became hazier and more disjointed. I subconsciously teared up as I knew that I can't bring back Claire even If I tamper with the reality I am in.

  Although I can bring her back.I don't want to stain her pure soul with my ungraceful power.

I will promise myself that I will never use my powers again to try and save anyone.

  I only bring chaos to everyone if I use my powers to recklessly try and save anyone from inevitable destruction.

  I slowly opened my eyes and realized that it was all a dream, a dream too good to be true,tears continued to run down my cheeks

  Before I knew it.I found myself in a forest as I woke up.

  I looked around me at the forest, not knowing where I was or what I was doing there. The trees and bushes seemed so beautiful and calm yet eerie and strange. I felt the calmness but a strange sense of dread grew inside me as I stepped around the forest with uncertainty.

  The communication system that I had installed in the spaceship seemed to be malfunctioning as I tried to contact Ces. It felt like there was third party interference trying to sabotage our communication system.

  As I tried to fix the system, I slowly walked towards a large clearing in the forest. The clearing was a beautiful sight to behold with its wide open grassland and the sun shining brightly in the blue sky above. The calmness and tranquil beauty of this place was enticing and I could feel the peacefulness enveloping me.


  I was suddenly jolted out of my peaceful trance as I heard a high-pitched scream echo through the forest. I scanned the surroundings to locate the source of the scream.

  There was a young girl running through the woods as if she was trying to escape from something. Her cries for help resonated within me and my protective instincts were immediately triggered.

  I immediately ran after her to see what was happening and why she was in distress.

  As I ran, I noticed that the girl was being pursued by a group of Orcs. There were at least ten of them with bulky and muscular bodies and sharp claws. The Orcs were howling as they chased after the girl, their bloodlust palpable and menacing.

  Orcs? Ten of them!?

  It was a terrifying sight as the Orcs got closer to the girl and she sped up towards me, her screams of fear getting louder and more desperate.

  I picked up a stick and quickly used 'Instantaneous Movement' that I learned when I was testing the spaceship to move quickly to her spot.

  The girl's cries of help were becoming increasingly more desperate and panicked as the Orcs started gaining on her.

  My sudden appearance halted the Orcs' advance, giving the girl a moment of relief. However, the Orcs seemed pissed off and were now charging towards me with murderous intent.

  Before they could even move from the spot where they charged,they already died as I split their skulls into half with a stick bigger than a branch of a tree

  My power was more lethal than I had imagined. Even though I only intended to use it for self-defense, I had ended up killing all of the Orcs before they could even move from the spot where they had charged.

  The gruesome sight of the Orcs' skulls split open in a gruesome fashion was unsettling but it was clearly a necessary action to protect the girl from harm.

  The girl looked at me in horror and fear. She must have thought that I was a monster after seeing those Orcs die in such a brutal way.

  The girl looked at me with wide and fearful eyes, her body trembling from the shock of what she had just witnessed.

   I took a deep breath and spoke to her in a reassuring voice to try to ease her from the shock.

  "It's okay, you are safe now. I apologize for what you saw but it was necessary to protect you from those Orcs. I didn't mean to frighten you.”

  The girl didn't reply and only nodded slowly with still tears streaming down her cheeks.

  She looked at me with an expression of fear and concern and I felt really bad for making her witness what I had done to those Orcs.

  The girl was petite and had light blond hair, like a delicate flower. Her eyes were blue with a hint of innocence and purity. Her facial features were delicate and beautiful, and her delicate and fragile appearance made her look even more vulnerable than usual.

  She was wearing a white and delicate dress and a bow on her head, giving her a dreamy and ethereal appearance. The sight of her was like a ray of light shining in the dark forest.

  “I'm really sorry for what happened”

  The girl slowly smiled and shook her head. “Please don't apologize, it's my fault anyways that I got into this kind of trouble”

  There was a long awkward silence between us before she broke it.

  “Please forgive my impudence to ask but you seem lost,may I inquire why?”

  I was caught off guard by her question to my state. “Ah yes…. how'd you know I'm lost?”

  “It's just my instincts are telling me you are not from around here “

  “So you know huh? there's no need to hide it” I said as I changed my appearance to a childlike form that resembled my former form as a kid. Hair that was grey as ash and teal eyes.

  Man changing my material body is easier than I thought

  The girl seemed to be surprised by my sudden change of appearance but did not say anything about it.

  My childlike appearance must have been amusing to her and she looked at me with a smile while trying to suppress her giggles.

  She was a very observant and perceptive girl who was able to detect that I was not from around here. And the change in appearance might have left her feeling even more intrigued by my character.

  “I'm really sorry Mister for what I caused you.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Carol and you are?”

  “Nice to meet you Carol, I'm Elliot Grande”

   “You must be new around here,let me give you a tour to the kingdom”

  Without hesitation,she gave me a map of the world and it wasn't the one I was familiar with.

  Rediah,Kingdom of Yrta,Forest of great Trand,Polledes.

  These places were unfamiliar to me,even the names and it seemed like we were at the Forest of Trand.

   “Hey, we're in the forest of Trand right?”


   Well that was rather straightforward.

   Before we left,we gathered the materials dropped by the orcs such as:Magic stones,beat up great swords and leather.

    Why do I feel like I'm playing an RPG game?

   She led the way out of the forest by walking. We reached a city that was surrounded by vast fields of green grass and trees. I noticed that they also put an invisible barrier that detects and deflects monsters. I'm impressed by the mages or sages that put up this barrier.

   When we got inside through the ginormous gate,we were welcomed with a bunch of houses that looked mediaeval like my world's houses should've been.

  Carol's stamina was impressive for a human like her.I could imagine how fast it would've taken if I only knew where these places were.

