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Elite Seven (Taekook)

The Truth

Kim Taehyung was sitting in the middle of the extra long expensive dining table, his grandparents opposite him. His mother sat on one end, while his father sat on the other. He thought it was ridiculous that this was supposed to be considered a family dinner when they all were sitting so far away from each other. But he guesses the perks of being a ‘Kim’ granted him this kind of luxury.
He looked around the room, taking in the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Just that chandelier probably cost the same amount as a brand new car.
The Kim’s were a well known family. They came from money. Taehyung's great great grandfather had been the sole owner of one of the biggest companies in Korea. So to say they were well off would even be an understatement.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
You can’t just go around doing whatever you want Taehyung. (Scolding her son from where she sat.)
Taehyung rolled his eyes. The little shit inside of him wanted to tell her he couldn’t hear her from all the way over there. But he refrained. She already seemed to have that growing vein in her forehead, which meant she was pretty upset.
Kim Taehee was seen as the most beautiful woman in all of Korea. Her long flowy black locks would turn heads, and her sweet eyes and smile made everyone fall in love with her.
But Kim Taehee was also a business woman in and out. She loved her family dearly. But she was a business woman, and sometimes being a business woman made you come off harsh. You had to do the things no one else wanted to. And Taehyung sometimes took it the wrong way.
She was also an Omega, but she wasn’t the typical Omega. Kim Taehee held power like an Alpha. Alpha male’s were often threatened by her aura and often felt the need to submit to her. She was what one calls a badass.
Taehyung looked to his grandmother in front of him, the old woman smiling softly at him. She was the one to give him the idea in the first place.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So I convinced my Principal and everyone that I didn't go to school there so I could skip and enjoy the nice weather, it’s really not that big of a deal.
You see Taehyung was born with powers. His just so happened to be that he could influence minds. If he said a suggestion out loud to someone while initiating his powers, they just so happened to have to listen to him.
Oh, and he could also move objects without touching them, but that was still something the Omega was still working on.
He didn’t know of anyone else with powers, he thought that’s why his mom had always been so over-barring and protective. He was unique… or so he thought.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Hence the problem lies in that you do not see that as a bad thing. (Getting frustrated with her some she turned to her mother.) Mother please back me up on this, he seems to like you the most.
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
I don’t know dear, it sounds like a harmless prank to me. (Winking at Taehyung.)
His mother wasn’t wrong, Taehyung very much preferred his grandmother. She wasn’t stuffy and boring like his mother, and well it always seemed like his father was never around off doing his job.
He didn’t know why an accountant needed to travel so much, but he wasn’t going to comment on it.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
I don’t know why I asked you, you’ll just side with him. (Rollin her eyes.)
She turned her attention to her husband who seemed to not have been listening too busy on his phone. But Taehee understood why, so it never really bothered her.
Kim Woobin was every woman’s dream man. He had fallen for Taehee the moment he laid eyes on her and all his other suitors meant nothing. Nothing could compare to the love he felt for his wife.
But also like Taehee, he was a businessman and an Alpha male. Taehyung rarely saw him. They had a strained relationship. Not bad, Taehyung just wished he was around more often.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Woobin. (Pleading with her husband.) I think it’s time.
Woobin understood the look his wife was giving him. They had been discussing this particular subject without Taehyung for a few years now.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Are you sure that’s what you want?
Taehee had been so against it all for the past few years, he just wanted to make sure she meant it.
Taehyung was looking at them both in confusion. What did his mother think it was time for?
