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Not So Timid

Chapter 1

Kirin, a four years old boy that had a goal to see outside the confinement of his own home. As a 'pup', (a term for young children) his parents would always tell him about the outside world and why he couldn't go out.

"Only adults can go outside because the air outside would kill pups like you, hun." His mother told him. "What is outside world like mommy?" The curious pup asked.

"Well...the outside has large lakes, vast open fields that never ends, the lake water always sparkled, the tall towering trees that shows the forest beauty and the distance of the snow topped mountains that sets the scenery. The town is full of wonderful people and delicious foods, but you'll have to grow up to see it all!" She Explained, putting Kirin down to pull up the elbow leveled gloves on her hand.

The pup didn't understand why his mother wore such long gloves whenever she touched him but that didn't stop him from being excited to grow up and see the outside world.

"Mama I grow up and go outside to see pretty world right?" Kirin asked tilting his head to the side in question. "Of course darling!" she said looking a her son with disgust.

"I'm home..." A deep dry, hoarse voice called out. "Papa!!" a very exciting Kirin yelled running to greet his father. "Welcome house papa!" He smiled nuzzling his father's leg. The man didn't bother acknowledging that his son was

welcoming him.

"Mama told me about du outside place!" The pup exclaimed happily.

"Shin I thought I you to- never mind we'll talk about this tonight..." The man groaned looking at his wife.

Kirin kept that goal in mind ever since his mother started telling him that story. That is what the boy had in mind but fate had other plans in mind.

"Michael what did you want to talk about?" shin asked knowing what her husband was going to say. "The kid... its the kid." "I was thinking we hand it over to them..." Michael said looking at his wife blankly. "It's too bad we can't try for another one," He said disappointment laced in his voice." Sure hunny let's hand him over he's getting too expensive," She agreed.

Three years later...


"c-coming m-ma'am" The pup shakily answered as he wobbled down the stairs, his body trembling his dirty clothes and his once chubby face now scrawny and hallowed, as he hurried to get the cleaning supplies and came into the kitchen to start cleaning.

Before the pup could start doing anything his mother slapped him saying : "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!" Slap "YOU UNGRATEFUL WRETCH!" A huge red mark was now forming on his right cheek as he stood unmoved trying to hold tears and whimpers back as he waited for the rest of the hits to come. She picked up a hot spatula and started:



Slap "GET TO WORK AND WORK FAST OR YOUR NOT GETTING ANY SLEEP TONIGHT..." Grumbling, the mother turned on her heels and walked out of the kitchen with a half empty wine bottle in hand.

"O-of c-course m-ma'm." Getting on all fours, he started scrubbing the stains off the kitchen floor. A single tear fell past the barriers of his left eye which landed on the floor as the seven-year-old chocked back on a sob. He realized what was was happening to him a year ago:

He was being abused.

He found out when he snuck into his parents room when they were out. He took up a book his mother left on their bed. Once he read it it told him that parents were supposed to love and

protect their pups, care for them, not to harm them and not to beat them or boss them around the house.

His entire seven year of life he lived it in isolation; he's never seen the outside world and only

believed what his mother told him. But recently when his mother got drunk she would tell him that the outside world was a dark and cold with barely any greenery and people died every day and that he was lucky he didn't perish yet.

He didn't want to die and yet he wants to see what his mother described.

Shin is a cruel and ruthless woman mainly known for getting in alphas pants having their children and ditch, at least that's how the public sees it. In reality what really she really does is much more sinister.

First she gets into the alphas pants have their children, trick the alphas into gambling to the point of debt, sell the pups when they're eight or abuse them, then abandon them. Little to no one knows that Kirin is actually her 16th pup.

Not many know that Kirin exists, many just took it as shin cooling down from her slutty

behaviours. But rumor has it that Shin kidnapped a baby from their biological parents because she couldn't have any more children.

The boy finished cleaning the floors, he moved on to clean the ash and soot out of the giant coalstove they had in the kitchen, all the while making sure the kitchen was spotless, onto the counters where he organized everything and wiped them down, and finally onto the

cupboards dusting them efficiently leaving no trace of filth behind.