  “Welcome to the City of Sendar,The centre city of Yrta Kingdom,The first human kingdom to be surrounded by the Great forest of Trand”

  So this is the kingdom of Yrta,I thought we would actually reach somewhere else

“Hey, Elliot to earth hello?”

I snapped out of my thoughts. “Oh sorry I was just wondering how big this country is”

   “The country of Yrta or the kingdom of Yrta’s territory is extremely large in general but let's not talk about that here, let's go somewhere else”

  I could feel something was off here,her tone and expression made me wary of something. Gazes of people around us. Was I really that attention catcher in any of my forms? No……their eyes weren't fully focused on me but on Carol

  As she grabbed by hand and ran towards an open alley that was close to a bar. I could hear whispers from all over the place as we ran.


   “She shouldn't have been pardoned by the king”

   I stopped and forcefully stopped her from running

  “What's the matter Elliot, why did you stop?”

   “I should be the one asking that, why did you suddenly run away? Is there something bothering you?”

  “It's nothing….”

   Her expression was pretty gloomy for sure, her eyes did the work even though she was denying. She was sad, that's for sure but what was the cause?

   There were sudden footsteps approaching us quickly and I could hear it clearly.

  The sudden footsteps approaching us quickly caught my attention immediately. I looked in the direction of the footsteps and saw a large group of armored men carrying heavy and sharp weapons. Some of them had bows and arrows while others had maces and halberds.

  The group was coming our way and I could see the anger and hatred in their eyes as their gazes were locked on to us.

  It seemed like they wanted to do something to Carol and I had a bad feeling about this.

   “Hohoho,look at we have here” Said one of the men with a sinister smile on his face.

  As they approached us even closer to us. I put up a defensive stance and waited there to attack but…

  There was another unfamiliar footsteps that was quickly approaching from above like it was running from the roof of the house and that is where it happened..

  A man appeared in our very eyes that dropped from above

  The large group of armed men stopped their steps, startled by the emergence of the man who had just dropped from above.

  The man was wearing a black robe and a hood that covered his face. His presence alone gave off an ominous and sinister vibe, like he was someone very dangerous and not to be messed with.

  The large group of armed men looked at the man with a mixture of fear and intrigue, their attention now centered on him as he stood quietly before us.

  This left me with an opportunity to knock them all without being noticed.

Without any hesitation. I quickly accelerated and ran off in a zigzag pattern,knocking them off quicker than they can realize that they have been defeated.

  The sudden burst of speed and zig zag pattern left the large group of armed men completely stunned. They were unable to process what had just happened before their eyes and their eyes were filled with shock and awe.

  It was almost like time was stopped for that split second as the impact of my actions set in their minds. It was like everything happened in slow motion as they saw me running in a zigzag pattern and defeating their entire ranks of armed men.

  The moment I returned to my original position, it was like time had stopped and everything was back to normal. The large groups of armed men were now lying on the ground, defeated and unable to move.

  The sudden burst of speed had left them speechless and they could only look at me in awe, like they were trying to process what had just happened.

  "W-what just happened!"

  "Oh maybe it was the man who saved us"

  I winked at the man who was standing confused about the situation as he tried to understand what just happened

  I watched the man who had dropped from above in confusion as he tried to understand what happened. His surprised expression was understandable as he had surely witnessed what happened from a distance.

  I was pretty amused by the situation and the way he was looking at us. Was he surprised by the sudden burst of speed and the way I handled the armed men or was it the fact of us coming out of nowhere that caught him by surprise?

  I couldn't help but smile a bit as I wondered what was going through his mind.

  Carol looked at the confused man and realized. “Claude!? What are you doing here!?”

  Carol ran and punched his stomach. “Ouch”

  “You dummy… The king is gonna punish you if he receives a report that we are together”


Author's note:

I'm trying a new format for my novel so please pardon me for being late at publishing:)


⟨⟨The kingdom's dilemma ⟩⟩

The man only tapped Carol's shoulder and shook his head.

I wondered what was the man's relationship with Carol and this “Scarlett '' Guy or a Girl. I'm really sorry

Carol unexpectedly knelt down and swung her arm to punch the ground. The punch left a mark in the ground,a mark of blood from her fists.

Carol who was kneeling down cried.

“W-why…… Scarlett….WHY!” She shouted.

I looked down to Carol and asked. “Can I ask? Who's this Scarlett?”

Claude unexpectedly answered my question in a refined manner like a royalty would do. “Scarlett is my sister, she's also a close friend of Carol.”

“What happened to her?”

“She left the kingdom and went straight for the kill”

“What do you mean by that”

“She…Challenged the demon king of the north”

As Claude explained what happened to Scarlett,I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine. Scarlett challenged the demon king of the north? How and why would she do such a risky thing? Did she know the consequences of her actions? Is there another reason for her challenging the demon king?

I kept a calm and composed attitude in front of Carol and Claude but deep down I knew this was not good news. If Scarlett failed to defeat the demon king, I could only imagine the disastrous outcome of the situation.


It seemed like Claude wanted to say more about Scarlett's sudden decision to challenge the demon king but he kept his cool as he realized I was still nearby. I couldn't help but feel curious about what Claude had to say and I wanted to hear more about Scarlett. Why would a young girl like her deliberately challenge a demon king? Was she that confident in her powers? Did she have some sort of ability or power of her own?

It was really intriguing.

I was about to offer my help but then I remembered that when I woke up in this world...Most of my skills from my skill set are sealed and cannot be used in the time being. Why do my skills get sealed or if they're not sealed I get sealed.

