Short Scenarios

Short Scenarios

Wrong choice turned into a revenge.

Plot overview.

A rich family.

Good son of them.

A daughter of a poor father.

Love between them was rejected by his mother.


His mother had her own dirty little secret.

And if she was bi*ch then the lover girl was surely the queen of tricks.



“Here” throws a briefcase “It has money which you or your father can never get even if work for 2 lives.” Throws another briefcase. “Take it and leave my son.”

A man comes & puts 2 tickets.

“Fly to another country, away from him. I’ve given enough money to change your number, school everything. Just stay away from my son.” The lady bangs in table in annoyance.

“Okay ma’am as you wish” The girl politely takes all the money and goes out.

“I knew you were a gold digger bi*çh” The lady shouts which the girl ignores.






“She is two faced bi*ch.”

“Mind your language mom.”

“Are you doubting me? She took money from me to leave you”

“I did not Mrs. Kim, I rejected it.”

“She is lying why aren’t you trusting me.”

“I never expected you to go this low mom.”

“Trust me son, she is lying.”




“Why are you doing this?”

“I’m not doing anything Mrs. Kim. Have you ever thought that maybe this all is your fault.”

“What do you mean.”

“Oh please, you don’t remember what you did before you came here as his mother.”

“No, it can’t be”

“Hello again Mrs.Lee or should I call you eomma.”





In Bangtan University.

Jimin happily joined his friends at the canteen. His smile was radiating too much jolliness. His eyes which were closed due to smiling which was twinkling like a star.

“Jimin, will you stop now.” Hoseok said gulping Kimbap.

“Let him hyung.” Taehyung rolled his eyes sitting there. “He is happy after forcing Yoongi hyung to accompany him to the Fresher’s party.”

“I did not force him.” Jimin pouted now. It’s been almost a year now when he came out of closet. And since then, his friends supported him and protected him from toxic people. But things changed when their senior Min Yoongi asked him out for a date.

Everyone was shocked at it. Min Yoongi, the genius scorer was bisexual, and he paid no heed to any insult directed at him. Which at the end impressed Jimin hard.

So for the upcoming Freshers party which was open to all he begged Yoongi to accompany him.

**Jimin & Taehyung are in 3rd year while Yoongi & Hoseok are in 4th year. **

“So will you come in today’s party Tae.” Hoseok asked making Jimin also turn towards him.

“Of course, he’ll come. Right Tae?” Jimin glared at Tae.

“Don’t show me those eyes. I’m not Min Yoongi.” Taehyung flicked his forehead.

“Please come na. I swear I’ll set you up with someone.” Jimin now pleaded him.

“No Jimin, I really don’t trust your choices anymore after that Seori scandal.”

“I didn’t know she was a bully behind your back.”

“Still, you thought she was a nice girl.”

“Just come to this party. This time there are nice juniors. Trust me.”

“Yes, Jimin is already on BFF basis with one girl.” Hoseok added.

“How could you, @$$hole.” Tae dramatically gasps.

“Don’t blame me, she is really nice plus her dancing is also great.” Jimin raised his hands in innocence.

“Well, I agree too. Harin is really nice.” Hoseok agreed eating more of the Kimbap.

“Keep me out of your dance group.”

“You know what hyung.” Jimin asked Hoseok “Let’s set him up with Harin.”

“Leave me out of it please.” Tae said in frustration.

“Trust me on this now Tae. You’ll like her, I think. And show her your dance too, she is a sucker for dancer men.”

“I left Dancing a year ago Jimin.”

“Still, you dance very well, Tae. You still help me with choreographies.”

“That’s different, don’t force me now.”

“Well, you are coming for my sake. And then you can decide whether to agree for her or not.”

“Okay” Tae huffed.

“But will she like him?” Hoseok asked.

“I hope she does but she is very picky.” Jimin sipped his juice staring at Taehyung.

“You are trying to set me up with someone who doesn’t even like me?”

“Chill, I’m closest with her now in this new batch so she is my first recommendation.”

“Jimin be serious for God’s sake.”

“Calm down.” Jimin patted his head. “Her friend told me to introduce her to someone nice & no one is nicer than you for me.” He now cupped his while Tae was throwing daggers with his eyes at his face.

“Okay, I’ll come.”








-At Tae’s House.

“Seorang, did you see my laptop.” Kim Hongjae shouted from the living room.

“It was in your study room in the morning.” Seorang shouted from the kitchen.

Kim Hongjae, a very dignified businessman and filthy rich. His wife died when his son Kim Taehyung was 6 years old which resulted him remarrying after 2 years. Seorang was the best choice for his son as within days she had started making Tae smile. Seorang belonged to a middle-class family, but she lost her whole family a year before she met Hongjae. But she gave all her love to Tae as if he was her own son.

