Not So Timid

Not So Timid

Chapter 1

Kirin, a four years old boy that had a goal to see outside the confinement of his own home. As a 'pup', (a term for young children) his parents would always tell him about the outside world and why he couldn't go out.

"Only adults can go outside because the air outside would kill pups like you, hun." His mother told him. "What is outside world like mommy?" The curious pup asked.

"Well...the outside has large lakes, vast open fields that never ends, the lake water always sparkled, the tall towering trees that shows the forest beauty and the distance of the snow topped mountains that sets the scenery. The town is full of wonderful people and delicious foods, but you'll have to grow up to see it all!" She Explained, putting Kirin down to pull up the elbow leveled gloves on her hand.

The pup didn't understand why his mother wore such long gloves whenever she touched him but that didn't stop him from being excited to grow up and see the outside world.

"Mama I grow up and go outside to see pretty world right?" Kirin asked tilting his head to the side in question. "Of course darling!" she said looking a her son with disgust.

"I'm home..." A deep dry, hoarse voice called out. "Papa!!" a very exciting Kirin yelled running to greet his father. "Welcome house papa!" He smiled nuzzling his father's leg. The man didn't bother acknowledging that his son was

welcoming him.

"Mama told me about du outside place!" The pup exclaimed happily.

"Shin I thought I you to- never mind we'll talk about this tonight..." The man groaned looking at his wife.

Kirin kept that goal in mind ever since his mother started telling him that story. That is what the boy had in mind but fate had other plans in mind.

"Michael what did you want to talk about?" shin asked knowing what her husband was going to say. "The kid... its the kid." "I was thinking we hand it over to them..." Michael said looking at his wife blankly. "It's too bad we can't try for another one," He said disappointment laced in his voice." Sure hunny let's hand him over he's getting too expensive," She agreed.

Three years later...


"c-coming m-ma'am" The pup shakily answered as he wobbled down the stairs, his body trembling his dirty clothes and his once chubby face now scrawny and hallowed, as he hurried to get the cleaning supplies and came into the kitchen to start cleaning.

Before the pup could start doing anything his mother slapped him saying : "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!" Slap "YOU UNGRATEFUL WRETCH!" A huge red mark was now forming on his right cheek as he stood unmoved trying to hold tears and whimpers back as he waited for the rest of the hits to come. She picked up a hot spatula and started:



Slap "GET TO WORK AND WORK FAST OR YOUR NOT GETTING ANY SLEEP TONIGHT..." Grumbling, the mother turned on her heels and walked out of the kitchen with a half empty wine bottle in hand.

"O-of c-course m-ma'm." Getting on all fours, he started scrubbing the stains off the kitchen floor. A single tear fell past the barriers of his left eye which landed on the floor as the seven-year-old chocked back on a sob. He realized what was was happening to him a year ago:

He was being abused.

He found out when he snuck into his parents room when they were out. He took up a book his mother left on their bed. Once he read it it told him that parents were supposed to love and

protect their pups, care for them, not to harm them and not to beat them or boss them around the house.

His entire seven year of life he lived it in isolation; he's never seen the outside world and only

believed what his mother told him. But recently when his mother got drunk she would tell him that the outside world was a dark and cold with barely any greenery and people died every day and that he was lucky he didn't perish yet.

He didn't want to die and yet he wants to see what his mother described.

Shin is a cruel and ruthless woman mainly known for getting in alphas pants having their children and ditch, at least that's how the public sees it. In reality what really she really does is much more sinister.

First she gets into the alphas pants have their children, trick the alphas into gambling to the point of debt, sell the pups when they're eight or abuse them, then abandon them. Little to no one knows that Kirin is actually her 16th pup.

Not many know that Kirin exists, many just took it as shin cooling down from her slutty

behaviours. But rumor has it that Shin kidnapped a baby from their biological parents because she couldn't have any more children.

The boy finished cleaning the floors, he moved on to clean the ash and soot out of the giant coalstove they had in the kitchen, all the while making sure the kitchen was spotless, onto the counters where he organized everything and wiped them down, and finally onto the

cupboards dusting them efficiently leaving no trace of filth behind.

After he finally finished cleaning the kitchen he stretched his aching bone and sore muscles, he was exhausted but he knew better than to go to sleep, so he just sat in the corner of the kitchen waiting for his mother's further commands.

The pup was tired, he sat there for a good 6 hours his stomach was growling, his eyes

struggled to stay open, he couldn't fall asleep or leave the kitchen so he just sat there waiting for his parents to return.





I'm impressed how you described the outer world



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