“Say Claude… are you planning to save her? If yes then maybe I can help”

“Save her? I intend to. But before her I am just a weakling, she's the strongest princess in the world after all”

“Just give me a sword that doesn't break easily and we'll start travelling”

Claude looked at me curiously before answering my offer. He clearly didn't trust me yet and was wary of my real intentions. But it did sound like he was willing to take me along, if I did manage to convince him that I was truly sincere in wanting to help.

“I'll consider it....but first I'll need to check something and I will get back at you next week”

Claude then left and went towards the Castle which was visible to all people.

Carol on the other hand stood up and held my hand.

She walked to the nearby bar and entered with me.

I followed Carol into the nearby bar without a word as she seemed to drag me along. We made our way towards the bar counter and I could see the looks and stares we were getting as people were starting to recognize her.

The bar counter was attended by a man with a rough exterior and piercing eyes. Before I could say anything, Carol spoke up.

“I would like beer please”

The bartender then nodded and asked for my order to which I replied simply with the same order as Carol’s. A large glass of beer.

Two large glasses of beer were handed to us by the bartender. I gave one glass to Carol.

She then started to gulp the beer like there's no tomorrow whereas I only took a sip every time I would glance at her.

“You should probably slow down Carol”

Carol didn't seem to hear my concern as she kept drinking the beer that was handed to her. It seemed like she was drinking at a rapid tempo, almost like she had never tasted beer in her life.

I could understand that we both needed to calm our nerves somehow but this was not the right way.

I looked into Carol's face and saw that she was clearly affected by the alcohol. Her lips were starting to become red from the consumption.

I decided to stop her even though she was visibly drunk.

“Okay, that's enough drinking”

Carol looked at me with blurred and glazed eyes. All the alcohol that she had consumed till now seemed to make her completely drunk.

I was a bit worried about her, I was afraid of her making a fool out of herself in public or making a mess. Or worse still….

I took her glass of beer and gently put it on the counter table and she slowly started to sink down.

I held her up before she could hit the ground face first. I supported her head with my hands as we both sat down.

Her face was a bit pale from all the alcohol she had consumed and she seemed to be struggling to keep herself awake.

She fell asleep on the table while I was still drinking.

Thinking about my sealed skills. I checked my status sheet using [Observer] which I still had access to.

The results came in and it was more horrible than I expected.

⟨⟨Elliot Grande⟩⟩

⟨⟨Classification⟩⟩: Human

⟨⟨Level⟩⟩: 479/1000

⟨⟨Attributes⟩⟩:primordial magic, nihilistic energy, dark matter, cosmic stardust energy, anti-matter.

⟨⟨Abilities⟩⟩:Stellar Ark, Null Domination, Core destroyer, Zero Breaker,Khaos Devour, Cosmos Armageddon, White Void: Forbidden Paradise, Teleport,Core engineering system, Instantaneous Movement,Magic manipulation


⟨⟨Strength⟩⟩ 28,000/28,000

⟨⟨Speed⟩⟩ 50,000,50,000

⟨⟨Durability⟩⟩ 10,000/10,000

⟨⟨Hp ⟩⟩ 58,000/58,000

My attributes were also incredibly high with my mana and speed being at maximum level. The abilities listed were also of high tier and most of them were locked or restricted for some unknown reason.

As I stared at the sheet, I couldn't help but wonder why my skills were sealed. Was there a reason for this or was it just simply an unfortunate effect of being transferred to this world?

The third party that has cut my connection to the spaceship is also not exempted from being a suspect of my skills being sealed.

But why would anyone seal my skills? Oh… Yeah I'm too strong even in this world.

I could sense eyes staring at me, some were adventurers and some were ordinary folks.

Just as suddenly,there was something poking me from behind. This made me set my defensive senses and turned around with a swing of my fist.

Something caught my arm easily, it was an adventurer wearing leather armor,broadsword on his back with a red bandana on his head. He had yellow hair and brown eyes.

On his back,there were people who I assumed were his companions. two intermediate mage class, two intermediate fighter class men and him who was a master class fighter.

No wonder he catched my arm easily like that.

“Who're you and what do you want?”

“I'm sorry for the sudden appearance, we're from the adventurers guild,surely you have heard of us”

I have no clue or idea whatsoever.

I could hear whispers around me that were saying they're a really famous group among the adventurers guild and just approached us.

I should act along the lines and be honest

“Sorry mister but I don't really know your group”

The warrior in the leather armor stood firm and looked at me with an arrogant smile as he spoke once more.

“Let me introduce myself, I am Arthus, captain of the silver wolves”

The others behind him were also nodding and agreeing with Arthus.

I didn't care about the name Arthus or their nickname “silver wolves”.

What I just needed to know was why they had appeared before me.

The warrior in the leather armor,Arthus,seemed to have already realized my disinterest in their group's information and name.

“I won't bother you with more of our group's information.What we need to discuss with you is,have you heard of the recent increase in the number of dungeons around the kingdom?”

“No,I didn't know anything about that”

Ah dungeons,how nostalgic and bullshit

Arthus looked back towards his companions and sighed in disappointment. It seemed like he was aware of the fact that I didn't care in the slightest about this conversation. He then turned back towards me and spoke once more.

“Look, we just need your help. The king has offered us a very hefty reward for clearing out any dungeons nearby the kingdom and we were hoping you could help us out”

Hmm… Speaking of gold. I actually need it, don't I,like to buy stuff because of my wealth …. Oh yeah it's in my world

“I'll consider it,but when is the clearing happening and why'd you choose me? I'm just a kid”

“A kid wouldn't be able to knock bandits at the speed of light and drink alcohol right?” Arthus then smirked at me and tapped my shoulders

He has a point,welp it's not like I can deny it anymore

Arthus was right, what other teenager could drink like a sailor and move that damn fast?