Their bond was of a beautiful friendship. Hongjae loved his first wife too much to ever replace him, but he always treated Seorang like his partner. He never disrespected her and gave her everything.

Be it wealth or her any other need.



“Oh! Tae you’re back.” Hongjae said when he saw his Tae coming into the house with a tired face.

“Yes appa” he said lying down on the sofa.

“Tae bear what happened.” Seorang immediately started massaging his head.

“Nothing eomma, just today we got zero free time and now I’ve to go to the Fresher’s party.”

“Then rest my dear son, don’t stress yourself for a party.” Seorang said.

“No, it’s, okay eomma. Jimin wanted me to introduce to some girl.”

“At last, I’ll see you with someone.” Hongjae snickered seeing his son irritated face.

“Don’t tease him now.” Seorang hugged Tae and shot a glare to her husband. “If you don’t want to go then rest dear.”

“I’ll go eomma. It’s been long since I went to any party.”

“Okay then.”

Tae left to his room.

“Why are you being happy if he is being introduced with someone.” Seorang asked angrily.

“Because he has never dated, and I would be happy if my son has someone who likes him.” Hongjae explained with a confused expression.

“I will not allow him to date just any girl.” She snapped in anger. “He should date someone of his own status not some gold digger b*tch.”

“Maybe you are the reason he avoids dating and everyone is not a gold digger *****. I also found you, our status was also different.” Saying this Hongjae left to his room.

“He’ll never understand.” Seorang mumbled and left to kitchen again.

Maybe what she doubted was if her son would also find someone like her.



~Ding Dong~

Seorang opened the door only to find Jimin well-dressed there.

“Jiminaaa, come in I’ll call Tae.” Seorang hugged him.

“No aunty we’re already getting late, can you please send Tae fast.”

“Oh-okay, wait a minute.” She went and stood near the staircase shouting, “Kim Taehyung, get down right now, Jimin is waiting for you.”

“Yes eomma, coming.” Tae answered hurriedly coming with his tie in his left hand. “Bye eomma.” He kissed her forehead. “Don’t wait for me and sleep eomma. I’ll manage today.” Saying this he left.

“Aaiishhh. This kid.” Seorang chuckled and went back to whatever she was doing.




“Where is Yoongi hyung?” Tae asked Jimin.

“He is with Hoseok hyung. He’ll come to me when Hoseok gets some company.”

“And what about me then.” Tae asked expecting a good answer.

“Wait till someone approaches you and then enjoy.”

“Why did you bring me here if I was to waste my time only.”

“Geez chill, Harin is coming okay. And don’t bore her.”

“What! I don’t bore anyone please.”

“You have a boring personality okay but still try to cover it.”

“What if she is boring.”

“She is not from what I’ve concluded after spending a little time with her.

And yes, she was asking about you from someone.”

“I don’t know her then why she would ask about me.”

“She was asking if anyone knows Kim Taehyung today with some of her friends in the club, seemed like she wanted to know who you are or how you look like.”

“Now she’ll know. So, stop imagining things.” Tae slapped his head making Jimin glare.

But soon his glare turned into a smirk. Before Tae could realize anything he grabbed his wrist and guided him to two girls standing in a corner and talking among themselves.

“Hello my lovely juniors.” Jimin said in his cheerful voice. “Sorry Yoona I’m borrowing Harin for the rest of the party.” Saying this he grabbed the girl on the left and dragged both to another corner.

“Harin, this is Kim Taehyung about whom you were asking today.” Jimin pointed to Tae & Harin immediately glared at him for revealing the talk. “And this is my fav. Junior Hwang Harin.” He said to Taehyung. “You both can enjoy yourself as my partner is waiting for me.”

“All the best.” Jimin whispered and ran away while Tae cursed him a million times under his breath.

Silence prevailed between the two strangers who were realizing the awkwardness of the situation.

**I looked at her only to allow a little chuckle pass from my lips. Her face portrayed the expression of such confusion as if she had time travelled in the future. He took a moment to check her out. A simple satin dress of wine color\, fitting to her body perfectly. No accessories were there except a necklace. A simple silver chain with a leaf pendant was surrounding her neck which automatically directed his gaze to her exposed collarbone. Her hairs were left open with some covering her left side of face. Her face spoke or literally shouted BEAUTY. A little eye shadow was seen rest he could see the furrowed shape of her brows. Her eye lashes were perfect for decorating her eyes. Her cheeks were stained with crimson hue  while her lips were glossy pink. He felt like he could stare at her all day. But his concentration broke when someone approached her from his behind.**

“Harin, will you please do the honor of dancing with me.” Asked Kai or Kim Jeong In [ his Korean name ].

