NovelToon NovelToon

Tokyo Revengers Princess

Chapter 1: Hey Mister Who Are You?

"Onii-chan I'm leaving now" Mikey said as she was putting on her shoes.

"H-Hold on Mikey are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" The oldest Sano said as he was running towards the youngest Sano.

"I'm sorry Onii-chan, I would love too but I have to get back to the shop" Mikey said with a sad smile on her face as she had to reject her brother's offer.

"Sighs" "Okay but promise me that you will text me when you get there okay, you don't know what kind of people are out there just ready to attack, so please promise me right now that you will text me when you are at the shop and safe okay" Shinichiro said as he looked Mikey in the eyes when he finished his speech.

"Yes yes Onii-chan I will I promise" Mikey said with a bright smile.

"Okay I love you have a safe trip" Shinichiro said as he places a kiss on Mikey head.

"I love you too Onii-chan bye bye" Mikey says as she kisses her brother goodbye and runs to her shop.


At the Sano Household

"Where is Mikey? Isn't she joining us for dinner?" Izana the second oldest Sano said as he was taking his seat at the diner table.

"Mikey said that she could not join us since she had to get back to her shop" Shinichiro said to his brother as he was beginning to eat his food.

"Oh that's a shame I was really looking forward to seeing Mikey today" Emma the younger Sano sister said as she was serving herself.

"Is she still running that flower shop?" Izana annoyingly said to his siblings.

"Yes she is, I don't see why you are getting upset about it Izana" Shinichiro said to his brother.

"It is because I still don't understand why you even let her buy and work at that stupid flower shop where we can't protect her from not only our enemy's but from other dangerous people. Didn't we build our groups to protect her from the world? Wasn't that the reason why we do the things that we do to protect her and our family? Isn't that the reason why we do this so we can provide for her and get the things that she desires so we can keep her here in the house where we can see her and protect her?" Izana said angrily at his brother.

After Izana finished talking, Emma felt like she should be anywhere but there. She felt as if the temperature in the room suddenly dropped and she was in a cage with 2 lions ready to attack anything that either moves or breathes.

"I knew I should have stayed over at Hina's today" Emma thought in her head as none of her siblings said a word after Izana's speech.

After what has felt like a lifetime has passed (which in reality was 2 minutes) the eldest brother spoke:

"I understand your frustrations Izana but I also want you to understand that I did not want her to feel trapped in this house" Shinichiro said.

Izana was shocked for a moment before edging his brother to go on.

"I also want to protect her from the world and all it's cruelty but I also did not want her to be trapped in this house and feel like she has no freedom in life. I wanted her to know that this house was not the only thing she could do in her life, that these will not be the only walls that she would ever see, that there are other trees and flowers out there besides the ones in our backyard. I wanted her to feel free and not trapped because if she did then not only would she be running away from the world but from us as well, and I did not want to lose her, so yes I let her buy and run that flower shop and to you it might seem pointless or even "stupid" but to her it was a light to freedom and to the world" Shinichiro said looking to his siblings.

Izana looked away not wanting to meet his brothers eyes. After hearing his brother, Izana looked back at the time he remembered when Shinichiro gave Mikey permission to run a flower shop and how his sister looked so happy that she cried of joy, and had the biggest smile on her face as she hugged her brother.

"It's not like I wanted her to leave as well" Shinichiro said making Izana face him.

"But when she asked me, she was shaking a little and she had her head down as if I was gonna scold her for asking me that. I didn't want to make her feel like that, so when I said yes, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked me if I was serious and when I told yes again, she hugged me crying saying that she was so happy and that she was afraid of my reaction and that I was gonna get angry at her for suggesting it, but when I reassured her that I was gonna do no such thing, she looked at me and had the biggest smile on her face, and who was I to deny her from it. I only want happiness for my family and even if she wanted to leave, it is not like she has truly left us, all she did was take a small step into the word. And even though that one step scares us, we still have her at our reach. And once she is done and has had enough of the world she will come back home and we will be here waiting for her return" Shinichiro said.

"You are right brother, she has not truly left us." Izana said.