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
No. (Sighing) But I think it’s best for him. Is there a spot for him?
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Yes, I told you about what happened a month ago. We haven’t been able to fill the spot. (A hint of sadness dawning his features.)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Can someone please fill me in on what's going on?
His mother and father shared a joint look before his father stood up. Taehyung’s features scrunched in confusion, his eyes never leaving his father’s figure.
Next thing he knows his father is a good two feet off the ground floating in the air like he had been doing it all his life.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hold up, what is going on? (Practically screaming)
Taehyung watched as his father slowly lowered himself to the ground. Excuse his language, but what the actual fuck was going on!
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
We’ve been keeping a lot from you-
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Interrupting his father.) Well no shit. (Scoffing)
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Taehyung language. (Scolding her son.)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Turning to his grandmother.) Did you know, (Gesturing at his father.) about all of this?
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
I did, I’m sorry Aein. They asked me not to tell you.
Taehyung couldn’t be mad at her. It wasn’t her fault they wouldn’t allow her to tell him.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Taking a deep breath.) Okay so you have powers, what else? Because you clearly said you’ve been keeping ‘a lot’– (Making air quotes.) from me.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Well if you wouldn’t interrupt me I would have kept going. (Narrowing his eyes at his son in disappointment for having interrupted him.)
Taehyung motioned with his hand as though he was locking his mouth with a key, and then throwing it away. He could be quiet.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
(Rolling his eyes at Taehyung’s childish behavior. ) I’m not an accountant. (Seeing Taehyung’s eyes light up about to make a snarky remark, he spoke quickly to not be interrupted by the boy again.) I run an agency.
Taehyung looked at the man in confusion. What did that even mean? He didn’t have to wait long for the answer as his father spoke again elaborating on his previous statement.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
It’s a place called Apex Academy. We train and create teams of secret agents with powers. We have around 6 teams at the moment. One has a permanent position as the Secret Service to the United States President. Each team might receive a mission to go on that can range anywhere from protection services to stopping a nuclear war.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
The most well known, well in the sense of the people who have access to knowing is my team, The Elite Seven. After a fatal accident about a month ago a spot opened up. We haven’t been able to fill it as no one seems to match the team. But you Taehyung, I know you will fit in perfectly. I’ve been trying to get your mother to let me tell you all this, but you know her, she is a tad over protective.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Woobin! (Scolding her husband.)
Yes she may be over protective but it was for a good reason. She just was worried about her boy and didn’t want him to get hurt.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Sorry yeobo, but it’s true. (Turning back to look at his son, but Taehyung seemed to be far off in a different world.) Taehyung?
Taehyung’s mind was racing. It was like everything he had ever known to be true, was actually a lie.
One, his father had powers and was some freaking lord of the secret agents. Which okay, he knew they were out there but never did he think his father would be in charge of them.
Let alone Taehyung thought he was the only one with powers and now comes to find out there's a whole freaking agency of them just existing without Taehyung’s knowledge.
So ya, to say he was a little overwhelmed with all the information would be an understatement.
That’s when he felt it, the tall tale signs that the food he just ate was not going to be staying in stomach any longer due to the overwhelming amount of emotions he was feeling.
And right then and there his dinner from the night landed on the pristine luxury wood flooring.