Tae poked his cheek in annoyance. Tae knew him. He was also in the dance club a year ago. When Tae was there, they used to have lots of fights but after he left he had never wanted to approach him again.

“Pardon…...” Harin asked as if not understanding the situation.

Out of blue she was dragged by her senior and left with a stranger by the name of Kim Taehyung and suddenly her another senior approaches her like this. Moreover, she has never ever talked with Kai as he seemed to give of bully senior type which was slightly true as she had heard some stories.

“I’m asking you to a dance.” Kai formally spoke.

“I’m afraid to disappoint you but you are approaching my date. Kim Kai.” Tae smiled and literally mocked him with his eyes.

“I don’t think your date is enjoying her time.” Kai’s tone was challenging now.

“You don’t need to be worried about my date. And she is enjoying her time, right Rinnie?” He spoke a nickname to hit his nerve and looked at her with pleading eyes which literally screamed 👀 please help. I’ll apologize after it. 👀

“Thank you for your concern sunbae but I’m enjoying my time actually.” Harin politely bowed.

Tae’s smirk grew wider while Kai glared at him and left.

*Cough cough* Harin coughed to get his attention.

“Actually, sorry about that. It’s just we don’t get along.” Tae said in embarrassment while scratching his head a little.

Harin nods understanding the situation.

“By the way, let’s start fresh. So that we can enjoy this party.”

“Okay” Harin now looks at him.

“I’m Kim Taehyung.” Tae stretches his hand for a handshake.

“Hwang Harin.” Harin said accepting his hand.

“So, miss set up date of mine can I have the honor of taking you dancing.” Tae dramatically bows making her giggle.

“Sure, Mr. Kim.”

And they both turned to the dance floor.

Everyone was dancing on a slow music on the dance floor. The floor was quite filled with the other couples when both joined them.

Tae held her hand in one and guided the other to her back to be more of a gentleman only to be met with her bare skin there. He sure felt something in his stomach. Never he had touched someone like this not even Seori.

On the other hand, Harin was trying to be calm. Her hand was held by this handsome man and her other hand was there on his shoulder. She found his perfume too attractive. She shivered internally when she felt his hand on her bare back.

I shouldn’t have made it backless. She cursed herself internally for this.

Barely 5 minutes had passed of them dancing when music stopped. And they could hear someone setting up mic.

“Excuse me now couples.” Kai shouted. “Sorry for the disturbance though, but now it is enough of your lovey-dovey moments. It’s time for some disco.” He shouted making the crowd cheer.

In the background Daddy by Psy started playing.

“I’m sure everyone knows who the best dancer for this song is, right?” Kai grinned at him.

Tae knew where things are going now. His memory of his fresher party played in his mind.

“KIM TAEHYUNG.” Everyone shouted in unison.

“C’mon Kim show us your skills.” Kai grinned at Tae.

“Tae, what is happening.” Jimin came from behind. “Did you two fight again.”

“No, he wanted to take Harin to dance, and she is my date.” Tae said with a I’M SO DONE expression. “So, it irked his ego.”

“He is hyping up the crowd now.” Jimin says.

“I really don’t want that embarrassing moment to repeat. I was a freshman, okay. It’s different now. I’m not performing anything now.” he was embarrased as hell remembering his first dance. he still remembers that he danced enjoying his younger self.

“We’ll see that but where is Harin.” Jimin asked looking around.

“Wait, where is she.” Tae also started looking around.

While they were talking, they failed to notice a figure stepping onto stage with her friends.

“Kai sunbaenim.” A voice interrupted the commotion which grabbed the attention of Tae & Jimin also.

“Why is she there.” Tae whispered.

“To save you I guess.” Jimin whispered back.

While on the stage.

“Kai sunbaenim.” Harin spoke grabbing the mic. “This is a party for freshmen’s so let us grab the stage.”

The crowd cheered.

The previous song Daddy slowly faded in the background while a soft but catchy beat started playing.

I'm super shy, super shy

But wait a minute while I make you mine, make you mine

떨리는 지금도, you're on my mind all the time

I wanna tell you but I'm super shy, super shy.

The crowd started hooting while some girls probably Harin’s friend started performing. Everyone started hyping by singing along.

“Yoohoooooooooo.” Jimin also cheered beside Tae who was shook by the sudden loud voice.

Though girls were wearing dresses mostly, they weren’t facing any problems. Handwork was quite smooth so were their expression. It was visible that they were enjoying themselves.