Then he asked me a question that made me think.

Why would the king give such a hefty reward for clearing the dungeons in the first place?

It was a good question that I didn't take into account. The king doesn't usually just give away rewards for nothing in return.

There was certainly some kind of catch to this deal that we probably need to find out.

It was time to ask some questions now that I had caught their attention.

“Why is the king offering such a substantial reward for clearing the dungeons?”

Arthus looked at me once more and this time, his arrogant face had now turned into an expression of surprise.

“Well you're already asking the important and right questions. The answer would be this,the king doesn't want to send all the men from the army to clear out those dungeons as they're busy with patrolling the borders.”

I stood up and replied. "Couldn't it be that the king wants to clear these dungeons because they have dangerous beings like Minotaurs,Dragons and demons?”

Arthus nodded his head and smirked.

"You have a good point there, that's pretty much the only reason why the king can't send his soldiers for dungeons. The monsters inside them are just too powerful for the men to handle."

With this information,it was clear why the king needed outside help.

I clicked my tongue and sighed to the fact that they have known my power since I set foot in this kingdom meaning they have spies.

I was feeling guilty leaving Carol so I decided that I will help them the next day and tell this to Carol

I watched the silver wolf leave the bar before I turned back to Carol who was still fast asleep on the table. After realizing how drunk she was from drinking so much alcohol, it wasn't a good idea to just leave her here. So, I decided to carry her to a nearby Inn

I picked Carol up and managed to carry her easily with my strength. I then started making my way to the nearby Inn and checked in with the gold I had in pocket.

I carried Carol to the nearest inn and checked in with the limited money that I had in my pocket. After getting a room for the night, I carefully laid Carol down on the bed and looked at her face. She was still unconscious and was breathing heavily while drooling.

It seemed like she was pretty drunk.

I sighed in disappointment and sat on the nearby chair to keep a watch over her.

I subconsciously fell asleep as I kept an eye on Carol.

The next day.

I was jolted from my sleep and woke up to the bright light of the sun gleaming inside the room. I sat on the bed for a moment and stretched before getting a glance at Carol.

She was still asleep and looked quite peaceful even in her drunken state. I realized that I must have slept for the entire night while keeping an eye on her, which had made me quite tired.

I took one more look at her before deciding to leave for the guildhouse to meet Arthur and his companions.

I also left a note and some gold in the table beside the bed that was saying 'Sorry Carol. I have some business to attend to,you can have the gold to buy yourself food.

With the note left behind to Carol, I exited the inn and started making my way to the guildhouse where I had scheduled a meeting with Arthus and his companions who were going to take me on a dungeon clearing quest.

On the way, I noticed a few adventurer's looking my way and whispering amongst themselves. It seemed like I had attracted a lot of attention from many people in the town.

As soon as I reached the Guildhouse,I was greeted by Arthus and his comrades outside the door. They all seemed excited to see my arrival. Arthus stepped forward and spoke at a quick pace.

"Good to see you,it's been a while since I have had an encounter like this. Most people would have declined the quest or just avoided us when they see our group coming”

I didn't know what to reply to Arthus' enthusiastic gesture, so I just smirked and decided to skip past the small talk.

As I followed Arthus inside the guildhouse, I couldn't help but notice a few stares being pointed towards me. I guess my presence is pretty out of the ordinary now after the display of my skills from yesterday.

It didn't take us long to reach the guild's lounge which was filled with all kinds of adventurers and adventurers guilds members.

As I expected, the room was quite silent when we entered and everyone was staring at me. I didn't know if this silence was out of fear or if it was out of respect but I could definitely see it on their faces.

Arthus then took me to one corner of the lounge and pulled out a big map from his bag before laying it down on one of the tables. He then called out his team and one by one his companions came and joined him.

"So before we begin,do you mind introducing yourself?"

"I'm Elliot Grande,a normal kid”

When I introduced myself, Arthus and his companions were a bit perplexed on the part where I said 'a normal kid'.

But they quickly brushed it off and decided to focus on the actual matter at hand.

"Alright,so the king has given us a very difficult task. The job that he has given us is to hunt down all dungeons within the kingdom and clear them out”

The room went silent for a moment and I could feel a few surprised glances being directed towards me. This was because most people in this world were unable to handle even a single dungeon on their own. This is why the silver wolves were tasked with clearing out the dungeons as they were famous for being one of the strongest groups in the adventurers guild.

But with their leader Arthus suddenly asking for help from me, the task suddenly seemed quite trivial and easy.

“There are a total of 13 dungeons that need to be cleared out within the kingdom but we've been given information on only 5 of them”

The task was more overwhelming than what I had anticipated and it was much larger than just clearing a few dungeons. I didn't have high hopes of clearing out every single dungeon but I still needed to help Arthus with at least a couple of these.

Arthus began to point out the locations of dungeons on the map with a red stone. The locations he had pointed out were spread all over the kingdom which made the task even more daunting.

From what I could gather, some of these dungeons were more infamous than others for containing more dangerous and powerful monsters.

near a small village, near a waterfall, deep in the forest,near a hill and the last dungeon was located near the city walls.

“The work is divided into 5 groups since we only have 5 locations in hand”

As the locations of all these dungeons were shown on the map, I started imagining the different monsters and enemies that I would have to fight inside them. The fact that I had to clear out 13 dungeons one after another also made me wonder how long it would take.

It seemed like a very taxing yet interesting task and the rewards that came with it were quite significant too.

I was about to ask some questions about these dungeons when Arthus cut me off.

