Their Perfect Venomous Marriage
Dark Writer
Okkk so 👁️👄👁️ i never saw a cute request .......this is for your grandmother 😆😆
Dark Writer
Let's start 🌚🌚
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*realized she is hugging desmond* *push him a little*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Are you ok? *in a worried tone*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
😶😶 *cough* *cough*
Desmond hurriedly pour water in the glass and hand it over to araddhya who drank it in one go
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at him* i am sorry i disturb your sleep desmond
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*sit near her feet*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*fold her legs* you should sleep Desmond
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
are you ok now??❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
(again back to cold.....) *look away* yes
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Actually *fidgeting his fingers* i want to talk with you❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
you can talk tomorrow as well desmond..... it's now 2 30 am and not a time to talk *still didn't look at him*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
During the day you remain busy with angel and i also remain in the company so we hardly get time to talk❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
What do you want to talk about??
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
I had a gf❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at him* Rose Bianca?
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*frown and look at her* how do you know??❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*smile* you will never tell me that doesn't mean i will never know🙂🙂
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Rose and i were childhood sweethearts.....we were in love since middle school no one knew was a secret relationship❄️
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
5 years ago everyone got to know everything.....both the families accepted it but a year later news suddenly a news spread that the Bianca family was involved with mafias and my family hates mafia I don't know why and that's how we both had to break up❄️
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
She married Neil Volkov, the next king of underworld and i married you❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at her*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
why are you telling me this now??
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look down* i thought you should know this......i planned to tell you at the beginning but I didn't even realize and 3 years passed❄️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
do you......still love Rose Bianca?? *look at him*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at her and then look at angel* .........
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*chuckles* seems like you still love her and why will you not.....after all she was your lover for so many years and i am your wife........unknown wife for only 3 years🙂🙂 *teary eyes*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Ara i----- *got cut*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Mmmm mumma *rub her eyes*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*look at her* angel baby what happened??😟😟
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at angel*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Mummaaa pee pee 🥺🥺 *grabby hands towards her*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Aigooo my little princess 🥰🥰 *pick her up*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*faint smile*
Araddhya went inside the washroom with angelica.....desmond on the other hand sighed as he got up and laid on the other side of the bed.....staring at the ceiling with lots of thought in his mind
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*came inside with angelica* now baby sleep sleep hmm😊😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Mumma *kept her hand on her chest*🥺🥺🥺
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
No angel 😑😑 *keep angel on bed*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*cling onto her* mumma pwease🥺🥺 me got no bobo twodway🥺🥺🥺
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*looking at them* *felt embarassed* *look away*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*embarrassed because of desmond* look angel you woke papa too☹️☹️ papa work for so long he must be tired naa☹️☹️
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Mumma me will sweep if i gwet bobo😗😗
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at them*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
if you will not sleep then your papa will also not sleep *signal desmond*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Yes i can't sleep without my angel do come to papa hmm😊😊
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*look at desmond* *went towards him*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*hold her* now papa can also sleep if angel is there😊😊
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*got up on the bed*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
You can't sweep papa??😗😗
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
no baby☹️☹️
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*looking at them and smile at their interaction*
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
🤔🤔🤔 umm ok then
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Mama bobo put me sweep then i can share mama bobo with you so you will also fall asweep😁😁😁 *giggles*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*eyes widen*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
you ale my papa so me share with ywou *cup desmond's face with her small hands* mumma milky is tashtwy tashtwy😋😋
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*red face redder than a tomato*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*look at araddhya*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*pull angelica* stop talking i will give you Bobo😳😳
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Papa also want😋😋
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
*blush* Desmond can you turn the other side please *too much embarrassed*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*turn on the other side without saying anything*
Araddhya open her upper gown as she pull her nighty down and put her left n!pples infront of angelica's little mouth
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
Papa no ewat🥺🥺 *about to look at desmond*
Araddhya D'Aragona / fl
Angel you eat yours💢💢
Angelica D'Aragona / ml fl daughter
*pout and starts sucking*
Desmond D'Aragona / ml
*blushing* *can hear angelica sucking milk* *close his eyes tightly* (1 sheep....2 sheep.....3 sheep....)
Angelica's sucking sound prevailed for sometime before she finally fell asleep.....both desmond and araddhya didn't speak further since it's almost 3am, and on top both were too embarrassed because of what angelica said
Dark Writer
Ending this here
Dark Writer
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Dark Writer
Happy reading 😃
Sorry I mean authy
Aish aish aish aish aishhhh itna pyaar, thank you anuthey🥰