Apex Academy

Taehyung’s night was turning out to be just peachy.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Sweetheart! (Yelling and going over to console her son.)
Taehyung felt his mothers soothing touch as she rubbed his back trying to calm him down.It was sorta helping him, but he was still reeling from all the information he had just heard.
He finally was able to calm himself down and he looked up into his father’s concerned eyes.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So what, you’re sending me away? It was just a harmless prank! No one got hurt. (Exclaiming, his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest.)
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
It’s not like that Taehyung, there are bigger things in this world that you should experience, and I realized I’ve been holding you back from them. This will be good for you. (Reassuring him)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So I’m just supposed to pack up everything and move to God knows where? Leave my home and all my friends. That hardly seems fair after one little mistake.
Taehyung didn’t understand. He made one little mistake, it didn’t make sense that they were just going to send him away. Basically change his whole life. He had just started his senior year. He didn’t want to leave.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Taehyung, it's not about what happened at the school. We forgive you for that. This is bigger than that. Don’t you want to go be with people who are like you? Learn better control of your powers and do something good with them?
Taehyung thought about it. He can’t lie that the whole premise of being a secret agent intrigued him. But moving away from everyone and starting over basically scared him.
He wasn’t one who welcomed change easily. But maybe his parents were right, maybe this would be a good experience for him. Plus he kinda wanted to see how cool his powers were compared to others.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Okay so say I agree, what’s next?
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Well it won’t matter if you agree or not, you’re going. (Giving his son a glare.)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So I don’t even get a choice?
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
Sorry sweetie but no.
Taehyung threw his hands in the air. This was stupid. Now he doesn’t even get the choice. Whatever.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Fine, so what’s next then?
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
Maybe we should have this conversation somewhere more comfortable? Take it to the living room, Taehyungie might prefer that.
Taehyung appreciated his grandmother trying to make him feel better. But honestly anything anyone said right now wasn’t going to help.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
That sounds like a good idea mother.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
I’m going to go grab a few thing. It might make explaining everything to him easier.
Taehyung watched as his father left to go to his office. The rest of the family moved into the living room.
As they were walking to the living room his grandmother patted his back.
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
It’ll be okay Aein. I trust your parents and I’ve seen what this Academy has to offer. I think you’ll enjoy it.
Taehyung smiled softly at her. She was always the one that understood him the most. So for his grandmother’s sake. He would hear them out.
Taehyung sat down on the ottoman while his mother sat in one of the two chairs. His grandmother and grandfather taking home on the small loveseat.
His father came back in setting a few folders on the table in front of him. Taehyung moved the ottoman closer to get a better look at what his father had shown him.
His father moved his chair to the other side of the table in order to present the information.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Your great grandfather started the Academy before you were born. My father took over after he died, and then I took over after your grandfather died.
Taehyung remembered the day his grandfather Kim had died. Taehyung hadn’t been too close with his grandfather on that side of the family. He’d never really been around much. But now it kind of made sense why. He couldn’t believe they had all been keeping this a secret from him.
Taehyung’s father opened up one of the files and displayed a building to him.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
The building is stationed in the outskirts of Taiwan. It’s hidden from the outside world by a protective shield designed by one of our agents long ago.
Taehyung thought the building looked like it would house a team of secret agents. It was pretty dull on the outside and surrounded by a bunch of trees.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
As I said before we currently have 6 teams of agents. Everyone lives, breaths, and eats here. It will be your new home until you either deactivate or die.
Taehyung thought it a bit morbid that one of the ways to get out would be to die. He couldn’t imagine dying at the ripe young age of just eighteen years old.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Your days will be full of training. When you’re not training you may have free time.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
When your team gets called to a mission you will have a quick debriefing session to go over said mission. Any knowledge or training that must be done for that mission you will do prior to said mission. If you fail to do so, you will be asked to stay back.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Weakening your team is not something you want to do Taehyung.
Taehyung rolled his eyes knowing his father didn’t trust him to put every amount of effort into it that he could.
So maybe he didn’t have the best track record when it came to earning the man’s trust. But he’d try his best at least.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
You and your team will live together in a common area. You’ll have your own room and bathroom, but share a living space and kitchen. We want the team to bond as much as they can, it makes for a better and more cohesive team.
At least he got his own room and bathroom. He couldn’t imagine sharing a room with someone else.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
We advise against fraternizing with your own team, but we know it happens. If you are to join in a relationship with someone of the same team we must be notified.
Taehyung was definitely sure he wouldn’t have that issue. Seeing as his Omega had yet to take an interest in anything or anyone, he was starting to feel like his Omega wanted him to be alone forever.
He wasn’t opposed to finding an Alpha or Beta, maybe a Beta because Alpha’s tended to be a little too much for him sometimes.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
I mean it Taehyung, if you so happen to want to date anyone from your team please come to me.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What if I want to date someone not from my team? (Raising his eyebrow.)
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Then I do not need to know, I just ask that you be careful.
Taehyung could still see the slight discomfort in his father’s features. He knew it was because his father didn’t like the idea of his only son dating. Let alone handing him off to some boy. Almost like he was a little protective over him in that sense. But like Taehyung said, they had a complicated relationship. So he really didn’t understand his father’s feelings.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
He should focus on his training, not fraternizing with girls or boys.
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
Come on now Taehee, he’s eighteen years old. He’s bound to find someone who peaks his interest. (Winking at her grandson.)
His grandmother had asked him about boys before. Asking him if his Omega liked anyone. But he’d always told her no. He knew she wanted him to find his person like her and his grandfather had.
Taehyung wasn’t in a rush though. He knew his Omega would let him know when someone compatible crossed his path.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Okay enough talk about boys, do you want to meet your team?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I have one question first, why is there open spot?
He was curious. He had heard his mother asked about an open spot and when his father mentioned there was he had gotten sad.
Taehyung’s mother and father shared a glance. It seemed like they were both reluctant to talk about it.
Kim Taehee
Kim Taehee
He’ll find out eventually, you know people talk. (Shrugging her shoulders.)
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
(Sighing) I won’t go into too much detail as it’s not my story to tell. But one of the girls on the team was killed on a mission.
Taehyung wondered how many fatalities happened on these missions. But part of him didn’t want to know. It was probably better to be left in the dark.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Okay, I was just curious. I’m sorry you lost someone.
Taehyung could tell his father had taken it hard. This was his team. I’m sure he was close to them.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Thank you. Alright let me introduce you to the team. (Opening the first folder.)

