Elite Seven (Taekook)

Elite Seven (Taekook)

The Truth

Kim Taehyung was sitting in the middle of the extra long expensive dining table, his grandparents opposite him. His mother sat on one end, while his father sat on the other. He thought it was ridiculous that this was supposed to be considered a family dinner when they all were sitting so far away from each other. But he guesses the perks of being a ‘Kim’ granted him this kind of luxury.
He looked around the room, taking in the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Just that chandelier probably cost the same amount as a brand new car.
The Kim’s were a well known family. They came from money. Taehyung's great great grandfather had been the sole owner of one of the biggest companies in Korea. So to say they were well off would even be an understatement.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
You can’t just go around doing whatever you want Taehyung. (Scolding her son from where she sat.)
Taehyung rolled his eyes. The little shit inside of him wanted to tell her he couldn’t hear her from all the way over there. But he refrained. She already seemed to have that growing vein in her forehead, which meant she was pretty upset.
Kim Taehee was seen as the most beautiful woman in all of Korea. Her long flowy black locks would turn heads, and her sweet eyes and smile made everyone fall in love with her.
But Kim Taehee was also a business woman in and out. She loved her family dearly. But she was a business woman, and sometimes being a business woman made you come off harsh. You had to do the things no one else wanted to. And Taehyung sometimes took it the wrong way.
She was also an Omega, but she wasn’t the typical Omega. Kim Taehee held power like an Alpha. Alpha male’s were often threatened by her aura and often felt the need to submit to her. She was what one calls a badass.
Taehyung looked to his grandmother in front of him, the old woman smiling softly at him. She was the one to give him the idea in the first place.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So I convinced my Principal and everyone that I didn't go to school there so I could skip and enjoy the nice weather, it’s really not that big of a deal.
You see Taehyung was born with powers. His just so happened to be that he could influence minds. If he said a suggestion out loud to someone while initiating his powers, they just so happened to have to listen to him.
Oh, and he could also move objects without touching them, but that was still something the Omega was still working on.
He didn’t know of anyone else with powers, he thought that’s why his mom had always been so over-barring and protective. He was unique… or so he thought.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Hence the problem lies in that you do not see that as a bad thing. (Getting frustrated with her some she turned to her mother.) Mother please back me up on this, he seems to like you the most.
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
I don’t know dear, it sounds like a harmless prank to me. (Winking at Taehyung.)
His mother wasn’t wrong, Taehyung very much preferred his grandmother. She wasn’t stuffy and boring like his mother, and well it always seemed like his father was never around off doing his job.
He didn’t know why an accountant needed to travel so much, but he wasn’t going to comment on it.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
I don’t know why I asked you, you’ll just side with him. (Rollin her eyes.)
She turned her attention to her husband who seemed to not have been listening too busy on his phone. But Taehee understood why, so it never really bothered her.
Kim Woobin was every woman’s dream man. He had fallen for Taehee the moment he laid eyes on her and all his other suitors meant nothing. Nothing could compare to the love he felt for his wife.
But also like Taehee, he was a businessman and an Alpha male. Taehyung rarely saw him. They had a strained relationship. Not bad, Taehyung just wished he was around more often.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Woobin. (Pleading with her husband.) I think it’s time.
Woobin understood the look his wife was giving him. They had been discussing this particular subject without Taehyung for a few years now.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Are you sure that’s what you want?
Taehee had been so against it all for the past few years, he just wanted to make sure she meant it.
Taehyung was looking at them both in confusion. What did his mother think it was time for?
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
No. (Sighing) But I think it’s best for him. Is there a spot for him?
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Yes, I told you about what happened a month ago. We haven’t been able to fill the spot. (A hint of sadness dawning his features.)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Can someone please fill me in on what's going on?
His mother and father shared a joint look before his father stood up. Taehyung’s features scrunched in confusion, his eyes never leaving his father’s figure.
Next thing he knows his father is a good two feet off the ground floating in the air like he had been doing it all his life.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hold up, what is going on? (Practically screaming)
Taehyung watched as his father slowly lowered himself to the ground. Excuse his language, but what the actual fuck was going on!
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
We’ve been keeping a lot from you-
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Interrupting his father.) Well no shit. (Scoffing)
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Taehyung language. (Scolding her son.)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Turning to his grandmother.) Did you know, (Gesturing at his father.) about all of this?
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
I did, I’m sorry Aein. They asked me not to tell you.
Taehyung couldn’t be mad at her. It wasn’t her fault they wouldn’t allow her to tell him.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Taking a deep breath.) Okay so you have powers, what else? Because you clearly said you’ve been keeping ‘a lot’– (Making air quotes.) from me.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Well if you wouldn’t interrupt me I would have kept going. (Narrowing his eyes at his son in disappointment for having interrupted him.)
Taehyung motioned with his hand as though he was locking his mouth with a key, and then throwing it away. He could be quiet.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
(Rolling his eyes at Taehyung’s childish behavior. ) I’m not an accountant. (Seeing Taehyung’s eyes light up about to make a snarky remark, he spoke quickly to not be interrupted by the boy again.) I run an agency.
Taehyung looked at the man in confusion. What did that even mean? He didn’t have to wait long for the answer as his father spoke again elaborating on his previous statement.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
It’s a place called Apex Academy. We train and create teams of secret agents with powers. We have around 6 teams at the moment. One has a permanent position as the Secret Service to the United States President. Each team might receive a mission to go on that can range anywhere from protection services to stopping a nuclear war.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
The most well known, well in the sense of the people who have access to knowing is my team, The Elite Seven. After a fatal accident about a month ago a spot opened up. We haven’t been able to fill it as no one seems to match the team. But you Taehyung, I know you will fit in perfectly. I’ve been trying to get your mother to let me tell you all this, but you know her, she is a tad over protective.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Woobin! (Scolding her husband.)
Yes she may be over protective but it was for a good reason. She just was worried about her boy and didn’t want him to get hurt.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Sorry yeobo, but it’s true. (Turning back to look at his son, but Taehyung seemed to be far off in a different world.) Taehyung?
Taehyung’s mind was racing. It was like everything he had ever known to be true, was actually a lie.
One, his father had powers and was some freaking lord of the secret agents. Which okay, he knew they were out there but never did he think his father would be in charge of them.
Let alone Taehyung thought he was the only one with powers and now comes to find out there's a whole freaking agency of them just existing without Taehyung’s knowledge.
So ya, to say he was a little overwhelmed with all the information would be an understatement.
That’s when he felt it, the tall tale signs that the food he just ate was not going to be staying in stomach any longer due to the overwhelming amount of emotions he was feeling.
And right then and there his dinner from the night landed on the pristine luxury wood flooring.


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