His Heart Beat

His Heart Beat

chapter : One

Chapter : One


"Mum, please help me zip up" I said, turning my back for her to help me.

"oh dear, this gown is getting too tight, you need to stop wearing it" mum laughed

"Well, I don't have money to buy another one, besides they are other important things to do with money" I replied before walking to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

I ate my breakfast and rushed out of the house after receiving mum's blessings. I was so excited. Why!!

I had an interview with one of the biggest companies in Canada (SILVER GROUP). I've worked so hard to get an appointment with them and I would do anything to get a job there. Finding a job isn't an easy thing but I need to take care of my family.

My name is Kimberly, a twenty three years old lady who is a graduate of marketing. It has always been my dream to work in one of these big companies and I pray the dream comes to pass.

The taxi man stopped in front of the huge gates and I paid his fare before walking inside after being searched thoroughly by the security.

"It's good to be rich" I giggled as I walked towards the elevator that took me to the fifth floor. I have been here before so I know how to find my way around.

The company was so big and smelled nice. There's no place you wouldn't see a vase of pretty and nice scenting flowers.

The door of the elevator opened and I walked out before turning right to the receptionist office. Each floor had their own receptionist and there were twenty eight floors.


"Good morning" I greeted with a smile

"Morning, are you here for the interview" She asked and I nodded

"Okay, please wait for her" she said and I sat down on the chair. There were four other ladies and two guys waiting to be interviewed too.

How can I compete with these? I asked myself. They all wore suits which were neatly ironed and their shoes were literally glowing. "I have lost the job already" I murmured

Few minutes passed and I was already tired of sitting down. Some of the applicants had already gone inside the room and left. Their faces wee expressionless so I couldn't tell if they got the job or not

"Applicant seven"

Oh, that's me. I stood up and followed her inside the office.

Elegant was what I would describe it as, the office was beautiful with the huge mahogany desk and apple laptop on the table.The windows were decorated with flowers.

My eyes moved from the window to the beautiful lady sitting behind the desk and her personal assistant standing behind her.

Her skin glowed and she proudly flaunted her perfect nails before me. She looked at me from head to toe and scoffed

Hmmm, was she trying to make me feel intimidated or what? My gown cost a thousand won and my flat shoes were also expensive.


"Are you here for the job" I asked looking at her from head to toe

"Yes ma'am" She replied

"Your curriculum vitae" I asked and she dropped it on the table before me

I opened it and read through it carefully. Impressive

"Mark" I called

"Yes ma'am " He replied bowing immediately

"Alex's secretary has been chosen, tell her all she needs to know, that's all for today" I said and stood up

"And try to dress more classy, you aren't begging for food" I said rolling my eyeballs at the lady before leaving for my fiance's office

"Honey" I beamed as I walked inside

"Hmm, how are you doing??" He asked with his eyes fixed on his laptop

"I'm good, " I replied and sat on his lap. He smiled at me and pecked my cheeks, I grumbled and he pecked my lips instead.

"Where's my secretary?" He asked and I scoffed

"I sacked her this morning" I replied..

"Not again Hannah, what did she do" he asked

"She's beginning to act sassy and sultry" I replied


"Stop it babe, she's okay and doing her duties" I said slightly pissed off.

"I can't sit back and watch her try to seduce you, or do you like how she unbuttoned her top for you to stare?" Hannah asked

"None of that is true babe, you're just being paranoid" I sighed

"I know what I'm saying, well expect a new secretary tomorrow, this one is a nerd and I'm sure she wouldn't try to seduce you like the rest" Hannah said and I shook my head before continuing what I was doing.

Hannah is my girlfriend and we are already engaged though it was an arranged marriage but we actually liked each other and agreed to get married next year

Hannah is the most obsessed and petty girlfriend I have ever seen. She has sacked almost twenty secretaries just because she thinks they are trying to seduce me.

I know I'm a cute guy and I don't like to cheat so Hannah is the only one I love and I won't do anything to hurt her but she makes me angry at times.

I hope this new secretary lasts for a month because that's the highest my secretaries have ever worked.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked

"Nothing" I replied

"I'm sorry babe, I don't want to lose you" She pouted

"You aren't going to lose me, just trust me okay" I said and kissed her nose.


I went back home happily, Mark showed me my office and other important things I would need and use while working with President Alex

Mum was very excited about the news of my Job and I began my preparation to resume work tomorrow. I walked to my wardrobe and took a black skirt and pink top, that's what I would be wearing to work tomorrow.

I walked to the ironing table and Mark's words replayed in my head.

"Stay away from the President if you want to work more than a month" Mark said

"Why, I am going to become his secretary ..."

"You've been warned" He said and walked away. I shook my head and continued ironing my clothes.


I walked inside the house tiredly and fell on the sofa with a huge sigh.

Someone laughed from behind and I knew it was that annoying sister of mine

"Don't tell me you're tired of the company already" She laughed and sat beside me

"I didn't say that" I rolled my eyeballs and she laughed again

"Being a president of one of dad's company isn't an easy job, I'm glad it's just the school I'm handling" Ariana said

"That's because you're a girl," I replied. I knew the statement pissed her off. She hates it when someone says girls aren't powerful.