"I'm sorry for lashing out like that, it's just that I'm scared for her and scared that someone will harm her, scared that the world would harm her, and that she will lose her smile and innocence" Izana said looking at his brother.

"I understand, but we have to have faith in her and her decision's" Emma said making her brothers face her.

"I know that the world is not all sunshine and rainbows, and I know that the world would throw things at her, and that she would fall, but I also know that she will get back up and face it head on, and that we will be by her side through it all" Emma said to her brothers.

"You are right Emma. It is her life and all we could do is support her when she needs us" Izana said.

"Well I am glad that we are all in an agreement, so let us eat dinner before it gets cold" Shinichiro said smiling at his siblings.


Shinichiro looks down at his phone to see a message from Mikey saying that she is at the flower shop and to eat dinner and to not overwork themselves with a heart emoji. Shinichiro smiles at the message getting attention from his siblings.

"What's got you smiling? Is that a text from Wakasa😏" Izana said to his brother.

"I bet it is, if anything it might be a love message from his beloved😏" Emma said following Izana's antics to tease their brother.

"It is not from Waka, it was Mikey telling me that she is at the flower shop and that she is safe" Shinichiro said blushing at his siblings.

Seeing his reaction put his siblings in a fit of laughter, making him blush even more.

"Shut up you two" Shinichiro said looking at his siblings who are still busy laughing at him.

After that the Sano Household has return to somewhat normal. But only if they knew what else was lurking around the corner.


At the flower shop

"There you go. Thank you for coming, I hope you have a nice night" Mikey said to her last customer.

"Whew, another day has gone by. I hope Onii-chan and the others have already ate" Mikey thinks as she is closing shop

The day has gone by in a flash for Mikey. As she was closing shop a sudden noise stops her. As she turns around she sees a hand covered in blood sliding down the glass door.

"OH MY GOD" Mikey yells as she runs and hides behind her counter.

As she hides, from the corner of the counter she can see a body appear from the shadows. Out of fear (or instinct) she stumbles to get her phone from her bag to call the police, but by the time she gets her phone the mysterious man enters the shop.

"..lp .e" the mysterious man said.

Still in shock and in fear Mikey remains silent. Body too scared to move any further.

"...p .e" the mysterious man said again but falling to the ground after trying to walk toward Mikey.

Still shaken in fear Mikey cautiously walks towards the mystery man to see his face, but only to see him drenched in blood and a gun shot wound to his lower body.

"Hey hey mister can you hear?" Mikey says leaning down to the mystery man.

"Hey mister can you tell me your name?" Mikey says bringing the mystery man fully in the shop and locking it afterwards.

After getting no response Mikey puts the mystery man's arm around her shoulder and brings him into her home.

Once Mikey brings him into her home, she locks the door and proceeds to place him in her bed. She first cleans him and tend to his wounds. After she is finished, she lets him rest and tries to find any I.D. to see who he is.

"Hey mister who are you?" Mikey says quietly to herself.

Chapter 2: My Names Draken And Who Are You?

At Mikey's Apartment

Mikey is wiping the mystery man's face with a towel, still trying to figure out who he was. He didn't have any I.D. but what he did have was gun. Mikey was scared and confused not knowing what happened to the mystery man and why he was shot at. Just when Mikey was about to leave the room the mystery man suddenly woke up and started looking around his surroundings not knowing where he was.

"Hey hey relax I got you. You're safe now ok" Mikey said rushing over to the mystery man, trying to calm him down.

But what Mikey didn't know was that, that only made the mystery man even more anxious.

"Hey hey can you hear me? What's your name? Do you remember anything? Do you know who did this to you?" Mikey asked to the mystery man.

"Who the hell are you? Where the **** am I? Was I followed here? Where's my team? Is there anyone else here?" The mystery man said to Mikey.

"My name is Manjiro Sano but you can call me Mikey, and you are in my apartment, and I don't know about your team, and I live alone" Mikey replied to the mystery man.

"Now please I need you to relax and calm down, you are still hurt so please you need to rest" Mikey said to the mystery man.

The mystery man was still on guard but Mikey didn't looking threatening to him and he was in pain so for now he lied down to calm himself down.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but can you tell me your name, so I know what to call you" Mikey said to the mystery man.

