From the moment I left the room my head was filled with a million questions, seeing that scar on Alicia moved me, I don't know why, but something tells me it wasn't just any accident, I'm going to analyze it carefully so as not to raise suspicion, or maybe not, AAA what am I doing this doesn't interest me....
When I reach the last step I hear in disbelief what they are talking about, my father is as the judge, my mother as the godmother, and my sister and brother-in-law are the bride and groom, okay I know so far so normal, until they start talking....
LUIZ: Heitor Smith accepts Alicia Garcia as his lawful....
HEITOR: Not even dead, I will never get married, I hope you understand that, much less with Alicia so stop it.
Luize was accompanying everything from the corner of the room, she and Victoria were almost killing each other, they never got along, by the way, I don't know what went through my head to bring her, but okay, a week will pass quickly, I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Victoria speaking...
VICTORIA: Yeah, who said I'd let you stay with Alicia, you swear the world revolves around you, seriously, it's easier for Alicia to dump you than to want you, I'm just speaking the truth...
VICTORIA THINKING: Oh, your mother's son, I'm going to make you crawl for Alicia or don't call me Victoria Smith lol, I know you look at her differently, so I have a lot to prepare lol
HEITOR: Keep dreaming, little sister, the woman who's going to tie me down is going to be born__ I say mockingly and laughing
LUIZ: Heitor be careful not to get burned lol look I used to say the same thing when I was single but hey__ my mother interrupted me
EVA: I arrived, the woman of his life and I ended the party and with Alicia it won't be different__ my mother says drinking the last sip of wine
Luize leaves the room stomping her feet but doesn't fight back, and me? I don't give a damn...
VICTORIA: Well, I'm going, tomorrow we have to leave early, me and Alicia, good night to you guys__ she says getting up at the same time as Cesar
CESAR: Good night family
LUIZ & EVA: Good night
HEITOR: Good night__ he says dryly
CESAR: Hey Heitor dream a lot about Alicia kkkkk
These sons of a bitch are making too much fun of me, I get up and go to the office.
LUIZ: Good night son
EVA: Good night my love
HEITOR: Good night
I continue on my way, enter the office and lock the door,... if they think this is going to happen, they're screwed, I'm HEITOR SMITH and I don't chase women, let alone fall in love,....
I know my sister and I know what she's capable of so it's going to be easy to get rid of her craziness,
I take a glass of whiskey and that perfume with the smell of flowers invades my small space, I put the glass on the table and take off my shirt and throw it in the corner,..... it was just what I needed...
Minutes later I go to my room and lock the door, I don't want to be disturbed by anyone, I take a shower to get rid of this smell that until now has only tormented me,...
I finish the shower and go back to the room and throw myself on the bed and fall asleep immediately...
Oh no this can't be happening, I fought so hard to have Heitor and it's not now that I'm going to lose him to a bland little woman, no, Heitor has never dumped me, only when I'm on my period, but when I'm not every night he looks for me.
And because he is so good in bed and satisfies me so well, AAA what a man, and no, it's not now that someone is going to simply arrive and destroy my plans to marry and build a family with Heitor and have the Smith surname...
Get ready Alicia, I haven't even started yet and when I do even if you run I don't want to be in your skin, I'm going to make your week hell....
AT DAWN.......
The sun was touching my face and a smile escaped my face, another day begins, but as I open my eyes I come to my senses, I come face to face with the dragon in front of me...
ALICIA: Who told you to come in here?__ I say without any enthusiasm looking at LUIZE with her arms crossed, it was just what I needed.
I get up and wrap my hair and turn to face her waiting for an answer.
LUIZE: You know very well why I'm here...
ALICIA: If I knew I wouldn't be asking now if you'll excuse me,__ I say pointing to the door
LUIZE: You are very naive, you know, you throw yourself at my future husband and now you play innocent
What? Is she crazy, and when did I throw myself at Heitor...
ALICIA: If you are referring to yesterday at the bedroom door no, I already explained it to him, and I don't have to explain it to you now, get out now, I don't have the patience for you and your husband or whatever the hell you are, I want distance now, get out of my face__ I say already without patience
LUIZE: That's what I wanted to hear, but you know that's not what I saw you show yesterday when he carried you here, are you going to tell me you were sleeping, spare me__ she says approaching
Oh no, now it hurts, but... wait, how did I get back to the room if I was at... at the beach, I get lost in my thoughts, and soon I push them away, I have to get this woman out of my room...
ALICIA: Think what you want but far from here, and let it be clear I want distance from both of you__ without waiting long I push her out and lock the door...
Oh no, all I wanted was a peaceful ride, that's all...
I go to the bathroom and do my business, put on some comfortable clothes, and go downstairs, Victoria's family is already at the table, I try to pass them without attracting attention but it doesn't work...
EVA: Alicia?...
I turn halfway and approach her under the snake's gaze, I swear I want to hold on so I don't jump on this harpy...
ALICIA: Good morning__ I say and everyone answers me
LUIZ: Are you leaving? You haven't had breakfast yet
EVA: Come sit here between me and Heitor__ she says with a cynical smile and I know what that means..
ALICIA: No thank you, I'll wait for Victoria in the car, but thank you__ I say leaving the kitchen
I hear footsteps behind me and I start to smile because I know it's Mrs. Eva and I also know she can't stand being in the same room as Luize
EVA: I'll go with you lol__ she says laughing
I noticed that Heitor looked at me in a strange way but I ignored him rolling my eyes, we got to the car and it wasn't long before Victoria arrived all smiles...
VICTORIA: Let's go, I'm already anxious, I want to look all hot__ she says getting into the car
ALICIA: I see we won't be back anytime soon lol
EVA: We'll fight my love
The whole way was very pleasant, these two almost drove me crazy, I know what they are doing, the whole way Mrs. Eva was talking a lot of things about HEITOR and Victoria was contradicting her while they were having the greatest joy discussing I was laughing at the two of them who looked like children....
And finally we arrived at the atelier and my God I was stunned by so much luxury I was even afraid to touch things, we were received by Matteo the creator of several wedding dresses...
MATTEO: Come in, it's a pleasure to have you here, come on, I'll show you the result of all the dresses,
We entered a more than chic room, Victoria went with him and Mrs. Eva and I stayed on the sofa waiting, and it wasn't long before she came out of there showing off all her beauty and wow she looked amazing...
EVA: My princess, how beautiful you are, you look like a fairy...__ she said all excited
ALICIA: You look perfect, beautiful, you're going to rock it I know__ I say approaching her.
VICTORIA: Thank you, I love you guys__ she says excitedly
Right after that it was my and Mrs. Eva's turn and we were looking mighty fine, we were rocking...
VICTORIA: You're going to kill the kittens of the heart__ she says nudging me
EVA: Poor thing my son__ she says with a little smile
VICTORIA: Oh mom I forgot, come on, let's go, we still have to go to the mall
We changed clothes, and left the atelier, at least relaxing enough on this trip, and I'm honestly loving it, at least I forgot my problems, Matteo suggested a dress with tulle but I looked at Victoria and she immediately understood and told him to forget the tulle, it doesn't affect me so much anymore, but when they talk about marriage, I get butterflies in my stomach....
I have a fear of one day meeting someone and being rejected, I'm very afraid of having such rejection, and that's why I don't want anyone to know or desire my body because I know I'm going to be rejected....
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