The Heartless Monster Is Still Alive

The Heartless Monster Is Still Alive

Episode 1

Alphas are crazy and obsessive animals.

Gifted with great strength, intelligence, power, born to succeed, highly sought after for what they represented, having a dominant Alpha in the family brought prestige, so everyone sought to have one within their family, with them they had a guaranteed future.

But they were just animals that enjoyed oppressing with their cursed pheromones, crushing the weaker gender, controlling, empowering, using them, and if they were of no use to them, they left them abandoned regardless of the pain they caused, and it was all the omega's fault, being a recessive omega was the lowest you could be.

If you did not have the protection and support of the family, a recessive omega was at the mercy of these animals, and society itself was the same.

This was a cruel world to them, but he didn’t agree, everything was possible, everything could be changed, the only culprit seemed to be pheromones and he could change that.

Also, it was fun to play with them, this was a new paradise that was crying out to be investigated, that was asking for someone to control these animals called Alpha, that was asking for freedom for omegas, he was going to do it, he could play with them, life had given him this great gift and he was not going to waste it.


He had always wondered what it would feel like to float, to let your body fall freely without any ties and be able to return at will, if there was anything he regretted, it was not having reached that point in his investigation, exploring how far the body could go. human.

Another conjecture that bothered him was knowing what happened after death, would it disappear? would it be reborn? would it be reincarnated in some animal? would you go to heaven or hell? If that happened, maybe he would fit in with the latter option, not for nothing was he called, The heartless lab monster, and he believed he deserved it, he had helped many people with his research, but he had also done a lot of harm to get there.

In the end, he was assassinated before he could show the world his greatest work, he was called inhuman, aberrant and insane for making known the mixture of blood between animal and human species, so they decided that it was best to end his life.

The only thing he could feel after his death was his body falling into a void, then it became lighter as if it were a feather falling, and at some point only his soul remained, he had no form or voice and everything was completely dark.

Already resigned to staying there, he was suddenly absorbed by a great force.

As if he had caught his breath after drowning, he jumped up and sat up on the bed.

Breathing heavily, he looked around trying to understand what was going on, unable to breathe properly, he removed the oxygen mask that was obstructing his breathing.

He quickly realized where he was, it was a hospital room, he wondered if he had survived and had been brought here, but there was no one to ask, he was completely alone.

He removed the IV from his arm and felt a slight pain in his wrists, he raised both hands to see what was happening, his wrists were wrapped in white bandages.

“When did this happen?” he wondered in dismay.

Looking closely at his hands, he realized that he was different, young, smooth skin, he didn't remember being that young.

“Or did they sew other hands on me?”

That would explain the pain and bandages on his wrists.

Without waiting any longer, he went to the bathroom to make sure, something was different.

He walked into the bathroom with weak steps and looked in the mirror, the one he found in the reflection was not him, a different, younger face followed his movements.

“What is this?” he asked himself.

As a researcher, I believed that everything was possible, but this was strange, if he had been reborn, it would be in a new being, not in a body that apparently already had a life.

Upon returning to the hospital bed, he took the chart that contained his patient information.

Name: Aiden Allen.

Age: 25 years.

Gender: Male recessive omega.

Reason for admission: Self-harm.

It was a great coincidence that they had the same last name, anyway, he was used to being called by his last name and not by his first name, but the curious thing was the word omega that was used to describe him.

“Recessive Omega Gender,” he repeated those words several times, evidently it was not some rank, it was more like a classification.

“Oh, ha ha ha ha ha, it can’t be.”

The thunderous laughter echoed throughout the room, if it was what he thought, more than an opportunity, this was a gift.

Startled by the laughter, the nurse carefully entered the room and was startled to see him standing there laughing loudly as if he had lost his mind.

Allen turned to look at her with a big smile on his face.

The nurse was taken aback and wanted to leave to call the doctor, but was stopped by his voice.

“It's good to finally see someone, if you don't mind, could you bring me some books on human evolution? I would be very grateful”


This was more than I could have imagined, a little over a hundred years ago humans had evolved acquiring new genders, Alpha and Omega, regardless of whether they were men or omega women, both could get pregnant.

Omega, a sign of procreation, classified as the weakest gender whose usefulness was only reproduction, possessor of pheromones that served to cause lust, with a heat cycle every three months, the most important and required being the dominant omega, capable of give birth to a being with good genes, contrary to the recessive omega, which was the least required and used only for satisfaction.

“Does that mean I am discriminated against?” Laughing again, Aiden felt absurd, he had just woken up in this body and he was already hated for his gender.

He continued reading the book that the nurse had brought him, there were several interesting facts, but it was only a poor compilation, not everything could be understood with so little information.

It should be noted that this information was very cruel to omegas, contrary to the Alpha gender.

Alpha, a sign of magnificence, the strongest, most valued and loved gender by all, to be born as an alpha was a sign of glory and prosperity, possessing great strength, intelligence and outstanding by nature, with a heat cycle called Rut every six months, possessor of a knot in the genitals to ensure procreation.

