Episode 3

King Fortem signaled that they could rise, so Lady Marila and the maids began to remove the dress from Majic, who was uncomfortable with the whole ordeal; the young princess did not understand why they had to do this in front of the king.

"Is it necessary to undress me like this?" asked Majic timidly, as she stood in her underwear, trying to cover herself.

"It is a test of purity, princess. Do you not know what that means? It is something that should have been explained to you when they informed you of the marriage," Lady Marila said, surprised.

"I just found out today that I would be coming here, I just found out today that I have to marry the King of Fontana. I have no idea what a purity test is. What is it supposed to mean?" said the nervous young princess, trembling and blushing, looking for a way to cover herself with her hands.

The king grimaced with annoyance. The princess's attitude was causing him indignation; that the beloved daughter of King Carpio had not been briefed on her purpose in his kingdom felt like mockery to him; besides, with the underwear Majic was wearing, King Fortem could see that the princess's body had not yet fully developed, she was so thin she still seemed somewhat childlike, and that was not at all attractive to him. It was even more difficult given that she was the daughter of his greatest enemy.

"Do you really expect me to believe that, princess? It is truly annoying that you pretend to be innocent. To make it clear, I am also bothered by your presence. (Looking at the matrons and the chancellor) Make sure you verify the princess’s purity; I will trust in your word Chancellor and matrons. I will await the results in my office," said King Fortem seriously, and left the princess's room, slamming the door behind him, very upset.

Later, King Fortem was in his office having a little wine when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," said the king, and the chancellor and matrons entered the office.

"Your Majesty, the test has been conducted," stated the chancellor.

"And the result?" asked the king, hoping the princess was not pure, so he could send her back to her father immediately and dissolve the treaty, forcing King Carpio to maintain the peace agreement without needing to marry off his daughter.

"The princess is a virgin, Your Majesty. Your future wife has not been with any man. Her purity is assured," declared the Chancellor.

"I see. Then, as agreed, the wedding will proceed tomorrow. You may leave," said King Fortem resignedly. There was no turning back, his enemy's daughter would become his wife.

Meanwhile, Princess Majic was crying on her bed, not understanding why those women had to inspect her so intimately—it had been a deeply embarrassing experience for her. The young princess could not fathom the reason behind it. She was getting married tomorrow and had no idea what that would mean for her life.

She startled when someone knocked on the door, unsure if she should open it.

"Princess, your dinner is here," said the maid behind the door.

Majic quickly got up from the bed, running as fast as she could to open the door, not believing she was about to eat. In the tower where she used to live, she was only given lunch, and even that wasn't guaranteed every day.

As the maid entered, she placed the tray on a small table in the center of the room; on the tray were cooked vegetables, some chicken, and mashed potatoes. She couldn’t believe she was being brought such a feast, the poor princess, accustomed to eating only beans, did not realize this was a very simple dish for someone who would likely be the next queen of Fontana; so she thought that perhaps life in this place wouldn't be worse than in her father's palace.

"Thank you, thank you so much," the princess said, overwhelmed with gratitude.

Then she began to eat hastily with her hands, surprising the maid, who couldn’t fathom how a princess could behave in such a manner - clearly lacking basic manners. In just a few minutes, Majic finished the meal and was about to open the door with dirty hands.

"Don't do that, princess. You must wash up first," said the maid.

"Oh, but where?" asked Majic.

"In the bathroom, come with me," the maid said, opening the door to the facility.

Majic had not attempted to open that door, assuming it would be locked; she was amazed by everything inside. The young maid did not understand why she was helping the princess. Everyone in the kingdom hated the people of Susumira because there was not a family in Fontana that hadn't lost a loved one to the wars started by King Carpio. Yet, the young princess somehow elicited her empathy.

"My name is Yura; I will be responsible for bringing dinner to the princess. I hope you understand how everything works," Yura stated, then went to the room to take the tray and leave.

"You are very kind, and thank you for everything," Majic said, smiling warmly.

The maid withdrew quickly, fearing that if she stayed too long she would end up liking the young princess, which she could not afford; Majic was the daughter of the ruthless King Carpio.

Majic went to look out the window, she had not felt like this in a long time—clean, full-stomached, and with a comfortable bed. As she observed the floral path leading to the central part of the palace, she saw King Fortem riding in the distance. He seemed imposing, tall and with broad shoulders, his voice was powerful, and she noticed how large his hands were. She told herself that she would try not to annoy the king, who would become her husband the next day. She suspected that if she received a blow from the king with those large hands, she might end up dead.



Linda protagonista

Linda protagonista

The princess is very innocent



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