Their Perfect Venomous Marriage
Dark Writer
Hii my strawberries 🌚🌚
Dark Writer
Let's start 🌚🌚
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Wake up angel *smile*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Mmm *rub her eyes*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Angel sweetheart papa will be going to office won't you see him off hmm??😊😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*shot open her eyes* goof mooling😁😁
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Good morning baby *kiss her forehead*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Papa gone??😟
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Papa can never go without saying goodbye to his angel *came outside*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
PAPA😃 *grabby hands towards him*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*chuckles and pick her up* did my angel have a good sleep hmm??😊😊
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*staring at desmond* (the only time i see him smile is with angel🙂🙂 never once in our 3 years of marriage did he ever smile at me......)
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Yeshhhhh angel dweam about papa, mama in pwak😁😁
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*nods nods*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Hmm then shall we go to the amusement park today hmm??😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*frown* but desmond i have to go out with divya today i promised her to----- *got cut*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Nothing is more important that my daughter's wish❄️❄️ *look at her* she dreamt of going to Amusement park and we will go there am i clear❄️❄️
That's how much important Angelica is for her father.......if she wants chocolate imported from Australia desmond will give to her a few hours later, if she want to go to Amusement park he will do it then and there....... it's as if he will even bring the moon down for angelica if she ask for it
Desmond is the ideal father every child wants but still he couldn't become the ideal husband every woman wants just because of his ignorance and rude behaviour
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*bite her lips and nods*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
So *smile at angelica* shall papa brush your teeth today hmm??😊😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*nod nod* 😃😃
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at araddhya* prepare my Breakfast i will come down with angel❄️❄️ *went inside the washroom with angelica*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*sigh* looks like i have to cancel my many times did i already cancelled our plan🙂🙂 *walk away*
Divya, her best friend also married an anglo indian, half american and half indian, friend of desmond, is 5 months pregnant and it's been 15 times araddhya cancelled the plan to go out with her due to various reasons and most of them are because of desmond and angelica
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*Preparing the salad for desmond*
Roan D'Aragona/ ml dad
Dear can you give me some of that white colour thing😃😃
Liona D'Aragona / ml mom
*bombastic side eye*
Desmond's grandma
*criminal offensive side eye*
Roan D'Aragona/ ml dad
Liona D'Aragona / ml mom
It's khir okk not some white colour thing 😒😒😒
Roan D'Aragona/ ml dad
Whatever😒😒 so dear araddhya can you give me some😃😃
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*chuckles* no dad aren't you have diabetes so no more khir for you😊😊 *keep the salad bowl on the table*
Desmond's grandma
Roan D'Aragona/ ml dad
Why are you laughing mom😒😒
Desmond's grandma
I can't eat that you also can't that's great 😁😁
Roan D'Aragona/ ml dad
😒😒 humph
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*came downstairs*
Desmond's grandma
My great grand daughter😃😃 come to me *stretch her hand*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*run towards her* gool mooling😁😁
Liona D'Aragona / ml mom
Good morning little
Roan D'Aragona/ ml dad
Good morning little one😊😊
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Where's the sandwich??❄️❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
I am getting it *walk inside the kitchen*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*sipping juice*
Liona D'Aragona / ml mom
desmond why don't you eat these😟😟
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at her*
Liona D'Aragona / ml mom
Well you see araddhya have to cook our indian breakfast as well as your english breakfast, and in the meantime she cannot eat with us😟😟 so it would be better if yo----- *got cut*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Who told her to make breakfast for me?? The maids can make my breakfast❄️❄️
Liona D'Aragona / ml mom
*became quite and roll her eyes* maids can make my breakfast 😒*mimick him*
Liona D'Aragona / ml mom
As if you will like if the maids make it😒😒 *mumbles*
Roan D'Aragona/ ml dad
Pfft-- *laughs a little but compose himself*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Desmond your sandwich😊 *keep the plate infront of him*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
mumma hunwy🥺🥺🥺
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Awwww *pick her up* then mumma will feed angel now😁😁
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Soon the breakfast ended peacefully with liona clearly offended because of desmond
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Ok then i will be leaving❄️❄️
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Papa pwak??🥺
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Yeah yeah your highness i remember your park *pinch her nose*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at araddhya*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*gave him the bag*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Be ready by 12 and make angel ready as well❄️❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Taylor Frances / ml secretary
*came inside* good morning sir *look at araddhya* good morning Mrs D'Aragona 😊😊
Taylor Frances, 24 years old, secretary of desmond........having crush on him but knows her limits, respects araddhya and loves angel
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Good morning taylor😊😊
Taylor Frances / ml secretary
Sir we have a meeting in 10 30
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Hmm ok then bye angel😊😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Bye bye papa😁😁
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
let's go❄️❄️
Taylor Frances / ml secretary
Wait sir *tiptoed and made his tie straight*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*looking at them*
Taylor Frances / ml secretary
Now let's go sir😊😊
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Taylor Frances / ml secretary
*followed him out*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*pull her kurti* mumma???
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at her* *smile* go to granny and play mumma have kitchen works😊😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*nods and ran away*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*sigh* what's the point of getting a hot and rich husband when it's not at all those novel life *scoff*
Suddenly her phone started ringing
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at the caller id* *sigh* 📱hello
📱thank god i can atleast hear Mrs D'Aragona's voice😒
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
📱 Divya it's not like that 😟
Divya Rathore/ fl friend
📱What not like that huh?? anyways we are going out ok today
DIVYA RATHORE, 27 years old, araddhya's best friend since 4 years
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
📱that........i......i can't 😟
Divya Rathore/ fl friend
📱huh?? is it because of your dàmn rude husband??💢💢
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Divya Rathore/ fl friend
📱you know someday i will kill that man😡😡😡
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
📱divya 😞😞
Divya Rathore/ fl friend
📱what?? Ara did you by any chance forget yo live for yourself as well?? I understand you baby is small and your family requires but that doesn't mean that you won't have time for yourself😟
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Divya Rathore/ fl friend
📱 *sigh* anyways call me when you can go out with me and one more thing your husband should understand your value in the family 💢💢💢 *hang up*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
My value??? Even I don't know what's my value🙂🙂 he married a girl like me is more than enough *sad smile*
Dark Writer
This story is a little slow burn sooo don't get bored😁😁
Dark Writer
Am soooooo happy that we made 100+ subscribers yaayyyyyyy😁😁😁
Dark Writer
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Dark Writer
Happy reading 😃
cuz novel is fiction which cannot or ever be reality cuz things can't be so much perfect in real life
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so so many DOTS
miss.김*햇살 ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ .
I can hear the accent /Scowl/