The mystery man stayed silent did a minute before responding back.

"My name's Ken but people call me Draken" Draken said to Mikey.

Draken looked down to see Mikey giving him a small smile as if he did something good which in reality all he did was give her his name.

"What?" Draken said to Mikey.

"Oh nothing just, happy to finally know your Ken-chin" Mikey said to Draken sought slightly smiling.

"Don't call me that" Draken said.

"Too late. I already made up my mind Ken-chin" Mikey said to Draken.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep now" Draken said turning away from Mikey.

"Okay. Good night Ken-chin sweet dreams" Mikey said before getting up and leaving the room.

"What a weird girl" Draken thought to himself before falling asleep.


The next day

It was around 9 am when Draken woke up to the sound of a pan frying and a blender going off. Draken quietly and slowly got up from the bed and made his way to the kitchen to see Mikey making breakfast. Mikey saw Draken up, and with a smile signaled him to have a seat and join her for breakfast. Draken hesitantly joined her because 1) he was still on guard about her 2) he just woke up and 3) he was getting hungry so why not eat. The two sat in silence during breakfast, until:

"I know it's not my place, but may I ask what happened to you last night" Mikey said quietly.

"No" Draken said to Mikey before going back to eat his breakfast.

"Why not?" Mikey asked a little louder this time.

"Because 1) it is none of your business, 2) I don't have to explain myself to you, and 3) because I just don't want to" Draken said to Mikey.

"Well it is my business since you barged into my shop asking for help, me taking you into my home and treating your wounds and now treating you to breakfast, so yes I think I do deserve an explanation on what happened to you last night ace why you were covered in blood and shot at" Mikey said angrily to Draken.

Draken looked at Mikey, now annoyed that she keeps asking questions and to him, he thinks that she does not have the right to know what goes on his life, and is ready to put her in her place, but stops when he looks at her and sees in her eyes that she will not back down and will keep asking until she gets an answer.

Draken sighs before turning back to his food with his head down and takes a moment before:

"My job is not a safe place to work and the things I do are not entirely safe either. Last night, me and my team went to make a deal with another team since our bosses made an agreement, but as we were about to call a truce, we have learned that it was trap and that we were set up, so me and my team fought back in order to escape since we were out-numbered, and well as I was fighting back I took a hit and I was separated from my team and before I knew it I was wandering around looking for a safe place to hide and apparently I stumbled upon your shop and here I am now with you" Draken said, not once facing Mikey.

It was quiet for a minute before someone spoke.

"I'm sorry" Mikey said to Draken.

"Why the hell are you apologizing, you didn't do anything" Draken said to Mikey, confused on why she was apologizing.

"No it's just that, you went there for a truce and they betrayed you and your team, and then you and your team were attacked and you got hit, and just knowing that makes me sad for you because you are going there trusting these people, but just for them to hurt you instead. I can't imagine that on anyone so I'm sorry" Mikey said with tears on the verge of falling from her eyes.

Draken saw this and began to panic, not knowing what to do as she was tears away from full on crying.

"H-hey now it's not that big of a deal, some things just go this way and it's not like we trusted them completely. If we did then we wouldn't have brought our weapons to the meeting now will we. We knew that there was a chance that this was a trap, so we somewhat came prepared, and yeah we were out-numbered and some of us got hurt, but we managed to get out of there now did we " Draken said to Mikey (hoping to make her feel better).

"I guess your right, but are you sure your okay" Mikey said.

"I'm alive aren't I" Draken said with a small smile.

"Yeah Ken-chin looks fine to me" Mikey says with a small laugh while wiping her tears away.

After that the day went by fast and before they knew it, it was night time.

"You still need more time before you are fully healed, so if you want you can stay here a little longer" Mikey said to Draken.

"I think that's for the best" Draken said to Mikey.

"Okay, then good night Ken-chin, I'll see you tomorrow" Mikey said getting ready to leave the room.

"Hey" Draken said suddenly making Mikey stop in her tracks.

"Yes Ken-chin" Mikey said.

"Thank you" Draken said.

"What?" Mikey said confused.