After he finally finished cleaning the kitchen he stretched his aching bone and sore muscles, he was exhausted but he knew better than to go to sleep, so he just sat in the corner of the kitchen waiting for his mother's further commands.

The pup was tired, he sat there for a good 6 hours his stomach was growling, his eyes

struggled to stay open, he couldn't fall asleep or leave the kitchen so he just sat there waiting for his parents to return.

Chapter 2

4 years later...

When he got presented as an omega his father started eyeing him weirdly like he was waiting for something to happen but it never came, so he gave up or so Kirin thought. Normally you get your second gender from the ages of 8-9 Then you have first heat or rut from the age of 9-12, That's what his mother told him when he was younger.

He's 11 now and isn't showing any sign of being an omega nor did he go into his first heat yet. When he was 8 his father came home with a leaf and boiled it in water and tol- order him to drink it, it was bitter, he said that if the tea was bitter it meant that he was an omega.

Ever since, he's been eyeing Kirin weirdly

mumbling something about going into heat, smelling pheromones, tasting slick and what not.

Lately his body has been sluggish and having the urge to collect soft and fluffy things. He had a bad feeling lodged in the abbess of his

stomach when he woke up on the flattened cushions he calls bed. This feeling only came when something bad was about to happen, it only happened when his father was about to kill his mother.

The sluggish feeling only dragged on throughout the entire day until his father came home drunk. The gears in his stomach twisted uncomfortably. He watched as his father staggered his way to his room.

This scared him, so he just stayed put on the makeshift bed. About an hour passed and his

father came down and stood in front of him, his eyes had that hungry look in it.

He's been eyeing Kirin like that ever since he found out that he was an omega. Before he could greet him, he grabbed his arms and pinned him down. He started at Kirin like he was prey, with what seems like lust clouding his vision. He went straight for the boy's neck, he was sniffing it for something but when he got nothing he growled.

At this point Kirin too busy suppressing tears that were trying to escape his eyes, that's when he flipped him over on his stomach and felt something hard pressed up against his butt.

He let a whimper escape his lips. "FUCKING COCK SLUT SHUT IT!" He commanded. Kirin choked back a sob as the man started to grind against him. This went on until he heard voice in my head:

"Me! let me help!"

"w-what? who a-are you?"

"I'm yourself or as people call it : inner omega..."

"so ba-asically yo-ou're me?"

"Yeah now let me help!" the voice said.

He lost control over his body as I allowed the voice to do as it please. When the sensation ended he found myself standing, blood dripping off his little hands, and his father lying in a pool of his own blood.

Kirin shrieked in horror, backing away. He looked at the blood, he felt sick. He killed his father. But wait... does that mean he's free? Shaking off the shock, he quickly bolted upstairs; a place where he was never allowed. When he made to his parents room he found himself rummaging through drawers after drawers, until he found it, a document:

test subject number : #8762531

Name : Kirin Kobin

Experiment: babies react to lack of pheromones

Status : successful

reward : $500,000

It wasn't just any document, it was the one his mother kept babbling about when she was drunk and alive. Kirin didn't believe her, so he asked her where it was and she told him it was upstairs somewhere.

"O-oh." He was startled to hear his own voice so loud in 6 years. This is not a time to cry. He was free so he must get out of here immediately, he thought to myself. But he's never been outside what if it kills him? No! It's do or die, kill or be killed. There's nothing in the house he could take with him not even food.

With that thought in mind he walked up to the back door that his mother used to sneak through when she and his father had a heated argument.

Slowly opening the door, he was met with cold wind hitting his face and bitting into his skin. He shivered and hugged his skinny frame. Never has he felt so cold. The little sack he was wearing didn't help with providing warmth. He stood there for a while before he heard his father

letting out pained groans, was enough for him to take off into the what seems like a forest, the snow crunching under his little feet.

Kobin... what does the paper mean by Kobin his name is Kirin Andrews not Kirin Kobin and he's not an experiment. He thought to himself as he ran deeper into the forest.

It's been three days since he ran away and today those gears in his stomach started twisting and turning uncomfortably.What could possibly

happen he wondered. He hasn't spoken to

anyone, but what his mother said was a lie.