“Alright everyone,our primary objective is to investigate the dungeon and clear out the first level within each of these dungeons. Do not underestimate any of these dungeons,we don't know what type of monsters lie within them. So we will be taking this mission one step at a time”

We spent quite some time discussing the details regarding these dungeons before dividing everything into smaller tasks. Each group would be responsible for clearing out one level each and would receive a reward every time they did.

I was a part of one group who was responsible for taking care of the small dungeon near the waterfall.

As we were discussing the details regarding which group would be responsible for which dungeon, I suddenly realized that the leader of each group was a silver wolf. It was a bit odd that the silver wolves were the only ones that were capable of handling this task.

I decided to keep this thought in my head for the time being and not make an open discussion about it.

After the discussion concluded, we were given one hour to prepare ourselves for the dungeon exploration task.

Arthus told us to be prepared because we didn't know what we would have to face once we entered the dungeon. He also told us to make sure we had enough health potions and other supplies with us as we could not expect to heal ourselves in the dungeon.

Even though I didn't need to heal myself with healing potions. I still took some if ever my teammates that are running low

With that,Arthus bid us farewell and I prepared myself for the task at hand.

I had packed sufficient healing potions as Arthus had suggested and some other supplies which may be important inside a dungeon. After this, I waited for my team members to arrive so we could head towards the dungeon near the waterfall.

One female newbie level 30 mage class, One male intermediate level 79 assassin class and One level 99 tanker.

These were the result ‘Observer’ gave me

My team members arrived on time with their own supplies and equipment that were necessary for a dungeon trip. The female mage was carrying a staff and a large pouch full of various kinds of healing potions. The assassin had numerous daggers,throwing knives and various poisons hidden all over his body.

As for the tanker,he had a very unique looking sword that was much larger than the rest of his equipment. He also had a sturdy shield on his left hand and was armored from head to toe.

The female mage approached me and was eyeing me from a distance. When she got close enough,she spoke to me with a soft voice.

“So you're the one that will help us clear this dungeon,right?”

I nodded silently as I prepared our things in a backpack.

The female mage seemed to be a nervous and shy person based on her demeanor.

However,she was now acting quite bold when speaking to me.

“Well,I must say that I never expected someone like you to help with this dungeon clearing. I thought it would be a silver wolf or an experienced adventurer would be accompanying us.”

I smirked as I noticed her expression of boldness.

“Well,it's true that the silver wolves are more experienced than me but I do not lack power either. I'm sure I'll be able to handle myself just fine in this dungeon.”

The female mage still kept eyeing me and couldn't hide the look of surprise that was written all over her face.

She kept looking at me for a few more seconds before finally nodding in agreement.

“That may be true but still,we would very much appreciate it if you show us your power if things get tough out there.”

She then turned towards the assassin who seemed to be preparing his equipment for the dungeon.

And with that,we left the city towards the gate

We set off towards the waterfall where the dungeon was located and the journey seemed to take a few hours. On the way,we encountered many monsters and it seemed like the forest itself was getting darker the further we went.

As we got closer to the dungeon,we started hearing sounds of roaring and growling coming from the forest.

The trees and bushes also became a lot more thicker and it started getting very hot as we were heading towards a more tropical area.

Arching tree branches,thorns and other obstacles were slowing is down and the temperature was getting higher as we moved deeper into this forest.

The temperature here was easily 35-40 degrees Celsius which was very uncomfortable for us. However,the assassin was completely fine because he was used to such hot conditions.

And since I could Manipulate my material body. I could just make myself adapt to the environment

However,the tanker and the mage were slowing down because of the heat.

"Hey Cleon, can't you two slow down for a second? Me and Rendon are in a state of dying"

The assassin then stopped walking and sighed as the assassin approached the mage.

Cleon,the assassin,nodded in agreement and slowed down a bit so that the others could keep up. The others immediately felt the temperature dropping slightly and they started to regain their stamina back.

However,it seemed like the assassin was just immune to the heat and he seemed to be doing just fine with the weather condition.

The three of us kept on walking and the sound of the waterfall began to get louder with each step. The forest suddenly ended as we reached the base of the waterfall. The whole area was filled with the sound of rushing water.

The temperature seemed to get cooler and we could feel the mist of the waterfall on our bodies the moment we reached the bottom of the waterfall.

Cleon led the way as we walked along the narrow path that was carved out into the side of the waterfall. The mist continued to surround us as we walked further into the waterfall and it also made us all damp.

The temperature had dropped significantly and it was now quite pleasant to walk around here. The path we were walking on became more slippery with each step and we had to be mindful of our footing.

The mist and the waterfall made the whole atmosphere a lot more mysterious and it seemed like something very interesting awaited us further down the path.

We continued walking for almost 5 minutes before the path started leading towards the left instead of downwards. By the looks of it,we would have to continue this way to reach the dungeon.

Another 5 minutes of walking and we finally reached the entrance of the dungeon. The assassin started to reach for his dagger but the female mage stopped him.

“Hold back for now,we don't know what to expect inside this dungeon”.

I was also quite curious and was expecting some sort of a trap that would attack us once we step inside. However,nothing happened as we carefully entered the dungeon.

A nostalgic feeling huh?

⟨⟨Dungeons in another world ⟩⟩

  The moment we entered the dungeon,the temperature dropped significantly and the mist and the sound of the waterfall was gone. The ceiling in the dungeon was made of smooth black stone and the whole building was shrouded in complete silence.

  As we started to walk further inside,I could see a few torches hanging on the walls which seemed to be the only source of light around. It was pretty dark in here except for the lights from the torches that were scattered on the walls.

  The sound of our footsteps was echoing inside the walls so we had to walk in silence. Other than that,we could only hear each other's hushed voices as we were exploring the dungeon.