"I never really got a chance to thank you for taking me in and for taking care of me, so thank you for taking care of me today and yesterday" Draken said to Mikey.

"Your welcome Ken-chin" Mikey said, smiling at Draken softly.

After that Mikey closes the door leaving Draken to his thoughts.

"She's petty cute huh" Draken thought suddenly.

"Wait what. Did I just think that she was cute? No? No. It must be the pills. Yeah it's just the pills. Yeah. Yeah it's the pills" Draken thought to himself.

In the next room with Mikey.

"After getting a good look at Ken-chin, he's pretty handsome and charming" Mikey thought to herself smiling at the thought.

"Hopefully Ken-chin is single. Well even if he isn't, that's not necessarily a bad thing since Ken-chin can be with whoever he wants, but hopefully he is not seeing anyone" Mikey thought to herself.

"Wait what an I thinking, I just met him, I shouldn't be thinking of him like this. No. No. No. Bad Mikey" Mikey thought to herself.

"But he looks so beautiful and perfect" Mikey thought to herself.

"No. No. No. Bad Mikey" Mikey said scolding herself.

After that both Draken and Mikey had a hard time falling asleep.


1 month later

It's been a month since both Mikey and Draken have lived together and so far everything is going great. Mikey has not told her siblings about Draken since she did not want to bother them and because she knew that they would be over protective and she did not want that. In that 1 month both Draken and Mikey have gotten closer and dare to say feelings have bloomed for both Mikey and Draken. Everything was going great until someone got a phone call.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Hello?" Draken said on the phone.

"DRAKEN IS THAT YOU?" the person on the other line said loudly.

"Yes this is Draken. Who is this?" Draken said.

"It's me—" said the other person.

"Oh hey—. How are you? Where are you? How are the others? Are they okay? Are they with you?" Draken asked worryingly.

"Yes, yes we are all okay" the other person said.

"Thank god" Draken said after talking a breathe he didn't know he was holding.

"Are you okay? We haven't heard from you for over a month, we thought you were dead or captured" the other person said rambling on.

"Hey, hey I'm okay. I'm safe" Draken said, hopefully calming down the other person on the phone.

"Okay okay good. I'm sorry I was just so worried. We were all worried" the other person said.

"I'm okay I promise" Draken said.

"Well where are you? When are you coming back?" the other person said.

"Oh well you see it's kinda complicated right now" Draken said.

"Well whatever it is we need you back" the other person said anxiously.

"W-why what's going on" Draken said hesitantly.

"Some shit is going down between us and other groups and it's not pretty, so we need you back" the other person said nervously.

"I-I can't right now I'm-" Draken said as he was cut off.

"Draken please we need you right now. I'm sure you have a good reason on wanting to stay where you are right now but we need you right now, please" the other person begged.

After a period of time Draken said:

"Okay. Text me your location and I'll be there shortly" Draken said.

"Ok thank you. We'll see you shortly. Everyone will be happy to see you again, you have no idea" the person on the other side said.

"Yeah me too, I can't wait to see everyone" Draken said softly.

"Ok bye Draken" the other person before hanging up.

"Bye" Draken said.

"Ken-chin I have everything ready for the movie" Mikey shouted from the living room.

"Coming" Draken shouted back.

After packing his stuff Draken went to the living room to see Mikey on the couch ready for him for there movie.

"Hey Mikey" Draken said quietly.

"Oh Ken-chin you finally arrived, I was wondering what was taking you so long-" Mikey suddenly stopped looking at Draken all packed.

"Ken-chin what going on why are you packed?" Mikey asked.

"Hey Mikey we gotta talk" Draken said.

Chapter 3: Home. I’m Going Home

At Mikey's Apartment

"Hey Mikey we gotta talk" Draken said to Mikey.

"W-what's going on Ken-chin. Why are you packed?"

Mikey asked hesitantly.

"I uh just got a call from someone of my team. They told me that they are all fine and that they need me back" Draken answered Mikey.

"S-so y-your leaving" Mikey asked with her voice cracking.

"Yeah. I have to go back" Draken said not looking at Mikey.

"Oh ok I understand. I mean we both knew that you were gonna have to leave eventually, it's just that I thought we would have more time together " Mikey said now crying.

