Tokyo Revengers Princess

Tokyo Revengers Princess

Chapter 1: Hey Mister Who Are You?

"Onii-chan I'm leaving now" Mikey said as she was putting on her shoes.

"H-Hold on Mikey are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" The oldest Sano said as he was running towards the youngest Sano.

"I'm sorry Onii-chan, I would love too but I have to get back to the shop" Mikey said with a sad smile on her face as she had to reject her brother's offer.

"Sighs" "Okay but promise me that you will text me when you get there okay, you don't know what kind of people are out there just ready to attack, so please promise me right now that you will text me when you are at the shop and safe okay" Shinichiro said as he looked Mikey in the eyes when he finished his speech.

"Yes yes Onii-chan I will I promise" Mikey said with a bright smile.

"Okay I love you have a safe trip" Shinichiro said as he places a kiss on Mikey head.

"I love you too Onii-chan bye bye" Mikey says as she kisses her brother goodbye and runs to her shop.


At the Sano Household

"Where is Mikey? Isn't she joining us for dinner?" Izana the second oldest Sano said as he was taking his seat at the diner table.

"Mikey said that she could not join us since she had to get back to her shop" Shinichiro said to his brother as he was beginning to eat his food.

"Oh that's a shame I was really looking forward to seeing Mikey today" Emma the younger Sano sister said as she was serving herself.

"Is she still running that flower shop?" Izana annoyingly said to his siblings.

"Yes she is, I don't see why you are getting upset about it Izana" Shinichiro said to his brother.

"It is because I still don't understand why you even let her buy and work at that stupid flower shop where we can't protect her from not only our enemy's but from other dangerous people. Didn't we build our groups to protect her from the world? Wasn't that the reason why we do the things that we do to protect her and our family? Isn't that the reason why we do this so we can provide for her and get the things that she desires so we can keep her here in the house where we can see her and protect her?" Izana said angrily at his brother.

After Izana finished talking, Emma felt like she should be anywhere but there. She felt as if the temperature in the room suddenly dropped and she was in a cage with 2 lions ready to attack anything that either moves or breathes.

"I knew I should have stayed over at Hina's today" Emma thought in her head as none of her siblings said a word after Izana's speech.

After what has felt like a lifetime has passed (which in reality was 2 minutes) the eldest brother spoke:

"I understand your frustrations Izana but I also want you to understand that I did not want her to feel trapped in this house" Shinichiro said.

Izana was shocked for a moment before edging his brother to go on.

"I also want to protect her from the world and all it's cruelty but I also did not want her to be trapped in this house and feel like she has no freedom in life. I wanted her to know that this house was not the only thing she could do in her life, that these will not be the only walls that she would ever see, that there are other trees and flowers out there besides the ones in our backyard. I wanted her to feel free and not trapped because if she did then not only would she be running away from the world but from us as well, and I did not want to lose her, so yes I let her buy and run that flower shop and to you it might seem pointless or even "stupid" but to her it was a light to freedom and to the world" Shinichiro said looking to his siblings.

Izana looked away not wanting to meet his brothers eyes. After hearing his brother, Izana looked back at the time he remembered when Shinichiro gave Mikey permission to run a flower shop and how his sister looked so happy that she cried of joy, and had the biggest smile on her face as she hugged her brother.

"It's not like I wanted her to leave as well" Shinichiro said making Izana face him.

"But when she asked me, she was shaking a little and she had her head down as if I was gonna scold her for asking me that. I didn't want to make her feel like that, so when I said yes, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked me if I was serious and when I told yes again, she hugged me crying saying that she was so happy and that she was afraid of my reaction and that I was gonna get angry at her for suggesting it, but when I reassured her that I was gonna do no such thing, she looked at me and had the biggest smile on her face, and who was I to deny her from it. I only want happiness for my family and even if she wanted to leave, it is not like she has truly left us, all she did was take a small step into the word. And even though that one step scares us, we still have her at our reach. And once she is done and has had enough of the world she will come back home and we will be here waiting for her return" Shinichiro said.

"You are right brother, she has not truly left us." Izana said.

"I'm sorry for lashing out like that, it's just that I'm scared for her and scared that someone will harm her, scared that the world would harm her, and that she will lose her smile and innocence" Izana said looking at his brother.

"I understand, but we have to have faith in her and her decision's" Emma said making her brothers face her.

"I know that the world is not all sunshine and rainbows, and I know that the world would throw things at her, and that she would fall, but I also know that she will get back up and face it head on, and that we will be by her side through it all" Emma said to her brothers.

"You are right Emma. It is her life and all we could do is support her when she needs us" Izana said.

"Well I am glad that we are all in an agreement, so let us eat dinner before it gets cold" Shinichiro said smiling at his siblings.


Shinichiro looks down at his phone to see a message from Mikey saying that she is at the flower shop and to eat dinner and to not overwork themselves with a heart emoji. Shinichiro smiles at the message getting attention from his siblings.

"What's got you smiling? Is that a text from Wakasa😏" Izana said to his brother.

"I bet it is, if anything it might be a love message from his beloved😏" Emma said following Izana's antics to tease their brother.

"It is not from Waka, it was Mikey telling me that she is at the flower shop and that she is safe" Shinichiro said blushing at his siblings.

Seeing his reaction put his siblings in a fit of laughter, making him blush even more.

"Shut up you two" Shinichiro said looking at his siblings who are still busy laughing at him.

After that the Sano Household has return to somewhat normal. But only if they knew what else was lurking around the corner.


At the flower shop

"There you go. Thank you for coming, I hope you have a nice night" Mikey said to her last customer.

"Whew, another day has gone by. I hope Onii-chan and the others have already ate" Mikey thinks as she is closing shop

The day has gone by in a flash for Mikey. As she was closing shop a sudden noise stops her. As she turns around she sees a hand covered in blood sliding down the glass door.

"OH MY GOD" Mikey yells as she runs and hides behind her counter.

As she hides, from the corner of the counter she can see a body appear from the shadows. Out of fear (or instinct) she stumbles to get her phone from her bag to call the police, but by the time she gets her phone the mysterious man enters the shop.

"..lp .e" the mysterious man said.

Still in shock and in fear Mikey remains silent. Body too scared to move any further.

"...p .e" the mysterious man said again but falling to the ground after trying to walk toward Mikey.

Still shaken in fear Mikey cautiously walks towards the mystery man to see his face, but only to see him drenched in blood and a gun shot wound to his lower body.

"Hey hey mister can you hear?" Mikey says leaning down to the mystery man.

"Hey mister can you tell me your name?" Mikey says bringing the mystery man fully in the shop and locking it afterwards.

After getting no response Mikey puts the mystery man's arm around her shoulder and brings him into her home.

Once Mikey brings him into her home, she locks the door and proceeds to place him in her bed. She first cleans him and tend to his wounds. After she is finished, she lets him rest and tries to find any I.D. to see who he is.

"Hey mister who are you?" Mikey says quietly to herself.


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