“Oh, like a dog,” Aiden said with a laugh.

It was exciting, he couldn't wait to get his hands on these specimens new to him and gather more information.

The doctor who entered at that moment felt a chill run down his spine when he saw him laughing.

"Ahem, how are you feeling?" he asked cautiously.

“Good, really good, like I’ve been reborn,” with a big smile, Aiden placed the book on the nightstand.

“But I would like to make sure of something, I really haven’t felt very comfortable in this place,” Aiden said, pointing to his belly.

“Could I have a complete study? It would be good if I had an ultrasound to feel calm."

He had to see his uterus, he wanted to see it, if he had one, he was going to study himself first.


It was amazing, incredible, unimaginable, almost like a seahorse, this ability in a man to be able to give birth and possess a uterus was fascinating.

“Could you move it further?”

Giving directions for the doctor to move the ultrasound machine's control over his exposed belly, Aiden didn't blink, watching everything in detail.

When he noticed a great detail in his uterus, he smiled broadly in ecstasy.

To avoid arousing suspicion, he said nothing, he could confirm it himself.

“There’s no major damage, it’s delicate, but nothing to worry about,” the doctor said, cleaning the gel off his belly.

"I see, thank you"

He didn't get the ultrasound as expected, but he could wait a little longer.

Pheromones were something he was also curious about, in this world it was of great importance in Alphas and omegas, it emitted a certain aroma, variant in each individual.

He tried to smell his own scent, but he didn't know how to emit it.

“There’s still time,” he was young and had plenty of time to carry out his investigations.

After several days, he was discharged, he had two scars on his wrists, one on each side.

“What happened to make you do this?” he asked the owner of the body.

I knew I wouldn't get any answers, but it was a big unknown that I had to solve.

Before leaving the hospital, he took a bath and changed his clothes, there was only one change of clothes in a small suitcase, no identification or a cell phone.

He intended to ask for some suppressants to study them, he had read about it in the book and wanted to have them, but they were denied.

“You already have a special prescription for your condition, you cannot acquire more,” said the doctor, refusing.

"My condition?"

“Look, due to the imbalance in your pheromones, you can only have a certain amount of suppressants with a prescription, if you forgot, it’s good to remind yourself and don’t try to get them at pharmacies because you will be denied,” the doctor knew Aiden, could be overusing suppressants by not being able to bear the pain, he had already been brought to the hospital several times for that and he didn't want any more problems.

“Go home calmly and rest,” the doctor instructed him one last time and left the room.

When he was outside, he made a call.

"Yes, he was just released, he is stable now."

After reporting quickly, he hung up and went back to work, it was tiring and tedious having to deal with troublesome omegas.


“Pheromone imbalance,” Aiden walked towards the exit wondering how much trouble that would bring him.

“You did have several problems, friend,” he said to himself.

As he walked, he could see several people, couples of men and women showing themselves freely, men with a big belly carrying a baby inside, he could not distinguish who was an Alpha or an omega, unless the omega had a big belly or a child who called him mom.

He had a lot to study, but now this was his paradise.

The moment he got outside, a car pulled up in front of him, two burly men got out of the car, attracting the attention of passersby.

"Get in the car quietly," said one of them.

Aiden looked at them carefully, turning his head slightly.

"Isn't it appropriate to introduce yourself first?" he said smiling.

His demeanor was certainly different, the two men were surprised by his change and a little scared by his smile.

"Mr. Allen, you'd better come up now," one of them finally said.

“So you know me, I guess you’re taking me home, right?” he asked without blinking.

It was clear that they were bodyguards, very clumsy ones if what they wanted to avoid was attracting attention.

Without saying anything, one of them opened the car door, indicating for him to get in.

This was fun, Aiden wondered what other surprises the previous owner of this body was hiding.

He got into the car laughing, the bodyguards felt uncomfortable the whole way home, fearful because Aiden wouldn't stop staring at them and his laugh was terrifying.

They entered the garden of a small house, the place was quite remote in the suburbs.

With some cars surrounding the house, it looked more like a prison.

Aiden got out of the car, observing everything around him, no house was visible other than the one he lived in.

“I think now I can understand you a little, I don’t like this place either,” he said, talking to himself.

The bodyguards looked at each other in fear, thinking that perhaps the omega had already gone mad.

“Go ahead,” the bodyguard led him to the door.

As soon as he entered, he could smell a slight scent in the air, baby lotion and milk, guided by his instincts, he walked to the room that was upstairs.

A bright and warm room, with a small crib and necessary furniture.

Approaching the crib, he could feel his heart pounding, joy, fear, anxiety, all those feelings took over his body without him wanting to.

When the small body lying in the crib was visible, Aiden began to tremble involuntarily, he had noticed it when he saw his uterus, this body had already given birth and this little baby was his son, but somehow, he was reluctant to approach.

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Episode 101
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