Meet the Team

Taehyung looked down at the folder a handsome face staring back at him. He seemed older then Taehyung, maybe around 20 if he had to guess.
There was something in the man’s eyes that eluded power, like he should be respected.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Kim Namjoon.
Taehyung looked up to his father hearing the name.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
20 years old, Alpha, team leader, his power is super strength. Joined the team first of the other members. Became the leader 1 year into his training.
Taehyung looked back down at the image of Kim Namjoon. He understood now why he had gotten the sense of power from him. He was an Alpha and the leader.
Taehyung’s dad closed the file before Taehyung could get a more detailed look at it.
He opened another file. This person was as equally handsome, but his eyes were softer.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Kim Seokjin, 22 years old, Beta, power is static shock. Joined the team after Namjoon. He’s the jokster of the team, I’m sure you two will get along great.
Woobin loved Jin but sometimes he knew how to push his buttons just a little too far.
Taehyung looked back down at Seokjin’s picture. He wondered if he would actually get along with him. He was curious what static shock meant and how he used it.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
How does his power work?
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
It emits from his fingers. Anything his touches basically gets electrocuted. He can also use a weapon to send his electricity elsewhere, basically he can turn any weapon into an electric beacon.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
That’s so cool!
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
It is until he forgets and becomes angry or too excited and you get a nice jolt from him. (Laughing softly at a distant memory.)
Taehyung wanted to know more but his father closed Seokjin’s file before he could read more.
He opened the next file, this one was also handsome. Taehyung wondered if you had to be handsome in order to join this group.
The guy on this file seemed to have a mysterious look about him. One Taehyung would definitely be intrigued to know more about.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Min Yoongi, 21 years old, Alpha, power is that he can’t get hurt. He’s quiet, try and get him out of his shell a little bit.
Taehyung would have loved the power of never getting hurt. He would be able to take so many more risks.
The next file was set in front of him and Taehyung just new he’d get along with this one.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Jung Hoseok, 20 years old, Beta, power of intelligence. He’s the hacker and gage designer of the team. Anything you need Hoseok can make it. He’s our best fighter in hand-to-hand combat.
Taehyung wondered if he could make him something that would get him out of this.
The next file was a girl. Taehyung didn’t even get a good liked because his father had closed it as soon as he opened. Taehyung suspected that was the agent that had passed away.
He opened another file. Taehyung was very intrigued by the guy in this one. He looked mischievous just like Taehyung. Like he pretended to be a sweet saint, but underneath he knew how to play dirty. Taehyung knew he wanted to be friends with him, and that was just from a photo.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Park Jimin, 18 years old, Omega, power of X-ray vision. He can see through things, but also burn things. And yes he knows what you look like without clothes on. (He could tell Taehyung was about to ask.)
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
He’s the newest to the team, only been on it for a year.
Jimin was Taehyung’s age and an Omega. Ya he knew he already liked the guy.
His father opened the last file and Taehyung had suppress an audible gasp. The image of the boy had his Omega stirring a little bit in his brain.
Taehyung was taken aback. Had just this image of the guy intrigued his Omega? No one had ever before. Taehyung didn’t know what to think.
He looked at the man in the picture. His features were hard, his jawline sharp, but his eyes were cute and doe like. Taehyung would have to say he was probably the most attractive male he’d ever seen. No wonder his Omega was intrigued.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Jeon Jungkook.
Taehyung’s Omega stirred again at the guys name.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
19 years old, Alpha, power is that he never misses his target. He’s just been through a traumatic event so give him time. I’m sure he’ll open up to you.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Traumatic event?
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
The girl who died was his mate.
Taehyung’s Omega made a small whimper at the word mate. It was almost like he was saddened that Jungkook had already had a mate.
Taehyung felt bad for the Alpha. He couldn’t image what it was like to lose your mate. He would probably have a scar where the Omega had put her mating mark.
Once a mate dies the mating mark scars and that Alpha, Beta, or Omega can mate again.
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
They’ve all been through it, but he’s taking it the hardest, which is understandable. It may take them time to warm up to you. I’ve talked to them all about it and they agreed to let you join.
He pulled out another file. It had a picture of Taehyung on it.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*Well at least they chose a good image of me.*
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
I’ve shown them your file. They know your backstory, your powers, everything.
Taehyung looked his file seeing his powers written down as mind influencer and telekinesis just made it all seem more real.
He looked up at his father. His emotions were running high again. He just prayed he didn’t throw up this time.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So this is happening?
Kim Woobin
Kim Woobin
Yes, we’ll leave tomorrow night. You can say goodbye to your friends. You must tell them you’re studying abroad and you won’t be back for awhile.
Taehyung nodded. At least he’d get a chance to say goodbye.
He went to his room that night, laying in bed just staring up at the ceiling. The team had all seemed so cool, what if they hated him?
He heard a soft knock on his door.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Come in.
In walked his grandmother a warm smile on her face. She made her way over to his bed sitting down on the edge. Taehyung sat up.
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
I can practically hear the wheels turning in there Aein.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What if I’m not good at this grandma? What if they don’t like me?
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
Kim Taehyung who in their right mind couldn’t like you. (Scolding him) You are so smart and so kind, they will love.
Taehyung’s heart warmed at her words.
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
And don’t for second think you won’t be good at this. Sure it may take some getting used to, but that’s what the training is for. Lean on your team Taehyung. You’re all there to work together.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Nodding) How come you always know exactly what to say?
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
It’s just part of being a grandma, Aein.
Taehyung hugged her not wanting to let go.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I’m going to miss you so much.
Kim Yeongae
Kim Yeongae
I’m only a phone call away.
She left Taehyung’s room after that. Taehyung feeling a little better about the whole situation. He could even say he was maybe a little excited.

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