And I wanna go out with you

Where you wanna go? (Huh?)

Find a lil spot, just sit and talk

Looking pretty, follow me

우리 둘이 나란히

보이지? (봐)

내 눈이 (Heh)

갑자기, 빛나지

When you say I'm your dream

The girls were enjoying dancing and singing. The crowd also started following them and singing along.

“I’m liking her more now.” Jimin said dancing a little to the beat.

“So am I.” Tae said while his eyes stayed on only one person who was totally unknown to it.






After plenty of dancing and singing, Harin felt tired. She excused herself from the crowd and sat in corner taking some water.

She took off her heels and stretched her neck a little. “Huff, it was really tiring.” She drank a sip and stretched her hands now. “Had I known about this, I would've wore short heels.”

Suddenly two hands from behind held her arms and massaged them a little.

“mmhhh~” She moaned at the relaxing sensation. “It feels wonderful.” She laid her head back whispering in pleasure.

“Does it.” A deep voice whispered beside her ear making her open her eyes.

Kim Taehyung was just behind her. Directly looking into her eyes. Their eye contact did continue for a while till Taehyung leaned a little more lessening the gap between their eyes.

Harin flinched at the sudden closeness and sat up straight.

While Tae had a victory smile. He sat beside her.

“You dance really well.” Tae broke the silence.

“Thank you sunbae.” Harin politely bowed guiding her feet to wear her heels again.

“You can leave them be, your feet may be in pain.”


“Why did you do that though.”

"What?" She looked at him with a questionable expression.

"The dance when Kai was calling me."

“Somewhere I felt it was happening because of me and you had this DONE expression on your face.too.”

“It wasn’t. We do not get along. I’m sorry you felt like that.”

“It’s okay. At the end I enjoyed too.”

Silence again prevailed; both were trying to find something to continue their conversation.

“By the way I apologize for what Jimin did.”

“It’s okay I don’t mind really.”

“So.....You don’t mind being set up with me or giving this a try.” Tae spoke hesitantly.

“It’s fine. I don’t mind.” The last came out faintly from her mouth.

“Will you go on a dat—

“Harin let’s go. It’s late now.” A girl approached her from the crowd now.

“Okay” she said while wearing her heels. “It was nice meeting you.” She bowed when Jimin arrived.

“Are you leaving Harin?”


“With Yoona?”

“Yes why?” The other girl asked.

“I was thinking if Tae could leave her.”

“No, I’m fine with her.” Harin grabbed Yoona’s arm with her face turning red. “Don’t trouble him.” She bowed and went away.

“What did you do that she looks so flushed.” Jimin asked between his laughs.

“I did nothing. We were just talking.”

“Nothing happened.” Jimin made a shocked face while taking seat beside him.

“I was about to ask her out till that girl interrupted.”

“Ask her tomorrow then.”

“Where? I don’t know anything about her except her name.”

“Come to me when we are in our auditorium. You’ll see her dancing there.”

“It’ll be embarrassing.” Tae covered his face.

“It won’t be, I’ll send her outside for you. Done.”


“Okay.” Jimin squealed in happiness.





While with Harin and Yoona.

As soon as she came out of the auditorium, Harin took off her heels and picked them up.

“It was surely tiring.” Harin huffed sitting in the car.

“But it looked like you were enjoying a lot.” Yoona said driving the car.

“I always enjoy dancing Yoona.”

“I’m not talking about dancing.”

“Then what?”

“You know it.”

“Nothing happened between us.”

“He is Kim Taehyung.”

“I know.”

“No, he is THAT Kim Taehyung.”

“I know it and nothing happened.” Harin now gave a stress on happened.

“The massage and eye contact said something different.”

Harin stiffened as her face turned into crimson red colour. “It was a little interaction only.” Harin mumbled.

“I don’t want you to get hurt. And you know he is a walking time bomb. For you.”


“His mother will never allow you to be with him.”

“I won’t back out now. If he approaches me tomorrow then I’ll give his mom something she always feared and deserved.”

“Don’t get involved too much, uncle only has you and what if that boy actually likes you.”

“If he is still there at the end I'll see. But I won’t just forget what she did, if he comes to me himself then I guess i'll have a wonderful time playing with his mom.”

"Don't hurt him for this stupid things."

"The same stupid things had affected my father so much. what makes you think she can get away."

"He is also innocent."

"Unfortunately he is indebted to things. and i'm not going to spare anyone."

“Just Be careful.”


Yoona wished under her breath that she’ll listen to her. But seems like what uncle wants to save her from, she fell exactly for the same trouble.


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