He saw children running around the place and people aren't dying, and the place is still—even at full of light, his mother was a big liar. He

suddenly got pulled out of his thoughts by a tall dark figure bumping into him

"Sorry did you get hurt?"  The stranger said the omega backed up and stared at the man before nodding and walking away all the while his senses were blaring him to get away from that guy.

Later that night he stayed up knowing that something bad was bound to happen and it did even before he could set up camp for the night.

A group of guys with masks covering their face popped out of the bush put a cloth over his nose effectively drugging him to the point of


"This scheme boss came up with is flawless, we've been able to capture ten omegas like this."

"Shut up, let's go."

"Ever since the new girl came boss never bother looking for any other omegas... weird huh." A

female omega said while side-eyeing Kirin.

"Yeah. it's weird especially because this is a

human trafficking ring." Another female omega shrugged..

"Rumor has it that the new girl is actually a Bata boy." Another girl whispered, they all bursted into silent giggles.

"Yeah it's odd she never gives off a scent and her chest is too flat to be a girl..." one of them spat, jealousy laced in her voice.

"Just one look and I'd become lesbian for her just look at her body:  slim figure, thin waist, plump butt and thick thighs. Don't even  mention her face, her eyes a beautiful shade of blue, that matched her curly silky long hair, her pale skin, freckles dotted across her round chubby cheeks but it's too bad she never talks." The second omegas moaned out, releasing aroused pheromones.

"They're talking about us again!" Kirin’s inner omega said while growling. "Relax... they have a point, my hair grows quickly and every omega in this industry seem to believe I'm a woman, only the staff knows that I'm not which is good

because male omegas seem to be hated."

"Oh, great! Now she's turned on."

"I still haven't had my first heat yet what's going on..."?

"Maybe you're a late, late bloomer?"

"I'm sixteen for Christ's sake!"

Suddenly the door flew open and an alpha and a Bata who was owner of the traffic ring walked in, the alpha was wearing fancy clothing but Kirin couldn't see his face.

"Good sir, please pick as you like these omegas are all yours, they are well behaved," the obese man smiled, rubbing his hands in a way all the omegas found disturbing.

All the omegas ceased talking and sat in an

orderly fashion so Kirin followed. The man walked and observed all the omegas and came to the end of the line where Kirin was. He started at Kirin for a while before saying:

"This one, I want it."

"Sure, she'll be a bit more expensive, she's clean." The owner smirked.

"have her ready in 5 minutes max."

The shopkeeper yanked him up and put a cloth over his mouth and everything went black.

Chapter 3

The omega found himself waking up to an

unfamiliar roof in his field of view. The drugs that bastard gave him messed with his system, it's quite hard and painful to move his body.

To his surprise a wave of angry tiredness hit him like a boulder. He's been skipping out on sleep for about five months because the male staff members would try and touch the omegas at night.

It was hard but he bared with it for the sake of staying alive, just because.

At first He thought that was just to scare him, but strange activities started for two nights in a row, and on the third night he heard a blood

curdling scream, ringing through the small room he shared with seven other omegas.

Apparently the girl's name was Destiny. She was raped by a Bata that was drunk and later on she was killed for becoming impure in a Virgin omegan trade house...

Once again that angry wave of tiredness hit him this time he gave in,  sinking into the dark abbess of well needed sleep after so many sleepless nights.

He woke up to the sound of arguing and an

angry scent; A girl at the ring taught him all about the the second genders and what their scent is supposed to smell like and how they

behave. He thought as he struggled to breathe. The angry scent calmed down a bit.

His hearing started to come back fully, barely making out what they were arguing about. He managed to make out the words: " No! send it back!" And the rest was just pure gibberish.

After what felt like hours he finally mustered up enough strength to sit up, that's when I noticed how soft the fabric was, it was soft and silky but it smelt like that angry alpha. It made him feel calm and uncomfortable at the same time.

He sat up on the silk fabric earning three gasps; two of shock and one of excitement.

He turned around face to face with three alphas one female and the other two being males. He stared for a while before his limbs started to tremble before giving out he let out a whine of pain before sighing.

The girl awed before running over to hug him. He glared a her she tried to pat his head and hissed and attempted to scratch her but his attempt was futile. His arms ached, so he just let the woman do as she pleased.