  At first,the dungeon seemed to be pretty normal with its dark atmosphere and torches hanging at regular intervals. However,as we started heading deeper inside the structure,we could hear the sounds of rumbling and roaring coming from deeper within the dungeon. It seemed like some kind of creature was lurking down there.

  I guestured my teammates to be on hold with my hand as I  couldn't risk their lives just for some dungeon loot that isn't even guaranteed to pay for their lives.

  With my advanced perception, I could sense multiple different layers in the dungeon that had monsters.

“It seems like we're dealing with a multi-layered dungeon”

“Eh?! So you're saying that this dungeon has multiple floors?”

  I nodded in silence to not attract monsters using my voice.

  The moment I mentioned the multiple layers of this dungeon,the assassin immediately understood the seriousness of the situation. He was the first one to notice the sounds of rumbling and had probably already deduced the presence of the dungeon's various layers.

  The mage was quite surprised by this fact and she looked worried about the task ahead. The tanker also seemed to be a bit uneasy about the task at hand but he did seem prepared for any kind of a predicament that came our way

  So with this,we were now going to explore this multilayered dungeon.

  The moment I mentioned the multiple layers of this dungeon,the assassin immediately understood the seriousness of the situation. He was the first one to notice the sounds of rumbling and had probably already deduced the presence of the dungeon's various layers.

  The mage was quite surprised by this fact and she looked worried about the task ahead. The tanker also seemed to be a bit uneasy about the task at hand but he did seem prepared for any kind of a predicament that came our way

  So with this,we were now going to explore this multilayered dungeon.

  “This is so scary” Said the mage while holding onto her staff walking into a narrow path following a path of torches in the wall.

  I could feel their anxiety and fear coming out while walking,

  I could offer them a hand and just clear this dungeon alone but then again I'll just be soloing the loot. Although it's not a bad idea, I still think that they need to learn how to clear a dungeon properly

  We eventually reached the second floor of the dungeon which had plenty of monsters waiting to be killed mercilessly by me but I left it to them for levelling purposes

  The assassin had a good grasp of killing monsters with one hit while the mage was behind the tanker casting some wanky ass spells that blew up the whole area using fire and wind magic.

  I guess there's no job left for me to do

  “Phew,those were tough monsters that's for sure”

  It was only a couple of level 90 monsters, how tough was that? Oh yeah I guess I'm the only one with a high level.

  A goblin then secretly approached me from behind and tried to smash my head with a steel mace and my teammates immediately noticed it and tried to warn me but it was too late as the goblin already swung his mace into my head.

“Hey!! A goblin behind you!!”

  I could hear the mage's voice screaming while I felt the damage the goblin did to me but it was only a little as I grabbed the goblin's face from behind with my left hand and smashed it on the ground with all might.


  The ground where I smashed the goblin then the floor suddenly collapsed because of the force I used. The goblin was blown into smithereens after the smash and was never to be seen in the face of humanity.

  I fell in the hole I created,making the multiple floors collapse in one smash.It seemed like I crashed onto something that was so soft and fluffy..

  Ah this is it,heaven

  As I looked down to see what it was, it was a giant dire wolf sleeping cozy.

  Its fur was fluffy as the clouds,I could feel myself being completely comfortable with the fur of the dire wolf.

  It seems like I'm in the boss area. My teammates who were on the second floor were shocked as I crashed directly into the boss area or 8th floor where the demon dire wolf resides.

  The wolf then proceeded to drop me into the ground as it opened its eyes and woke up fully. Its size was impressive,a giant dire wolf that can harden its fur and soften it at will.

  I landed on the ground safely while growling at me.

  With ‘ Analytical appraisal' from ‘Observer’, it seems like the dire wolf is a level 300 monster. Its strength and durability was top notch but Its speed was average.

   Overall the dire wolf wouldn't be a threat to me but my teammates would have a bad time killing this dude.

  Suddenly,my teammates descended from above

  Seeing this,the wolf attacked the mage faster than they could comprehend its attack by trying to scratch them with its sharp claws.

  Luckily. I was able to grab our mage faster than the wolf's attack using ‘Instantaneous Movement' and move to another spot where I can drop the mage safely.

  “W-what the hell!?”

  “This wolf is quite the hassle”

  The assassin was right on the bat,to me the wolf's speed was nothing but to them, the wolf's speed is incredible.

  It attacked again this time it went for the tanker,his durability was impressive but still weak compared to the attacks of the wolf,his shield was holding on while the other two kept on attacking the wolf.

  The assassin was quite flexible as he circled the wolf creating a small whirlwind but to no avail,it didn't even damage the wolf as it shooked its surroundings using its body.

  The assassin was tossed to the side of the boss room. I tried catching him but it was too late as he was already on the ground coughing blood.

“H-hey,mister Elliot? mind lending us a hand?”

  I clenched my fist and appeared at the top of the wolf's head using ‘Instantaneous Movement’,I then swung my fist and punched the hell out of the wolf's lights off.


  This was only thing on my mind while I sent a flurry of punches simultaneously to the wolf that crushed the surrounding area where I punched it. A violent and crushing aura sent the whole space trembling to my knees.

  “S-stop.. P-please…. I-I’m begging you”

  I could hear a child’s voice begging for it to be spared,could it be the wolf? I stopped attacking and tried confirming.

  The wolf's voice changed to a higher pitch as it pleaded with me to stop the barrages of punches.

  “Please…Stop it!”

  Could my powers have been this destructive? I was so used to fighting powerful enemies that I forgot how to maintain self-control.

  I looked into its eyes for confirmation but they were looking at me in complete terror. It was as if it was begging for its life.