"What does being a girl have to do with this, a girl can be more successful than a guy, okay" She yelled and I just laughed

"I'll report you to dad when he comes back" She hissed and walked upstairs. I shook my head and dragged myself upstairs too.

Ariana is my kid sister and I love her so much even if she's annoying. My parents got divorced when she was three.

Dad owns a lot of companies and he gave me one to handle (Silver Tech World) while he gave the school to Ariana and he took care of the rest himself.


"Dad" I called

"Yes darling," He replied, chewing his meat.

"Alex said I ....."

"Oh dear, Ariana, someone would be joining us for dinner tonight. I almost forgot about it" Dad said and I sighed. He will never listen to anything I have to say about his dear son

"Who's that" Alex asked

"It's the son of one of my business partners, his dad and I discussed about something" Dad replied smiling

"Really, what could that be " I asked

"I want you guys to know each other and maybe get married" Dad said and I frowned

"Get married, Ariana is still young, she's just eighteen" Alex shouted

"Alex, it's for the progress of the Family" Dad replied

"But Dad I don't want to get married" I protested

"Don't worry daughter, you'll like him, he's cute" Dad winked at me

"Unbelievable"Alex murmured and went to his room.


"Hey baby" I pouted

"Love, how are you doing?" Alex asked

"I am good, you don't sound happy" I said, noticing the anger in his voice.

"I can't be happy when my dad is about to sell his daughter" Alex replied

"Are you talking about Ariana"

"Yes, my dad wants to hook her up with the son of his business partner, Ariana is still young" Alex said

"Hmm, and what did she say?"

"What can she say, she always obeys my dad " Alex chuckled

"Don't get so worked up over that, Ariana can make decisions for herself, I'm sure she knows what to do" I said

"Alright, so what did my baby eat for dinner" He asked and I laughed

"I just took some cookies and juice, I don't feel like cooking"

"But there are maids"

"Yes Hun, I don't want to eat their food" I replied


It was almost time for dinner and I'm beginning to feel nervous. I used my hand to smoothen my hair and applied a little gloss to my lips.

Why am I even doing all this, what if I don't like him. Well, I would do anything to make my dad pleased with me.

I walked downstairs and met dad in the sitting room. "Wow, you look elegant" Dad complimented

"Thanks Dad" I blushed

"I think he will be here soon" Dad said and we heard the doorbell ring. A maid ran to the door and a cool and handsome guy walked in

"Good evening, Mr Silver" He greeted bowing slightly

"You're welcome son," Dad said, patting his back gently.

"Jeffrey, this is Ariana, my daughter," Dad said, pointing at me.

"Hi" he waved

"Hi" I waved back too. Dad smiled and we moved to the dining table for dinner


"Who's that?" I yelled, rushing out of the kitchen.

I opened the door and saw the fat and annoying landlady.

"Good evening ma'am" I greeted

"If only you pay me money the way you greet , I would have been happy" She said and I scoffed

"What do you want?" I asked

"Oh, it seems like you have forgotten, I came for my rent "She said

"Errrm, the rent just expired yesterday, right" I asked

"Yes I know, and I'm giving you a month to pay the new one" She said

"Alright, landlady" I replied

"Good" She hissed and walked out. I sighed and closed the door.

"What does she want again?" Mum asked

"Rent as usual" I replied and sat beside Mum.

"What are we going to do now"

"I'll pay, thank God I got a job" I smiled

"Huh, you can't pay everything with your salary" Mum said

"It would be enough, I will still have some money to pay for Cade's fees and yours" U chuckled and walked to the kitchen to continue washing the dishes.

"Kim, you're phone is ringing" Mum said

"Jeez, can't I work in peace" I yelled

"It's Melody " I quickly dried my hand with a towel before rushed out.

"Hello" I said

"Kim, Cade refused to eat dinner" Melody said

"Why is he sick?" I asked

"No, just talk to him" She said and passed him the phone


"Cade, why did you refuse to eat dinner?"

"I want to see you momma, I want to stay with you" he pouted

"No Cade, stay with Aunt Melody" I said

"But... momma "

"Cade, please eat your food, I promise to visit you during the weekend" I said and he was silent

"Can you hear me, I'll get you a toy car on my way, okay"

"Yes momma. I miss you" He said

"I miss you too, bye" I said and hung up. I took in a deep breath and dropped the phone

"I think it's time for you to have a rethink and let him stay with us" Mum said

"No mum, he'll be fine with Melody" I replied

"He is your son, not her's" Mum yelled

"I know he's my son, so let me make any decision about him the way I want to" I shot back and walked to my room angrily.


"Thanks for coming" I said and Jeffrey smiled

"My pleasure, you look elegant" He said and I laughed

"You don't look bad either" I said

"Can I have your number, maybe we can chat or .."

"Sure, no problem" I said and gave him my digits

"Thanks, see you next time" He said and entered his car.

"Woah, I never thought he would be this nice and cool" I smiled as I laid on my bed. Jeffrey is a cool and cheerful guy, maybe I could consider him. I learnt he studied abroad and he's back to manage his dad's company.

I know Alex is angry because I knocked on his door and he refused to open up. I'll talk to him tomorrow


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