Her Salvation (HBC)

Her Salvation (HBC)


The sound of water droplets echoed through the entire house, a steady rhythm in the otherwise silent night.
The room was so silent that it felt like an abyss, devoid of any sound or movement.
Suddenly, the phone broke the silence with its shrill ring.
Nora Smith
Nora Smith
Hello! Is this Davis who is speaking?
She asked excitedly when she answered the call.
Who is Davis now?
And why are you still alive?!
the voice on the other end of the line demanded, sending a chill down Nora's spine.
Nora Smith
Nora Smith
Please! Please can you let me live?
Nora pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and tears streaming down her face. Despite her usual strength, the fear of death gripped her deeply.
Nora Smith who is the top actress in her country has a secret… A deadly secret that can't allow her to live.
Huh? Did you forget the deal? If you don't die right now, I will come and kill you!
Nora understood that she had met him enough times to know he wouldn't compromise.
Nora Smith
Nora Smith
I… I… Understand.... you will hear the news soon...
Good girl. *Tut* (phone ends)
Nora took the sharp knife from her kitchen and pressed it against her wrist.
Nora Smith
Nora Smith
*Hsst* What did I do so wrong? I just wanted to live happily like everyone else...
*ding-dong* The doorbell pierced through the silence, and with tears streaming down her face, Nora hastily concealed the knife in the basin.
Her heart raced with fear and resignation as she whispered to herself, "Who could it be at this time?"
With trembling hands, she reached for the door and slowly turned the handle, preparing herself for what might come next.
To her surprise, standing at the door was none other than her hater, the person she had been tasked to seduce and extract information from.
Nora's tears halted momentarily as she stared at him in disbelief. Her heart sank knowing this encounter could seal her fate.
Nora Smith
Nora Smith
So, what brings you here, sweetheart?
Nora asked with a flirtatious smile, attempting to conceal the traces of tears that had glistened in her eyes just moments before.
Why are your eyes teary?
He asked with genuine concern, panting heavily from the rush of running all the way to her apartment.
Nora Smith
Nora Smith
Wow, I'm so glad you're here!
She exclaimed, trying to steer the conversation away while maintaining a flirtatious tone.
And why is your hand bleeding? Did something happen?
Davis asked, his concern overriding any distraction from her flirtatious demeanor.
Nora Smith
Nora Smith
It's nothing, just a small kitchen mishap.
Davis pulled her hand and hugged her tightly. After a moment, she started to cry, tears flowing despite knowing deep down that their worlds were too different for this moment to last. They stayed like that quietly for some time.
The both who had none to rely on found each other as their comfort.
And they both have their own secrets... And are their feelings genuine? Or are they acting?
Davis is a secret agent in disguise and what about Nora? Why is she being threatened to die even though she is the top star..
Is it love? Is it vengeance?
It's more than that...
End of the prologue.
Hello guys, this book is for the competition called HBC!
And leave your guess about the story in the comments!
Btw this is the prompt I chose!
Thank you bye!


❤️🇨 🇦 🇳 🇴 🇳 ❤️

❤️🇨 🇦 🇳 🇴 🇳 ❤️

mysterious and emotional beginning
-reader from HBC



Akshe |INF| {MTN} (r)

Akshe |INF| {MTN} (r)

I'm guessing that it's Davis's enemies who are blackmailing Nora into spying him knowing he loves her. Or it could be Davis manipulating her through someone else to get what he wants 🤔

~ Reader from HBC





you nice keep going



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