I received an invitation to a gala dinner at the Farbes headquarters and my sources have already informed me that Bordini will be attending. I always refuse these invitations, I've never been to any, only to meetings. But this time, I decided to take my wife to introduce her to the underworld family.
MIGUEL - I received an invitation to the Farbes dinner, are you going?
FELIPE - Of course, I'm not even going to ask if you're going, you've been hiding like a wild animal.
MIGUEL - This time I'm going, and very well accompanied.
FELIPE - Am I hearing this right? It's been five years since you took command of the Calabria and you've never been to an informal engagement, and today you're going? Can I at least know what you're planning, Miguel Martinez? As your lawyer, I have to know everything beforehand in case I need to prepare your defense.
MIGUEL - I'm not planning anything. It's just that the Farbes secretary just told me that Bordini has confirmed his presence.
FELIPE - Wow, now I really can't miss this dinner, it's going to be very interesting.
I signed the documents Felipe brought me and went to Marcele's room to tell her about the dinner so she could get ready.
As soon as we arrived at the private area where the dinner would be held, I saw Bordini smoking a cigar, as ridiculous as this thing of feeling powerful because you're puffing stinky smoke.
Marcele stumbled a little, I supported her and whispered in her ear that it wasn't the time to be afraid. She understood, raised her head and we passed Bordini, who was left with the face of a Pinscher about to attack. Because that's what he is, a little dog with tremors. The most he'll do is bite my ankle.
I was revered, and every minute, Marcela looked at me with even more curious eyes. I don't think she even imagines who I am. My wife must think I'm just any Mafioso.
I introduced her to all the allies and many complimented her, but she maintained her posture, she seemed more afraid of everyone.
My parents arrived with my mother and my sisters, that's when Marcela met Alicia and the two became friends.
My sisters have different personalities. Bianca is willing to help all the time with whatever is needed, but she's not as sweet as Alicia.
We left the four of them talking and went to talk to Farbes, who said that he already knows everything that happened and that he is on our side.
FARBES - My Don, what an honor to have you with us tonight, very beautiful lady of Calabria. I heard about what happened with Bordini and I am on your side for whatever you need. I could tell that your wife is in love with the Don. We know that Bordini was forcing her to marry him and you took her from the hands of the usurper.
At that moment, I even felt like laughing, hearing such nonsense. She is not in love with me, she is afraid of it, I can see it in her posture.
DANTE - Yes, Bordini tried to steal the Don's betrothed, but it backfired on him, it only brought the two even closer together.
FARBES - You should have killed him, Don.
BENICIO - That way you would get the Eastern territory.
FARBES - Always astute, that's why the Martinez are the greatest.
I was almost enjoying all the ass-kissing.
I saw Bordini talking to a waiter, and at the exact moment, the waiter looked at Marcela.
I'll keep an eye out. Bordini's going to try something, I'm sure.
We went back to the table and I kept an eye on the waiter.
Dinner was served. I switched my plate with Marcela's, she didn't understand, but she didn't say anything. Not with her mouth, but her expression screamed at me.
My family understood, and my mother came up with an explanation.
BEATRIZ - Son, you don't even know if she likes asparagus. He doesn't eat asparagus, Marcela. Do you like it?
Apparently, she believed it. It's not a lie, I don't like asparagus, so it's better to leave it at that.
Farbes made a speech and dinner was to celebrate another territory takeover. The ego of these men is so inflated that if it were a bubble, it would burst easily.
Soon after dinner, the waiters were serving drinks. When my mother went to get hers, the waiter turned the tray so she could get another one. We already realized something was wrong.
I nodded discreetly to my mother, who took the drink. Everyone was taking theirs. There was only one left on the tray, which was the one my mother was going to take. Marcela took the spiked drink and the waiter stood there watching her. I'm sure it's the first time he's done something like this, very amateurish.
BEATRIZ - You can go, dear, thank you very much. If we need anything else, we'll call you.
He left quite nervous. I took a discreet look and saw Bordini looking at our table.
MIGUEL - Marcela, you're going to pretend you're drinking, but you're not going to drink. No one drinks the drinks, we're just going to pretend.
ALICIA - Guys, I saw him turn the tray for my mother to get another drink.
I took my cell phone and texted everyone. At the same time, Alicia will go to the bathroom with Marcela. I'm sure this is the moment Bordini is waiting for to try something against her.
As soon as they got up, my father Benicio played his part by asking where they were going. My mother told them to be careful.
As soon as they entered the hallway leading to the restrooms, I stood up quickly, followed by my parents. My mother stayed at the table.
MIGUEL - Bordini, you're going to get beaten until your soul leaves your body.
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