  I stopped attacking as well but did not stop staring into it to make sure I was not mistaken for its cries.

  It changed its form to a child-like human form that had features of a female but still had wolf ears and tail.

  I was dumbfounded by its sudden transformation and instantly regretted my actions towards it.

  My teammates were also shocked by the revelation as well

  The dire wolf's appearance was that of human female,she had a pretty face and looked very adorable. She was also wearing a white dress with a green cape that covered most of her upper body.

  Our party stood in silent as we witnessed the dire wolf turn into a human female

  She looked at all of us,as if she was begging for forgiveness.

  She was trembling with each move and her eyes were filled with tears. She seemed to be extremely nervous and scared of us.

  She started to speak with a soft,gentle voice and it seemed like she was about to cry

  “Please don't hurt me”

  “I'm sorry for what I did,I was simply protecting myself and didn't mean to offend all of you.”

  As she was speaking,she was avoiding eye contact with everyone except me. I could tell by the way she was staring at me that she was hoping to be given mercy.

  I couldn't bring myself to hurt this little thing anymore with that look on her face…


“I'm really sorry,please forgive me for what I have done”

  Both of us were in the form of a child so our height difference wasn't that much.

  She then held my arm and grabbed me to a room filled with swords and treasure such as gold and ancient scrolls

  “Please take your pick, you can have anything in this room”

  The idea of taking anything in the room had my interest piqued.

  I grinned at the girl with my intention of taking her because of her adorable looks and possible way of transportation in this world.

  I took a sword looking like a hero's sword that was on top of the treasures and went to her. I held her arm and declared:

“The only thing I am taking from this room is this sword and you!”

The wolf then blushed a little as she might've misinterpreted my words to be words of affection. 

  Before exiting the room,I made sure to analyze all of the scrolls even though they were ancient with only one glance.

  I also grabbed a bag filled with gold blocks and gold coins for my teammates to share with.

  We then exited the room and saw my teammates waiting for us,the mage was so excited to see the wolf in her child form that she rushed to hug her

  Ugh, this is why I didn't help them earlier, I'll just be soloing the loot but they

  “Aww you're so adorable, what's your name? My name is Theresa ” The mage said as she tightened her embrace with the wolf.

  “My name?”

  The then mage nodded and broke her embrace with the wolf slowly.

  The wolf was now blushing and seemed a bit uncomfortable since she was not used to receiving such treatment,her expression and mannerisms were similar to that of a shy child.

  “N-No one ever asked for my name… my name is Aiko.”

  The mage was quite happy after learning the wolf's name and proceeded to pet her on the head.

  “Aiko,hmm…what are you exactly? You seem very different from the other monsters we have fought so far in this dungeon”.

  Aiko stayed silent and her facial expression became slightly worried as she looked out the door where the assassin looked like he was about to die.

  The mage continued questioning,as she was still petting and gently hugging Aiko.

  ‘What is she exactly?.She doesn't seem like a normal monster from this dungeon'

  'Maybe she could be a god of this dungeon or an entity with higher purpose'

  'Or... she could just be a really,really strong monster.'

  All of the possibilities seemed to run through her mind and she started to question Aiko further on what she really was.

  "She's a Demon wolf lord, welp that's what I know"

My judgement about her species are accurate and cannot be miscalculated as I took this from 'Observer' Sub skill 'Analytical Appraisal ‘

  The mage,Theresa was shocked by this revelation and she suddenly stopped hugging Aiko

  "Wait hold on,you're a demon lord?! Aren't you supposed to be this super powerful boss that requires lots of preparation and high levels to defeat? That's what our adventurer party guide book had said about these demon wolves anyway…”

"Aiko is a Demon Wolf lord not a demon lord, there's a difference between them”

  "Yeah but...I thought that even Demon wolf lords are extremely powerful and require lots of preparation to defeat? So she's a demon wolf lord and we're all able to just defeat her so easily?..."

  The mage started to doubt our strength and the level of danger we had just defeated.

  "That just doesn't sit right with me…”

  Aiko then trembled as she spoke, “Aiko… was easily defeated by mister powerful, a terrifying sight for Aiko”

  I didn't doubt that she was describing me because I beated her with my bare hands.

  The assassin,Cleon, who was on the verge of dying and had his arm torn apart, was healed by using the healing ability I analyzed from the scrolls earlier.

   “Hey Aiko, can you help us get out of here?”

  Aiko’s eyes glittered when I asked her for help,maybe because this will be the first time she will help me since I just brutally beat her with bare fists.

  “Aiko can carry you all on her back to get out of dungeon”

  Aiko then transformed to her wolf form turning back to its enormous size covering most of the boss room and the hole I made

  The four of us then rode at the back of Aiko and Aiko started to jump from floor to floor reaching the top of the dungeon and crashing most of the floors.

  The entrance of the dungeon was already open when we had reached the top floor which wasn't strange because we were the one to open it.

  “So what do we do now?”

  “We return, isn't it obvious? we don't want to provoke more problems we already have,besides we already looted the dungeon so we have nothing to return to”

  Theresa's words were right,a smart man would solve their problems but a wise man would avoid them.

  “Hey Aiko, do you want to join us and go to the city?”

  Aiko wagged her tail and created a whirlwind causing the surrounding including the entrance to be destroyed but I quickly stopped it using my ‘Magic manipulation'

  “Aiko will!!”

  We then exited the dungeon with the entrace destroyed and Aiko jumped over the waterfall making us feel the water on our heads.

  We were soaked,atleast the three of them. I was unaffected by the water since it was created by some natural mana in the environment.

  We then landed in the ground where we found ourselves in the forest.