"I know I did to" Draken said still looking down.

"S-so when can you come back?" Mikey asked.

There was a brief moment of silenced before:

"I don't think I could ever come back Mikey" Draken said.

"What do you mean you can't come back" Mikey said a little loudly.

"My work won't let me come back because I don't want to get you involved in what I am doing" Draken said now looking at Mikey and seeing her tears streaming down her face.

"So are you saying that this is goodbye? That we won't be able to see each other anymore? I could never see you again? Is that what you are saying Ken-chin" Mikey asked Draken.

"...yes" Draken said now looking down.

The only sounds that can be heard was the sound of Mikey crying and if you listen closely you can hear the sound of a few tears coming down from Draken's face.

"P-please. Please Ken-chin. Please don't make me say goodbye. P-please don't leave m-me. Please I'll do anything say goodbye to you. I'll do anything but let you go Ken-chin, so please stay with me, stay with me a little longer Ken" Mikey said now falling to the ground, crying even more.

"Please please don't cry please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please" Draken begged now kneeling down with Mikey trying to comfort her.

After a few minutes have passed Mikey has somewhat calmed down, but not enough to stop crying.

"I know Ken-chin has to leave but can Ken-chin stay until I fall asleep please" Mikey asked Draken.

"Yeah. I'll stay with you a little longer" Draken said to Mikey.

Now in the bedroom, both Mikey and Draken both laid down in the bed, hugging each other as if they were gonna let each other go which in reality they were.

"I'm going to miss you Ken-chin. I'm going to miss cooking each other's breakfast in the morning. I'm going to miss us playing board games and me saying "one more time" even though we both know that I suck at it" Mikey says in between laughs even though you can hear her trying not to cry again.

"I'm going to miss seeing you in the morning. I'm going to miss our movie nights. I'm going to miss our laughs. Our smiles. And I'm going to miss you" Mikey said now tears falling down her face.

Draken stayed quiet to let her get out her emotions, when deep down he felt the same way. He was going to miss her and the moments they shared together. He didn't want to leave but he had to. He made a promise to his team, his family. But why at this moment did it feel like he was leaving something even more precious than anything.

"I know I'm being selfish right now Ken-chin but I just can't help it. Out of anything in my life, you are the one thing I just can't let go" Mikey said.

"But I know it's the right thing to do, since your team needs you more, but it still hurts" Mikey said quietly.

"I don't want to let you go either but I made a promise and I can't break it. I'm sorry Mikey" Draken said now shedding tears as well.

"It's okay Ken-chin. I understand" Mikey said to Draken, while wiping his tears away.

"No matter what Ken-chin, this will Shays be your home. I will always be waiting here for you to come back home, no matter how long it takes. I promise you Ken-chin" Mikey said to Draken, smiling at him, even with tears coming down her face.

Draken hugged Mikey even tighter, not wanting to let go of her.

"I lov-" Mikey was going to say but cut herself off before she can finish her sentence.

Draken looked at waiting for her to finish. When he saw that she wasn't going to find her sentence, he felt a little disappointed since he wanted nothing more but for her to say those 3 magic words. But instead she said:

"I'll miss you" Mikey says not looking at Draken.

"I'm miss you to Mikey" Draken said a little disappointed but tried not show it.

After that, they both stayed silent, until all you can hear is the slow breathes of air Mikey was letting out as she soon fell asleep in Draken's arms.

Seeing Mikey asleep, Draken slowly got out of her grasps trying not to wake her. But before exiting the room, he took one more look at her, admiring her beauty, knowing he will never see her again.

"I'm so sorry Mikey. I never ever meant to hurt or see you in pain. If I had a choice, I would choose to stay with you forever until my last breathe but I can't because this isn't a fairytale. The world is a cruel place, trust me I know. I never thought in my life I would have something worth fighting for, I always felt like I never had a choice for myself, but after meeting you and being with you in this tiny apartment for a month, I have never felt happier in my life, and I will never ever trade these moments with you for anything in the world" Draken said to himself as he was caressing Mikey cheek.

"Goodbye Manjiro Sano" Draken said before kissing Mikey in her cheek with a tear coming down his face.

