Their Perfect Venomous Marriage
Dark Writer
Hii my strawberries 🌚🌚
Dark Writer
Let's start 🌚🌚
At night, in the hotel room
Currently Araddhya is bre@stfeeding angelica while eating her own dinner which is a simple ground beef spaghetti along with some chicken wings
Desmond is sitting on the couch having his dinner and working on the presentation which will be required tomorrow in the meeting while occasionally peaking at araddhya
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at her*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at him*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look away immediately*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Want some??
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
WHAT?😶😶 *shouted* *look at her*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
shhhh*pat angel's back* why are shouting desmond i am talking Chicken wings💢💢 *swinging the chicken wings* what did you think??
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
No........i mean nothing *look down*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*shrug her shoulder and continue eating*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
(what the hell was i thinking) *ruffle his hair*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*staring at him* *chewing her food*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*put the blanket on angelica and kiss her forehead* good night my sweetheart😊😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
😪😪 *sucking her thumb*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*remove her thumb from her mouth* 😊😊
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Uhhh ahem *fake cough*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at him* ??
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Well can you come this side......angel is sleeping she might wake up *holding a box*
Araddhya got down from the bed and went towards the couch as she stood crossing her arms across her chest
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
What do you want to say Desmond??
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
I..........i *open the box* wanted to give you this yesterday but couldn't
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at it*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
I.........i bought it yesterday only for you.......i know you like to wear anklets *look at her*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
You know?? *raise her eyebrow*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Strange because as far as i never even looked at me *sit on the couch*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look down* (but i do know what you like and what not)
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
What are you doing?? *look at him*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
You bought that anklet for me isn't it??
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Make me wear it them😊😊
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
C'mon don't tell me that you thought only gifting me with material things can heal my 3 years pain.........if you want to rectify your mistakes then show me the effort that you are trying atleast trying desmond
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*clench the box and sit in one knee* *nods* i know that material things can't win you otherwise you would never be angry on my ignorance because you got everything infact more than everything being my wife
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*put her left leg on his thigh*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at her*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Desmond took one anklet and tie it around her feet......he did the same thing with the other as well
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*moving her legs* woahhhhh it's so pretty
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
you like it??
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
This is the first thing you ever gifted me on your own desmond.........there's no way I won't like it *stood up*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look up at her*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
You have to wake up early tomorrow so sleep now *walk past him* good night desmond
With that Araddhya got up on the bed and hugged angelica as she close her eyes leaving behind desmond who is still sitting on one knee as his lips curved into a smile......a smile which was seen almost 5 years ago
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*faint smile* *stood up and went near the bed*
Desmond saw araddhya hugging angelica who is sleeping feeling the warmth of her mother's arms......a new feeling crept inside his heart......he suddenly had an urge to hug tightly, this time not only his daughter but his wife as well but he knows his limits rather he knows that is not the right time to hug his wife not when he didn't even rectify his 3 years mistakes
he too got up on the bed as he stared at the mother - daughter pair for quite sometime when sleep consumed his eyes and he fell asleep
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*open her eyes*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*sigh* *got up and pull the blanker over desmond*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at desmond then at angelica* *poke her nose* i carried you for 9 months, suffered from cravings, fatigue, morning sickness , labour pain when your papa was busy with his company leaving his pregnant wife behind
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
And you came out looking like that man💢💢 even your sleeping position is like him 💢💢
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*sigh and hug her* then too i love you my sweetheart😊😊 *close her eyes*
Dark Writer
As i said slow burn so enjoy every moment🌚🌚🌚
Dark Writer
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Dark Writer
Happy reading 😃
Ovi Krish
same my daughter is also like that /Smug/
Oh, she definitely got her memories back.
Same my mother also scold me like this ,making similarities between my dad and me🙂🙂