  “Say…. Elliot, you're not an ordinary kid aren't you”

  “Well I'm not to say the least”

  “I mean you're just ten folds stronger than us and even  stronger than Aiko who is a demon wolf lord”

  "I guess I'm in a way...unique?"

  The assassin then cut in to our conversation

  "But we have a more important problem now,we don't have any place to settle in.

  So where exactly is this city we're going to? And how many days does it take to get there? Also do we have enough supplies?"

  The assassin was always the most realistic of our four man adventuring party.

  Aiko also looked at me for the first time as if she was curious about my response.

  “We already have enough gold to rent a house,hell we can even buy a house at this point but we still need to wait for the others to clear the other dungeons”

  "The others are still clearing the other dungeons? So when they're done with those, we could all gather in the city? Where exactly is this city though?"

   Theresa was more concerned on where they're supposed to settle in

  "Does this city have any laws against monster looking creatures like Aiko?”

  "Well if Aiko changes to her human form and hide her monster features then maybe we can take her in”

"Hmm...I see,so there's no laws against those who are able to hide their monstrous features then?"

  The fact that it was easier for us to live in the city as long as Aiko is in her human form is a good news

  "But how will she be treated if she was discovered to be a demon wolf lord and was not in her human form?”

  I checked Aiko's status sheet using my 'Observer' and the results came in,it seemed like I could teach her some illusion magic to blend in with the humans without any confusion

Name: Aiko


⟨⟨Classification⟩⟩: Demon wolf lord

⟨⟨Attributes⟩⟩: Shadow magic,dark magic.

⟨⟨Strength⟩⟩:[ 30,000]

⟨⟨Speed⟩⟩:[ 15,000]


⟨⟨Skills & Abilities⟩⟩: Menace, Wolf lord, Feral Rage,Shadow Step

⟨⟨HP⟩⟩: [25,000]/[45,000]

  'Hmm...looks like her shadow magic could be used to hide her monstrous features'

  "Hey Aiko? Do you want me to teach you how to cast illusions?"

  Aiko seemed a bit curious to what I was about to teach her as her wolf eyes were shining brightly with curiosity

  "Illusion magic will be a good way for you to blend in with the humans without being noticed for what you really are”

  "Just promise me that you won't use it for unethical means,alright?"

  Aiko then nodded as she started wagging her tail

  "Worry not Aiko, I won't teach you any destructive types of magic"

  I just hope that she would not break this promise,it would be better for her to use illusion magic on herself for peaceful intentions

  "Alright now, let me teach you how to control your mana and the steps you should take to create some basic illusions”

  Aiko transformed into her human form, dropping us to the ground.

  Aiko was in a child-like state as she transformed into her human form. Her soft,gentle voice turned into a more feminine voice which I did not expect

  Her personality didn't really change much,just the gender and the way she speaks.

  She also had soft brown hair with dark green eyes and her skin is fair and soft looking... She was beautiful in all aspects

  I had noticed that she also looked younger than her original form.

  The mage,Theresa,was mesmerized by her sudden transformation,she seemed taken aback by Aiko's beauty.

  The wolf now looked like a human female which made her even more adorable to look at

  She is still adorable in her beast form but she is even cuter in her human form

  Cleon even had his jaw dropped to the floor as he watched the wolf that he thought was going to be his demise have instead turned to a beautiful woman.

  "She's too pretty....."

  Theresa muttered this to herself while still holding Aiko's arm

  She was lost in her own thoughts as she was staring at the beauty of the wolf now turned to a beautiful woman.

  The assassin only stared,as he had also noticed her sudden change in appearance

  He was more surprised that the transformation actually changed her gender too.

  "Ahem" I cleared my throat and started to explain the basics of Illusion magic "So the I'll teach you the basics of Illusion magic,first you got to have a grasp of your mana within you then visualize the illusion then poof, it's gonna be like what you imagined"

   I then raised my hand and black smoke covered my body for a few seconds, after the few seconds the black smoke disappeared and transforming my male body into a female elf one

  Aiko was intrigued by this simple yet effective use of illusion magic.

  "So all I need to do is to imagine the illusion I want and my mana will materialise it into reality?"

  Her eyes were brightly shining with excitement as she was listening to my instructions.

  It would seem like making her into a living illusion machine will be easy as she was absorbing my words like a sponge.

  "Yeah,well basically. First,make sure to have a clear image of what you want to make the illusion of. Then just visualize it using your mana then it's gonna materialize."

  I then shifted back to my original self and then to a cat form to show my point.

  I was quite curious on how far Aiko can learn and imagine so I wanted to test her ability to create illusions

  "You try it now”

  Aiko then put her focus on me,she wanted to create a similar illusion of what I just did

  This is where I should've been very observant about the way she would imagine me

  This would be a great example for me of her own imagination

  She then took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  She tried her best to visualize me as well as she could,I let her imagination do most of the work and I was just observing her.

  After a few seconds,my image began to warp and change into something completely different

  I was impressed by how well she imagined to make this kind of illusion

  The cat-like form I transformed into turned into an elf-like one,she even made sure that it was a female one.

  I could've seen that she was enjoying the process of making a simple illusion

  I didn't even think that she was actually this talented when it came to this kind of magic.

  I had transformed back to my original self,I smiled at Aiko with a bit of pride

  "Not bad for a beginner like you...your first illusion was successful"

  It was really good that she had a way to hide her demonic features to blend in with the humans

  If she didn't learn this kind of spell,then she could've never been accepted by the humans

  My training should've been completed as she had enough basic knowledge about illusion and disguise magic.

  The mage then cut our conversation,she was concerned about the status of our adventuring party as I had mentioned that some of us were still in the other dungeons.

  "I wonder what is currently happening to them…”


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