Soon enough Draken left the bedroom, then the apartment, and soon enough the shop.

After that Draken went to go meet his team in their new hideout, but as he walking to his destination, he couldn't help but feel a little more lonely now.


At Toman's Hideout

As soon as Draken got in (after them making sure that he was the real Draken) he was greeted with his friends faces and hugs.

"Draken your finally here" Mitsuya said running up to Draken to then giving him a hug missing his twin.

"Yeah. I'm happy to see you guys too, you have no idea" Draken said hugging his friend back.

"Hey Draken is that you?" Another person said, walking towards both Draken and Mitsuya.

"Hey Baji, what's up man" Draken said hugging his friend.

"Yeah man it's been awhile. Where have you been, we thought we lost ya" Baji said returning the hug.

"Yes where have you been Draken, we were so worried about you, after we haven't received contact from you for almost a month" another person, as more people were coming to see if Draken had really returned.

"Oh well I was recovering with the help of someone special" Draken said with a small smile forming in his face by remembering his time with Mikey.

Everyone stared in shock to see their friend who was never really the smiling type to smile even if it was a small one.

"Woah. Whoever this person is, must be some kind of god or miracle even, if they got Draken to smile" Baji said in shock.

Everyone else just kept staring at Draken, while agreeing on what Baji just said.

"So who is this "special someone" Draken" Smiley said, another friend of Draken's.

"That's not important right now. What is important is what happening between us and these other groups okay so let's just move on" Draken said to his friends.

"Yeah Draken's right we should focus on the topic at hand" Mitsuya said to the others.

"Well I guess your right, even tho I want to know who this mystery person, but oh well" Baji said sounding disappointed since he couldn't get the tea from Draken.

"Know where is the boss?" Draken asked the others.

"He's in his office, probably working on paperwork" Mitsuya said.

"Or he's probably stressing out since we have other groups to deal with" Baji said.

"Well let's go pay him a visit shall we" Draken said to the others.


Bosses Office

*Knock* *Knock*

"Who is it?" Toman's boss asked.

"It's me Draken" Draken replied from the other side of the door.

"Oh Draken come on in" Toman's boss replied.

One Draken got there okay, he opened the door and went inside to see his friend sitting down on his chair doing paperwork.

"Wow, looks like you got your hands busy, huh Takemichi" Draken said to his friend.

"It is not bad as it looks" Takemichi said chuckling whole scratching his head.

"You can fool some people Takemichi, but I am one of the few that you can't" Draken said looking at his friend.

"Hahahahaha, I couldn't fool you either huh" Takemichi said smiling a little.

"It's that bad huh" Draken asked his friend.

"It was tolerable back then, but now we got trouble with the big ones if you know what I mean" Takemichi said to Draken.

"You mean those "two" are giving us shit" Draken asked.

"It's not just them but some other groups too" Takemichi said.

"Why? How?" Draken asked.

"Well I don't know how this happened, but I do think I know why" Takemichi said.

"Well why?" Draken asked his friend now confused.

"Well Toman is still new but we quickly raised to the top even after forming our group less than a year ago. But even so, we are still a small group compared to the others, so if anything, they want to corner us into backing down so 1). They can force us to join their group and we merge but we work for them or 2). They kick our *** and force us to disband" Takemichi said looking at Draken.

"Wow we are in some messed up shit huh" Draken said chuckling at his friend.

"Yeah. Yeah we are" Takemichi said laughing too.

"So where were you all this time" Takemichi asked Draken suddenly.

Draken stayed quiet for a little bit, thinking about whether he should tell Takemichi about Mikey or not. After thinking hard about it he decided that Takemichi is a good friend of his and that maybe telling him won't be so bad and if anything he can ask Takemichi for some advice on what to do.

"Take your time Draken, you know you don't have to tell me, so when you are ready I'll be here to listen if you want" Takemichi said, smiling at his friend knowing he was having trouble in deciding on what to do.

"I met someone" Draken said looking at Takemichi.

After seeing that he has Takemichi's attention and the approval not to keep going, Draken decided to proceed.