"My name is Mabel Blake and that over there is Zane Blake my older twin brother and, our father Zend Blake." The lady introduced herself and the other alphas. "What's your name?" she asked sweetly.

"The mute doesn't have a name no one in the factory knows what its name is because it doesn't speak it only nods or shake its head," the man shook his head in disappointment.

"Then why did you get me this piece of junk, just because she's pretty?!" The twin alpha inquired. Kirin guessed his name was Zane or something.

He stayed silent taking in all hurtful insults as usual until the father interrupted his rant, "May, strip it" the man commanded, with that she

extended her alphan claws and slashed his dirty and raggedy pants, in the process slashing through his underwear.

Kirin screeched and stared wriggling, trying pry his way out of her tight grasp, in hopes of


Was the alpha going to rape him?

His attempt was in vein, she only squeezed tighter. He winced in pain as she only squeezed tighter, she stopped as soon as she heard him crying. The Zane guy only stared in shock as he watched on.

Mabel started to shower him in apologies in hopes to calm him down which only resulted in him trying to push her away. The Zane guy was  ready to rip his neck off after he snapped out of his trance. Mabel did the next thing reasonable, she released a wave of calming pheromones.

"Oi bitch, don't stink up my room with your sorry excuse for a scent!" the Zane guy said.

"Okay Mr. I am the world strongest alpha!" Mabel joked.

Kirin sniffled softly as Mabel wiped his tear. Kirin didn't like her. She wrapped a near by towel around his waist.

"Dad how'd you get your hands on such a rare male omega... they're pretty expensive!" Mabel exclaimed in amazement.

"Apparently no one wants male omegas, so he was for the taking. He was really cheap too." The older male answered. The Zane guy was just standing there processing what he had just seen and heard.

"Can you say my name is?" Mabel asked him hopefully.

"Child it's futile, it's mute," the older male barked. Mabel glared at her father before saying: "He's not an item or an object nor is he a toy so stop calling him 'it'." When she said that an unfamiliar feeling started bubbling in Kirin's chest. It felt soft and fuzzy.

He shuffled uncomfortable on the bed earing a glare from the Zane guy. He sighed slowly before looking at Mabel, opening his mouth. She gasped and clapped her hands causing him to flinch and shrink into the bed. She cover her mouth and nodded prompting him to continue. "M-my n-n-na-ame i-is K-k-ir-in," he stuttered out, his voice barely audible.

"O MY GOD YOU CAN TALK AND YOUR VOICE IS SOOO CUTE!!" She she yelled as Kirin whimpered and covered his ears. She covered her mouth and whispered a quick 'sorry'.

Her father gasped and stared at Kirin," how, how can you-"

The Zane guy snapped his head interrupting his father causing Kirin to flinch for the 100th time today! "SO YOU OMEGAN BITCH YOU CAN


"Quiet! A panicking omega won’t talk!" Mr Blake stated

"Yes dad,"


Mabel turn to Kirin again and asked, "How old are you?" The room suffocated in silence before he answered "M- i-i'm  s-s-ix-een." He stuttered softly, wondering if he said the word correctly.

The man gasped "The manager told me that me you were nineteen! I was gullible enough to

believe him because omegas are naturally short and are young looking even if they grow old..." Mr Zend fumed, visibly upset.

"Even though I see omegas as endangered by

alphas like that I wouldn't have bought such a young pup as yourself.!" The man exclaimed

angrily as his scent got angrier, clenching his fists he exhaled trying his best to calm himself.

"I-i'm s-sorry.." Kirin whispered Mabel hugged him, to which he tried to push away. "It's not your fault hun, you did nothing wrong. That's  when he noticed it everyone in this room had fancy clothes on.


"What?" She looked at Kirin, admiring his long unkempt hair.

He let out a loud and pained yelp earning the

attention of everyone in the room. His body

reacting negatively to all this alphan pheromones followed by a warm liquid running down his nose he used his hand to see what it was, when he did though, he heard Mabel screaming in

horror and concerned shouts from Mr Blake.

That was the last thing he heard before his body went limp as his senses faded....

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