"During the night where we were ambushed, I got shot at, and when I was looking for a place to rest, I stumbled upon a shop, and the person there took me in, and took care of me. She never left my side. She would always wake up early to make me breakfast. She would always make sure I eat first before she does. She's patient with me even when I know I'm not the most patient person to be around, she always puts other people before herself. If anything she is perfect in every way" Draken said smiling, just by thinking of Mikey and there time together.

"Then what the hell are you doing here then" Takemichi asked his oblivious and confused friend.

"W-what do you mean?" Draken asked confused.

-Sighs- "I mean what are you doing here with us when you should be over there with her" Takemichi said now a little annoyed by his friend's idiocy.

"But Toman's my home" Draken said to Takemichi.

"Okay then let me ask you this. In this moment right now where do you want to be?" Takemichi asked his friend.

"" Draken replied back.

"Are you asking me or?" Takemichi said.

"Well I don't know" Draken replied know a little frustrated.

"Yes you do but you feel like what you want to say is wrong" Takemichi said.

"What's holding you back Draken? What's keeping you away from the thing you want most?" Takemichi asked his friend.

"Takemichi look I made a promise to Toman that I will be here and if anything she deserves better than me" Draken said now feeling defeated.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. You are not gonna let Toman keep you from being happy. And what do you mean she "deserves better", what's wrong with you that you feel like you aren't worth it or even worthy of her love" Takemichi asked his friend.

"Everything. Everything is wrong with me Takemichi. My job isn't really a nice job to have since we are in battle almost everyday and any day can be my last. I don't want to start something with her and then for me to die and never come back to her and make her feel like I just went out and left her all alone. I don't want to do that to her. I can never be with her since I am a part of the yakuza group and she works at a flower shop. We are clearly living in two different worlds and I will rather die then let her get mixed up in all of this and for her to get hurt in the crossfire. I will never ever live with myself if she ever got hurt because of me. I want her to be happy with someone who can give her all the things I can't give her. Someone she can go out in public with and won't have to be a target, then us being inside and keeping it a secret any case someone from another group sees us. Someone who can give her everything that she could possibly dream of like: getting married, having kids, moving in together, starting a life together. I can't give her any of that without putting her in harms way. I just can't" Draken says, now starting to tear up knowing he can't ever be with Mikey.

"I understand" Takemichi says now looking at his friend in pity.

"But have you ever considered on how she feels about it?" Takemichi asks his friend.

"Can you really stand here and say that you will be happy for her if she finds someone else to be happy with" Takemichi says.

"By what you are telling me it sounds like she loves you too and by somewhat already getting to know what kind of person she is, it sounds like she is willing to fight for the both of you" Takemichi says looking at his friend.

"If anything Draken it sounds like you are scared because you are afraid you are gonna lose her, but I think you will lose her forever if you don't tell her how you feel. And trust me you will regret not telling her sooner" Takemichi says.

After that, Draken thinks for a moment before thinking that maybe Takemichi is right, and if she does reject him (which he hopes she doesn't), well then he will at least know that he told her how he felt before it was too late.

"Now Draken I am gonna ask you one more time. At this exact moment where do you want to be right now? Or even better who do you want to be with right now?" Takemichi asks his friend.

"..key" Draken says quietly.

"What?" Takemichi says.

".ikey" Draken says quietly.

"What?!" Takemichi says still not hearing what his friend said.

"Mikey. I want to be with Mikey" Draken says proudly.

"Then go to her. Go home Draken" Takemichi tells

his friend now smiling.

"I'll see you later Takemichi. Thanks for your help" Draken says as he leaving the office.

"No problem. Go get her Draken" Takemichi yells with a laugh.

"For someone strong, he sure does know how to doubt himself" Takemichi thinks to himself.


At Toman's Hideout

Everyone there is just lazing around until they hear the sound of someone running. Curious to see who it is, they turn around to see Draken running, as if his life depended on it.

"Wow wow Draken calm down why are you in such a hurry" Mitsuya asked his friend.

"I'm sorry Mitsuya but I have to go" Draken said wanting to leave already.

"Go? Go where?" Mitsuya asked confused.

"Home. I'm going home" Draken said to Mitsuya.

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